American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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@-ry.g"fl-?-.e#JIr#*,,^."<br />

Honohble Mik€ Babaker<br />

Chaihfl, S@a1e Agriculrw ad Rual Aftairs Comittee<br />

l6E Main Capiiol<br />

sEP i 1 2009<br />

ILiNissUFG<br />

I m witing this lener to en@uage th€ S€mte Agricuhe e.l Ruat AffaiB Cominee<br />

lo nove qDickly ad positiv€ly on rlE nomiiaiion ofRu$ell Redding b head th€ Shle<br />

Departnent of Agrioltue.<br />

Thrcqhou' hk !aJaecdeo In skf,*ryice. Mr. R..ldms hs beenatonglime faeno<br />

b weab.'. lr ed $e mr,dt or PmsttvtuE s foFs. produ..s rdury tnaddr.onro<br />

hs impearb,. chdtrkr prolesJonnl qur ificarioE rd erp€nence s m exR urive te\ et<br />

a.h'niitraror. Fussell hs rh€ requAik depth of Lno$ tedse otsl *cb6 otlhis skE,s<br />

denbsimsq coonuiiy nd dr rmport.nrpubh po'iL\ rsues rhd..lhtrp@mhe ro<br />

o$flce o. inl'ibn rhe tutw of agricdtw dd rual dd€lopneot tnouehoul ou srale.<br />

Weud ftosequali sineLerJ leaderor:EE eovemeri especiajty ;ung rhse<br />

d SeFt iy oflhe Ag cdt@ Depetn€nl wili weu serve th€ adrninisration ofthat<br />

o!8eiztion, lhe neds of agibusiness dd the €xpecrations ofrhe rdpayes.<br />

For ther reNns, I respe.tfi ly r€q@st tnlt the Snale p@ced widr acrion on his<br />

nonrnnlion as soon a possibl€.<br />

'ftant yon for you kind consideration olmy rqu€sr.<br />

Cc: S€nalor MiclEel O Pate<br />

semtor Dohinic Pileegi<br />

Senalor Robeft Mellow<br />

Smtor Michel lolm*<br />

T23l Mt. Wtison Boad. Lebanon. pA 17042<br />

Pimo: (i1i) 867-2212 . rol Fl!0j {000} 745.9663 . dumar Soiourco! rrr: (7r7) 06?-2338<br />


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