book setup 2069 nijamati.indd

book setup 2069 nijamati.indd

book setup 2069 nijamati.indd


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• cgfjZos /fo jf k/fdz{ dfu gug{ ],<br />

• dGqLkl/ifbsf] lg0f{o $* 306fleq k|dfl0ft u/L dGqfnodf k7fpg],<br />

• ;fdfGo k|zf;sLo lg0f{osf] @ txdfq x'g],<br />

• lg0f{o k|lqmofdf ;+nUg x'g]n] ;fdfGotof ! lbgeGbf a9L nufpg gx'g],<br />

• lg0f{odf l56f] / ;:tf] ;fwg k|of]u ug{'kg{],<br />

• gLltut tyf dxTjk"0f{ k|zf;sLo ljifoafx]ssf cGo ljifodf lg0f{o ubf{ l6Kk0fLsf] k|of]u<br />

gug{ ], cflb .<br />

;'zf;g -Joj:yfkg tyf ;+rfng_ P]g, @)^$ n] k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd lg0f{o ug{ kfpg]<br />

clwsf/Ln] s'g} ljifodf lg0f{o ubf{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd s'g} lglZrt cjlwleq lg0f{o ug'{ kg]{<br />

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ug{ kfpg] clwsf/Ln] pko'St 7x¥ofPsf] ;dofjlwleq lg0f{o ug'{ kg] { Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 .<br />

lg0f{o k|lqmofdf ;d:of b]vf k/]sf] jf:tljstfnfO{ dx;'; u/L ljleGg cfjlws of]hgfx?,<br />

jflif{s ah]6 aStJo tyf g]kfn ;/sf/sf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf ;d]t o;df ;'wf/;DjGwL<br />

k|of;x? x' Fb} cfPsf 5g\ . lg0f{o k|lqmofnfO{ r':t / b'?:t agfpgsf nflu Joj:yfkg ;"rgf<br />

k|0ffnL (Management Information System) nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{ ] k|of; ePsf] 5 . ;"rgf k|ljwLsf]<br />

pkof]unfO{ Jofks kfg{ vf]lhPsf] 5 . t/ klg lg0f{ostf{sf] bIftf / O{R5fzlQmsf] sdLn] ubf{<br />

To;sf] e/k"/ pkof]u ug{ eg] r's]sf] cfefif ePsf] 5 . jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf g]kfnsf] lg0f{o<br />

k|lqmofdf ljBdfg /x]sf ;d:ofx? tyf ;'wf/ ug{sf nflu ckgfpg'kg{ ] pkfox?nfO{ o;k|sf/<br />

pNn]v ug{ ;lsG5 .<br />

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• DAWN (Delay decision, Ad-hoc decision, Wrong decision and Not decision).<br />

• Vested interest and the political intervention.<br />

• Decisions are postponed for 'BHOLI' but that never seems to come.It becomes a good<br />

tactics to avoid the decision.<br />


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