Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf


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GPL3/ <strong>Clifden</strong> <strong>Poor</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Union</strong><br />

10. 3 July 1849 - 27 March 1850 Includes:<br />

- Details of the diet recommended by the Medical Officer (p19 & p79).<br />

- PLC letter No 53133…‟stating in reference to the number of persons who can be<br />

accommodated in the Bunowen Workhouse building, that Mr Bourke P.L. Inspector<br />

considers them capable of accommodating about 600 persons‟ (p47).<br />

- „The Master requires 500 yards of calico for immediate use, as all the materials in the<br />

house are in the possession of the Sheriff, and many of the women are unclothed in<br />

consequence, and unemployed, and a number of the men have not shirts‟ (p185).<br />

- „Letter from John Mullin, Assistant Master, expressing his regret at having in a moment of<br />

excitement been led into a breach of discipline by striking Mary Gilmore, a pauper, with a<br />

stick, she having attempted to obtain more rations than she was entitled to – appealing to<br />

his former good conduct and praying that he might be re-instated in his office‟ (p207).<br />

- „The Master would call the attention of the Board to the daily increasing number in the<br />

house with the view of checking the issue of admission tickets to the Workhouse and at<br />

the same time to mention that the accommodation for Females and Children is quite<br />

insufficient. He has been obliged to appropriate one of the Male wards exclusively for<br />

Females and to remove the beds and bedding from another of the Male wards which is at<br />

present particularly unoccupied, as the bedding, blankets, etc which are in the store are in<br />

the hands of the Sherriff and cannot be applied to any immediate use‟ (p215 104 ).<br />

- „That Inishbofin Island being so distant and inaccessible except in fine weather it would be<br />

most dangerous that the <strong>Clifden</strong> Relieving Officer should take charge of it. We therefore<br />

continue of opinion that a person should be appointed for that Division but at a small<br />

salary not exceeding £20 a year, and that Tenders be received on the 26 th instant (p220,<br />

see also p271)‟.<br />

- Transcript of a letter from Anthony Kearns, Relieving Officer, <strong>Clifden</strong> to the Chairman of<br />

the Board stating “Knowing your humanity and the moral responsibility which rests upon<br />

me as Relieving Officer of the district, I feel it my duty to state to you as Chairman of the<br />

Board, that if I am kept another week out of supplies I fear very much that some people in<br />

my district will die of want, while others will be driven to crime‟ (p237).<br />

- „The Master of the Workhouse having complained that Mr Redmond Joyce accompanied<br />

by certain strangers did on the evening of Friday at a late hour enter the kitchen of the<br />

W.house and make use of language to the female paupers there present likely to lead to a<br />

breach of discipline and which did end in an assault upon Mr Joyce and those persons<br />

with him, and that Mr Joyce subsequently went up with the said persons to the female<br />

dormitories while the women were in bed, all which is totally destructive of discipline, and<br />

Mr Joyce on the other hand having charged the Master amongst other things, at coming at<br />

if not encouraging, the insults offered to him by certain paupers while in the discharge of<br />

104<br />

At that time, 8 November 1849, there were 710 able-bodied females and 330 males, and 396 boys and 396 girls.<br />

Cartlann Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe „…cuimhne dhoiciméadach Chontae na Gaillimhe a shealbhú, a chaomhnú agus a dhéanamh inrochtana’<br />

Galway County Council - Archives „…to acquire, preserve and make accessible the documentary memory of county Galway’<br />


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