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Conflicts are inevitable in one’s personal life, in organizations or even between nations. It do have some noteworthy advantages, if handled correctly, as it brings problems out into the open, and compels interested parties to find solutions that are acceptable to all. However, conflicts that escalate out of control are detrimental to everybody in the equation, so conflict management becomes a necessity. Some basic skills, some knowledge, and having the best interest of the organization at heart, together with respect for its people, will go a long way in handling conflict, admirably. Bibliography Alessandra, Tony Ph.D. & Hunsaker, Phil Ph.D. (1993) Communicating at Work. New York: Fireside Publishers. Bayazit, M. & Mannix, E. A. (2003). Should I stay or should I go? Predicting team members intent to remain in the team. Small Group Research, 34(3), 290-321. Bongsoon, Cho and Debra L. Connelley(2002). The Effect of Conflict and Power Differentials on Social Identity and Intergroup Discrimination.State Universityof New York,Organization and Human Resource. Bowditch, J. L., Buono, A. F. (1997). A primer on organizational behavior (4th ed.). New York, NY: JohnWiley & Sons. Brockmann, Erich. (1996, May). Removing the paradox of conflict from group decisions. Academy of Management Executive. v10n2, p. 61-62. Cappozzoli, Thomas K. (1995, Dec). Resolving conflict within teams. Journal for Quality and Participation. v18n7, p. 28-30. Cherrington, Da= J. (1989). Organizational Behavior: The Management of Individual and Organizational Performance. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Convey, St. (1994, Oct). Performance measurement in cross-functional teams. CMA Magazine. v68n8, p. 13-15. Cools, A. K. A., Van Hout, A. J.-M., Nelissen M. H. J. (2008). Canine Reconciliation and Third-Party-Initiated Postconflict Affiliation: Do Peacemaking Social Mechanisms in Dogs Rival Those of Higher Primates? Ethology 114, 53—63. Coser, L. A. (1956). The functions of social conflict. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.Deutsh, M. (1969). Conflicts: Productive and destructive. Journal of Social Issues, 25 (1), 7 - 41. 264

Cottringer, William. (1997, Aug). Conflict Management. Executive Excellence Magazine. v14n8, p 6. Fisher, K., Rayner, S., Belgard, W., (1995). Tips for teams: A ready reference for solving common team problems. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Forsyth, D. R. (2009). Group dynamics (5th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Richard, G,& Mosca, Joseph. (1995). Conflict resolution and mediation. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. v16n8, p. 37-39. Gautam,T. Rolf Van Dick and Ulrich Wagner(2004). Organizational identification and organizational commitment: Distinct aspects of two related concepts. Asian Journal of Social Psychology,Volume 7, Issue 3, pages 301–315. Goldfien, J. H., & Robbennolt, J. K. (2007). What if the lawyers have their way? An empirical assessment of conflict strategies and attitudes toward mediation styles. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 22, 277-320. Guidi, Marilyn A. (1995, Oct). Peer-to-Peer accountability. Nursing Management. v26n10, p 48. Jarboe, S. C., & Witteman, H. R. (1996). Intragroup conflict management in taskoriented groups: The influence of problem sources and problem analysis. Small Group Research, 27, 316–338. Nelson, M. (1995). Interpersonal team leadership skills. Hospital Material Management Quarterly, 16 (4), 53 - 63. Parker, Glenn M. (1994, Oct). Cross Functional Teams. Small Business Reports. v19n10, p 58-60. Rayeski, E., & Bryant, J. D. (1994). Team resolution process: A guideline for teams to manage conflict, performance, and discipline. In M. Beyerlein & M. Bullock (Eds.), The International Conference on Work Teams Proceedings: Anniversary Collection. The Best of 1990 - 1994 (pp. 215 - 221). Denton: University of North Texas, Center for the Study of Work Teams. Johnson, A.R. (1976). Management, systems, and society : an introduction. Pacific Palisades, Calif.: Goodyear Pub. Co.. pp. 148–142. ISBN 0-87620-540-6 9780876205402. OCLC 2299496 265

Conflicts are inevitable in one’s personal life, in organizations or even between nations.<br />

It do have some noteworthy advantages, if handled correctly, as it brings problems<br />

out into the open, and compels interested parties to find solutions that are acceptable<br />

to all. However, conflicts that escalate out of control are detrimental to everybody in<br />

the equation, so conflict management becomes a necessity. Some basic skills, some<br />

knowledge, and having the best interest of the organization at heart, together with<br />

respect for its people, will go a long way in handling conflict, admirably.<br />

Bibliography<br />

Alessandra, Tony Ph.D. & Hunsaker, Phil Ph.D. (1993) Communicating at Work. New<br />

York: Fireside Publishers.<br />

Bayazit, M. & Mannix, E. A. (2003). Should I stay or should I go? Predicting team<br />

members intent to remain in the team. Small Group Research, 34(3), 290-321.<br />

Bongsoon, Cho and Debra L. Connelley(2002). The Effect of Conflict and Power<br />

Differentials on Social Identity and Intergroup Discrimination.State Universityof New<br />

York,Organization and Human Resource.<br />

Bowditch, J. L., Buono, A. F. (1997). A primer on organizational behavior (4th ed.).<br />

New York, NY: JohnWiley & Sons.<br />

Brockmann, Erich. (1996, May). Removing the paradox of conflict from group<br />

decisions. Academy of Management Executive. v10n2, p. 61-62.<br />

Cappozzoli, Thomas K. (1995, Dec). Resolving conflict within teams. Journal for<br />

Quality and Participation. v18n7, p. 28-30.<br />

Cherrington, Da= J. (1989). Organizational Behavior: The Management of Individual<br />

and Organizational Performance. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.<br />

Convey, St. (1994, Oct). Performance measurement in cross-functional teams. CMA<br />

Magazine. v68n8, p. 13-15.<br />

Cools, A. K. A., Van Hout, A. J.-M., Nelissen M. H. J. (2008). Canine Reconciliation and<br />

Third-Party-Initiated Postconflict Affiliation: Do Peacemaking Social Mechanisms in<br />

Dogs Rival Those of Higher Primates? Ethology 114, 53—63.<br />

Coser, L. A. (1956). The functions of social conflict. Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.Deutsh,<br />

M. (1969). Conflicts: Productive and destructive. Journal of Social Issues, 25 (1), 7 - 41.<br />


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