American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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PHTLLIpS<br />


T€! (610) 9t6.o520 rs (610) 025 06,7<br />

Po, Bor r9o . x€Nti squ.€, PA r€saanlgo<br />

9T{.PhinlpMuthr@Dlstu. on<br />


Hom6ble Dominic Pileggi<br />

stP 1 7 2009<br />


Hmisbug. PA 1?120-3009<br />

I qnkrorou odr'\ oshmrl "dppon<br />

lorCovemo' Fd Rendell snomDationof<br />

Ru$e I Redoic l;' Peb) \du a*-euD of Agt$hue Vr' Redd rg'" a'omiled<br />

oubrrc.md, ;hoh6"pe.l h.p6r l5yebhelping eadlhePem)lvedDepamm<br />

;f AgricL tu@, dd theE is no belter penon to Cuide this agencv.<br />

A. Sec euq . Mr R edd, r g bnn-s s<br />

'|}<br />

nin rn:itsh' on pr odurr'on agric'it€ cosma<br />

FsJe", the cor.ena. on or ou' nirualF)uures ogn.ulual edu'drion rorer<br />

developnent, urbm asticult!.al iniliatives sd tne n@@s of ru61 P€msvlvdia ln<br />

addido;. Mr. Reddins would be a huse ass€r to Petrsvlvdia 6 ou Agricultu€<br />

Sedetary becase of-hG extensile experience in working with divere stakeholdd groups<br />

on cei;L state md miional issues Pemsvlvdia's mique geogiaphv {d €riensive<br />

aF.;.rrral o'.e'si.yreqtJea leader$ho.M $oA both heRar hom€andbe)ond or<br />

.; rc'sbordes do I belie\e Mr Redoin- isLhe leader$hocedo$is<br />

l:,q.. hcd$ea-odlorn4 of Mo\ucsJ$ {l.rg\'rh\'lr Peddinssnce'helcl:<br />

l97o s qhm;m\rth'l'e P\ Depsitnelr ol L.bor tud lnddq4 lnallofhF<br />

Dorrions inEouffierr he habenaad.omre norodJ lor'he mu'hrcoh:4dusF)'<br />

in _orallolrer.ul'm. He undersud,Jouehmd the challelees thal rhev rdce in<br />

todavs Irce Da;ed busines cliftate. His ist hmd knowledse ofpioducdon agrlcult@ is<br />

m ;sel wortht ofhis appointnot.<br />

t bk ror\oi ,uopo. roon[m RulrllRddrns6oune{ Se'Era4 ofACnculffi so<br />

fiar heed rbe d;pai,renr.M.onrinuether eood<br />

qo'l witht l fermeole\p€nene<br />

ir dc,.(ullJe. be8;nmc or hn fm.b sfm nAd,tuI ourveohrluqinshisld r<br />

rero**r"'; l e Pemt hdb Depamenr of ACrculM there Fno mote<br />

;xDenen@d, knosledseable or denicaled leadet in asriculM todav His ladeBhip in<br />

d;se chauengine lines G cidcal. as is vou suppod of P@vlvtuia aericultft<br />

Meml'.r of Pt|'dtce Mo^4ti,t As@iati.n<br />

Atu.irt" M6hwr latltua.

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