Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf

Clifden Poor Law Union archive collection, Descriptive List, GPL3.pdf


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GPL3/ <strong>Clifden</strong> <strong>Poor</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Union</strong><br />

complete severance of relations between Irish Public Bodies and that Department of the<br />

English Government.<br />

You are requested to write immediately to the “Chairman of the Estates and Finance<br />

Committee, Dublin Corporation” stating whether minutes are being forwarded to the enemy<br />

institution by direction of your Board and its constituent Councils....‟ (p133, see also p175,<br />

p213).<br />

- Inmate Mrs Annie Hart (p197, see also p211).<br />

- „...the inmate, Kate Faherty, who gave birth to an illegitimate child....‟ (p197, see also p211).<br />

- Artificial limb for Mary Connelly (aged 18) (p212).<br />

- Clerks advises Board of search of his office by „RIC and two of his men (armed)....they made<br />

a thorough search and scrutiny of all the documents, minute books, etc., carrying away with<br />

them recent correspondence, circular letters, etc., received from Dáil Éíreann, and two<br />

letters, one addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Guardians, and the other to the<br />

Chairman of the District Council‟ (p243).<br />

- Inmate Peggy Gorham left the „...house, leaving her child behind her‟ (p276).<br />

- „Proposed by Mrs Gordon<br />

Seconded by Mr Vaughan, & unanimously agreed to<br />

“That from today we, Sinn Féin Guardians sever our connection with the English Local<br />

Government Board and adopt Dáil Éíreann instead‟ (p278).<br />

- „...call on Dr.s Casey of <strong>Clifden</strong> & MacDonnell of Letterfrack to resign their positions as<br />

Medical Officers of the district. We do so because of the neglect of duty, on Dr Casey‟s part,<br />

in connection with the fever outbreak last May. In Dr MacDonnell‟s case for leaving his<br />

district without leave‟ (p358, see also p406).<br />

- Canon McAlpine, „...I feel bound, in the interests of the sick poor of the <strong>Clifden</strong> <strong>Union</strong>, to<br />

express the opinion that the proposed closing of the Hospital, necessitating the removal of<br />

the sick to Galway, will be a grievance and a hardship of the first order, while it will [do]<br />

anything but tend to effect economy‟ (p437).<br />

- Summary of superannuation allowance and gratuities awarded to „dis-employed officers‟ of<br />

the <strong>Clifden</strong> <strong>Union</strong> (p438b).<br />

- ‟11 inmates viz:- Martin Coyne, John Wallace, Wm McDermot, Stephen Kearney, Martin<br />

Connolly, John Connolly, Austin Downey, Mrs Lydon, Mrs Mullen, Annie Hart and Mrs Fox<br />

were allowed clothing and bedding to the value of three pounds each (£3)...‟ (p558).<br />

- „That clothing & bedding to the value of £3 each be allowed to Jack Conroy and Mary<br />

Conneely, on their taking their discharge‟ (28 Dec 1921).<br />

- „That the workhouse Porter, Mr Joyce, be allowed to remain in the workhouse for the winter<br />

as he has no home to go to‟ (28 Dec 1921).<br />

Cartlann Chomhairle Contae na Gaillimhe „…cuimhne dhoiciméadach Chontae na Gaillimhe a shealbhú, a chaomhnú agus a dhéanamh inrochtana’<br />

Galway County Council - Archives „…to acquire, preserve and make accessible the documentary memory of county Galway’<br />


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