American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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Ilondable Shirley Kitchen<br />

saaisbug, PA l?12G3003<br />

We the agriclllural teaches of WB Saul High School of Agncnltulal Sci€nces Mit€ to<br />

you loday to shde our suppon for Govmor Ed Rsdell's nooimlion ofRussell R€dding<br />

for Peonsylvdia Secletary of Agicull!@. Mr. R€dding is a mnted publi. setrsnl<br />

wno hs spent the past I 5 yees nebi.s lead the P€NyLvdia D€partnent of Agricultu€<br />

md ihae is no bellq t4on to guide this agdcy.<br />

As SecEtry, Mr. Reddins bnnCs wih nin tuisht on poduction agiisltuo, mnNmd<br />

iss!6, ihe consdatior ofou narural resou€, asricultural €drcation, nrk l<br />

developmdl. urbm aenoltural initiaiiv6 dd lhe rumcs of rnnl Ptuvlvdia ln<br />

addirion, Mr. R€dding {ould tc a hus€ as€t to }emsylvmia 6 ou aencultur€<br />

Seretary bmaus€ ofhis dt€nsiv€ qp4oce in so*itg wilh div@ 3ilkeholdq groups<br />

on r€8ional, slal€ ed nalioial issus. P€msylvdia s uique sognphy dd €xlensive<br />

as.i@ltutl divesity require a ieode! who cm work botn h@ ai none $d bevond ou!<br />

state\ bordes - dd we belide Mr. Reddins is tn€ leadd who M do thh<br />

Mr, Reddins ns elMed lhat the rhiladelphia FFA Gonsisting of saul shldfth) ha been<br />

onsisteniy suppoded. He has allowed ou Philadelphia Chaliet 10 slriY€ under the<br />

leaddhip of Mike Bmn6 md hs support€d Saul every st@ ol the way Mr Redding<br />

visits ou school rcgullrly dd lhtr$ in ou msy su@esd<br />

We !6t fo. you sulport to mnfid Russell Redding s or next S{Eldy of Agi@lhue,<br />

so thst he ed the Depannot cm onlitrE their eood wo!t. With a lifeline of<br />

expeden@ ln agliculin€, b€simins on his fdilyt lm in AdMs C.uly md inoluding<br />

hh last I5 y@s oI sfli€ to the Pedsylvdia Deparhmt of A8liculture, theie is no<br />

noE €xptrid*4 kNwledgeat le or dedicated ladq in agrjolhtre todey. His l@d6!iP<br />

itr drs clflldeine tin6 is clitical, s is you slppod of ?mylvdia aencdhft

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