American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus
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Lsl for r:y slreoi oonfim Russe R.ddins s ou. nqr sare@a or AeicuirG,,o rhe, uepannd ! d mnrinue fien eed $orr. $,d a tiierrdeorexperimce rnagaclnk. beginninsd his Imitv'sfm in Adm Cour) dd ibctudingijs tsr t5 )e6 ol ss'ce !o rhe Peusylveia Dep€ntrenr of AsriculnR, LtF( h no morc e\Fntr.ed. rnowledgeable d ded(akd teader r aSricdtue bda) Hjs tea

CHESAPEAKE BAY COMMISSION P.acy|8h.,.y.N.d'i'.y.frbfu$ Hon. Mich&lW. Brubatq, Chan Aerjcnll@ sd Rural Comitt@ Hnisb(g, PA 1712G3036 Hon. Mictcl A, O'Pake, MinoitY Chai Agncuhrc and Rdal AlTans Comitn* Hmisbug, PA l7l2G30ll Ded Chaids Bnbaler ed Minorny Chajmd O ?rke: I m Mitine to sllongly suppon $e Fent nominalion of Rusell RetlCing s Pemsylveiat S.c;kry of Asrioiturc' Wai€shed_wide l cmol thint of a ru better su'ltd io tne rcb olsedetary of Aericulte . Mr. Re.lding hd beo v.ry pre&ive in deinine agicultuet ole in €nvnonm€rtal inniatrves. 6!d 'alrr Egddins wdr.' qutlir) He w.c lne fi6t Rpe*nlalive of rh' Pemiylvdia Dep,molof Asnclltue mdoneortlE lirsl agrcultue d€Pdtftdt - - - Fo€enrarn es acos ihe enlft ccron. b pan( rptte in di$caions ol |ne PnncrFrs sEr i[minee rrrepotiyOeteropm;rbodyoitheche,apeareErecutr\eCodcrl Hir soifrns ** "r* ".itl.a i, o,"i*aopi""d oI $; ChsaPedk€ Asriculhe clucus, a srcup ofthe six @binel-level siat€ asricultm ae.ncy adninisioto6 fion tlE ChsaFake wal€Bhed olr isss such 6 cons@alion tundiog in th€ Feddal Fm Bill, inveslisadon of rcw con*Nation tools su€h s enhane.l nutienl n@8denl fld $e pol€ntial of a next-ge@tion biofuels industry. Mr. RedCing has ben a $ong advoc.te fo! both agioltw dd @nwnanon mdhisqo ha eeablished Ptusth dia s a leader mong rhe u aR"hed sraE' n't Reddrnp q e\Denme sd exDeni* wi ll b€ tev lo nsimrzhS fie oppotuioes iorbolh dsc iw; rhe mriommt rn m€'e'ng isuA sch N Lhe de\'lopnenr ol{oqv"lem s;itr Mr.eb ed tl'mat\e 6hnolor'ec b ldd€c on idm mviomenlll chall€nsd Mr. Redding deply udestdds the sononic, cultul and envircm€nLl balmce noessary ror a vitinr mi suslainable ogriculiu€ industl i. Peonsvl6ia Heisoneofdkind Ir is with;ut hesiradon lhat I re@mod hh noninalion {or appoinlrne h"q'- - " h"4 ,-r.d!!4!r:!Ml99j-gr9! Ilis -4:1:

Lsl for r:y slreoi oonfim Russe R.ddins s ou. nqr sare@a or AeicuirG,,o<br /> rhe, uepannd ! d mnrinue fien eed $orr. $,d a tiierrdeorexperimce<br />

rnagaclnk. beginninsd his Imitv'sfm in Adm Cour) dd ibctudingijs tsr t5<br />

)e6 ol ss'ce !o rhe Peusylveia Dep€ntrenr of AsriculnR, LtF( h no morc<br />

e\Fntr.ed. rnowledgeable d ded(akd teader r aSricdtue bda) Hjs tea

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