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Thanksgiving<br />

Tuesday, March 3, <strong>2015</strong><br />

Thanks in Action<br />

READ: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15<br />

KEY VERSE: You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous<br />

on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving<br />

to God. -2 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV)<br />

When I was a child, I often was perplexed by my parents’ actions as we lived<br />

in our small, rural community. When it snowed, our father got out the tractor<br />

and cleared the driveways of elderly residents. We carried in wood so they<br />

had fires to keep them warm and delivered meals to keep them fed. We never<br />

went to Richmond for shopping trips without taking two to three neighbors<br />

with us. And people regularly showed up at our house on Sunday evenings to<br />

watch Ed Sullivan and Perry Mason on television.<br />

As a child, these acts of kindness seemed to be continuing impositions. As<br />

an adult, I feel blessed to have been raised by such giving, sharing people. I<br />

have tried to emulate their open hearts and give of myself when I see others<br />

in need.<br />

It is certainly easier to write a check, and we should do so for causes that need<br />

money. But extending ourselves in personal ways lets the receiver understand<br />

that we are Christians trying to live as Christ taught us.<br />

–Doris Hutchinson Collins<br />

LOOKING WITHIN: How can I daily practice sharing my good fortune with<br />

others so that they may see Christ’s love for them through me?<br />

Dear God, help me to give thanks each day for my many blessings and give<br />

back from your bounty to those in need. Amen.<br />


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