ENRICO TASSI - Zeus - Desy

ENRICO TASSI - Zeus - Desy

ENRICO TASSI - Zeus - Desy


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OCTOBER 2008<br />

<strong>ENRICO</strong> <strong>TASSI</strong><br />

Curriculum Vitae<br />

Contact Address:<br />

At CERN:<br />

Office: 40-2-C12<br />

Università della Calabria<br />

CERN CH-1211 - Geneva 23 - Switzerland.<br />

Dipartimento di Fisica<br />

tel: +41-22-76-71147 - email: Enrico.Tassi@cern.ch<br />

Via P. Bucci, Cubo 31C<br />

87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS) - Italy At DESY:<br />

tel: +39-0984-49-6038 Office: Bld. 1c/290<br />

fax: +39-0984-49-4401<br />

Notkestrasse 85 - 22607 Hamburg - Germany<br />

email: tassi@fis.unical.it<br />

tel: +49-40-8998-2716 - email: tassi@mail.desy.de<br />


Associate Professor (2005-present)<br />

Physics Department, Università della Calabria.<br />


Visiting Professor (2004-2005)<br />

Physics Department, Università della Calabria.<br />

Visiting Professor (2003-2004)<br />

Physics Department, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid - Spain.<br />

Research Assistant (2001-2003)<br />

NIKHEF Laboratory, Amsterdam - The Netherlands.<br />


Ph.D., 2001<br />

Laurea, 1994<br />

Universität Hamburg.<br />

Dissertation: Measurement of dijet production in neutral current deep inelastic<br />

scattering at high-Q 2 and determination of α s at HERA<br />

Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”.<br />

Thesis: Study of the production of charmed mesons at HERA<br />


“Ramon y Cajal” Research Fellowship - 2002-2007<br />

Five years Research Fellowship programme launched in 2001 by the spanish government to incorporate<br />

young scientists into the spanish centres for research and universities.<br />

“Rientro dei Cervelli” Research Fellowship - 2004-2007<br />

Three years Research Fellowship programme launched by the italian government in order to facilitate the<br />

return from abroad of italian scholars and scientists.<br />



Courses<br />

Electromagnetism and Optics - Academic years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004.<br />

Three months course for second year chemistry students (in spanish).<br />

Faculty of Science. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain.<br />

Mechanics and Thermodynamics - Since the academic year 2004-2005.<br />

Three months course delivered to first year students of the Faculty of Science.<br />

Università della Calabria.<br />

Electromagnetism - Since the academic year 2005-2006.<br />

Three months course delivered to second year physics students.<br />

Università della Calabria.<br />

Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics - Since the academic year 2004-2005.<br />

Three months course delivered to forth year physics students.<br />

Università della Calabria.<br />

Data analysis and Montecarlo techniques in HEP - Since the academic year 2004-2005.<br />

24 hours course delivered to Ph.D students.<br />

Università della Calabria.<br />

Schools<br />

2003 CTEQ Summer School<br />

2006 XXXIV International Meeting on Fundamental Physics<br />

Academic Supervision<br />

Starting from the academic year 2005-2006 I have supervised the following students:<br />

Antonia Morabito - 3rd year Physics Degree - (ATLAS Experiment: Z 0 production)<br />

Valerio Scarfone - 3rd year Physics Degree - (ATLAS Experiment: W ± production)<br />

Vincenzo Lavorini - 5th year Physics Degree - (ATLAS Experiment: Top production)<br />

and will supervise two others third year students in the forthcoming academic year. I also supervised<br />

numerous students whilst convener of the “Structure Functions” working group of the ZEUS experiment.<br />


A member of the ZEUS Experiment at HERA since 1995 and of the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC since<br />

2002 with more than 170 publications in international journals with an average of 50 citations per paper.<br />

Physics Highlights<br />

1. Measurements of jet cross sections in neutral current (NC) Deep Inelatic Scattering (DIS) [1–6].<br />

The study of dijet production in NC DIS, which I performed as part of my Ph.D. work, was the<br />

first analysis at HERA to demonstrate the possibility to measure jet cross sections in DIS with<br />

high experimental accuracy. This allowed stringest tests of pQCD to be performed for the first<br />

time as well as the first determination of the strong coupling constant, α s , from jet cross sections at<br />

HERA. The techniques developed for this analysis (jet energy scale, tuning of the MC samples, NLO<br />


predictions and extraction of α s ) have since then been used in subsequent ZEUS jet cross sections<br />

measurements, to which I have substantially contributed, and rank among the most accurate in the<br />

world.<br />

2. Measurements of the inclusive cross sections in neutral current and charged current (CC) DIS with<br />

polarised and unpolarised lepton beams [7–13].<br />

During the seven years of my tenure (2001-2007) as convener of the ZEUS “Structure Functions”<br />

working group I took responsibility for bringing to completion most of the ZEUS measurements of<br />

the NC and CC DIS inclusive cross sections at low, medium and high Q 2 . As well known these<br />

measurements are of utmost importance in the determination of the proton PDFs, in particular<br />

the sea and gluon densities at low and medium x. The inclusive cross sections at high-Q 2 , in<br />

addition to provide information on the valence-quark densities, give a wonderful demonstration of<br />

the unification of the electromagnetic and weak interactions at the electroweak scale. Another physics<br />

highlight during my coordination period was the first measurement at ZEUS of the DIS cross section<br />

with polarised positrons. This measurement was particularly important not only because provided<br />

comfirmation of the chiral structure of the weak force in the Standard Model but also because<br />

was the first paper published by ZEUS after the accelerator (HERA II) and detector upgrade. It<br />

was hence necessary to perform detailed studies to re-calibrate the ZEUS detector and re-optimise<br />

reconstruction algorithms.<br />

3. NLO DGLAP QCD analysis of inclusive and exclusive HERA data and determination of the proton<br />

parton distribution functions (PDFs) [14, 15].<br />

While working as convener of the ZEUS “Structure Functions” working group I was also strongly<br />

involved in the DGLAP analyses of inclusive and semi-exclusive (jet) cross sections at HERA and in<br />

the determination of the proton PDFs. In particular I developed a method to include in a rigorous<br />

way (i.e. without the use of the so-called K factors) the jet cross sections, both in the DIS and the<br />

photoproduction regimes, in the DGLAP fitting programs. The inclusion of the jet cross sections<br />

in the DGLAP analysis, in addition to provide a confirmation of the factorization theorem of QCD,<br />

has resulted in a significant reduction of the uncertainty affecting the gluon density as well as in<br />

a one of the most precise determination of the strong coupling constant to date. I developed a<br />

similar approach also for the inclusion of the charm and bottom visible cross sections in the DGLAP<br />

analysis but presently, due to the limited statistical precision of the meaurements, these observables<br />

have had a minor impact on the determination of the PDFs.<br />

4. Combination of the measurements of the H1 and ZEUS collaborations [16, 17].<br />

In 2006 I was appointed convener of the “HERA Structure Function Working Group”. This group<br />

was created by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations with the specific goal to a) develop methods for<br />

the combination of the NC and CC inclusive cross sections measured by the two experiments and<br />

based on a joint data sample amounting to almost 1 fb −1 and b) perform a new determination of<br />

the PDFs based on a DGLAP analysis of the combined data sets. In less than two years the working<br />

group has produced impressive results: at the 2007 Lepton-Photon symposium we submitted a paper<br />

that demostrated how the combination of the H1 and ZEUS measurements could produce sensible<br />

reductions (in some cases up to factors three or four) of the original systematic uncertainties quoted<br />

by the experiments and this year we released at the ICHEP 2008 conference the first preliminary<br />

PDFs extracted from the combined cross sections and characterised by a much improved precision<br />

compared to the present global fits.<br />

5. Phenomenological studies of the impact of the HERA measurements and PDFs in the physics program<br />

of the LHC.<br />

Recently my activity has been devoted to perform phenomenological studies aimed at assessing the<br />

impact of the PDFs, recently measured at HERA, on the physics program at the LHC. Specifically<br />

I’m studying the impact of the HERA PDFs on the theoretical uncertainty of the W ± and Z 0 bosons<br />

production cross sections at the LHC. These processes will play a crucial role in the calibration of<br />

the ATLAS and CMS detectors in the early phase of data taking and can be used for a precise<br />

determination of the luminosity provided the theoretical uncertainty (dominated by the PDFs) can<br />


e kept at the few percent level. With the goal of testing the universality of the PDFs, I’m also<br />

producing predictions for the jet cross sections at the Tevatron and the LHC based on the latest<br />

HERA PDFs that have been extracted using HERA data only.<br />

Software/Hardware Work<br />

1. Object Oriented Tag Database [18]<br />

As a technical part of my Ph.D. work I developed, and integrated into the ZEUS analysis framework,<br />

an object oriented tag database for a flexible and fast selection of interesting physics events. The<br />

system (<strong>Zeus</strong> Event Store) has been since then routinely used in the ZEUS physics analyses.<br />

2. ATLAS End-Cup Electromagnetic Calorimeter<br />

While a member of the ATLAS-Madrid group I participated to the assembly, mechanical and electrical<br />

tests of one of the two End-Cap liquid-Argon Electromagnetic calorimeters of the ATLAS<br />

detector.<br />

Appointments<br />

- Coordinator of the Global Second Level Trigger of the ZEUS Experiment (2000-2002).<br />

- Coordinator of the “Structure Functions and Beyond the Standard Model” working group of the<br />

ZEUS Experiment (2001-2007).<br />

- Convener and ZEUS contact person of the “HERA Structure Functions Working Group” (2006 -<br />

present).<br />

- I have been appointed ZEUS Physics Co-Chairman for the year 2009.<br />


E. Tassi, [On behalf of the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations], “Electroweak Physics Measurements at HERA”,<br />

Les rencontres de Physique de la Vallé d’Aoste, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy (February 2008).<br />

E. Tassi,“Electroweak Physics at HERA”, seminar at the XXXIV International Meeting on Fundamental<br />

Physics, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain (April 2006).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “Parton Distributions Functions and Jet Cross Sections<br />

at HERA”, XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP06), Moscow, Russia<br />

(July 2006).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “NLO QCD Analysis of Inclusive and Jet Data from<br />

ZEUS”, Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, Diffraction and Related Matters (Low-x 2005), Sinaia,<br />

Romania (June 2005).<br />

E. Tassi, “Stato di ZEUS”, INFN - Commissione Scientifica Nazionale 1, Naples, Italy (September 2005).<br />

Convener of the “Structure Functions and Low-x” working group at the XII International Workshop on<br />

Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS04), Strbské Pleso, Slovakia (April 2004).<br />

E. Tassi, “An Experimental Introduction to Deep Inelastic Scattering”, Lectures at the 2003 CTEQ Summer<br />

School, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain (May 2003).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations], “Measurements of F 2 and F L at Low-Q 2 in e-p<br />

Interactions at HERA”, Workshop on Small-x and Diffractive Physics, Fermilab, USA (September 2003).<br />


E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “A ZEUS NLO QCD Analysis of Data on Deep Inelastic<br />

Scattering”, X International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS02), Cracow, Poland,<br />

(April 2002).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “ZEUS Status”, 54th DESY Physics Research Committe<br />

(PRC), Hamburg, Germany (October 2002).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “Jet Production in NC DIS and Determination of α s ”,<br />

IX International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS01), Bologna, Italy (April 2001).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the H1 and ZEUS Collaborations], “The Strong Coupling and the Gluon Density<br />

from Jet Production in DIS at HERA”, XXX International Conference on High Energy Physics<br />

(ICHEP00), Osaka, Japan (July 2000).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “The Strong Coupling from Dijet production in DIS at<br />

HERA”, VII International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD (DIS99), Zeuthen, Germany<br />

(April 1999).<br />

E. Tassi, “Inclusive Jet Cross Sections at High-Q 2 in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA”, Presented at<br />

the 1998 Meeting of the German Physical Society, Freiburg, Germany (March 1998).<br />

E. Tassi, [On behalf of the ZEUS Collaboration], “An ODBMS-Based Event Store for the <strong>Zeus</strong> Experiment”,<br />

International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP), Berlin, Germany<br />

(April 1997).<br />

E. Tassi, “An ODBMS-Based Event Store for the ZEUS Experiment”, Presented at the RD45/Objectivity<br />

Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland (March 1997).<br />


[1] ZEUS Coll., J. Breitweg et al., “Measurement of dijet production in neutral current deep inelastic<br />

scattering at high Q 2 and determination of α s ”, Phys. Lett. B 507 (2001) 70-88;<br />

[2] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Dijet production in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at<br />

HERA”, Eur. Phys. J. C 23 (2002) 1, pp 13-27;<br />

[3] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Inclusive jet cross sections in the Breit frame in neutral current<br />

deep inelastic scattering at HERA and determination of α s ”, Phys. Lett. B 547 (2002) 164-180;<br />

[4] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Study of the azimuthal asymmetry of jets in neutral current deep<br />

inelastic scattering at HERA”, Phys. Lett. B 551 (2003) 226-240;<br />

[5] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Multijet Production in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering<br />

at HERA and Determination of α s ”, Eur. Phys. J. C 44 (2005) 183-193;<br />

[6] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at<br />

HERA”, Nucl. Phys. B 765 (2007) 1-30;<br />

[7] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of the neutral current cross section and F 2 structure<br />

function for deep inelastic e + p scattering at HERA”, Eur. Phys. J. C 21 (2001) 3, pp 443-471;<br />

[8] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of high-Q 2 charged current cross sections in e − p deep<br />

inelastic scattering at HERA”, Phys. Lett. B 539(2002) 197-217, Erratum B 552 (2003) 308;<br />

[9] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of high-Q 2 e − p neutral current cross sections at HERA<br />

and the extraction of x F 3 ”, Eur. Phys. J. C 28 (2003) 2, pp 175-201;<br />


[10] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of high-Q 2 charged current cross sections in e + p deep<br />

inelastic scattering at HERA”, Eur. Phys. J. C 32 (2003) 1-16;<br />

[11] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “High-Q 2 neutral current cross section in e + p deep inelastic scattering<br />

at √ s=318 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004) 052001;<br />

[12] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of High-Q 2 Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections<br />

with a Longitudinally Polarised Positron Beam at HERA”, Phys. Lett. B 637 (2006) 210-222;<br />

[13] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “Measurement of Neutral Current Cross Sections at High Bjorken-x<br />

with the ZEUS Detector at HERA”, Eur. Phys. J. C 49 (2007) 523-544;<br />

[14] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “A ZEUS next-to-leading-order QCD analysis of data on deep inelastic<br />

scattering”, Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) 012007;<br />

[15] ZEUS Coll., S. Chekanov et al., “An NLO QCD Analysis of Inclusive Cross-Section and Jet-<br />

Production Data from the ZEUS Experiment”, Eur. Phys. J. C 42 (2005) 1-16;<br />

[16] H1 and ZEUS Coll., “Combination of the H1 and ZEUS deep inelastic e ± p scattering cross sections<br />

measurements”, contributed paper to the XXIII International Symposium on Lepton and Photon<br />

Interaction at High Energy (LP2007), H1prel-07-007 and ZEUS-prel-07-026; avalilable at:<br />

http://www-h1.desy.de/h1/www/publications/H1_sci_results.shtml;<br />

[17] H1 and ZEUS Coll., “Extraction of the proton parton density functions using a NLO QCD fit of the<br />

combined H1 and ZEUS inclusive DIS cross sections”, contributed paper to the XXXIV International<br />

Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2008), H1prel-08-045 and ZEUS-prel-003; available at:<br />

http://www-h1.desy.de/h1/www/publications/H1_sci_results.shtml;<br />

[18] L.A.T. Bauerdick, A. Fox-Murphy, T. Hass, S. Stoniek, E. Tassi, “ Event indexing systems for efficient<br />

selection and analyis of HERA data”, Comp. Phys. Comm. 137 (2001) 236-246.<br />


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