American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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B(kground Info.nadon or Rus|l C. R.ddinc Acthg Sdet!.y, Pernsytvlni. oepertnent or As.icirrrore Rusell Reddiq ha *acd as a member or rhe pemytv,ni! Dep.nmenl of Agriculhre \ leadcdhip cam siicE | 995, yhm he ps .ppo inrcd !s a Depuq Sercrary. Covemor Rendell mmed Rcddins $ thc Dep;nenfs Ercounve D.buD sectu^ ,n'001. n 'Rogn"iun otn. ousEndi,! tera$h,olnd 'ohilhr Redd'ng br rehr b penn$tvani! "sr tu.tu(,nd 'he D@rm!,,. Re,rdins openty nors rhar agiculrur is bo$ hk vosrion md avmsrion. md conbines prcd@rion .sricou@ kioy how and insight wim on urivrted rbitiry bqdr \b!gh'heonEmpo,F'r!ue. mp$.inspenr.Jh,n.,rgn.rtaf rhcsit) bdtidpdnddd'ho'dn' rnoqldgtjer)ro- rh exp{.nc6 srcw'D8 up on r limily frm in ceriysbtri8 dd tarer op.ding a &iry ftm {i!h his wife ii Adam couity sm.e:nol R.ddms had.4€n d' (&cFr.pd1dgu.don(eb!emodrh"no00peronagtE]snddem needd.ropo- 'o eem.rhsnh $m n.oIAqncurft.Drcvd,nr orn-,r rr,^ "*o.iri*^r,m- rhs.{hor)o;he.dr>Nfl.n. .h,iibblefmd.r.em lhrc,ghRedd'nsrenorop.rn$hs,,,rl.mt1 "ukh e;rrcnoNn,L; to pmdr ihetr inmne md ft.n fm op.dioB by sivins rhen aces ro a .6p insuBne poticy rhar m* undnlnF u. LD.rD_..neE dnd FsculreDmuD se cb^,pem l. sfr.ri^. pffo,ng b, f,g! q,j n,tr f c{ea.e qror{ or.ou D dd r,; pdu.ere dd terde6, .oupGd virh I nyriad ot miiomt .onre6 culrivrod du ns hb r*;e b p.msytvmia i'w8+hgr@D..qheirhe*ned3s{gn.,numtpoh\\A!\sqrdlreniA*."urnr.

The Honorable Mike Brubak€r, Chait Agricultu€ dd Runl Ailais Clnfritte€ J Hdisbug, PA 17120-3036 11 siv€s me sreat honor to wite this l€n r of suppon fo. de nomination ofMN Russll Reddins who will $on lppear befor. lhe Senole e Covmor Ed R€nd€lit nomimlion 10 sfle as llE Comonwealth's 24ri Secrctary of Agricultue. I h.w ktom Actine Secr€ttuy Reddins for mor€ lho d d6ade. H€ is a tiEless advo€l€ for PenFylvdia agricult$, tte ude4rands now olmuids d@@d on agrioultw aid the Elalionship the asri€ultudl induslry hd lowards th€ prcspdity of ou econony. Fot fie Pasl 14 y€N, Mi. Redding hN b@n al tn€ certer of aeicultu l poli€y iniiiativ€s while mrking wilh @hslituenls at th€ local dd Mtional level to position the Comonwedlth favonbly od inportanl issues suoh as lh€ Mar Fam Bill. His yed ofexp€rienc€ as D@uiy SecEltry ofAsricultue heve prparcd him qsptiot!.lly wll for the so.k as Sd€iary ofAsricult@ as he hd ga.ed expdsive knowledge ofd€psrtnat op@tions This tnovledse will assisl hin in etins prionti6, connuicatins lo cjljas and ?ennsylveia and Espondiry to lh€ ne6& oflh€ agrioulte indNtry l hav€ lhe unnosl confidace that Mr, Redding *ill sw€ P€msylydia, lnod€dgably, and wilh lhe disnity ofth€ ofli@ as he rpesenls ou aldculhnal hte@sls in Haisbug md Prior to my enployMt al Pem Slate, I had lhe opportuity to wort diE tlv wilh M. Redding on evernl inilialiv€s iNolving the Depannent ofAgticultm ln 2003, I mrted wilh hin io Fonote the Mek€lplc for tne Mind w€bsite pronotirg asricoltxral elustion in P.msylvsi., In 2004, Mr. Redding sironaly suppon€d ! dique psfinqsnit @ong tn Daupnin Couty Teclbical Sch@I, the PeNvlveia D€pdnneni of Aslicullue, and tlF Pe.nsylvdia vet€rinary M€dical Aseciation to cFate lI€ nal v€krinary Medical procrm for hid shool sMents endoned by $e plofe$iodl comuity of v€leriEids. He povid€d Elubl€ support ed withoui his inpul md fidding confrillneni the pnsm *ould @1 have con€ to lruilior Cu@dv, lhe peg@ is viewed d a mlional nodel tot cd.t {d te.bnical educaiion md ihe pbgrm hd beo prcFnled on the dtional stage at se@l conv€nlioN. In 2007, Mr. R€d.4ing als sp€dhaded Pmylveia's panicipation in d i.noElive .alionai cEiculm poj@t in s@ondary agricdtual €du.ation designed to locus snrdml l€ding

B(kground Info.nadon or Rus|l C. R.ddinc<br />

Acthg Sdet!.y, Pernsytvlni. oepertnent or As.icirrrore<br />

Rusell Reddiq ha *acd as a member or rhe pemytv,ni! Dep.nmenl of<br />

Agriculhre \ leadcdhip cam siicE | 995, yhm he ps .ppo inrcd !s a Depuq<br />

Sercrary. Covemor Rendell mmed Rcddins $ thc Dep;nenfs Ercounve<br />

D.buD sectu^ ,n'001. n<br />

'Rogn"iun<br />

otn. ousEndi,! tera$h,olnd<br />

'ohilhr Redd'ng br rehr b penn$tvani! "sr tu.tu(,nd 'he D@rm!,,.<br />

Re,rdins openty nors rhar agiculrur is bo$ hk vosrion md avmsrion. md<br />

conbines prcd@rion .sricou@ kioy how and insight wim on urivrted rbitiry<br />

bqdr \b!gh'heonEmpo,F'r!ue. mp$.inspenr.Jh,n.,rgn.rtaf<br />

rhcsit) bdtidpdnddd'ho'dn' rnoqldgtjer)ro- rh<br />

exp{.nc6 srcw'D8 up on r limily frm in ceriysbtri8 dd tarer op.ding a<br />

&iry ftm {i!h his wife ii Adam couity<br />

sm.e:nol R.ddms had.4€n d'<br />

(&cFr.pd1dgu.don(eb!emodrh"no00peronagtE]snddem<br />

needd.ropo- 'o<br />

eem.rhsnh $m<br />

n.oIAqncurft.Drcvd,nr<br />

orn-,r rr,^<br />

"*o.iri*^r,m-<br />

rhs.{hor)o;he.dr>Nfl.n.<br />

.h,iibblefmd.r.em lhrc,ghRedd'nsrenorop.rn$hs,,,rl.mt1 "ukh e;rrcnoNn,L;<br />

to pmdr ihetr inmne md ft.n fm op.dioB by sivins rhen aces ro a .6p insuBne poticy rhar m*<br />

undnlnF u. LD.rD_..neE dnd FsculreDmuD se cb^,pem<br />

l. sfr.ri^. pffo,ng b, f,g! q,j n,tr f c{ea.e qror{ or.ou D dd r,;<br />

pdu.ere dd terde6, .oupGd virh I nyriad ot miiomt .onre6 culrivrod du ns hb r*;e b p.msytvmia<br />


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