American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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Horolabl€ Mik Brobater, chan<br />

Agncute dd Rual A{faiB Comitt e<br />

Hdisburg, PA 1712G3036<br />

I wit€ to yru today io sn@ my suppon for Covehor Ed Rendelt's nomi@iion of Rusll Reddins for<br />

Pemsylvmia Sed€tdy ol AgriculnE, Mr. Ibdding is a @mift€d public sedt who b6 spenl tbe pasl<br />

l5 yed helping lead {E Pmsylvdia Depdtnenl ofAsncultu€, md rh€e is no ben€r peson to Suide<br />

Mr. ReddinC. s Secrc1dry. woutl bling a vat amy of exp*iencd ed tnowledge ro the posiiion, Eis<br />

insielt on pod@tion asrict lw, oNUm iss@, lne consflation ofou natr@l ssoures, agricultuFl<br />

educatiol mket d€velopmnt, uban agricultnal initiaiives od the nmccs of tud Ptusylvmia would<br />

cerrainly be invaluable to lhe ClEnonweallh ofP€msylvtuia. Pmsylvdia s diqe g6glaphy md<br />

exteNiye agdcuhual divdily requirc a leadd who @ vork both h€r€ ai hone dd beyond ou stalet<br />

bordd md I beliqe Mr. R€dding is de lead.r who @ do th*,<br />

I have pe*ondly int€mct€d wilh Mr. R.ddlng threugJr the Depanhent ofAg.iculture thftughout the p4t<br />

l0yees. E€ ha csisted with dd desi8ned mdy progrds desisned io €ducale Pemsylvmia,s Youtn<br />

aboul the inponmce ofegriculture, bsiness, l€ad€ship ed ceer sece$ thrcusl moy ore&iations.<br />

His eflice to tle Pemylmil FFA Associalion, Pemsylvmia 4-H, Mid Atlelic AUie@ of<br />

Coopernives Youlh Smer bstitule ed P€msylvdia Youg Fh€n has b€n ireplaceable. In<br />

additio4 uder the crent md $e pst adninisrration, Mr. Reddins ms instnm.hlal in pNvidi.g<br />

i.temships ed appr€nliceships lo yomg college studats rhrough the depan,adt 10 osist th€n in sai.ins<br />

6sdtial cdeer expqi€nce rh.y cm in im @ io bend sese our indulrry.<br />

I ast for you suppon to @nlim Rusell Redding s ow next S4@rary of AsicuhG, $ rhat he md &e<br />

D€pdrtndt cd conline lheir good work. Wilir a lifeline of qpoience in agricultre, begrming on his<br />

$nily's fam in Adds County ud includins his lst t 5 yed ol sryice to rhe ?emylvdia DeDarrnenr<br />

of Asriculm. $crc 's<br />

no (oR e\pmenced,lnowledceable o! dal'cdl:d ledder in esriculue bdij H's<br />

lsddhip ih lhse chalhnging iins h ditical, d is you suppoa of Pemsylvdia aericulrue.<br />

Tltnt you 'o' you tuppon of Mr Reddi0g md for you effoN in Hdrisbus sd l@ally 10 lead<br />

tAIr^i-I\^Jl,-<br />

, .]

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