American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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Honorabl€ Mike Brubak€r, Chair<br />

Aqnclturo and RudlAtuiF C.mmittee<br />

HanisbuE, PA 17120-3036<br />

I an snll.o on b6hsf of coBdnl\ to suppon G.@hor Ed F€nd€ll e M'nalion ol<br />

Ru6s[ R;ddi.s lor P€nnsyl€nia $a6tary ol AOicullu€ W R€dding ls a<br />

commitled ,ublic s.Mnt wio poss€s$s a d€ep und€Flanding or lh€ unique<br />

irrattense ano l$@s tacing P6nnsy'vania's agd@lt!61 s*tor and ru€l<br />

C.Bank ls a $63 bllllon @op€raliw bank thal polid€s nMncial ssM6s b ulEl<br />

i;dustis - ;gdcullu€, €;.9y, Mld and communic€tons - 34!inq ru61<br />

6mmun[i6s aadss lh6 nalion. lh6 bani has an imporred cu5lomEr bds in<br />

P6nns!,lvada, and rc a6 @mmitt€d lo fultiDing our misslon lo FM as t<br />

deo€ lab|6 aou@ ot c6di ior ou cuslomeB In lho sbte lf @nrm€d our<br />

esiom.6 murd be dFcrlv seMd bv Mr. Reddirg<br />

T ard lhal €nd, tho bank beli€€s Mr. Reddmg poess tE n@$ary skilk<br />

.nd .xo6nen@ ne€dod to @ndnue to lead th€ Stale s D€panm€ ol Agdcultur€<br />

ne nai r,e.enoo,s msiohl 5nd 6xpe en@ on ilsu6s €laied io prcducton<br />

s;ncu[uF, a!^dltuEl _ €du€lion sno mall\6t dewlopmdt H€ has<br />

d;monslraied iis @mmilm€nl to lh€ p@pl6 of ruEl Pennsy'van6 lhough hlr<br />

man! E6 of oublic sNi6 oilh lho erate s D€partnenl of agrldhuF | @uld<br />

eo6drulv asi mat you o,'t'm Mr. R€ddmg a6 lh€ stal€ E n6x S€cElarv or<br />

Thank you lor tour lim€ and 6nsld€.a1ion<br />

f"h-%-<br />

Load R6latioNhi9 Manage.<br />

CorpoEte A€dbusino$ Banking G,oup<br />


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