Gyps bochenskii sp. n. (Aves: Falconiformes) from the Late ... - ecodb

Gyps bochenskii sp. n. (Aves: Falconiformes) from the Late ... - ecodb Gyps bochenskii sp. n. (Aves: Falconiformes) from the Late ... - ecodb
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Boev Z. large diurnal raptors (Aquila sp. n. close to A. fasciata (VIEILLOT 1822), Aquila sp. n. (ex. gr. clanga) and Circaetus cf. gallicus were present; (Boev, in prep.) at the site, G. bochenskii sp. n. apparently occupied the top of food chain of Varshets zoocoenosis. It is more probable that G. bochenskii sp. n. was an element of the megafaunal open woodlands (forest-steppe/mosaic biotopes or open forests; SPASSOV 2003) complex, which included numerous fossil taxa. These included the land tortoises, felids, viverids, canids, bovids, equids, rhinoceroses, etc., generally similar in composition to the present day African open/forested savannah. Acknowledgements: The author is very grateful to Dr. CÉCILE MOURER-CHAUVIRÉ (UCBL), Dr. ZYGMUNT BOCHEŃSKI, Dr. TERE- SA TOMEK and Dr. ZBIGNIEW BOCHEŃSKI (ISEAK) and Dr. ROBERT PRYS-JONES, Dr. JOANNE COOPER, MARK ADAMS, FRANK STEIHEIM- ER, DON SMITH and DONALD RUSSEL (BMNH) for their valuable help during the work at mentioned institutions. Dr. JAMES DEAN (NMNHW) and Dr. STEVEN PARRY (BMNH) provided some useful data, competent critical remarks and comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Dr. ANTONIO SÁNCHEZ MARCO (NMNH – Madrid), Dr. MARCO PAVIA (University of Torino) and Dr. ANTOINE LOUCHART (UCBL) povided necessary publications. Dr. NIKOLAY TSANKOV (NMNHS) and Dr. MADELAINE BOHME (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich) provided some unpublished data. Special thanks are due to Dr. C. MOURER-CHAU- VIRÉ, Dr. ANTOINE LOUCHART, Dr. JOHN STEWART (BMNH), and Dr. GARRETH DYKE (University College, Dublin), who helped very much to improve the manuscript. The study was partially sponsored by the Foundation Scientifique de Lyon et du Sud-Est (France), the Short Study Visits Programme of the Royal Society (U.K.), the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the National Science Fund (project No NI B-202/01.10.1992) (Bulgaria). Thanks to Mr Assen Ignatov (NMNHS) for the photographs. References BATE D. M. A. 1916a. On a small collection of vertebrate remains from the Har Dalam cavern, Malta, with note on a new species of the genus Cygnus. – Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1916: 421-430. BATE D. M. A. 1916b. Bird bones from caves of Malta. – Geological Magazine, 1916: 332-333 (not seen). BATE D. M. A. 1920. Note on a new vole and other remains from the Ghar Dalam Cavern, Malta. – Geological Magazine, 57: 208-211. BAUMEL J. J., L. M. WITMER 1993. 4 Osteologia, in: Baumel, J., King, A., Breazile, J., Evans, H., Vanden Berge, J. (Eds.): – In: Handbook of Avian Anatomy, Nomina Anatomica Avium. Nutall Ornithological Club, 23: 45-132. BLANC G. A., A. C. BLANC 1958a. Bones of a Vulture among the Remains of Animals sacrificed on the ‘Burial of Romulus’ below the Niger lapis in the Roman Forum. – Nature, 182. (No pagination). BLANC G. A., A. C. BLANC 1958b. Ossa di Avvoltoio nella stipe sacrificale del Niger Lapis nell’area del Comitium, Al Foro Romano. – Archaeologia Classica. 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The Birds of Western Palearctic, Vol. II. Hawks to Bustards. Oxford Univ. Press, 1-695. 238

Gyps bochenskii sp. n. (Aves: Falconiformes) from the Late.... DELLE CAVE L. 1996. Tertiary Avian Localities of Italy. In: Mlíkovskỳ, J., Ed. Tertiary avian localities of Europe. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova. Praha, 39 (1995): 665-681. DESPOTT G. 1929. Appendix B. – In: Malta. Annual Report on the working of the Museum Department during 1928-1929. Malta Government Printing Office. VII-X. [not seen]. DESPOTT G. 1927. Appendix B. Report of the Curator of the Natural History Section. – In, Malta. Annual Report on the working of the Museum Department during 1926-1927. Malta Government Printing Office, XII-XIV. EASTHAM A. 1968. The Avifauna of Gorham’s Cave, Gibraltar. – Bull. of the Inst. of Archaeol. Univ. of London, 7: 37-42. EASTHAM A. 1989. Cova Negra and Gorham’s Cave: evidence of the place of birds in Mousterian communities. – In: Clutton-Brock, J. (Ed.): The walking leader. Patterns of domestication, pastoracism and predation, Unwun Hymon, Boston, 350-357. FISCHER K., B. STEPHAN. 1974. Eine pleistozane avifauna aus der Ghar Dalam-Hohle, Malta. – Z. Geol. Wiss, Berlin, 2 (1974) (4): 515-523. FRIANT M. 1950. Le ‘Vautour des Cavernes’ (Gyps fulvus Gm. ssp. spelaeus nov.) de Goyet (Belgique). – Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 121: 417-425. GLIOZZI E., L. ABBAZZI. P. ARGENTI, A. AZZAROLI, L. CALOI, L. CAPASSO BARBATO, G. DI STEFANO, D ESU. G. FICCARRLLI, O. GIROTTI, T. KOTSAKIS, F. MASINI, P. MAZZA, C. MEZZABOTTA, M. R. PALOMBO, C. PETRONIO, L. ROOK, B. SALA, R. SARDELLA, E. ZANALDA & D. TORRE 1997. Biochronology of Seleclcd Mammals, Molluscs and Ostracods from the Middle Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene in Italy. The state of the art. – Revista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigraphia, 103 (3): 369-388. GRUBTH R. 1978. Competition and coexistence in griffon vultures, Gyps bengaleusis, Gyps indicus and Gyps fulvus. – J. Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., 75 (3), 810-814. GUERIN C. 1990. Biozones or Mammal Units? Methods and limits in Biochronology. – In: LINDAY, E. et al. (Eds.): European Neogene mammal Chronology. New York. Plenum Press, 116-130. HARRISON C. J. O., C. A. WALKER 1977. Birds of the British Lower Eocene. – Tertiary Researches. Special papers, 3: 1-52. HERNÁNDEZ-CARRASQUILLA F. 2001. A new species of vulture (Aves, Aegypiinae) from the Upper Pleistocene of Spain. – Ardeola, 48: 47-53. HOWARD H. 1932. Eagles and eagle-like vultures of the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. – Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 429, iii + 82, 29 pl. HOWARD H. 1966. Two fossil birds from the Lower Miocene of South Dakota. – Los Angeles Country Museum Contrib. Sci., 107: 1-8. JANOSSY D. 1974. Die mittepleisozane Vogelfauna von Hundsheim (Niederosterreich). – Sitzungsberichten der Osterrreich Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathem.-naturw. Kl., Abt. I, (Wien), 182 (6-8): 211-257. JANOSSY D. 1986. Pleistocene vertebrate faunas of Hungary. Budapest. Akademiai Kiado, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1-208. JANOSSY D. 1963. Letztinterglaziale Vertebraten-Fauna aus der Kalman Lambrecht-Hohle (Bukk-Gebirge, Nordost-Ungarn). I. – Acta zoologica hungarica, 9 (1-4): 293-331. JANOSSY D. 1977. Plio-Pleistocene bird remains from the Carpathian Basin. III. Strigiformes, Falconiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes. – Aquila, 84: 9-36. JANOSSY D. 1989a. Geierfunde aus der Repolusthöle bei Peggau (Steiermark, Osterreich). – Fragmenta mineralogica e palaeontologica (Budapest), 14: 117-119. JANOSSY D. 1989b. Postpleitozäne Verbreitung des Schmutzgeiers (Neophron percnopterus) in Mittelmeerraum. – Fragmenta mineralogica at palaeontologica (Budapest), 14: 121-125. JANOSSY D. 1990. Vertebrate fauna of site II. – In: Kretzoi, M., Dobosi, V. (Eds.): Vertesszolos. Site, Man and Culture. Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 187-229. JOHNSON J. A., R. L. LERNER HEATHER, P. C. RASMUSSEN, D. P. MINDELL 2006. Systematics within Gyps vultures, a clade at risk. – BMC Evolutianary Biology, 6, 65. Published online 2006 August 23. doi, 10.1186/1471-2148-6-65. KOMAREK V. 1979. Anatomia avium domesticarum, Diel 1. Bratislava, Priroda, 1-162. LAMBRECHT K. 1933. Handbuch der Palaeornithologie. Berlin, I-XX + 1-1024. LERNER H. R. L., D. P. MINDELL 2005. Phylogeny of eagles, Old World Vultures, and other Accipitridae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 37: 327-346. LOUCHART A. 2002. Les oiseaux du Pléistocène de Corse de quelques localités sardes. Écologie, Évolution, biogéographie et extinctions. – Documents du Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, 155: 1-287. LYDEKKER R. 1890. On the Remains of some large Extinct Birds from the Cavern-deposits of Malta. – Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1890: 403-411. LYDEKKER R. 1891. Gyps melitensis, Lydekker. – In: Lydekker, R. Catalogue of the fossil birds in the British Museum (Natural History). London, Longmans and Co, 29-32. MEIN P. 1990. Updating of MN zones. In: Lindsay E.H., Fahlbusch V., Mein P. (Eds.): European Neogene mammal chronology. New York. Plenum Press, 73-90. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1995. Middle Pleistocene birds of Elaichoria 3, Greece, in: Peters, D. (Ed.): Acta palaeornithologica, 3. Symposium SAPE. 5. Internat. Senckenberg-Konferenz 22-26 Juni 1992. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg. Frankfurt a. M., 181: 271-273. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1996a. Tertiary avian Faunas of Europe. – In: Mlíkovskỳ, J. (Ed.) Tertiary Avian localities of Europe. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova. Praha, 39 (1995): 777-818. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1996b. Tertiary avian localities of Ukraine. – In: Mlíkovskỳ, J. (Ed.): Tertiary avian localities of Europe. – Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova. Praha, 39 (1995): 743-756. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1998. Taxonomic comments on the Quaternary vultures (Aves, Accipitridae, Aegypiinae) of Central Europe. – Buteo, 10: 23-30. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2000. Taxonomic identity of Gyps fulvus spelaeus Friant, 1950 (Aves, Accipitridae) from the Pleistocene of Belgium. – Buteo, 11: 101-102. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1, Europe. Praha, Ninox Press. 1-406. MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2009. Middle Pleistocene birds of Hundsheim, Austria. – Journal of National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series, 177 (7): 69-82. MOURER-CHAUVIRÉ C. 1993. The Pleistocene avifaunas of Europe. – Archaeofauna, 2: 53-66. MOURER-CHAUVIRÉ C. 1975. Les oiseaux du Pleistocene moyen 239

<strong>Gyps</strong> <strong>bochenskii</strong> <strong>sp</strong>. n. (<strong>Aves</strong>: <strong>Falconiformes</strong>) <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Late</strong>....<br />

DELLE CAVE L. 1996. Tertiary Avian Localities of Italy. In:<br />

Mlíkovskỳ, J., Ed. Tertiary avian localities of Europe. –<br />

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova.<br />

Praha, 39 (1995): 665-681.<br />

DESPOTT G. 1929. Appendix B. – In: Malta. Annual Report on <strong>the</strong><br />

working of <strong>the</strong> Museum Department during 1928-1929.<br />

Malta Government Printing Office. VII-X. [not seen].<br />

DESPOTT G. 1927. Appendix B. Report of <strong>the</strong> Curator of <strong>the</strong> Natural<br />

History Section. – In, Malta. Annual Report on <strong>the</strong> working<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Museum Department during 1926-1927. Malta<br />

Government Printing Office, XII-XIV.<br />

EASTHAM A. 1968. The Avifauna of Gorham’s Cave, Gibraltar. –<br />

Bull. of <strong>the</strong> Inst. of Archaeol. Univ. of London, 7: 37-42.<br />

EASTHAM A. 1989. Cova Negra and Gorham’s Cave: evidence<br />

of <strong>the</strong> place of birds in Mousterian communities. – In:<br />

Clutton-Brock, J. (Ed.): The walking leader. Patterns of<br />

domestication, pastoracism and predation, Unwun Hymon,<br />

Boston, 350-357.<br />

FISCHER K., B. STEPHAN. 1974. Eine pleistozane avifauna aus<br />

der Ghar Dalam-Hohle, Malta. – Z. Geol. Wiss, Berlin, 2<br />

(1974) (4): 515-523.<br />

FRIANT M. 1950. Le ‘Vautour des Cavernes’ (<strong>Gyps</strong> fulvus Gm. s<strong>sp</strong>.<br />

<strong>sp</strong>elaeus nov.) de Goyet (Belgique). – Proceedings of <strong>the</strong><br />

Zoological Society of London, 121: 417-425.<br />





ZANALDA & D. TORRE 1997. Biochronology of Seleclcd Mammals,<br />

Molluscs and Ostracods <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Middle Pliocene to <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>Late</strong> Pleistocene in Italy. The state of <strong>the</strong> art. – Revista Italiana<br />

di Paleontologia e Stratigraphia, 103 (3): 369-388.<br />

GRUBTH R. 1978. Competition and coexistence in griffon vultures,<br />

<strong>Gyps</strong> bengaleusis, <strong>Gyps</strong> indicus and <strong>Gyps</strong> fulvus. – J.<br />

Bombay Natur. Hist. Soc., 75 (3), 810-814.<br />

GUERIN C. 1990. Biozones or Mammal Units? Methods and limits<br />

in Biochronology. – In: LINDAY, E. et al. (Eds.): European<br />

Neogene mammal Chronology. New York. Plenum Press,<br />

116-130.<br />

HARRISON C. J. O., C. A. WALKER 1977. Birds of <strong>the</strong> British Lower<br />

Eocene. – Tertiary Researches. Special papers, 3: 1-52.<br />

HERNÁNDEZ-CARRASQUILLA F. 2001. A new <strong>sp</strong>ecies of vulture<br />

(<strong>Aves</strong>, Aegypiinae) <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Upper Pleistocene of Spain. –<br />

Ardeola, 48: 47-53.<br />

HOWARD H. 1932. Eagles and eagle-like vultures of <strong>the</strong> Pleistocene<br />

of Rancho La Brea. – Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ.<br />

429, iii + 82, 29 pl.<br />

HOWARD H. 1966. Two fossil birds <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lower Miocene of<br />

South Dakota. – Los Angeles Country Museum Contrib.<br />

Sci., 107: 1-8.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1974. Die mittepleisozane Vogelfauna von Hundsheim<br />

(Niederosterreich). – Sitzungsberichten der Osterrreich<br />

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ma<strong>the</strong>m.-naturw. Kl., Abt.<br />

I, (Wien), 182 (6-8): 211-257.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1986. Pleistocene vertebrate faunas of Hungary. Budapest.<br />

Akademiai Kiado, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1-208.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1963. Letztinterglaziale Vertebraten-Fauna aus der Kalman<br />

Lambrecht-Hohle (Bukk-Gebirge, Nordost-Ungarn).<br />

I. – Acta zoologica hungarica, 9 (1-4): 293-331.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1977. Plio-Pleistocene bird remains <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Carpathian Basin. III. Strigiformes, <strong>Falconiformes</strong>,<br />

Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes. – Aquila, 84: 9-36.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1989a. Geierfunde aus der Repolusthöle bei Peggau<br />

(Steiermark, Osterreich). – Fragmenta mineralogica e<br />

palaeontologica (Budapest), 14: 117-119.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1989b. Postpleitozäne Verbreitung des Schmutzgeiers<br />

(Neophron percnopterus) in Mittelmeerraum. – Fragmenta<br />

mineralogica at palaeontologica (Budapest), 14:<br />

121-125.<br />

JANOSSY D. 1990. Vertebrate fauna of site II. – In: Kretzoi, M.,<br />

Dobosi, V. (Eds.): Vertesszolos. Site, Man and Culture.<br />

Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 187-229.<br />


MINDELL 2006. Systematics within <strong>Gyps</strong> vultures, a clade at<br />

risk. – BMC Evolutianary Biology, 6, 65. Published online<br />

2006 August 23. doi, 10.1186/1471-2148-6-65.<br />

KOMAREK V. 1979. Anatomia avium domesticarum, Diel 1. Bratislava,<br />

Priroda, 1-162.<br />

LAMBRECHT K. 1933. Handbuch der Palaeornithologie. Berlin,<br />

I-XX + 1-1024.<br />

LERNER H. R. L., D. P. MINDELL 2005. Phylogeny of eagles, Old<br />

World Vultures, and o<strong>the</strong>r Accipitridae based on nuclear<br />

and mitochondrial DNA. – Molecular Phylogenetics and<br />

Evolution, 37: 327-346.<br />

LOUCHART A. 2002. Les oiseaux du Pléistocène de Corse de quelques<br />

localités sardes. Écologie, Évolution, biogéographie<br />

et extinctions. – Documents du Laboratoire de Géologie<br />

de Lyon, 155: 1-287.<br />

LYDEKKER R. 1890. On <strong>the</strong> Remains of some large Extinct Birds<br />

<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Cavern-deposits of Malta. – Proceedings of <strong>the</strong><br />

Zoological Society of London, 1890: 403-411.<br />

LYDEKKER R. 1891. <strong>Gyps</strong> melitensis, Lydekker. – In: Lydekker, R.<br />

Catalogue of <strong>the</strong> fossil birds in <strong>the</strong> British Museum (Natural<br />

History). London, Longmans and Co, 29-32.<br />

MEIN P. 1990. Updating of MN zones. In: Lindsay E.H., Fahlbusch<br />

V., Mein P. (Eds.): European Neogene mammal chronology.<br />

New York. Plenum Press, 73-90.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1995. Middle Pleistocene birds of Elaichoria 3,<br />

Greece, in: Peters, D. (Ed.): Acta palaeornithologica, 3.<br />

Symposium SAPE. 5. Internat. Senckenberg-Konferenz<br />

22-26 Juni 1992. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg.<br />

Frankfurt a. M., 181: 271-273.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1996a. Tertiary avian Faunas of Europe. – In:<br />

Mlíkovskỳ, J. (Ed.) Tertiary Avian localities of Europe. –<br />

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova.<br />

Praha, 39 (1995): 777-818.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1996b. Tertiary avian localities of Ukraine. – In:<br />

Mlíkovskỳ, J. (Ed.): Tertiary avian localities of Europe. –<br />

Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica. Univerzita Karlova.<br />

Praha, 39 (1995): 743-756.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 1998. Taxonomic comments on <strong>the</strong> Quaternary<br />

vultures (<strong>Aves</strong>, Accipitridae, Aegypiinae) of Central Europe.<br />

– Buteo, 10: 23-30.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2000. Taxonomic identity of <strong>Gyps</strong> fulvus <strong>sp</strong>elaeus<br />

Friant, 1950 (<strong>Aves</strong>, Accipitridae) <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pleistocene of<br />

Belgium. – Buteo, 11: 101-102.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of <strong>the</strong> World. Part 1, Europe.<br />

Praha, Ninox Press. 1-406.<br />

MLÍKOVSKÝ J. 2009. Middle Pleistocene birds of Hundsheim,<br />

Austria. – Journal of National Museum (Prague), Natural<br />

History Series, 177 (7): 69-82.<br />

MOURER-CHAUVIRÉ C. 1993. The Pleistocene avifaunas of Europe.<br />

– Archaeofauna, 2: 53-66.<br />

MOURER-CHAUVIRÉ C. 1975. Les oiseaux du Pleistocene moyen<br />


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