Untitled - Mariposa Folk Festival

Untitled - Mariposa Folk Festival

Untitled - Mariposa Folk Festival


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by lan Bell<br />

..IF<br />


would we do?" Until the invention of the<br />

power loom, the question posed by this old<br />

Scottish song was a serious one indeed. For<br />

centuries the handloom weaver was an<br />

indispensable member of any society living<br />

in a temperate climate. The changeover to<br />

mechanical weaving came fast and<br />

mercilessly with the industrial revolution and<br />

in all but the most remote area the<br />

handweaver became an endangered species.<br />

In the early days of weaving by steam or<br />

water power, hand-craftsmen sought to show<br />

their superiority through "John Henry" type<br />

exhibitions. Sheep would be shorn at dawn,<br />

and a completed woolen garment manufactured<br />

from the fleece over the course of a<br />

single day. One of thse feats.is outlined on<br />

the accompanying broadside. Eventually<br />

however, the quality of mechanical spinning<br />

and weaving improved sufficiently that hand<br />

weavers were supplanted for all save the<br />

most specialized tasks. In many places, the<br />

skills once so vital were forgotten and<br />

supplanted by the new technologies. Luckily<br />

they were not forgotten forever. In the late<br />

1gth century, at about the same time as the<br />

first major folk music "revival",<br />

interested<br />

individuals endeavoured to revive the textile<br />

arts of previous generations. Through their<br />

efforts new life was breathed into the old<br />

traditions and soon an active renaissance<br />

was underway. Since the demands placed<br />

upon the "new wave" of spinners and<br />

weavers were not of the proportions that their<br />

predecessors had faced, the work and<br />

technioues took on a somewhat different<br />

character than before, and new elements of<br />

art were introduced to a once strictlv<br />

functional craft.<br />

Weavers and sprnners today work in a wide<br />

variety of styles, ranging from traditional,<br />

functional work to decorative and sculptural<br />

pieces. For <strong>Mariposa</strong>'s Shuttles and Shears<br />

project we have chosen to present one of the<br />

most basic applications of hand weaving, the<br />

manufacture of blankets. While this is not a<br />

'glamorous' proiect it requires a high degree<br />

of consistency in both spinning and weaving.<br />

II.LUSTRATr|rE<br />

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CLOTH<br />

A.ND UADI IIr!lO A<br />

gatherings at which cloth is passed from<br />

person to person, around a large table and<br />

beaten on the table to the rhythmic<br />

accompaniment of Gaelic songs rserved<br />

expressly for that purpose. Primal Sanforizing.<br />

In addition to the work connected with the<br />

blanket there will be other skills and<br />

techniques being presented in this area.<br />

There will be demonstrations of natural dying<br />

(find out whv so many of our flags are red,<br />

white and blue), 65 well as the breaking and<br />

COAT<br />

spinning of flax fibre for linen, and the<br />

spinning of angora.<br />

The blanket completed by our craftspeople<br />

will be awarded as the orize in a raffle to be<br />

drawn on Sunday July 28, during theevening<br />

concert. You can buy tickets in the Shuttles<br />

and Shears pavilion lilD and other locations for<br />

$Uil$IT $1.00each, or a bookof sevenfor $5.00. A low<br />

price for the chance to take home a lasting<br />

and useful memento of <strong>Mariposa</strong><br />

'85.<br />

Many thanks are due to the many<br />

individuals and groups whose enthusiasm<br />

AT rrvE O'CLOOE TE.A'T f,Oallxo<br />

and assistance has made this special project<br />

possible, particularly Alison Madden and the<br />

TWO SHEEP Huronia Spinners Guild, Helen Doherty and<br />


the Simcoe County Shuttle Racers'Guild and<br />

Adrienne Hood of the Boyal Ontario<br />

Btrt, Museum. Thanks also to Georgian College,<br />


for the loan of the loom used at the testival.<br />

$UilNI$I<br />


Tll[$llll, tle 20t[ of JUt[,<br />

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$ir Joln Tlroclnorton,<br />




AT oBI,IIIgA.u TIrLg, NEAR<br />

il[WBUnI, D[[Sil[[r<br />

wEO EAD<br />

lbe WOOL Spun, The YARN Spooled.<br />

lllarped, Loomed, aod Wove. The<br />

CLOTH Burred, Milled, Rowed, Dyed,<br />

Dryed, Sheared, and pressed<br />

BY I'0UR, O'cLoCK - ALL the<br />

proceasea of IIANUFACTURE were<br />

performed BY HAND in ELEVEN<br />

HOUns.<br />

TIIE CLOTE es rh.! givcE to<br />




Alison Madden Frances Lightbourne<br />

Eleanor Andersson DROP SPINDLER<br />

Dawn Leggett Julie Barker<br />

Cora Bowman<br />

Erma Newhouse<br />


WEAVERS Adrienne Hood<br />

Helen Doherty CO-OROINATOR<br />

WASN'T<br />

THAT<br />

A TINIE!<br />

The blanket that will be created over the<br />

course of the festival will be of traditional<br />

Scottish/Canadian design, and will be<br />

worked on at the hexagonal wooden pavilion<br />

within the craft area. With the addition of<br />

related musical performances on a workshop<br />

stage the project will take on the festive<br />

nature of an old time "bee".<br />

ilr. ISMC WHITE, Tailor, of Newbury,<br />

On Friday evening, fleeces kindly provided<br />

by local sheep will be presented to our<br />

soinners. Out of consideration toward the<br />

sheep, we will not be shearing them at the<br />

festival. lmagine having to wearyour heaviest<br />

wool sweater until the end of Julyl<br />

Wto!. SoD, JM€s W'hib. cut tbe Cort out bal bsd it<br />

Erd6 uD eltbi!<br />


TWO HOURS AND TWTJ{TY MINUTES, Klein asked me to help out with the<br />

Wton tb6 Xsbr U&ufeture4 Ur. Joba Corot€r,<br />

prueDt d it to<br />

<strong>Festival</strong>, I've been saying yes to all<br />

the many other artistic directors.<br />

$ir Jo[n Tlmclnorton, Bart, Once again I've been asked. As in the<br />

,ho spporod rith ii oD bofore rD s.€bbly o? oooo spechtoE<br />

rho hrd cobe fs ud D€rr to dtDcrs thia ribgular past, ud<br />

I volunteer as one of the people<br />

uprocsdoDt6d<br />

porforEr!€<br />

coEplatod iE in the Hospitality area. We look after<br />

THIRTEEN HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES. the cares and needs of the performers.<br />

Right now (as of this writing)<br />

On Sunday afternoon the newly woven<br />

I'm<br />

cloth will be'f ulled'. This isa process in which up to my elbows in work. Hotel<br />

the cloth is soaked, banged, beaten, and rooms to be booked; transportation<br />

otherwise abused in order to tighten the arranged; where can I find a crib?<br />

During the day, on Saturday and Sunday,<br />

the wool will be spun into yarn by four<br />

spinners. This many wheels will be necesary<br />

to feed the loom of the weavers, who will<br />

weave the yarn into bolts of cloth about 36<br />

weave and mat the fibres together. Fulling<br />

also shrinks the fabric. Many handweavers<br />

today employ an automatic washing<br />

machine for this purpose. An older, and more<br />

entertaining method will be used at the<br />

What's that? Saul Broudy wants four<br />

rooms and a personal limo! No, I<br />

haven't got time to finish this article<br />

right now ... maybe after the <strong>Festival</strong>.<br />

inches wide. Two of these will be ioined<br />

together to make one blanket.<br />

t2<br />

festival. This is known in Cape Breton as a<br />

"Milling<br />

Frolic". These f rolics are social/work Chick Roberts

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