American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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CHTSAPEAKE BAt FOUNDAIION S^nnAa Nati.fultueGtre Honorable Mite Brubaker Chan Agliolhft ard Ruml Afiain Conmitt@ 16 Easl Wing, Main Capilol Hdisbug, PA 1?120 3036 On behdf of the Chesap€ste Bay Foundation, I am very plesed ro offd our suppori fo. Govemor Ed R€nd€ll's nonination of Russell ReddinS for pennsylvmia Secrerary of AgricultuE. Mr. Redding na a poven tmct rord as , pubtic swonl who nas de vbion, lead6hip. dd undenhding of the @nptex issues f&ing agri.ultuE that uniquely qualify hin for SaEtory. I believe there is nos no b€nEr pesm !o lqd our Departm€nr of Agricuiiure. M., Redding brirgs a w€alth of experience 10 this position. For.edly rwo decad* he has eff€ctively wo*ed wirh sd support€d rhe p€opl€ ed institurioN thar trEk€ up Pemsylvonir's food sFrem: poduclion agricuhw, f@d pMosing ed mdk€ting, sust imble fming, coauft*ITais, oGenadon 6d $sld quality, ru,l u,? urban omunili€s, md mmy othe. inte!€st. As SeFtary. M. Redding pould be a trcmendous sset given his qpdience wftUns with diveBe staleholder grcups oo regioMl, state ,nd .alional tusues, Wirh l@al and Chdaperle Bay wat€r quality iss@s blineing a nost of agriculrural policy iss@s b de aorcfont, these skills wil be 6sntiat. I have pesoally rnown and wo*ed wirh Mr. Redding for yeds and bave always foud hin to be e mgaged, fEir dd omnted public omcial. Wlile we nave of couse nol agF€d on every kse. I krow our pesperives will be hedd .nd tnonghtfuly considercd. we have worked together on a dive^ity of issues. includitrs tie Reso@ Enhdcem€nr And Protecdon (REAP) rd credit, a nonthlons cmoe erpedition do*n the Susquehama by FFA studoB, Chaap.ak Bay relat d agri.ultunl &d oliiome al issncs, Tte Fede&l Fam Bill, snd mMy ofie(, He is alwayr focused .n achieving the best ourcones for the fMs .nd citieos of Puylvania. hanl you lor you slpport of Mr. Redding ed for you conlinned work for a prcspercus agdcultural sctor and hallhy €nvircmenl in Pemsylvmia. G | ARRtSEUec. oA r7rO. 214 9632 WWWLEq.ORG

F:3::7:) Ho.oEbl. Michel Brot€la 5:? i i ?009 i-..r.:::3:u:G P,O. Box 203036 H*i"ru's. in. fu,Z,L oct S..u Sd"&.r:/ I wir. b y6u i.d.y 10 $@ my rupport for Gov€nd Ed R.nd.ll s nonin ti@ of Rl!$tl Rcddirs lor ?dsylvdia S@rsy of Agricuhe. I\&. Reddirg tu , cmitr.d public Ftb hs q.rr $0 posr 15 y4 helping Lad tne Pmsylvdb DoFrftenl ofAgrioulift, r.d th6 ! no b.nq Fnon lo guid. this agdcy. As s.cctrry, Mr. R.dding brings with hin isighr on pmdwrio .g.i.ulrft, @rM6 is!, rh€ @nw.lion of WM$EI @wr agri@ltuRl €.luqri@, oa.t r d*loprM! urtor rrlic'rlnlhl hitidiws dd lh. nu@3 of tull P.mylvdi.. In dddirion, Mr, Rcddins would b. I hug. .s$t io PeDsylldi. s ou Agricultur SdEtdy h€.e olhis exi.8irc .xFri.M in woidng wilh diw st knou.r g6uF o Fsiml, sL0. 6d .lritul i$u.a Pobsytvei.'r hiqu. 868nAy md .eftirc leri@lnud divdig rquiE ! l€ldd stro @ vb.k bor! h@ a no@ dd b.y6d ou sllie's bord6 - !d I h€li.v! Mr, Rcdding tu th. lad.. who cD do d'is. I haw p6.r.lly vort d vitn Rus R.nding in ny qp&ity N Vic.€hln ed ht . ChriM ofth. Ho@ Ag Comittee duingtne Rjdg. .dninislri@ sd !I$ rhc lr..&tl.rininisF.rid, RN ig odronely hDwLdg..bL i. lll !@ ofPanry'@nt agdcultuc- I tst for you supgort io d|nm Rusll R.{king 3 ou qt Se6t ry of Agicul[lE, srhlt nc ed rh. D€Frtna! o co'nbu. !h.n good m& Wi(h r liGiin. of* in .gdcultuE, b.gitri.g on his &milyh &nn in Ad.ns Couty srd iocludirg nis h{ I J y.s of *ni@ ro $. P.ntuylsii D.p&bn it of4rioltuE, th.@ is .o hor ex!.rid@d, knowkdsobl. or dedicded ladci itr 4riohrft roday, Hk le.d6hip in th* chiltmei.S tines t qilical, s i3 ,ou $pport of Tbdl( you for tou opport ofMr. R.dding rnd for rw.florts h HaEtuburg ri l@dly ro Ltd Ol,4- R.tiEd st i. R.prsllrirc


S^nnAa Nati.fultueGtre<br />

Honorable Mite Brubaker Chan<br />

Agliolhft ard Ruml Afiain Conmitt@<br />

16 Easl Wing, Main Capilol<br />

Hdisbug, PA 1?120 3036<br />

On behdf of the Chesap€ste Bay Foundation, I am very plesed ro offd our suppori fo.<br />

Govemor Ed R€nd€ll's nonination of Russell ReddinS for pennsylvmia Secrerary of<br />

AgricultuE. Mr. Redding na a poven tmct rord as , pubtic swonl who nas de<br />

vbion, lead6hip. dd undenhding of the @nptex issues f&ing agri.ultuE that<br />

uniquely qualify hin for SaEtory. I believe there is nos no b€nEr pesm !o lqd our<br />

Departm€nr of Agricuiiure.<br />

M., Redding brirgs a w€alth of experience 10 this position. For.edly rwo decad* he<br />

has eff€ctively wo*ed wirh sd support€d rhe p€opl€ ed institurioN thar trEk€ up<br />

Pemsylvonir's food sFrem: poduclion agricuhw, f@d pMosing ed mdk€ting,<br />

sust imble fming, coauft*ITais, oGenadon 6d $sld quality, ru,l u,? urban<br />

omunili€s, md mmy othe. inte!€st. As SeFtary. M. Redding pould be a<br />

trcmendous sset given his qpdience wftUns with diveBe staleholder grcups oo<br />

regioMl, state ,nd .alional tusues, Wirh l@al and Chdaperle Bay wat€r quality iss@s<br />

blineing a nost of agriculrural policy iss@s b de aorcfont, these skills wil be 6sntiat.<br />

I have pesoally rnown and wo*ed wirh Mr. Redding for yeds and bave always foud<br />

hin to be e mgaged, fEir dd omnted public omcial. Wlile we nave of couse nol<br />

agF€d on every kse. I krow our pesperives will be hedd .nd tnonghtfuly considercd.<br />

we have worked together on a dive^ity of issues. includitrs tie Reso@ Enhdcem€nr<br />

And Protecdon (REAP) rd credit, a nonthlons cmoe erpedition do*n the Susquehama<br />

by FFA studoB, Chaap.ak Bay relat d agri.ultunl &d oliiome al issncs, Tte<br />

Fede&l Fam Bill, snd mMy ofie(, He is alwayr focused .n achieving the best<br />

ourcones for the fMs .nd citieos of Puylvania.<br />

hanl you lor you slpport of Mr. Redding ed for you conlinned work for a prcspercus<br />

agdcultural sctor and hallhy €nvircmenl in Pemsylvmia.<br />

G | ARRtSEUec. oA r7rO.<br />

214 9632 WWWLEq.ORG

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