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3.2 Public policy and service innovation At present, public policy makers have started to emphasize the potential for promoting service innovations as a part of their economic development strategies. It has been driven by the growing contribution of services, programs and activities which make particular country's economics. Various studies have shown that their traditional policy measures are not proved appropriate, technology transfer supports have been desirable and have been developed from a manufacturing perspective of the innovation process. Such corrective measures in public policies have been seriously taken in the European Commission Expert Group's Report on the field of service innovation, titled as "Fostering Innovation in Services" as well as various trendchart studies. This emerging thought in policy action has been translated to launch a number of knowledge intensive service platforms designed to act as laboratories for new public policies to design services innovation. This effort has been an integral part of Finland, Germany, Canada, Norway including other refracted societies of the globe. The allocation of new innovation of service delivery in the process of designing public policy has been appropriate and highly essential, especially in developing world. 3.3 Proper identification of people's demand Due to the dissatisfaction of the people about the quality and process of the public service, innovation-based reform has been highly inevitable both in the developed and developing nations. Growing disbelief and distrust against government, people in developing countries, especially the ordinary people have been alienated from governments. Such situation has led to weaken achievements of democratic government. In many societies mass demonstration for transparency, accountability and demand-based planning has existed. This raises the loss of trust and institutional instability from the society. Such deplorable condition need to be improved by respecting the rule of law, human rights and proper identification of the ordinary people. Majority segment of the world population agrees with democratic principles that the will of the people should be the basis for the authority of government. But in many parts failure of innovation in public service delivery has been main cause of democratic failure. To address the heightened expectation of ordinary people governments need try to raise the basic services resulting mismatch to realize capacity building required to deliver. So every society has a need to regain its own ethnographic people to design their own system to deliver in the best possible manner. To obtain the ownership from the people, governments should understand what actually they need otherwise governments will run without the trust and confidence of ordinary citizens which is entirely futile and counterproductive for the concerned government. 226

3.4 Narrowing gulf between rich and poor In most countries growing gulf between rich and poor is leading to extreme marginalization to meet their normal life. In the United States, one in eight Americans is fighting heavily to feed themselves. According to the Development Report of the World Bank three out of four of the total population reside in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture. While this sector needs to be promoted to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015, services would be drastically changed to newer arrangements which is expected to bring accountability, transparency, cost effectiveness, speed, quality along with the ability to materialize and continue the newly innovated service arrangements in future. Situation needs to be furnished to advance social justice, equality, equity and community solidarity including the realization of the potentiality of the individuals. 4 . Best practices on service delivery While talking about PSD poor and vulnerable class of people who, often fail to have easy access to service delivery, must be kept in mind. Although in most of the developing nation, the state of majority people is not improved in the desired extent. However, in some countries, collaborative efforts of people and governments are doing better by putting ultra-poor at the centre of service provisions, by empowering them for the purpose of participative planning, implementation and monitoring of the whole processes of their development, paying due respect to the voice of the people in public policy making and by enhancing the capacity of the service providers, especially focusing the poor . Typically, reforms in service delivery are based on the capacity enhancements of the supply-side, such a top-down approach is not sufficient; voice to capacitate the demand-side has been significant, trend to emphasize demand component makes compatible with the supply-side has highly been essential. Special attention is given to the demand of the service-seekers everywhere. To meet tremendous demands, different programs/schemes, and projects are being materialized as cited below: 4.1 India 4.1.1 Rural Employment Guarantee Programs With the purpose of addressing the lives of the poor and promoting inclusive growth, the Government of India is materializing National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. since 2006 in a phased manner. Its basic features include wage payment and time-bound employment guarantee within 15 days, 90 percent of the total cost of employment is borne by the centre; rest amount for unemployment allowance is the liabilities of the State. Emphasis is 227

3.4 Narrowing gulf between rich and poor<br />

In most countries growing gulf between rich and poor is leading to extreme<br />

marginalization to meet their normal life. In the United States, one in eight Americans<br />

is fighting heavily to feed themselves. According to the Development Report of<br />

the World Bank three out of four of the total population reside in rural areas and<br />

are dependent on agriculture. While this sector needs to be promoted to achieve<br />

the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015, services would be<br />

drastically changed to newer arrangements which is expected to bring accountability,<br />

transparency, cost effectiveness, speed, quality along with the ability to materialize<br />

and continue the newly innovated service arrangements in future. Situation needs<br />

to be furnished to advance social justice, equality, equity and community solidarity<br />

including the realization of the potentiality of the individuals.<br />

4 . Best practices on service delivery<br />

While talking about PSD poor and vulnerable class of people who, often fail to<br />

have easy access to service delivery, must be kept in mind. Although in most of the<br />

developing nation, the state of majority people is not improved in the desired extent.<br />

However, in some countries, collaborative efforts of people and governments are<br />

doing better by putting ultra-poor at the centre of service provisions, by empowering<br />

them for the purpose of participative planning, implementation and monitoring of the<br />

whole processes of their development, paying due respect to the voice of the people<br />

in public policy making and by enhancing the capacity of the service providers,<br />

especially focusing the poor . Typically, reforms in service delivery are based on the<br />

capacity enhancements of the supply-side, such a top-down approach is not sufficient;<br />

voice to capacitate the demand-side has been significant, trend to emphasize demand<br />

component makes compatible with the supply-side has highly been essential. Special<br />

attention is given to the demand of the service-seekers everywhere. To meet tremendous<br />

demands, different programs/schemes, and projects are being materialized as cited<br />

below:<br />

4.1 India<br />

4.1.1 Rural Employment Guarantee Programs<br />

With the purpose of addressing the lives of the poor and promoting inclusive<br />

growth, the Government of India is materializing National Rural Employment<br />

Guarantee Act. since 2006 in a phased manner. Its basic features include<br />

wage payment and time-bound employment guarantee within 15 days, 90<br />

percent of the total cost of employment is borne by the centre; rest amount<br />

for unemployment allowance is the liabilities of the State. Emphasis is<br />


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