Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf


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GPL3/ <strong>Clifden</strong> <strong>Poor</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Union</strong><br />

procure clothes for them in order to enable the Master to discharge them at once, the<br />

greater portion of which were admitted as scholars and being a long time in the House<br />

their own clothes would not fit them‟ (p188).<br />

- Report from the Medical Officer regarding the conditions of the inmates and requests the<br />

Board of Guardians to remedy same, advising „…that no time should be lost in putting the<br />

House in proper order and placing the paupers in such a position as to best enable them<br />

to resist disease but especially that pestilence (cholera) which is making rapid strides<br />

towards our <strong>Union</strong>...‟ (p267).<br />

- PLC Commissioners „Recommending the Guardians to cause active legal proceedings to<br />

be taken for the recovery of the rates for which Mr Crawford was collector and if necessary<br />

to avail themselves of the best professional assistance which they can obtain to effect the<br />

payment of the rates without further delay‟ (p431).<br />

19. 14 June 1854 – 6 December 1854 Includes:-<br />

- Report from the Visiting Committee stating it „was most gratified at the general appearance<br />

of the entire establishment as well as with the Lunatics, who appeared to be most orderly,<br />

the Master and other Officers were in their respective places‟ (p226).<br />

- „Resolved that with relation to the letter on the subject of the emigration of Annie Ryne and<br />

her children whose husband is now a convict in Australia.<br />

The attention of the Commissioners be called to the matter, and that they be requested to<br />

assist the Board in funds for the purposes of forwarding the party to the port of<br />

embarkation from which port their expenses are to be paid‟ (p291).<br />

- PLC reply „...that they have no fund applicable to the purpose of assisting the family in<br />

question to emigrate, etc‟ (p309).<br />

- „…a report was made to him (Relieving Officer) that a man was found dead on the morning<br />

of Monday last on the old road near Kylemore Lake.<br />

He learned the particulars of the case and found that he was a single man of about 25<br />

years of age, named Patrick Burke, a native of Ballinakill, a lunatic…‟ (p389).<br />

- „Letter from Mr Burke Workhouse Master stating it was with pain that a sense of public<br />

duty compelled me to report to you the improper conduct of Mr P Collins, which report has<br />

been since his removal from office fully borne out as you are aware.<br />

He never did keep my books but assisted with them until I found some errors in the<br />

accounts made out by him to which I called the attention of Mr Smith Clerk of the <strong>Union</strong>,<br />

who desired me not to permit Mr Collins to interfere with the account in future, since then<br />

he frequently requested to be allowed to assist with the Books but I at all times refused‟<br />

(pp408-409).<br />

(20.)<br />

Cartlann Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe „…cuimhne dhoiciméadach Chontae na Gaillimhe a shealbhú, a chaomhnú agus a dhéanamh inrochtana’<br />

Galway County Council - Archives „…to acquire, preserve and make accessible the documentary memory of county Galway’<br />


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