American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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PAMDT,AD. MEIZCER ll:c::: fJ (814)3954667 Th. Hononble Richald A. ("su.ic Hrrisbur3r ?A 17120-1032 I d niting io ctpr.s mt suPPon fo! cona@don ofRusel Reddtng rs Pcmsylnnirt 4!t S.Gbtv of ,{*riclntuc I nop. Fu rSEe *ith he th.t thct ntlt is no bdd Pe6on b lsd the D.pdtudt As S(shty, Mr. Redding vith hii inr€ht on producdo' .8nc t@, cocutu ke!, mns.mdon of or .atui;so@s, rsncL turn .ductrioo, @rk r d.v.lopn nt, ubrn .siculbnl initi.tives hd lle nunc.s of :l Pe..sylani In rddition, Mi R.dding Eoutd bc t huse xs.r to Pe.ntlvmix s ou Agi.'nM Sdftbry b.ous. olhis .xEnsive .xpetiene in vorkldg with diY.* eekeAoldtr SouPs on iqio..l sEt aod mtion,l lsua ?mstlmoi.t mique SegaPhy md dedv. agricultui:l div*i9 Equit a lsds vho cd mik both h.rt d hon rnd b.y;d o; {!tet bordds a'd I N{r' R.dding h th. Lrder en do ''bo O. 1 p.6o..l noc, /ou xlndy k N ny e.thusi.ln lor ihe Pmnsyluf,i. Rural Ladssbip ?bg@ EULE) dd it gires n. hinl& pla$re to scre wih R6*l on (n. AdvGoiy Bdd for dre proAtu Mr' kdni.a spoLe io our &$ on s.veial diffft.t ocesiods s ve tude our vq tholah ou M teF s RILE FeI(M. r;d nad f.ilcd @ lay. B inpftssd by h& k@d.dge of r.d de,l&..ion b bxsic pftdples ofaoodn s, .thi.s mdr cla! urdcsadding of ihe PM!of tjte individu,l to.fLct t€l.h,nge We vd. inPts.d mough 6 init. hin b scd. * r k y.ot€ s!..ker at ou com.ncme.t ia M2y r.d hls wm 3nd harfeft suPpod or RLILiE ilode is mowh to cndet him ro ne and ny cl.trn*ci Ir'k fo' torsJppo" b o.fimnL eU Redongdou t'\'ssauflo {8-tulte.'o'hr'}r,rdlb' Ocp. -i.r *io.o'u,l ",e..d m tnrn.lf.@. o, exPs.n(c n ,gn o'gndng o ' 'jrur' ' B ldnn?5 f; in Adrm CoDnrFnd i.dudl.q his l5t I5 ye6 of seflice to ihe Pencyl9mir Dcp$h.d of4!.1ne mEdpc;.nad,looqnedssble ledoln €iicultu. todly His lerd4hiP in rbes. chdlensi.g rim6 i. cn!c.1, a is you supFot of?.a$ylvrM r3nontuF Thrals .s ,lmF fo! youi h.!d *ork. .({".*-""

3)Fg, Dairy FanersofAn6rtca Honmble Mite Brb.ker, Chat AgrioultuE dd Runl Alllns Comnitt€e Hdisbury, PA 17120-:1036 I vrils lo tou loday b she my snppon for Oovenor Ed Rendeth nomimtion of Rus*ll R.dding fd Pen6ylvdia ssEEry ofAg culruE. Mi Roddi.g is i comnithd pubtic sn{t Nho hos spenl th€ past 15 yes helpinA t6d lhe Pennsylvdia Depfimot of Agrioulture, dd rh* is no b€b p€Non io guide ftis raency. As Secr€lsry, Mi Reddiq brings *nh hin iDsight on prcduction agrioutlure. cdnsuntr hsues the mnseeaiion ofour .atonl lwles, .gricultubl educotion, Mter developnenr, uba, agricult!61 initialives dd $e nurnes ol rual Pennsylvinii. In addilion, Mr R€dding rould a huge agt b Pflnsylwnia s ou fu.icultor S*claiy beause 6tnis exbsik experiene *olkine sith divefe stleholder grcups on regional. iar md nalionat isnes. pemsvtvdia,s uique geostuoh) rd erknqv. egr'.uhumldneFiD a teider Iho mn h,t bo$ hft d hoae dd b.yond oui sLte\ botden - dd I b€lifle Mr. R.dding is lhe leodei who m do thh. John Siglor, Direotor ofopmtions for Dairy Fam.6 ofAherica, Nonhsr A@ Councjl, sd.s s a Di€b. on the Pennsylv.nir Cdd of Dairy Excettence dd has wdked yiLt Rus$U Redding in tne past dd sp€ks ver' highty ot him dd ippftci't6 his d.dic.1io. lo lhe indusby. I .sk tbr your support to onfim Russll Redding a od nexl Secct ry ofAEricuhrc. so rhat he ind lhe Dep6tue.t can coDtinue lh.n godd work Wilh a lifdime i. igricuhre. beginring on hft friily\ f.m in Adams Coung dd includirg his lrsr l5 wN of s;iice to tne Pernsylunir Lxpanmenl of AgricDltoE, rhft h no norc expdiencd, tnovtcdAe,ble or dedic,ied lsder in agriculure tod'y. His ladeNbip in rbe* challenging tines is oriliod, s ydur of Pemsylvania agricul.ure. lhuk yon for your supp.n of Mr. Redding md tor your efons i. Hmisburg and toc,lly ro lad DAIRY FARMERS OF AMERICA, NC. "1 S-" rrw Galdn r, Cdpohb Bdd Member Norrhdt Are. Council F.O.8o,43r0. syracu*, N Y.13221-43r0. rel rts43l-13s2 or 300,9G2667

3)Fg,<br />

Dairy FanersofAn6rtca<br />

Honmble Mite Brb.ker, Chat<br />

AgrioultuE dd Runl Alllns Comnitt€e<br />

Hdisbury, PA 17120-:1036<br />

I vrils lo tou loday b she my snppon for Oovenor Ed Rendeth nomimtion of Rus*ll<br />

R.dding fd Pen6ylvdia ssEEry ofAg culruE. Mi Roddi.g is i comnithd pubtic sn{t<br />

Nho hos spenl th€ past 15 yes helpinA t6d lhe Pennsylvdia Depfimot of Agrioulture, dd<br />

rh* is no b€b p€Non io guide ftis raency.<br />

As Secr€lsry, Mi Reddiq brings *nh hin iDsight on prcduction agrioutlure. cdnsuntr hsues<br />

the mnseeaiion ofour .atonl lwles, .gricultubl educotion, Mter developnenr, uba,<br />

agricult!61 initialives dd $e nurnes ol rual Pennsylvinii. In addilion, Mr R€dding rould<br />

a huge agt b Pflnsylwnia s ou fu.icultor S*claiy beause 6tnis exbsik experiene<br />

*olkine sith divefe stleholder grcups on regional. iar md nalionat isnes. pemsvtvdia,s<br />

uique geostuoh) rd erknqv. egr'.uhumldneFiD a teider Iho mn h,t bo$ hft d<br />

hoae dd b.yond oui sLte\ botden - dd I b€lifle Mr. R.dding is lhe leodei who m do thh.<br />

John Siglor, Direotor ofopmtions for Dairy Fam.6 ofAherica, Nonhsr A@ Councjl,<br />

sd.s s a Di€b. on the Pennsylv.nir Cdd of Dairy Excettence dd has wdked yiLt Rus$U<br />

Redding in tne past dd sp€ks ver' highty ot him dd ippftci't6 his d.dic.1io. lo lhe indusby.<br />

I .sk tbr your support to onfim Russll Redding a od nexl Secct ry ofAEricuhrc. so rhat he<br />

ind lhe Dep6tue.t can coDtinue lh.n godd work Wilh a lifdime i. igricuhre.<br />

beginring on hft friily\ f.m in Adams Coung dd includirg his lrsr l5 wN of s;iice to tne<br />

Pernsylunir Lxpanmenl of AgricDltoE, rhft h no norc expdiencd, tnovtcdAe,ble or<br />

dedic,ied lsder in agriculure tod'y. His ladeNbip in rbe* challenging tines is oriliod, s<br />

ydur of Pemsylvania agricul.ure.<br />

lhuk yon for your supp.n of Mr. Redding md tor your efons i. Hmisburg and toc,lly ro lad<br />


"1 S-"<br />

rrw Galdn r, Cdpohb Bdd Member<br />

Norrhdt Are. Council<br />

F.O.8o,43r0. syracu*, N Y.13221-43r0. rel rts43l-13s2 or 300,9G2667

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