American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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One Coaode Dnv. - Suie 102 B.dfd( PA l5t2 Pho& (888) 4 BEEFPA Iax (8r4) 623'651I Beef Courrcil sL tAn tdRaL cH tDI C,nO\ PPOUOTIO\SA RESF'RCH HonoEbl€ Mike Brubal(d, Chan Agtioltm fld RuiEl Aflais C@itle€ Itdisbure; PA 17120-3036 I qit€ to you today to she ny support for Govmor Ed Rodell s n@imtio. oI Rusell Reddins fo! Pmylvsia Secrctary of Agiculhtr€ Mr'Reddingha6Imi$ed public wst wno ns spat the pat 15 yed helping lead the Pmsvlvmja Departm€ of Asricult@. ed thft is no b€ttd p@n io euide ihG agency As S€, MN Redding briq;s with him insigll on Podwljon .8lculture cons@s issues, tne ons*ltion ol oN natural Gources, aencnltulal education, ffikd ddelopnot, ur!@ aSnoltur.l idtiatives ed lh€ numcs of rual P.mvlvmia Id addilion, IG, Reddjng would be a hug€ dset to Pmylvdia a ou Asculture S€c!€tlq b*aus€ ofhis ext€Nive €xpdj€ne in working with divde slalchotdd 8loups o. r€giodl, sraie dd nalioml ises. Pmylvmiat dique geography ed extssive aglicnltulal divdity requiF a leadd who .d wort both h@ at hone ed belond oui strt€'s bordeE dd I beliwe Mr R€dCirg is the l@da who cd do tlis Rusell Re.tCing h6 b@n 6 8r@t $pporter of lhe Bef CnekolfpoeIm md ha 6sht€d ns in tn€ dselopndt of the Pmsylvmi! Beel Qualitv AsLrue proatu dd in scuing lh. findins n46srry each yd lo Prcpel il to orc oI the besl slat€ proards mtiodlly. PA produceE e beltet educal.d md have ad*s to th€ ne*$ary r€comdded $insl cde prtcli4s to !ai* o vhol6one, nulritiou, sale befptlducts I ask for you su?porl to colfim Rs*ll Reddirg 4 ou next Sffitev of furicnliw, so thlt he ed the Deparment .d continue th€n Sood vo!k. With a lifetine of expaidce in agriculh{e. beelmin8 on his fdily\ fam id Adm Counry md including hb 1sl l5 yedsofs ce lo lh€ P€msylvmia D@afinenl of Aericdn!€, thd€ is no more €xpqiened, knowledgeabl€ or d€dicated leads in aenculture today Hk leade6bip in ihese chall€nsing tines is cnliMl. s is your suppon ol Pffsylvdia agrialture' Thrnl you for yod suppod of M. Reddins md fd yonr €trons in Hdrisburg md leallv (N"g* P@sylwia Beef C.scil

AMERICAN MUSHROC'M INSTITUTE fu@^qw'&br0,r-r.i l'6{d+nP.qM'. PA Senae Ag & Rur.l Afhis ConnitG. Ildorble M;t€ Btubakd, Chan AgricdtN ed R@l AlfaiB Cotmifle Sepldnb€r 29, 2009 Hdisbus, PA 17120-3036 The Am€d@ M6h@m lEtilui. (AMl) and ils Commuiq AraM€s Comiit . (CAC) support ile nomi.rtion ofRusell Redding for the Ptusylveia S.ftt iy ofA8ricdrus. Mr. R€ddir'g is . @Mitted public sw&t drd we how he will do r grer job s ihc C.lm@w*llh's Asnoultue Saetary. For ho@ than 15 yes ou n€nb€F have w*ed with Mr. Redding s he helped !3 twlv. n6y nsu6 tnal all@t P@nE/lvtuir f.ft€6. AcMs ?emylwdio, faming b son€tind eC'rded a a cultuaj od historical phenoh€nor! lot a rcd bsiG$ Sirce oBl dd frdilg @muin.s e€ woddfal pl@s to liv., wk .nd 6ise fuili€s, fmes @ often u&t tr.mcndoB *nomi. pr6sw ro sll &.n hrms io dev€loFs. Mr R€dding hd help€d rhe muhtoon g10\6 ke.p P.Nylwh fmily fam in rh. Comonwedd by rc*ing rovdd slutiom for $e eononic p@$B tlEy fa@. Mr. Redding h8 shom suplDrt fo. s by anend€d idust y tundios ircludilg ihe ?em Shre Mushmm Short Couse, Kmcn Sqw MEh@n f*iival dd Ch6r€. and Be*s Coetv Mr. Reddi.g is a thowhtfin dd iDighrfll lada. H€ atEldy hs o\i€Give dFeriace wirh ihe muht@m farn @muit s w€ll 6 the adliolion ed respe.t of orh€r fm greups. We sk you for you support to contrfr Rusll Redding 4 od @r S{retary ofAeiculr@. U^"6;l''a;&^U


fu@^qw'&br0,r-r.i<br />

l'6{d+nP.qM'.<br />

PA Senae Ag & Rur.l Afhis ConnitG.<br />

Ildorble M;t€ Btubakd, Chan<br />

AgricdtN ed R@l AlfaiB Cotmifle<br />

Sepldnb€r 29, 2009<br />

Hdisbus, PA 17120-3036<br />

The Am€d@ M6h@m lEtilui. (AMl) and ils Commuiq AraM€s Comiit . (CAC)<br />

support ile nomi.rtion ofRusell Redding for the Ptusylveia S.ftt iy ofA8ricdrus. Mr.<br />

R€ddir'g is . @Mitted public sw&t drd we how he will do r grer job s ihc<br />

C.lm@w*llh's Asnoultue Saetary.<br />

For ho@ than 15 yes ou n€nb€F have w*ed with Mr. Redding s he helped !3 twlv.<br />

n6y nsu6 tnal all@t P@nE/lvtuir f.ft€6. AcMs ?emylwdio, faming b son€tind<br />

eC'rded a a cultuaj od historical phenoh€nor! lot a rcd bsiG$ Sirce oBl dd frdilg<br />

@muin.s e€ woddfal pl@s to liv., wk .nd 6ise fuili€s, fmes @ often u&t<br />

tr.mcndoB *nomi. pr6sw ro sll &.n hrms io dev€loFs. Mr R€dding hd help€d rhe<br />

muhtoon g10\6 ke.p P.Nylwh fmily fam in rh. Comonwedd by rc*ing rovdd<br />

slutiom for $e eononic p@$B tlEy fa@.<br />

Mr. Redding h8 shom suplDrt fo. s by anend€d idust y tundios ircludilg ihe ?em Shre<br />

Mushmm Short Couse, Kmcn Sqw MEh@n f*iival dd Ch6r€. and Be*s Coetv<br />

Mr. Reddi.g is a thowhtfin dd iDighrfll lada. H€ atEldy hs o\i€Give dFeriace wirh ihe<br />

muht@m farn @muit s w€ll 6 the adliolion ed respe.t of orh€r fm greups.<br />

We sk you for you support to contrfr Rusll Redding 4 od @r S{retary ofAeiculr@.<br />


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