American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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'?(at: HOLI-ABAUGH BROS., INC. Fruit Farm & Market 5'15 Carlisle Road, Biglervnle, PA 17307 Phr 717.617.r,1r4 ]:rx 717 477.7t57 Nwho/kbarsrbtor tun Honorable t4ike Brubaker, ch€ir Aqriculture and Rural Afial6 committee Harisburg, PA 17120-303€ I am wrrting to you today to encouru g€ your slpport of Gove.nor Rendells nomlnation of RussellReddlng for Pennsylvania sec€tary ofagricultlte Mr, Redding i5 an Incredible advo€te for Pennsylvania's agrlcultural*ctor havlng alRdvspent 1s v€aE heloing to lead the PA DeDartment ofAqriculture. Mr, Reddlnq happens to be a nelghborofmine - llvlnq onlv about4 mll€s frcm ourtarm Although I know him wellon a peEonalleveli I have ale seryed on th€ PAApple r4arketing Board fornearly 15 yeaF and have se€n him in actlon at the oepartment Mr' Reddlng ls hon€stand bridhtand commined, He has qarnered the esped ofallth€ ditrerent fae of agrrcultue in PennsylvanLa. He hasthe abllry b donj€ans and a nannelshi^and appear on the tarm - workng closely with therarm€r' But he also has the abilitv to .hafqe hats and adasthe publlc face repre*nting those of!s ln as.icultuE. He trulv i5 an amazing m.n. I peEonally dontthink you @uld nnd a better repre*ntative ror the face or Pennsylvania Asricultore, I trulyam honored and aw€d to call"R!s*ll"a hend- I ask for your suppon b confirm Ru$e Reddinq as our next se.retary ot Agricult@ wlth hm at rhe helm, r:m @nfidentthetthe Department can continuethe oreat workth.t has alr€dy begun there. with a lifetime ofexperiene in agnculture/ beqlnnlng on hisf6mllv's farm in Adams county and includlng hls last 15 vea6 ofsedlce to the PA Departm€nt or Agriculture, there is no moE experienced, knowledgeable ordedl.ated leaderin agrlcultue today. The bus ness ofaqnalture, as wellas most bus nesses these daYs, ls facing some trying times. It ls essentialthatwe have a man ofMr' Reddlngt @llb€r Leading the wav Thenk you for yolr support of Mr. R€ddlng and for vour efforts in Hadsburg to lead Pennsylvanial I would be happyto speak peEonally with vou should vou have rlrth€r srncerey, / - o-" ( 9*1 e -"- t- Treasurer, Hollabdugh Bros.,Inc, Fruit Farm & Mark€t

UJVIYERSITY of PENI{SrLvAl lA Sc[@l of vererimry Medicine L.bontory ofAvian Meilicitre & Patholog Hononbh Mi.h&l Btobak.i chair asricurM 4d Ruhl afiaiB conmine I* c ro yd bd:y b shd my sppd lor comor Ed Rddelfj noniodjon of Rusdl ReddinE p.m")hei, fd selfu orag, ru M d, 15 yess b.rping t€d dE pmsytvmir D.ptuflr orAgricuh@, dd rhft -.b^"*in.p*. i" * be p-;. b s,ia tu s.@bry, rrr Reddins bringr eirh hin iBEhr on produ.rioD asriol@, 6nmer issu.s. rh. cdsddid of ou mMl ]!ffis, agricd@l .du.dion, hrk r d.v.lopm.d, ub6n i€dculbmt ii ldivs md rh. nu6 ofrunl P.msytvdia. tn .ddition, Mr. R.dding qold b. 3 hu€; asr ro bry beae oftis.x&nsivc.xpai.nce rn yoiknt * h drE^. e'l.holdtr smuB ol rg'on.t. lhk rd mtrmt i$uo petrJ h dir: un,qR s{sne\ hd ftm\j\. rod qo,t borh h.r d ho n. hd b. I! Itr Reddins L di. l.adq *ho ch do rhis. I hlE knoq Ruslr R.ddidg tor.uhr yffi. rn ny.,p&it d R.sidmr Diebr ord,. pdnsyhdn animd Diasn6tic Llbodory .r Nd R.ddns on dis; bsu6 ,boabr sy{.n h Peui) vmi. dd tfudbl n sMtrg Ah.nf4 a.cdd of v.Etrr4 L'bodor) Dnsro.i.ioelcri'btrorD 2007 lt@krmdbqo't.rgq'!hhn ndrtutuE 'sr fo rouqpffi ro.onln Rr.* cuttrf, qd 6r h. ed ,h. D.pmhh,6mdiJefti good*o .wrir.ftnn.of.rpnEGinlg.i.utM.b.gbningors rmilyt rm in Adnr conty ud itrcludins hi. I'n 15 r.&s or sflh. ro rh. pwr;i. D;tu-r r.dqrhip i, d'6. chrlLnghg rines is aftical, a k y6u suppd or Peijlytnnia asri.ultu. ft&k you for yor suppd of r,L. Redding nd for rou' efttu in HdkbD4 and ldrlty b lead ')ll-rJ -b** sherill D,vi!on, vMD, Ms, MBA, AcPv DiEdor, Labodor] ofAvim dd p.rhotogy


Sc[@l of vererimry Medicine<br />

L.bontory ofAvian Meilicitre & Patholog<br />

Hononbh Mi.h&l Btobak.i chair<br />

asricurM 4d Ruhl afiaiB conmine<br />

I* c ro yd bd:y b shd my sppd lor comor Ed Rddelfj noniodjon of Rusdl ReddinE<br />

p.m")hei, fd<br />

selfu orag, ru M<br />

d,<br />

15 yess b.rping t€d dE pmsytvmir D.ptuflr orAgricuh@, dd rhft<br />

-.b^"*in.p*.<br />

i" * be p-;. b s,ia<br />

tu s.@bry, rrr Reddins bringr eirh hin iBEhr on produ.rioD asriol@, 6nmer issu.s. rh.<br />

cdsddid of ou mMl ]!ffis, agricd@l .du.dion, hrk r d.v.lopm.d, ub6n i€dculbmt<br />

ii ldivs md rh. nu6 ofrunl P.msytvdia. tn .ddition, Mr. R.dding qold b. 3 hu€; asr ro<br />

bry beae oftis.x&nsivc.xpai.nce rn yoiknt * h drE^.<br />

e'l.holdtr smuB ol rg'on.t. lhk rd mtrmt i$uo petrJ h dir: un,qR s{sne\ hd ftm\j\.<br />

rod qo,t borh h.r d ho n. hd b.<br />

I! Itr Reddins L di. l.adq *ho ch do rhis.<br />

I hlE knoq Ruslr R.ddidg tor.uhr yffi. rn ny.,p&it d R.sidmr Diebr ord,. pdnsyhdn<br />

animd Diasn6tic Llbodory .r Nd<br />

R.ddns on dis; bsu6<br />

,boabr sy{.n h Peui) vmi. dd tfudbl n sMtrg Ah.nf4 a.cdd of v.Etrr4<br />

L'bodor) Dnsro.i.ioelcri'btrorD 2007 lt@krmdbqo't.rgq'!hhn ndrtutuE<br />

'sr fo rouqpffi ro.onln Rr.*<br />

cuttrf, qd 6r h. ed ,h.<br />

D.pmhh,6mdiJefti good*o .wrir.ftnn.of.rpnEGinlg.i.utM.b.gbningors<br />

rmilyt rm in Adnr conty ud itrcludins hi. I'n 15 r.&s or sflh. ro rh. pwr;i. D;tu-r<br />

r.dqrhip i, d'6. chrlLnghg rines is aftical, a k y6u suppd or Peijlytnnia asri.ultu.<br />

ft&k you for yor suppd of r,L. Redding nd for rou' efttu in HdkbD4 and ldrlty b lead<br />

')ll-rJ<br />

-b**<br />

sherill D,vi!on, vMD, Ms, MBA, AcPv<br />

DiEdor, Labodor] ofAvim dd p.rhotogy

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