American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus

American Farmland Trust - Pennsylvania Senate Republican Caucus


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<strong>American</strong> <strong>Farmland</strong> <strong>Trust</strong><br />

SavINc rRE L^ND'fHAr SuerlrNs Us<br />

Hontralle Mike Bnbatd<br />

Aericlltue ed Rral Afeis Connitt€e<br />

H6isbus, PA 17120-3036<br />

I d witins you to d!6s ny e nnsistic anplorl lor Govmor Ed Rddell'd<br />

noninahon-of RN*nReddrng for Ptuytvdia Se.relrv ol Agroltut€ Mr' R'dding is<br />

a committed ?$lic sfldl wlo h$ sp41 the P6r l5 v€ds h€lpjng lad fie ?msvlvNa<br />

Departust of Aeeoltuq ud $a€ s m bettd peson b gu<br />

M. Redding ns h€en a cloF liifld dd v.lued pdtiq to An;can lanlud Trul for<br />

nesly a de;de. l{is insicnb on prcdu.t1@ asioultu€, @nsmd isres, the @6dahon<br />

ofou tutud r€soNd,;EncDliiial educatioa nrlet devei@nat, ulbd a8icdnral<br />

iniliativs wde €xnmely valuable in $e dwelopnql of aIT's lm Bil policv ud<br />

nrka bills, He hd slva invdluble suppon to our ddonshlion €f6fis to Provide<br />

Pmsylvaia com f;es Nidt oplion to ftnue Dihoes lpdicarios bv pmviding nsk<br />

nm;endt suppolt. !r every c6e ed ln dery @nleit Ru$el1 erves hb all; @nptet€ -<br />

ro-"lun"otionii aauit.itl alrcad Dictui. vi* HG grsP ofil. issu6 sd detajb or<br />

Dolrfs md Drcgd" r.bntr.. He hs had b d in \omeqom 'in.s<br />

md ro$ e tsi<br />

; fiNr !s"as;e l}. Depeme snssl6ro aFbnNbudsdre'lrti6 vd ibeach<br />

ofrh6edk..ibrll frtunr . profcsnomli'm. a collecrtu n ard sood sense o'bmor<br />

thal rc quiie Imdkabl€.<br />

Russell's olose obwoiion od navigaling ofde wd_sniftirs tidd ofthe ch$e!dr@<br />

Bay rsloration vill be ofparlicualr valle to fi€ CoDnonw€lih 6 that slsa dters vet<br />

s;Llfl raee He@!.t\e trDotu!eollheb3u6)errem''s{kaddr trwo'' detor<br />

.omro.seise, "oit'ao'e<br />

pot":es ud Pogrd' Lld qllkeeP Pmsvl\r'a ' ims<br />

viable even s they step u; to the clnlidse ofpmviding clee waier io looal strems dd<br />

re g,J \+are'ft mri "ipolrc<br />

e'MJ pdogff'mtrses ttn $e Md'procs' rrll<br />

b*erir*".1' nqelTso"lher(eol;4Nueiqheva.er{ Rus'ell re'mhdd<br />

sould be m 6set for Pmsylldia md for fte rest olus<br />

T.t (r0r)33r 7r0o. Fr (20?) 6sqr3e

Fd rmonr I ha\. n ed tud ntuJ ortm b6rdes, l6d tor you $ppon b trfim<br />

^u$er K4dng N Ptulytrerr-. dflr s.lltIaof Aglcurtue. e dd be ud rhc<br />

uelardenl ctu @nh0Le rh.i good qorl. wr'1a tit6D.offlp€ndce ro agatutMe,<br />

besimne otr his tdhn) s fm D Adms.ounryd. mcludrlgni"lad rj J;sof<br />

sw( to Lh€ Ptulyhtr d Departndr ol AgntuttuE. he$ rbe r.nd of e\poenced,<br />

knowledeeable ed d.d.c!r€d lead. deC@ooDw.allt needs for asrfldE bday.<br />

Tna* )c for vou $pDor of Vr R€ddrnc ed tor aI jor nd] .horb s a tsdq rD<br />

Hmsbr& ocsll, od h theEAiod.<br />

A,adiu Fel6d Todr

PHTLLIpS<br />


T€! (610) 9t6.o520 rs (610) 025 06,7<br />

Po, Bor r9o . x€Nti squ.€, PA r€saanlgo<br />

9T{.PhinlpMuthr@Dlstu. on<br />


Hom6ble Dominic Pileggi<br />

stP 1 7 2009<br />


Hmisbug. PA 1?120-3009<br />

I qnkrorou odr'\ oshmrl "dppon<br />

lorCovemo' Fd Rendell snomDationof<br />

Ru$e I Redoic l;' Peb) \du a*-euD of Agt$hue Vr' Redd rg'" a'omiled<br />

oubrrc.md, ;hoh6"pe.l h.p6r l5yebhelping eadlhePem)lvedDepamm<br />

;f AgricL tu@, dd theE is no belter penon to Cuide this agencv.<br />

A. Sec euq . Mr R edd, r g bnn-s s<br />

'|}<br />

nin rn:itsh' on pr odurr'on agric'it€ cosma<br />

FsJe", the cor.ena. on or ou' nirualF)uures ogn.ulual edu'drion rorer<br />

developnent, urbm asticult!.al iniliatives sd tne n@@s of ru61 P€msvlvdia ln<br />

addido;. Mr. Reddins would be a huse ass€r to Petrsvlvdia 6 ou Agricultu€<br />

Sedetary becase of-hG extensile experience in working with divere stakeholdd groups<br />

on cei;L state md miional issues Pemsvlvdia's mique geogiaphv {d €riensive<br />

aF.;.rrral o'.e'si.yreqtJea leader$ho.M $oA both heRar hom€andbe)ond or<br />

.; rc'sbordes do I belie\e Mr Redoin- isLhe leader$hocedo$is<br />

l:,q.. hcd$ea-odlorn4 of Mo\ucsJ$ {l.rg\'rh\'lr Peddinssnce'helcl:<br />

l97o s qhm;m\rth'l'e P\ Depsitnelr ol L.bor tud lnddq4 lnallofhF<br />

Dorrions inEouffierr he habenaad.omre norodJ lor'he mu'hrcoh:4dusF)'<br />

in _orallolrer.ul'm. He undersud,Jouehmd the challelees thal rhev rdce in<br />

todavs Irce Da;ed busines cliftate. His ist hmd knowledse ofpioducdon agrlcult@ is<br />

m ;sel wortht ofhis appointnot.<br />

t bk ror\oi ,uopo. roon[m RulrllRddrns6oune{ Se'Era4 ofACnculffi so<br />

fiar heed rbe d;pai,renr.M.onrinuether eood<br />

qo'l witht l fermeole\p€nene<br />

ir dc,.(ullJe. be8;nmc or hn fm.b sfm nAd,tuI ourveohrluqinshisld r<br />

rero**r"'; l e Pemt hdb Depamenr of ACrculM there Fno mote<br />

;xDenen@d, knosledseable or denicaled leadet in asriculM todav His ladeBhip in<br />

d;se chauengine lines G cidcal. as is vou suppod of P@vlvtuia aericultft<br />

Meml'.r of Pt|'dtce Mo^4ti,t As@iati.n<br />

Atu.irt" M6hwr latltua.

ll$ffi;5"**"" "* Reddine md ror vou erons in Ileisbus ed locarrv<br />

Cc: Semld Mike Brubaktr<br />

SeMtoi Mich@l A. O Pake




Ilondable Shirley Kitchen<br />

saaisbug, PA l?12G3003<br />

We the agriclllural teaches of WB Saul High School of Agncnltulal Sci€nces Mit€ to<br />

you loday to shde our suppon for Govmor Ed Rsdell's nooimlion ofRussell R€dding<br />

for Peonsylvdia Secletary of Agicull!@. Mr. R€dding is a mnted publi. setrsnl<br />

wno hs spent the past I 5 yees nebi.s lead the P€NyLvdia D€partnent of Agricultu€<br />

md ihae is no bellq t4on to guide this agdcy.<br />

As SecEtry, Mr. Reddins bnnCs wih nin tuisht on poduction agiisltuo, mnNmd<br />

iss!6, ihe consdatior ofou narural resou€, asricultural €drcation, nrk l<br />

developmdl. urbm aenoltural initiaiiv6 dd lhe rumcs of rnnl Ptuvlvdia ln<br />

addirion, Mr. R€dding {ould tc a hus€ as€t to }emsylvmia 6 ou aencultur€<br />

Seretary bmaus€ ofhis dt€nsiv€ qp4oce in so*itg wilh div@ 3ilkeholdq groups<br />

on r€8ional, slal€ ed nalioial issus. P€msylvdia s uique sognphy dd €xlensive<br />

as.i@ltutl divesity require a ieode! who cm work botn h@ ai none $d bevond ou!<br />

state\ bordes - dd we belide Mr. Reddins is tn€ leadd who M do thh<br />

Mr, Reddins ns elMed lhat the rhiladelphia FFA Gonsisting of saul shldfth) ha been<br />

onsisteniy suppoded. He has allowed ou Philadelphia Chaliet 10 slriY€ under the<br />

leaddhip of Mike Bmn6 md hs support€d Saul every st@ ol the way Mr Redding<br />

visits ou school rcgullrly dd lhtr$ in ou msy su@esd<br />

We !6t fo. you sulport to mnfid Russell Redding s or next S{Eldy of Agi@lhue,<br />

so thst he ed the Depannot cm onlitrE their eood wo!t. With a lifeline of<br />

expeden@ ln agliculin€, b€simins on his fdilyt lm in AdMs C.uly md inoluding<br />

hh last I5 y@s oI sfli€ to the Pedsylvdia Deparhmt of A8liculture, theie is no<br />

noE €xptrid*4 kNwledgeat le or dedicated ladq in agrjolhtre todey. His l@d6!iP<br />

itr drs clflldeine tin6 is clitical, s is you slppod of ?mylvdia aencdhft




Thar} you for you suppod ofMr. Reddidg dd for you etTor.s in Heisburg ed loqlly<br />

cx-* ,6,<br />

;87/r,;1*''<br />

WB Sarn Hlgh School ofAgridltural Scienc6<br />

Cc: Honorable Mike Brubakd, Ch6i., Agloltue and Rual Afrairs conninee<br />

Honorable Michcl A, O'Prl@, Minority Chair Agricultue ed Ruat Afans Comitree

fiondble tuchard L, Allomy u<br />

PO BOX 203033<br />

Hrisbug, PA 1712&3033<br />

I Mile 10 ]o tod.y 10 sh@ my $pport for Covemor Ed Rdd€ltt nomiBtid ofRusll<br />

Redd'ne lo Pemsvlvdr sJr.larv;f AsncuhR Vr' Re

HononbL tucl8rd L. Allowly II<br />

ffi;;;;'.*.**".r",<br />

R€rrdins ed ror rou effds tu Hmcbu's ed ro.sry @ r€ad<br />


Hotorable Mike Brubat€r, Chair<br />

Agrioltue dd Rud Afraib Cominee<br />

HMishur& PA 1712G3036<br />

Hononble Micnd A_ O'pake, Minority Chair<br />

Agiolturc and Rurl AfIai6 C()@inee<br />

Eeisbug, PA 17120-3011

tlononbl. Mike Brubater<br />

lrwE b lou ro{i.r b shd my suppon orCormorEd Rendell s mmimiron of<br />

Rxsell R;dd'nc ;r Pems l\ aia setrrarv ol AcricdtuF Vr Reddins is a comrtled<br />

ouUtic *" or ino U" 'penfttre<br />

pd | 5 ) ed" helping lead the PeNs) h mra Depamn'nl<br />

LfAsiculrw. md EE F no benn p€Mn ro gurde rlus asenq As seG6v Mr'<br />

Redd-ine bdns. $ ith hin insight on podudion tgrtrdtlR. consmer issues otueFauon<br />

ot o* 'irur,l-.-,

Lsl for r:y slreoi oonfim Russe R.ddins s ou. nqr sare@a or AeicuirG,,o<br />

narn.ad rhe, uepannd ! d mnrinue fien eed $orr. $,d a tiierrdeorexperimce<br />

rnagaclnk. beginninsd his Imitv'sfm in Adm Cour) dd ibctudingijs tsr t5<br />

)e6 ol ss'ce !o rhe Peusylveia Dep€ntrenr of AsriculnR, LtF( h no morc<br />

e\Fntr.ed. rnowledgeable d ded(akd teader r aSricdtue bda) Hjs tea


P.acy|8h.,.y.N.d'i'.y.frbfu$<br />

Hon. Mich&lW. Brubatq, Chan<br />

Aerjcnll@ sd Rural Aff.is Comitt@<br />

Hnisb(g, PA 1712G3036<br />

Hon. Mictcl A, O'Pake, MinoitY Chai<br />

Agncuhrc and Rdal AlTans Comitn*<br />

Hmisbug, PA l7l2G30ll<br />

Ded Chaids Bnbaler ed Minorny Chajmd O ?rke:<br />

I m Mitine to sllongly suppon $e Fent nominalion of Rusell RetlCing s<br />

Pemsylveiat S.c;kry of Asrioiturc' Wai€shed_wide l cmol thint of a ru better su'ltd<br />

io tne rcb olsedetary of Aericulte .<br />

Mr. Re.lding hd beo v.ry pre&ive in deinine agicultuet ole in €nvnonm€rtal<br />

inniatrves. 6!d 'alrr<br />

Egddins wdr.' qutlir) He w.c lne fi6t Rpe*nlalive of rh'<br />

Pemiylvdia Dep,molof Asnclltue mdoneortlE lirsl agrcultue d€Pdtftdt - - -<br />

Fo€enrarn es acos ihe enlft ccron. b pan( rptte in di$caions ol |ne PnncrFrs sEr<br />

i[minee rrrepotiyOeteropm;rbodyoitheche,apeareErecutr\eCodcrl<br />

Hir soifrns<br />

** "r* ".itl.a<br />

i, o,"i*aopi""d oI $; ChsaPedk€ Asriculhe clucus, a srcup ofthe six<br />

@binel-level siat€ asricultm ae.ncy adninisioto6 fion tlE ChsaFake wal€Bhed<br />

olr isss such 6 cons@alion tundiog in th€ Feddal Fm Bill, inveslisadon of rcw<br />

con*Nation tools su€h s enhane.l nutienl n@8denl fld $e pol€ntial of a next-ge@tion<br />

biofuels industry. Mr. RedCing has ben a $ong advoc.te fo! both agioltw dd @nwnanon<br />

mdhisqo ha eeablished Ptusth dia s a leader mong rhe u aR"hed sraE' n't<br />

Reddrnp q e\Denme sd exDeni* wi ll b€ tev lo nsimrzhS fie oppotuioes iorbolh<br />

dsc iw; rhe mriommt rn m€'e'ng isuA sch N Lhe de\'lopnenr ol{oqv"lem<br />

s;itr Mr.eb ed tl'mat\e 6hnolor'ec b ldd€c on idm mviomenlll chall€nsd<br />

Mr. Redding deply udestdds the sononic, cultul and envircm€nLl balmce<br />

noessary ror a vitinr mi suslainable ogriculiu€ industl i. Peonsvl6ia Heisoneofdkind<br />

Ir is with;ut hesiradon lhat I re@mod hh noninalion {or appoinlrne<br />

h"q'- - " h"4 ,-r.d!!4!r:!Ml99j-gr9! Ilis -4:1:

Hon, Joseph B. Scmti, lII<br />

Hon. Donini. F. Pileegi<br />

Hon. Joh, H. Eichelbergd<br />

Hon. Andrew E. Dimimd

2oB North Thid sneet Su lc 2Oo<br />

Harisbu4, PA 17101<br />

Trl.pioid:i7rl?33 6705<br />

1.f, (717lrr-4035<br />

C-m t nfo@pahungcrcrq<br />

U/t!: wwwpahung.rol9<br />

PNfu' r@]d$,rr @ 'ri/i}<br />

Hononble Jefrcy E. Piccola<br />

The plrtose of this €on€slonddce is to expr€ss ny $ppon of Ru$ell Reddi.g's<br />

.onination for Pemsylvdia SecEury ofAgri@ltw In his nmi.alior otMr'<br />

Reddine, Covmor Rendeil r.coghiz€d thd is no om no€ uiqu€lv quliied lo lead<br />

ihe depanm€nl thar so*s lo prcnolE, rcSulate dd inProve ou statet nmbd one<br />

indushy, By virlu€ oI his Ddenal backSrcud sd Fofessioml *p€nence, Adjng<br />

S€cElary Reddins is e Mmtlished leadr rcadily preped 10 s@le$tv ssune $e<br />

posr of .lepannot s.cE1dy.<br />

Crcwing up on a fam fdily dd lhen l]mins a dairy op€ration witn his wife in laler<br />

yeab. lvt. Rendine tnoq nom his oM life erpen.nes Lhe dtuv.hallenge< f,*d b)<br />

ine l@rh lams md rhe tRricultural s$or rn sendl Ina2l"cenruryeconomj<br />

Mor€ imporlantly, be hd utilized his p6onal backgrco4 @upled Mth exlmsile<br />

@demio dedolials ed m €nphsjs on the impondce oftem work, in forging<br />

creadv. slurions, Among Nl!. R€dding's notable aocooplthments h aGR-Lite whicl<br />

Drcvrd.sr'ess Lo acustomr/ednsk managedmL @l fd bda) s dn e" i6ed .gric utlwal<br />

mdd*r Ard *h(hn*.s Pcmsvl@ia ihe odv $te rhihenaltontooM i6oM<br />

Mr. Redding's .xtc6iv€ tork history in eovemftl -<br />

whethet in Hdisbug or<br />

washitrgon, DC - hsp.aks s lM {ho nN devored hinselflo public sflice Mosl<br />

r.levsr !o his @rfmtio. 6 S@lary h Mr. Redding's pdt fili€d v€6 6 a nab.r<br />

oltn€ DepErtnent ofAsricube\ laddhip lm. Throushout a distirsuished cded<br />

he hs rc&ed wiih divqe slakeholtlei groups @ r€gioMl, $ate ed mtional isues.<br />

Gven the complexrt of the siale's f.ms ud aeii_bnsiness toda, hh vision ed<br />

€xrosive codacrs will swe rhe depailrnot ad ?eDsylvmia wll<br />

MoE sDeoific to lhe intere$s of{re ?msylleia Hug.r Acdon Ceni*, Acring<br />

secrc;y Redding hs pledsed to Minlain, ed, iI possible, 4hd.e the depannofs

ole in sulpon of f@d $tuity for all ?emsytvmins With adrninistetivc ruoorsibjlitv<br />

for $e Fnegen(y Food A$isurce Pngm. rhe Sure Food puche prcerm, !h.<br />

coModty Suppl@.nral lood ?o8@ and the Ims\ Mdkd Nuirition porm. !o<br />

nme o few of rhe lood suppons d.spmkl' naded by ou toq -incone Rsidori lhc<br />

depelJnot hd, ed vill continue to play, a crilical rcle in feedirg lEopte. We d very<br />

.ncouaged by 1,4J. R.ddjog\ inls€st in @d @hninnot 10 helpins th€ nost lrnheoile<br />

For all of the llsns outlined in rhis Ltro, I r'usl you will suplori Mr. Reddirs\<br />

confihration as P€dsylv&ia,s 24$ Se&tary of Asri€intw ;d ufi vou in iavmc<br />

for ,Minc the b€$ Dd fd ihe iob.<br />

Ex@u'ij2re'o.<br />

ccr dndable Mik<br />

Honorable Michfl A. O Pale, Mindity Chair<br />

Agri@ltre .nd Rlral Aflaib Colmin€e

Krbtin<br />

Tuesday, $pt mber29,20m 12:20 PM<br />

FW: Russell Reddmg nomiMiion<br />

Otlice ofSlate Selaior Mike llrubaker<br />

Penhsyllanias l6th Sen.loLial Dislricl<br />

?17.?87.4;120 (Haiiisbtr13 Off ce)<br />

rcckhalt@rasen.qo!<br />

w.scnatorbrub*er.con<br />

Frem: LeSh@alterlnarltojeshowdte@rtEruit,@fr]<br />

sdt: Tu6dav. SeDtembs 29, 2009 6:t Alli<br />

c.: Brub6ker, *nattr Mrchaeli opake@paen,gs<br />

s{bi..e Rusli Reddlng rcmin tion<br />

Dear SenatorAlloway:<br />

lam writingto you today to inform you of my strong supportfor<br />

Russell Redding's nomination for Secretary of the Pa Department<br />

of Agri€u lture. l have known Russellfor many years and have had<br />

an opportunityto interactwith him on a number of imPortant<br />

issues that affect ourfruit industry. lf lwant to know PDA'S stance<br />

on a particular issue or find. way to initiate action in a certain area<br />

of concern, Russellhas been the go-to guy.<br />

one instance of his dlrect involvement is in the area of food<br />

saf€W. A couple of years ago our fruit industryfaced the challenge<br />

of in itiating Good Agdcu ltural Practices (GAP) aud its amongst our<br />

grower community. Russelltook an active role in meetingwith our<br />

industry, P€nn State food safety people, and Penn State Extension<br />

service peopletocrafta planto meetthe challenge. He also<br />

committed to devote PDA resources by helping to ensur€ that<br />

lnsDection Seruice oersonnelwere trained and available todo<br />

aud its. Today 100% of the fruit coming into Rice Fruit co will be<br />

GAPcertified and that'sa refl€ction ofRussellt abilityto build<br />

bridS€s and organize people.<br />

There have been so manyother interactions overthe years Asa<br />

member and past Chah ofthe Pa. Apple Marketing Board I can sav<br />

thatRussellhas alwaYs beenthere forus in helpingto makeour<br />

Program a benefit for ourSrowers. Withoutthe cooperataon of PoA

and without Russellt conkibutions in helping the Board toconduct<br />

a successful Program, growerswould have voted notto renew it<br />

lwould also share that Russell Redding is well respected in rhe<br />

community.When hecomestoanagricuhural meeting, peopte<br />

seek him outtotalkto him and discussthe issuesoftheday. He has<br />

always been willjnS to take the the to listen and when appropriate<br />

to initiate action atthe PDA to add ress thos€ issues,<br />

So this isa great opportunity to support the agri€uttural<br />

communitybysupportingRussellRedding. Pleasedon'th€sitate<br />

contacting me ifyou have additional questions. As always I<br />

appreciate your interest in our industry.<br />

Director of Food Safetyand GrowerS€rvices<br />

lee.showalter@ricef ruit.com<br />

717-729-8004 cell phone (best)<br />

717 -677-ABZ exr. 225

pennsylvqnlq<br />

aonvcnlenc€<br />

Slore<br />

council<br />

The HonoBble [richael W. Brubak€r<br />

I am wriUna to requesi ,our prompt and ailirmative @nsideElion of Mr<br />

Russel Red dino i.omi.atio n to setoe as sodeiary oI lh€ Pen.svlva. ia<br />

D€padme of49.culhlB.<br />

Qu ck contimalion s urged so lhat Acling Secr6tary Redding wlll haE<br />

the tullauhontofthe egislative b€nch lo ad him In d€ling with cdti€lissue.<br />

Enging lrom food sately insp6clion un lomiry and ag cultural research lo lhe<br />

e@nomic @ndilion of the da ry indus1ry.<br />

The Acunq Sedeiary has akeadv @.!ened dairy induslry l€d€6 and<br />

aft culated a 6-poinl plantocadrymilk pnclng pracli@s Hls €xp€nence and<br />

..olvledg€ qNes us nope ra eif6d've m€asues *ir b€ mpremenGd loimp@F<br />

*denl F'cna srGrens rh' e dev6 oping n4 raftels roroairy p$ouds<br />

irf. R€ddino s tu I resum€ is atkch€d Hislocal.<br />

intamauonal experience in de@lopirg solnd policy and<br />

product on agnclnure fully qlal fy h n for lhls imporianl<br />

seru€d lh6 oepanmenl of funcu[lre and ihe ciu6ns ol<br />

sin@ 1995. llike manv olher who have known hn fo.<br />

loNarE-lo being abl€ o address hlm .s M.. sec€iarv

B(kground Info.nadon or Rus|l C. R.ddinc<br />

Acthg Sdet!.y, Pernsytvlni. oepertnent or As.icirrrore<br />

Rusell Reddiq ha *acd as a member or rhe pemytv,ni! Dep.nmenl of<br />

Agriculhre \ leadcdhip cam siicE | 995, yhm he ps .ppo inrcd !s a Depuq<br />

Sercrary. Covemor Rendell mmed Rcddins $ thc Dep;nenfs Ercounve<br />

D.buD sectu^ ,n'001. n<br />

'Rogn"iun<br />

otn. ousEndi,! tera$h,olnd<br />

'ohilhr Redd'ng br rehr b penn$tvani! "sr tu.tu(,nd 'he D@rm!,,.<br />

Re,rdins openty nors rhar agiculrur is bo$ hk vosrion md avmsrion. md<br />

conbines prcd@rion .sricou@ kioy how and insight wim on urivrted rbitiry<br />

bqdr \b!gh'heonEmpo,F'r!ue. mp$.inspenr.Jh,n.,rgn.rtaf<br />

rhcsit) bdtidpdnddd'ho'dn' rnoqldgtjer)ro- rh<br />

exp{.nc6 srcw'D8 up on r limily frm in ceriysbtri8 dd tarer op.ding a<br />

&iry ftm {i!h his wife ii Adam couity<br />

sm.e:nol R.ddms had.4€n d'<br />

(&cFr.pd1dgu.don(eb!emodrh"no00peronagtE]snddem<br />

needd.ropo- 'o<br />

eem.rhsnh $m<br />

n.oIAqncurft.Drcvd,nr<br />

orn-,r rr,^<br />

"*o.iri*^r,m-<br />

rhs.{hor)o;he.dr>Nfl.n.<br />

.h,iibblefmd.r.em lhrc,ghRedd'nsrenorop.rn$hs,,,rl.mt1 "ukh e;rrcnoNn,L;<br />

to pmdr ihetr inmne md ft.n fm op.dioB by sivins rhen aces ro a .6p insuBne poticy rhar m*<br />

undnlnF u. LD.rD_..neE dnd FsculreDmuD se cb^,pem<br />

l. sfr.ri^. pffo,ng b, f,g! q,j n,tr f c{ea.e qror{ or.ou D dd r,;<br />

pdu.ere dd terde6, .oupGd virh I nyriad ot miiomt .onre6 culrivrod du ns hb r*;e b p.msytvmia<br />


The Honorable Mike Brubak€r, Chait<br />

Agricultu€ dd Runl Ailais Clnfritte€<br />

J<br />

Hdisbug, PA 17120-3036<br />

11 siv€s me sreat honor to wite this l€n r of suppon fo. de nomination ofMN Russll<br />

Reddins who will $on lppear befor. lhe Senole e Covmor Ed R€nd€lit nomimlion 10<br />

sfle as llE Comonwealth's 24ri Secrctary of Agricultue. I h.w ktom Actine<br />

Secr€ttuy Reddins for mor€ lho d d6ade. H€ is a tiEless advo€l€ for PenFylvdia<br />

agricult$, tte ude4rands now olmuids d@@d on agrioultw aid the Elalionship<br />

the asri€ultudl induslry hd lowards th€ prcspdity of ou econony. Fot fie Pasl 14<br />

y€N, Mi. Redding hN b@n al tn€ certer of aeicultu l poli€y iniiiativ€s while mrking<br />

wilh @hslituenls at th€ local dd Mtional level to position the Comonwedlth favonbly<br />

od inportanl issues suoh as lh€ Mar Fam Bill. His yed ofexp€rienc€ as D@uiy<br />

SecEltry ofAsricultue heve prparcd him qsptiot!.lly wll for the so.k as Sd€iary<br />

ofAsricult@ as he hd ga.ed expdsive knowledge ofd€psrtnat op@tions This<br />

tnovledse will assisl hin in etins prionti6, connuicatins lo cjljas and<br />

?ennsylveia and Espondiry to lh€ ne6& oflh€ agrioulte indNtry l hav€ lhe unnosl<br />

confidace that Mr, Redding *ill sw€ P€msylydia efle.tiv.ly, lnod€dgably, and<br />

wilh lhe disnity ofth€ ofli@ as he rpesenls ou aldculhnal hte@sls in Haisbug md<br />

Prior to my enployMt al Pem Slate, I had lhe opportuity to wort diE tlv wilh M.<br />

Redding on evernl inilialiv€s iNolving the Depannent ofAgticultm ln 2003, I<br />

mrted wilh hin io Fonote the Mek€lplc for tne Mind w€bsite pronotirg<br />

asricoltxral elustion in P.msylvsi., In 2004, Mr. Redding sironaly suppon€d ! dique<br />

psfinqsnit @ong tn Daupnin Couty Teclbical Sch@I, the PeNvlveia D€pdnneni<br />

of Aslicullue, and tlF Pe.nsylvdia vet€rinary M€dical Aseciation to cFate lI€ nal<br />

v€krinary Medical procrm for hid shool sMents endoned by $e plofe$iodl<br />

comuity of v€leriEids. He povid€d Elubl€ support ed withoui his inpul md<br />

fidding confrillneni the pnsm *ould @1 have con€ to lruilior Cu@dv, lhe<br />

peg@ is viewed d a mlional nodel tot cd.t {d te.bnical educaiion md ihe<br />

pbgrm hd beo prcFnled on the dtional stage at se@l conv€nlioN. In 2007, Mr.<br />

R€d.4ing als sp€dhaded Pmylveia's panicipation in d i.noElive .alionai<br />

cEiculm poj@t in s@ondary agricdtual €du.ation designed to locus snrdml l€ding

or acliviti*, prej4rs, dd peblffi. That pogtu is now beiog pilo0ed rcstcd in twlve<br />

states (includiq Pennsylmia) wiin a mto@l rclee schedul€d for 2010. With Mr.<br />

Reddin8t lsd.Ehip, th€ ed@tio.al oppomeiti* for sMsnts in agdculie @<br />

usurpNed &rc$ ou counrry. I'n confitlent that th€ lsd4hip shom by Actins<br />

Secrclary Redding will prcvide ouNsladins dnedon ro th€ Pemsylvdia DeDdrnot of<br />

Agiicult@ whd h€ b€con€s Srcrct ry o{ Aslicultu€.<br />

Should you hsve dy nfih€r qrestiotr Egdding Acdng Sffrdy Redding md my<br />

support ofhis noni@tion, ll€ae do Nt hesitate ro @nlact m€ at 7\7-459-3ta5 ot 1t7 -<br />

648-2744.<br />

'hkp&u<br />

WorkfoM Ed@ion and Dwelopmst

Fw PACD SuPPods Russ.ll Redd ng as PA S€.dary of Agri4ltuc<br />

oriicr oJ Sl c Senit{tr Mikc Brtrb.Lf<br />

t.nnsyllania s 36rh setutdial Disdcr<br />

7 | 7.787..1.120 (ll.Nisburs oiiccl<br />

kcckhanapas.n.lor<br />

ws.spatorbrubaler.conr<br />

F|m: 3rcnda shanbaugh lma ltorb€nda_shambaugh@pacd.org]<br />

se : TnuEdav, October0g 200911i42AM<br />

i;: AM@ Di;nhan r wiri.n', Andbnvi stne, Ant; Baks, s€nator Ll&beth r': stouL I i b66'a@dem paen sd;<br />

r.dlnlnn*, s.*to. cr,lr*; -,tiOdm.fien.sov,<br />

arsarr, s€ctor David; Ldh, D.vli.i Pllegsi, sedlor D.hinici vvhlte'<br />

s€na@' D;1; E.

P ACD ha +orled wilh Ac.ng sqrerdy ReddnB tor mey )em s Depury SecEb4 ot Agncuttue He h6 a<br />

rrue udeFrd drns ot rhe rsLes faed b) conpn drn di:tricb tud i, tmwleds€bl. ;boul lhe EldroGhiD<br />

Nrqen @4enalDn dd the osncutual @mMiry Arldn iotujty. Ading secEb4 Reddins hs a ct€;<br />

uderclfldr4Col all ldcer ol asnculrh md the n.ed!ot de fam,lscomqrlv Hed.so niiv @os rhe<br />

Depanmefl o, Ae,rutru.s Esuta,o.y Espon.ibitircs ed wil suri,r. *p"ni"*, a*"s,hii d,frJ<br />

PACD belhws Acfins:mr@r) Redding qntbe e e\elflt S(da4 ot aen





7 t7-439-u917<br />

Honodble Mike Brubalet, Chair<br />

Agnoltre dd R@l AfIais CoEmitte<br />

Hnisbug, PA 17120-3036<br />

mbrubaknaNd.lov<br />

I wit€ ro you today to slwe ny suppor( for Govmo Ed Rendell s nminaliot of<br />

Ruell R€ddi.8 {or Pemsylvdia s{rcttry of Aeicultrc' Mr' R€dding is a comined<br />

plblic sfldl who hs sFnl lhe pdst l5 yeas helping lead the P€msylvdie Depetned<br />

of Agricuh@. dd th€i. is no belr€r peMn to guide this dgency.<br />

As Sdr€ia.y, Mr. Reddins binss *ifi hin insishl on prcduclion agricult@, oNM€r<br />

issues, coneealion of our .alual F$ucei agti@1tu61 educarioq mster developmcnl.<br />

ubm asicultMl ioiliaiiv* md lhe nmes of rual lemsylleia ln addition, Mr.<br />

R€ddins would be . huge Nel to P€msylveia as ou Asnoulturc S{rettv becse of<br />

his extdsive qrenem in worting with divN st keholdd Sxoups on rc8ion l, stat€<br />

ad n tional isues. P.msylveia's unique g@gmphy dd extosiv€ aericultubl djvdilv<br />

rcqniE r l€ader who ce work bolh here at hone dd b€yond our state's bordef - dd I<br />

believe Mr. Redding is the leader who c$ do this.<br />

I nave per$naUy h.d ihe pl@snrc of workins wiih Rs€U fld youth lhat N int@sled<br />

md ctrenlly puhuing c'lt4 lhe asri€ulual indu*ry for ov€r l0 v@s A 6.ld lhat<br />

w dl rcalia is vilal to €ach of 'n us s individuals as {ell as lo lhe €cooonic 8F*4h and<br />

stabiliry ofde comonw.llh. Russell h6 dMys bed . shong suppon€r of voulh<br />

activilis dd prcnotd ofou state s ptoe@ dd inslituliod thst oild a8licultual<br />

ed@aiioo, Mmy youg adults od€ntly in th€ asricullm inddrv foud tn€n initial<br />

sleps in ou siale s prcgeq activiti$ dd utivesitid. Rusell h6 olMvs be@ a shong<br />

sppod€r in the depanndt s well s his pNnal life dd his dedicadon k<br />

lmatched. Rusell is a mle nodel for ou youth dd a slrong suppoter of aU<br />

'n<br />

I ak for you suppod 10 connd RsPll Redding s our nexl S€cElarv of Aelic'nlllt' e<br />

that he dd the Depanmdt cd snli.E thei. good woit. I would b€ dailabL for dt

tunlB dikGsiotr on his mni.ation at oy tine. Thdl you for you suppql ofM.<br />

Redding md lor your elToas in Hdisbug &d l@ally to lead pemylmi!,

Fw suppon of A.tins s&Et ry or &ncu ture RusB€ll Redding<br />

Ollice of Slale SeDalor Mike Btubakcf<br />

I'eDnstl!a.ia s l6Lh senrtorial Di(tict<br />

717 78?..1.110 (flatrisburg oiioe)<br />

l€olhad/apaser eov<br />

ew.senatoturubakcr.co<br />

FM: Chaiene wandzilak tma lto:Mndrlak@pavna olgl<br />

s.nt! r'4onday, october lt 2009 1:s0 PM<br />

iii i*r" 6i"i" o"'ra, ;td*, senab, Rd,i sare', setla E'sb€rh I i Eo€k, Lie: B@G' senator Pit<br />

i.o"rii. s"""mi v'.t'*; c"-"i,, s.*to. :uri: c-tu. :. , :av u,,atdinn 4d@p.*mte cd: Eadl, se€&r rare;<br />

Ercherbelser. senato, rohn: E'd$n, seMto I dshi Fdne*, wdr, f"i",-lal6i T'l:iolYl jilfllf-"v5:^.<br />

coraw, -*rao' ror'r; cen|er. sen rs *erad: Hughs vlcnti K6un'c Fkhad: K'tche' shd'vj LeM Evni<br />

;n, s€aaj Mdlhnrev, s€Eior chrcki Mell@ Rob€4 t4L6b eapha4: oPale rvdEer: orE'-s"€td-lamj !ic6l'<br />

s"i*o, r"r*v; p cqg', s.-t", o.mhk: Aopv S€Gd rohn: c:n€rty, Ssab'loin; Robhns, se4ator Roben:<br />

s.i.ir . s.""iii :"iis..a" , s""uto' uovij s".t ot vi.na"t; stout r'; ratqrror' chr6tire: Tonlinsn s€ndior<br />

Robe4; vane, s€rator Pat voger, s€m!o' Fde4 wad, Senad |\'n: washimton Leantui watgh M(n€ lr|16s)i<br />

wh b s€nab; Mdry lo: wh'G,_s4n6to' Dolj w liams, a+hoFv: wdn'alop.*nate dtr; Ya senator Genei !l6eh<br />

seo€tary of a{dculuE RusFll Reddlng<br />

Osar HonoEblg Membec ol the $naler<br />

on beharf of the Pen nsylv.nia velean.ry M€d icr I Asciation (PVMA) a.d b 1 ,€00 n€m!€r-wcni'n€ns<br />

ii|Gli il i';i;";: jpp." t" i:-;nd Ed Rend€'\ rornd.n orR,:"-"111"1s<br />

P.'Tll"J:*:<br />

^i'aJliii"'n;-n;;i,'g'";.* " $'s aoponh.n,eih ore' 20 v€dts<br />

"l-p,bt"-fl':":.tr:*-q ::1<br />

liil,iiiiiipi"s-iJo rr,;p'";;"vt-ia D. hmenroras'icurrue riis ou. srbns berier $at Ihe€ is rc b'tier<br />

assecEb'vMlReddrgonrgsfltfFf.uliqueu'd€rsLrd1solftesr6elac1gaorculJcaldPenns/r'an'<br />

i"ai"'i",i'iq" ""a<br />

-i-.tu "n<br />

su.h 'ssues<br />

I or.dLcron asn.Lrr6 'rrda'<br />

1415 @tumd i$Jes @sed on<br />

;i;j,, retu'a @is ;s,c'rtuEreou€r'o. ma'*er deveopr;n J'b'1 rsicurru€r mi aiws ard rh' aan-e! or<br />

i,j'iii!"-iiii""'"' ijr";;i, p".it<br />

- him io edrinue hb €@rrent I€ade6hip in rhe pircid capac rv 3s seq'r'ry' In<br />

!i,o-i"i ii" ai'ii,.ir *-; u" "<br />

rus. ass to De1.3, v.1ia ar oL'As"cu rrrc s4€iary b€-t* or fis enene*<br />

e,F, e.e . mr ";<br />

*nl ocse srareho d€r soJps ol r€siona 6taG and r*onar sr6s oneiuet rced o €vi* hG<br />

iiii':li,l iii"iu"i" "ni."e^o<br />

ftat he ts .. inc;d b e .e*t i' (h. Dopadn.nt and b $' codmonrcarrh<br />

M. Redding hrs woried on€ on one with PVMA on *u6s such ss Ihe d1""lryln]-ol: !:g'::1-i:::i1lrl:s<br />

i.i,J.ii-libji-"i;; 6:,iri ;+; ; ac'.o,. de".bon6.r d r€ p!nf?ly11t":Sj^i11"-l*t"j^":J::l;""i:<br />

!'rii.!i;:ffift;; rt ;ft; 'i"iiJ*<br />

. i"-*t,a* . o"s i* 4d tf€ cdr n€li€ahr^ Bcrd-Blu'Lds<br />

liiiii.i--i'i.'i, ii,i" i;erin;;;"* r"'.** " "rco.o a'''araor'*ture '' hso@G'lve<br />

ili"'".rii". ;'" r".<br />

"'"'i** t

, ask br yoi eppol ro @.id R$ser Redo rc 4 oj 1s4 Secrcbry ol p€ncLtue, so rhd t e .no l4e Dep.nn.n 6i<br />

corr.nu€ rlei good mdt Wd . I'El ne ot dp€r€nce €s4cLtur. b.g ..,nS or 1,. .bnry '1<br />

i ram ,n Adad<br />

incrLo,.s r<br />

Cdnrv<br />

s €sr .s yeaE .nd<br />

o,sea,c6 ro rhe pe;6vb.nD D;panr€d<br />

, o, Ae,i.jr"e h€E |; .o roE *ede;;J<br />

- .<br />

krdredseabre o, dedE:r.d .adq ,n .sicuruc au.red rd ri,,s apoo,"r"".r n. r*0""r,,p.<br />

hesechan6rgi40 rns.6dil€ "i"r",,v<br />

!i"'j,ii."<br />

.s€ rol'supponorpennsytv.i.adsncu.rre<br />

"<br />

lf you h.ve .ny qu€sr ons. ptea3. f€et rEe to enract ou ofrc..<br />

L*A Muehy. VI O oABT<br />

Penmylvan/a Vek.in.ry Medi@t A$ociat o.<br />

N@dntanxDt@tt E.n thM hsn?, st,/€ dlwrn!o.rt r/vord!protbee/.r

41,<br />

SJU SArNT JoSEPH's<br />


S?nn Iktullect P"rP6.<br />

EorcFble Micha€l Brubatq, cnan<br />

Aeioltu.e ed Rural Affai6 Comi$e.<br />

llarbbu& ?A l?120-3036<br />

We wnte b you totlat to she q $pporl for Gd€mr Ed R.ndell's rcmimtion<br />

ofRusll Redd'ns &r Pmsylvani. S€elary of AenoltuF lvlr R€dding t a<br />

ffiined Dobli. wer *lb b.! 3Fd rt pdi 15 y4 h.lpi.g lqd tn. P€@vlwi!<br />

D€pdtrcnt of Asridhure and th@ it tu b.tie. F$n to guiG thtu 4@v<br />

k S@rei.ry, Mr. Rlddi.g bdngs wnh him isigln on 9rcdu.rid .gtioltuE,<br />

@Nnd iss€s, tte @tswarion of u uiunl Mc€3r .griolnnal .duerio4 rutcl<br />

d*lopmln, u6e !€noltur.l initratiw {d th. nll,lg of rutal Penttvl@i& In<br />

ldditioq Mr R.dditrg }eld b. . hu8. ds.t to Pdtvltui. .s u Agti@hre<br />

s€.etny b€@e ofhir €nqsive expdicn@ in wo*ing sth div* 3t kehold{ grcups<br />

on ren@dl. 3bre dd mLion i sud. Pemylva.is s uniqu€ g@8t phv ud n€neiv.<br />

dsdhd dn.Btry requia a td/q slD @ wort bdh h4 .l bom. cnd bevond ou<br />

stai. r bord6 - ard s beli.re Mr R.dding i3 tne kd.r *lb @ do this<br />

We h4E hld the pl@r€ of @Iabodtiog witn Rusll @{ d. pad five vm or<br />

veious Fojedt !d progms thrcud th€ P€mylllnia Indituto for Fdd MeLeliry<br />

E.h@nor and Re@ch (PIFMER) a1 Slid toFpht Utrii4iiv Thro8! P|IMER w€<br />

wpoudbt v.nsdtt opgorluityto$pport@nyP48vlvt.4Foduqs<br />

nmuf&l@s! &d r.lailds thDuglt resarch Projet3 dd .ducadon proer@ r.latiw ro<br />

rh. fdd inddty in g6eBl, md fdd ftstetrng slsiegres @d acrica in p3niole<br />

R!.ellt ision 6,r Pd.vtv.o!3 food indudrv dbn €d .tl it3<br />

!t.k holdd...Aon ton to fork lrd fion ine phtnd aId pllrdsrorhe r€t ilddd<br />

@n!um6, Ile cttuly unddstood rhe inrm€latioruniF dd @m€cledre$ ofall poinl8<br />

dong th€ spply chdn, dd rh€refore @a!pd .I stlk ltoldd to "harc ! @1 at tn<br />

tlblC in od; to h.ll4 r[ t[. still!, klwLds., &d qpalilitis 8v.ilau. h trying lo<br />

slv€ logedq th. odpl* is6 of t!. .lay. IIe als pk .d hig! vsl@ otr thc pow6 of<br />

educltioA sFci.lly .ducarion ed t@ning in food @t€ring H€ sq dd und6l@d<br />

rh. sed lt1@€-g@s.ting potdial ttrt turketitg .nd wl@added prc@sing h€ld for<br />

e nuny mdl aid to s.drM tiz.d prcd|l.6 !d proc€3s@ dtd l!|@f8c1ll@<br />

i0650,6- lla.rdn dbs.ri!.d!

qn<br />

SJU SArNT JosEpHt<br />


Spnn lktulLe.t Pltpos<br />

H.ving rodcd *itl' Fu*ll" e€ ld.w thd nis expmive knovl€dec of6e<br />

indrt y, along wfth nb rd.oitres in gettiig rhilgs done, h unpn lteled, sd re betiae<br />

th* a,triburd @ q.edd ddy t'y hir qrr@diEy driv. md @dagids psion for<br />

g.owing d inlusiry .nd providins tne v.ry h.d for all ltr oBI@8.<br />

We alk for yolr $ppon to 6nim PrsFll Redding a ou ietl Sdet.lly of<br />

Asri@['urq $ th.r hc ed tn D.pnin ft tu @riru tden good rurlc With . lif.tin.<br />

of*pdi6c. in {gd@l!r., begitrinA o! htu frnily'r 610 in Adm Courny .nd<br />

including his last t5 yffi of !@e ro dc PtuytEnir D.prntud of AgriojtuE,<br />

thft is m norc q?dcnc.d. trDwledgqble or dedicat d teadn in agriqhF roday His<br />

lad@nip in thec clull@ging tim$ tu diial, s h you sppdt ofp€ntuylvdi.<br />

Th!* rou for you sppon ofMr. R€dding ard for yu etroft in HEisburg .dd<br />

lerllv to led Ptusvlva.j..<br />

| / L/,/ .a<br />

41"/44W.--/,e<br />

' Plpt/c'a"aati<br />

C€rnd for lood Mdkding<br />

Cdter for F@d Mlrt€ri.g

ffi*,lJ]".rt".,o".'<br />

lod.ybshmnysup'onldcoYf,o<br />

sdabyolAgncu]M['r,fuddingisa6.'Dlbdpubli.s.Imt{hohasiaiih.pcstl5<br />

le|d rh. Ftusylvmi. Drrrtur drAgn.rlturc, sd fi'. n no be pa$ b grid. d's<br />

/rs s.fthy, Itr R.dd4 b'iru! *idl hjd isidr d pbduhon asrdtu , s<br />

or ou ndu6r doues ryicultural !duca!4 @*.t dMloplmt utun ign<br />

nuim of ff.j ' Pm5yr@d Ii idd,<br />

;'"r. b.*d'-."rNd P*<br />

r le'dd lho sn !o* borh hd. n h.,'. rd b.Fnd Nr st\ borr.E _ and I<br />

siroc h. hr bM such rn snE ud.fidi€ mb.r or$. rdnift&tim. of mv l.rding ftculrv and I<br />

'q<br />

Dimipl.d,.;lds,s.d fic n.l$ Ery frn.nd h* b.4 wry involEd i rh. dmdh r.uffir decisidns hd<br />

:dss &r Mr bEn dutrqd dis e<br />

pManig Pstr vd !m;d Yddidy 'd 6i.cD[r r.rddhip pros'm, whm hr .ontibdion ris inqhobl'<br />

I sk fd rrur sppd t Mnd Ru.*ll R.ddiis rs ou mt Sdrcl,ry orAsncultuc. s rhd h. :trd ilc<br />

D@-; *.;,1*"'1"_s"d*<br />

,,"1\ ' rdnd r d'.D md b<br />

A9.'l'-|.rFsoffigpfla'.r ^**<br />

lLni]sh'p$djscch|llon$ignfrsB<br />

ltsl yod rd yor $ppoft ofMr Rcddrns fd rn you .lijd n Hffiisbds ii<br />

-i ',7 (<br />

Honmbl M*. lnbrk r, chrn, Asncul@ ,nd Runl Afilin comide<br />

!ychN'^FdlesdR!Jr]AIl'r(eftl@<br />

UNrvLRsrr Y ol l't.rNsYi\ llr


S^nnAa Nati.fultueGtre<br />

Honorable Mite Brubaker Chan<br />

Agliolhft ard Ruml Afiain Conmitt@<br />

16 Easl Wing, Main Capilol<br />

Hdisbug, PA 1?120 3036<br />

On behdf of the Chesap€ste Bay Foundation, I am very plesed ro offd our suppori fo.<br />

Govemor Ed R€nd€ll's nonination of Russell ReddinS for pennsylvmia Secrerary of<br />

AgricultuE. Mr. Redding na a poven tmct rord as , pubtic swonl who nas de<br />

vbion, lead6hip. dd undenhding of the @nptex issues f&ing agri.ultuE that<br />

uniquely qualify hin for SaEtory. I believe there is nos no b€nEr pesm !o lqd our<br />

Departm€nr of Agricuiiure.<br />

M., Redding brirgs a w€alth of experience 10 this position. For.edly rwo decad* he<br />

has eff€ctively wo*ed wirh sd support€d rhe p€opl€ ed institurioN thar trEk€ up<br />

Pemsylvonir's food sFrem: poduclion agricuhw, f@d pMosing ed mdk€ting,<br />

sust imble fming, coauft*ITais, oGenadon 6d $sld quality, ru,l u,? urban<br />

omunili€s, md mmy othe. inte!€st. As SeFtary. M. Redding pould be a<br />

trcmendous sset given his qpdience wftUns with diveBe staleholder grcups oo<br />

regioMl, state ,nd .alional tusues, Wirh l@al and Chdaperle Bay wat€r quality iss@s<br />

blineing a nost of agriculrural policy iss@s b de aorcfont, these skills wil be 6sntiat.<br />

I have pesoally rnown and wo*ed wirh Mr. Redding for yeds and bave always foud<br />

hin to be e mgaged, fEir dd omnted public omcial. Wlile we nave of couse nol<br />

agF€d on every kse. I krow our pesperives will be hedd .nd tnonghtfuly considercd.<br />

we have worked together on a dive^ity of issues. includitrs tie Reso@ Enhdcem€nr<br />

And Protecdon (REAP) rd credit, a nonthlons cmoe erpedition do*n the Susquehama<br />

by FFA studoB, Chaap.ak Bay relat d agri.ultunl &d oliiome al issncs, Tte<br />

Fede&l Fam Bill, snd mMy ofie(, He is alwayr focused .n achieving the best<br />

ourcones for the fMs .nd citieos of Puylvania.<br />

hanl you lor you slpport of Mr. Redding ed for you conlinned work for a prcspercus<br />

agdcultural sctor and hallhy €nvircmenl in Pemsylvmia.<br />

G | ARRtSEUec. oA r7rO.<br />

214 9632 WWWLEq.ORG

F:3::7:)<br />

Ho.oEbl. Michel Brot€la<br />

5:? i i ?009<br />

i-..r.:::3:u:G<br />

P,O. Box 203036<br />

H*i"ru's. in. fu,Z,L<br />

oct S..u Sd"&.r:/<br />

I wir. b y6u i.d.y 10 $@ my rupport for Gov€nd Ed R.nd.ll s nonin ti@ of Rl!$tl Rcddirs<br />

lor ?dsylvdia S@rsy of Agricuhe. I\&. Reddirg tu , cmitr.d public w.it Ftb hs q.rr<br />

$0 posr 15 y4 helping Lad tne Pmsylvdb DoFrftenl ofAgrioulift, r.d th6 ! no b.nq<br />

Fnon lo guid. this agdcy.<br />

As s.cctrry, Mr. R.dding brings with hin isighr on pmdwrio .g.i.ulrft, @rM6 is!, rh€<br />

@nw.lion of WM$EI @wr agri@ltuRl €.luqri@, oa.t r d*loprM! urtor rrlic'rlnlhl<br />

hitidiws dd lh. nu@3 of tull P.mylvdi.. In dddirion, Mr, Rcddins would b. I hug. .s$t io<br />

PeDsylldi. s ou Agricultur SdEtdy h€.e olhis exi.8irc .xFri.M in woidng wilh<br />

diw st knou.r g6uF o Fsiml, sL0. 6d .lritul i$u.a Pobsytvei.'r hiqu. 868nAy<br />

md .eftirc leri@lnud divdig rquiE ! l€ldd stro @ vb.k bor! h@ a no@ dd b.y6d ou<br />

sllie's bord6 - !d I h€li.v! Mr, Rcdding tu th. lad.. who cD do d'is.<br />

I haw p6.r.lly vort d vitn Rus R.nding in ny qp&ity N Vic.€hln ed ht . ChriM ofth.<br />

Ho@ Ag Comittee duingtne Rjdg. .dninislri@ sd !I$ rhc lr..&tl.rininisF.rid, RN ig<br />

odronely hDwLdg..bL i. lll !@ ofPanry'@nt agdcultuc-<br />

I tst for you supgort io d|nm Rusll R.{king 3 ou qt Se6t ry of Agicul[lE, srhlt nc ed<br />

rh. D€Frtna! o co'nbu. !h.n good m& Wi(h r liGiin. of*Fd.re in .gdcultuE, b.gitri.g<br />

on his &milyh &nn in Ad.ns Couty srd iocludirg nis h{ I J y.s of *ni@ ro $. P.ntuylsii<br />

D.p&bn it of4rioltuE, th.@ is .o hor ex!.rid@d, knowkdsobl. or dedicded ladci itr<br />

4riohrft roday, Hk le.d6hip in th* chiltmei.S tines t qilical, s i3 ,ou $pport of<br />

Tbdl( you for tou opport ofMr. R.dding rnd for rw.florts h HaEtuburg ri l@dly ro Ltd<br />

Ol,4-<br />

R.tiEd st i. R.prsllrirc

SIoNE I ARIGR FIR A / Ton A Rdh ,(m Brod<br />

,15 BlynL. Road / Dollo.to,n. PA 17313<br />

717-A9t2331 / Lbro|rfeEripn. Bt<br />

Hdisbug, PA 1?12G3028<br />

I wir€ lo you lod.y to sh& my suppon lor Covemor Ed R6

Fon: Le Cummings lma tolcumffings@chanrelven*rc @ff]<br />

s€nt Thucday, Drember 10, 2oo9 3:52AM<br />

Tor Brubaker, +nator M chse<br />

subr..t R6sel Redd ng connrmation<br />

an wiiung to tellyou that Ru$ellRedd ng has beenverysuppoitve of the wood pbducts indunry a'd<br />

should nak; an exce lentchoice a5 Penn5vvania tnew secretary of Agr cuture Ru$el satwth<br />

indunry leadeG a coup e ofweek a8o dthe tlardwood oevelopmentcouncil He is a very capab e<br />

speake;foralofasricurturebutrherhi.stharimpre$edhewashissincereeff'ntoEe!tothe<br />

tiroushtsofthepeopewhoareoutlheretryirytomake two*ii:n"onomice'vnoim€ntthat s<br />

dlfi.u t and a bank igenvironmentrhat s elhar'<br />

rappreciateyoursupportforRu$elL at<br />

confi mauon hearing net week

The Aegis<br />

Group, LCd.<br />

Asi.uhuB and iu.al Afi.ts commrhe<br />

r w'fte b you, hd yo( @rle4res. m suoron ol Mr. Rssen R€ddrns who h.<br />

sfu *hrr" h"** m *""hd b r-mer u s bndor Harh wonod<br />

syvayotba.rsmund,I sered schretornafi oltheu s sous.orRepresen<br />

"i-i"-+ir-.*o'"r'.-rtnka)der.Gan. subsquent to ry renurc on c,pitor Hrrr, Ie*rbriehed and<br />

'oitrnue<br />

h and hav. doi€ o in@ $ee MY f m'3 clrenbi preent and p'd' haw lnduded<br />

don6,,. md l;dnd mar asr budm<br />

ennsylvanian busid.$ Inrerd dunn<br />

Houe, ihe u.s. Depanment or tuicultu.e, upper..h€ oi diplomds, .nd p<br />

eous and hishlY idt$e e@sen€nt of domestt and iorclgn policv iohuratoB<br />

r. olrhe unde^.king, Rusell €d the n<br />

h€o h tad.brks rhatsaved rh€ u s d'rY<br />

wr're r**, fi'" i,w" *-, -u t'<br />

hd$try toh.i ;nprecd{t€i irood d a"lry l.p"n. n,"al *.tt"g -.pectrrclY wirh the tdemdnom4<br />

*-g;d o **e" o" I**aua iade aseme.G darrv rlLo6ion temr to or tadins panner' ftus' he<br />

rc*"r* tr'" mi"at * I.p, "e*<br />

erte s* mar4 hin mrqmlv qFlified rd lrllihe F rion or &.idary or &i&rtde hbaskinomadribdedb<br />

aidhd Pei nsylEnian, B€njami. Fia nrlLn. As ha s b*n * len about kanklin, the san€<br />

'an<br />

b' sard abour ius$rl<br />

i"aar"e. H" n" ,,!y i. ** ,ith peop,e or dift!,ent .gsd6 and di<br />

';, p."r"* "i *llt" t*pt<br />

mple<br />

"pp."ri"g.,u, p.iid., a*m* a,"ar*rrr u.<br />

"<br />

*<br />

md pindpre mfts norerh'n<br />


@-ry.g"fl-?-.e#JIr#*,,^."<br />

Honohble Mik€ Babaker<br />

Chaihfl, S@a1e Agriculrw ad Rual Aftairs Comittee<br />

l6E Main Capiiol<br />

sEP i 1 2009<br />

ILiNissUFG<br />

I m witing this lener to en@uage th€ S€mte Agricuhe e.l Ruat AffaiB Cominee<br />

lo nove qDickly ad positiv€ly on rlE nomiiaiion ofRu$ell Redding b head th€ Shle<br />

Departnent of Agrioltue.<br />

Thrcqhou' hk !aJaecdeo In skf,*ryice. Mr. R..ldms hs beenatonglime faeno<br />

b weab.'. lr ed $e mr,dt or PmsttvtuE s foFs. produ..s rdury tnaddr.onro<br />

hs impearb,. chdtrkr prolesJonnl qur ificarioE rd erp€nence s m exR urive te\ et<br />

a.h'niitraror. Fussell hs rh€ requAik depth of Lno$ tedse otsl *cb6 otlhis skE,s<br />

denbsimsq coonuiiy nd dr rmport.nrpubh po'iL\ rsues rhd..lhtrp@mhe ro<br />

o$flce o. inl'ibn rhe tutw of agricdtw dd rual dd€lopneot tnouehoul ou srale.<br />

Weud ftosequali sineLerJ leaderor:EE eovemeri especiajty ;ung rhse<br />

d SeFt iy oflhe Ag cdt@ Depetn€nl wili weu serve th€ adrninisration ofthat<br />

o!8eiztion, lhe neds of agibusiness dd the €xpecrations ofrhe rdpayes.<br />

For ther reNns, I respe.tfi ly r€q@st tnlt the Snale p@ced widr acrion on his<br />

nonrnnlion as soon a possibl€.<br />

'ftant yon for you kind consideration olmy rqu€sr.<br />

Cc: S€nalor MiclEel O Pate<br />

semtor Dohinic Pileegi<br />

Senalor Robeft Mellow<br />

Smtor Michel lolm*<br />

T23l Mt. Wtison Boad. Lebanon. pA 17042<br />

Pimo: (i1i) 867-2212 . rol Fl!0j {000} 745.9663 . dumar Soiourco! rrr: (7r7) 06?-2338<br />


pENNSyLVANTA FoREsT PRoDUcrs AssocrATroN<br />

i PENNSYLV NT FoRxsr<br />

! ?RoDUcTS-AssOq lloN<br />

Honorable Mik€ Brubal€r<br />

Chlim4 Senale Agricullue tud Rud Affain Cominee<br />

The ?emylvtuia Fo@st Products Ass@iation ofreB enthusiatic suppon lor the nonimtion of<br />

Russell R€dding lo head the Pmylv&ia Depannent ofAgricnhue ad we ask the S€mte<br />

Agricuftw md Rual Afiais Comiltee to nove quickly ed posililely on his nonimlion<br />

Mr. Reddine uqu.slionably h6 the ptufessioMl qulificltions ed €x!€nen@ lo t@d lhe<br />

D@annent duing these challensiq aonomic tines. rlis ledership, stong checte!,<br />

upshding reputation, experience or policy naners, ed exmtive level know-hor de alrributes<br />

ihal will sene the n€eds of the Clmonwealth dd the Delanned as it ne.ti lhe ag€rcy's<br />

slalulory requiremenls ed works lo enn&oe lbe fu1ft of aeibusiness md local tual economi4<br />

Ove! the lasl I4 yed in the Dep*menl, Russeli h6 deno.stBr€d e ddeslanding for the<br />

vdious sctors oiPetuylvmia agribnsiness, includinS th€ foEst producls itrdusty. Hehd<br />

exlibited m abilily n] sgage stabnoldG dd be e enlbuiasric advocat for lemylvmia<br />

For $ee ieaotu, we respecttully Equest that the Senale prcceed *ith action on hh nomiMtioo


The Honorablc Jos.pn B. Scimali, II<br />

Hrrhbury,PA l?120-3025<br />

I sitc lo you lodo) in support ollh€ nominarion of Ru*ell Reddina fo. Pennsylldi! Seortury of Agrictrlture.<br />

Ir ihe rine tnat I have loown Mr Reddin& I hive found him to be a c.nniuen public sdanl eho ha sped<br />

$e pan 15 yqs holping lad lhe Pennsylvmia Depdddt ofA8icuituE. B6ause ofhis oubranding<br />

ladsship, Pen6ylvania is recoeriad as & influentid and pogHsive leader mone aerioulttrEl sdes.<br />

A5 s*dary, Mr. Redding would hing viill hin instght on prcduclion 4rioultuG, consuher ksues,<br />

@Mation of our nabml Esdurces, agriculttrml eduetion, ma*.1 d.lelapmen! urbs agicultud inniafi€s<br />

sd the numes ofrural Pennsylvsia. In addition, Mr Redding will br a huge 6set io <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> 6 ou<br />

Agriculturc Seort!ry bsuse ofhis qtensive exp€ridce in vorking with divdse sbkeholder goups on<br />

Egioml, nat sd national issues. Po.sylvdia\ unique Spogr.phy and exensive agiculrudl div*sity Eqdire<br />

a ladr qho m yark both hore at nome and beyond our sb's bordeE ud I believc Mr. Redding is lhe<br />

In ttre yeds I have been rcqnainbd wilh Mr R.ndin& h. demonstEted ex@ptioml lsdflship in noving nor<br />

only <strong>Pennsylvania</strong>'s aglioullure fward bfrlne nanner in which ve rspond ro lNngry Pennsylvaniss. He<br />

diccled sff b bld a lead @le on the Govenoi s C.uncil on Food and Nunitidn, which developed i working<br />

plan for a hunslrfEe P€nnsylvania.<br />

I ask for your support to conirn Ru$ell Redding s our ne{ SsEiary of Agric!fture, so rhai he oan orchestare<br />

rhe dnlinuing good vork ofrhe Deptuent With a liftline ofqperience in a€.icnlrue, hG wo|k lof both<br />

<strong>Republican</strong> and Dnodalic govmos, and bk las1 15 yeds of senice 1o the Penaylvanh Depdhenl of<br />

Agriculturc, lheft k no mor. .xperienced, klowledgelble or d€'licaten Ieodd in agricultu€ loday. His<br />

letdeship in rhes ohalleleing rines is crnid, as is your suppofr of peonsyhsia lglicultN,<br />

I ilian k you for your suppon of Mr. Rodd ing and for your offons on behalf of <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> \ huns:.} Plese<br />

know th.t therc is no befrer pe6on b guide $is atency.<br />

41d''\/14'"'4<br />

Cc, The Honorable Mich&l Brubaks<br />

The Honomblc Mich&l O Pok<br />

903 Co6/ RGd . H isbulg, PAI7|Og FAr 7r'56r.4616 wxenrBrpzroodbank o,!

Cnv or Locr HwnN<br />

Hd@bl€ Mik Btubrkd<br />

chrir Agaurl* .nd Rutr Ai6iB co@<br />

Hdbhu4, PA 171r-3036<br />

I @midng b Nppd Gfud &ad.Ik nobin iim of Ru...ll R.ddina for<br />

P.lr@l"di, s*bJ9;lAad.',lim Mr R.d.ti4 ba sPdr th.lad r5 td L+i4 b<br />

L"d d. D.pd-t .r Ag"*tle .!d tter 6 @ b.tu P.!s b L:d thc rg@.v b&t<br />

Ar S.sGEa, r,/tJ. RddnA witb bh bsight oo r.ddion rg.flnM. M8llbd i$cr<br />

th. @ol€mdon of ou umEl t6M.s. ,3ndrnol .dueM dd .X oa th. nll.@<br />

nr.$@ b L.d r@o,l@ in drrl Ps@tl"mi:<br />

I b";. -"'k d;6 Mt rlddi"s.t tle D.Ptldd of A& ilnlsh nt pdb s CG<br />

C!.ir ot ih. G@o?, -{d!iert CiDndr @ Rurl A{rns dd i! nit Posdor d RttLE s<br />

Ad$oa B@!d t m r RULE VIt ,E dqc<br />

t r* r". p* .!ppo. @ d6; Ru...ll R.ddins 6 ou .d sdort or AseulM<br />

- l!"' h. ,L.<br />

-i d.Dtunt *y.mmf thd good PorL fiB Ld.Bbp 6 tI.\'<br />

chd€nsidg ti@6 i3 diiic.r r is yd $pPd of 4tiontu€<br />

Thsk rou for tou supPd of Mi R.ddDg od for tou I4d6hip.<br />

=zZ#?dil/<br />

RE[rd P. v .Io,lr /<br />

Marcr Ciry oflr.I H"'d

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong><br />

State Grange<br />

20 Erford Road, Slite 2l 6<br />

tlmolhe, P.mylveia l?043<br />

enail: paeldgel@pagrage.org<br />

7t7-n1-AA55<br />

800-552-3865<br />

ta:7t7-737-885A<br />

The HonoFblc Michael Brubakr<br />

Harlsbus. PA I 7120-3016<br />

I m silins on benafof the P€msylvMia State ctuge lo cndo$e the connmadon of<br />

Rusell Redding 6 Pehsylvmia SecFtary ofAcricultuE.<br />

Mr. Reddi.g h$ srued the Departmmt ofAsriculture fo. ney yers with dedicarion,<br />

wisdon, dd e.thusias. Hh Frsonal expenence groeing up on a fm as well s bis<br />

prclasrio' al flperience .Dole hrm b rrre$rnd,ddsnenrson.+aifol<br />

P"nri)lqmia. as- culrLe Indus4. Hi. trtetons coanr y in\ot.emen, e^e! h,m rhc<br />

ability to list n ro all intdsted panies tud nate rhe best decisio.s for tne turure oI the<br />

litr. R€dding h6 ben cloel! involved wnh atl ofthe initidrives begh by S4retary<br />

Wol|fov€r fie lal six yem and *ill be able ro kdsitior snoo$ly iolo leadeBhip dd<br />

onrinf lhermpord'*o .,u!hdr*Cenkrs.o, Daro tud Beet F\ce en

Honorable Patricia Vdce<br />

168 Capilol Building<br />

Heisbug PAl7l20-3031<br />

I m Midnc today lo ;uppor lh€ connmalion ofRusell Redding lbr s€creldv ol<br />

Agri€ultur in Ptrsylvei4 Rnssll Redding hd .lwa'ts bd involved in Asricdtue s<br />

ne gEw up or a Ern in Admd Court/.<br />

He has sefled ou srale in lhe nalh of conercss, tne departnent of Labor ed tndNtry<br />

md the Deparmeni of Educalion s well 15 yed in the D€petnenl ofASicultw Ee<br />

als serued I! Wshington DC 6 @ Agricultural Policy Advi$ry ed Exdutiv€<br />

Assisldt 10 U. S. Setutor Hdls woford.<br />

Rusell is very tnowledseEble in ihe fie1d of Agrjculhue fiom all 6p6h H. w6<br />

mted on a fam so he knows the prcducei side. r{e is a con.ud. &d he ha worked 10<br />

help kep Pmsyleeia ASncultrc srcwing foi ovd 15 ]€ars He em€d his B S and M<br />

S. DegEs ftom Pm Siaie University in Agricultu& od Extesion Edualior E€, hi.<br />

wife. Nina md 2 sons ee very elie in the Adams Codty 4 H s weU s avid suPPort€G<br />

of lh€ Pmylveia IFA, He wd jusl tcogni&d by lh€ FIA for ov€r 35 ]td of<br />

involvdenl this p61 lue.<br />

h setlinc to know R!$ell ovr the lsl 10 yea$, I m dded a1 nis vd knowledSe<br />

ol agricultual €venid jn ou slal€ md ou Nation lle is s avid reader md is @$letlv<br />

updaling his knowledse on world evenk s weU !s AgncultuE Ee h a betievs in<br />

educatins ou trud for the fuim in aSncultuF in ord.r 10 k€ep ou Srare s agricult(€<br />

stmns ed conpetnive He has helped to do just fial over lh€ l6tlj ,€m in lhe<br />

I do not believe yon could find a bettd suiled pdson to lill th€ position ofs@reilrv of<br />

AericultuF for fie Slale ofP€msylveia, Russ€ll R€dding is a tne 4set to Pmsvlvmia<br />

Aeicuhure $d oui Stat€! rlis swic€ fld dedicalion to the field ofaSlicullft d well a<br />

th€ Slale sp€ak for it6ela<br />

4-1!r*-a'<br />

Mich@l A. O'Pale<br />


68 SILVER CRO\!^* DRTVE<br />


ThuEday. S6pt mbe/ 2,1 2009 410 pM<br />

FW: Suppod ior Russel R€dding<br />

Ofice ol Stlte Seuator Mike Brubaker<br />

P€nnsylvania's l6rh SenabLiat Disfuicr<br />

717.787.4420 (fiarisburg OIIic€)<br />

kall]arr@ossn.lov<br />

w.senaro.brub.ler.cod<br />

tron! Ronald FEdeic( [mittoltur7506@yah@,@h]<br />

SdE wednesday, S€pranbfi 23. 2009 t0:16 Attt<br />

To: Brubaker Semtor Mkhdl<br />

S!qi..t Suppolt fd Rus.l Reddhq<br />

Celiogs Sodlor Brubakd,<br />

I would like to urSe you $ppori for Ruel R€tldi.g s oDr oexr Sdrctary of AgricuttE in pe@ylvaia I<br />

have knoM Rs for ove 25 yds theuel hjs i.volvem€nr wi0r the pmsylveia FFA. Rus hd alwas b€o !<br />

hed wdtin8 indi\rdual*ih deep on\n uom He h6 sFnd M' houn pronorins agricdlm,n<br />

lemylvdiq €sp€cially with rcsrd 10 ou yourtr He hs ben a very capahl€ .dfrini;,ior s e unde.<br />

Rus IS rhe type of individu.l we n€ed ia sra& govment ed I<br />

Secrctarr of Agriculru€.<br />

would urg€ you voie for his @nfimation 6<br />

Ron ond Reh€e Fred€rick<br />

PO Box 109<br />

lo82 /r^oin st<br />

Sl're Eoll PA 17506<br />


septdbn 24, 2009<br />

Homhble Mike Brubater Ch&r<br />

AgriculiE md R@l AlIais Comniltee<br />

I wiie 10 you loday lo she my support for Covmor Ed Rendell's nonimtion ol<br />

Rusell Redding fd PeDsylveia Secrelary of Alricultw. Mr. Redding is a omitted<br />

public sel€r who hs spot the pdl 15 yds h.lpins lead the P€msylYeia Depdrnat<br />

of AsrialtN, ed thee is no b€ter peFon to gnid€ this agency.<br />

As Se@tarr, Mr. Redding bnnes with nim isighl otr pN.dElion agricrbs, @ffmd<br />

issu€s, tbe consNalion ofou nalurl rceucs, asriculud edncation, ndket<br />

dev€lopn€nt ubd sgri.ultud iniliaiiv* md the nudcs ofrunl Pemylvdia. Io<br />

addiiion, Mr. Reddins would be ! huge ad io P.msylvdir s ou Agicullft<br />

Serct{y b€€ue ofhis qlensive exF idce in working with divre st leholtlet grcups<br />

on @gion l, st6t md mtioml iscs. Pemsyl6ia\ unique gbenphy dd .rsaive<br />

agricullul diveFry rcquiE a leader sho cm wolk boih h@ al home ed beyond ou<br />

siate's bordes dd I believe Mr. Redding is tn€ ledd {ho c& do lhis.<br />

Allhough I beli.ve Mi, ReddirS's onnmadon is, 6 folk say a No Bhine.". I don i<br />

wet 10 ssMe il will b. autonalic {d not rcsister ny spPorl. I have hld bolh th.<br />

opporimig dd the privil€8€ of mrkins wnh Russell duihg his r€te in Hmisbus<br />

findihg him anendve, knowledgesble, ed f6ir, Cenainly I krov of no on€ nor qu.lilied<br />

or morc expdenced to seFe 1n€ Comonw€ld 6 S@rctary of Aeiculnft.<br />

I sk for you sutpon lo confim Rusell Redding s ou Ext Sd€ta.y ol aSrrcultue, e<br />

that he od the D€panmst €e continue their sood work- With a liGtime of.xpen€nce<br />

in aericulture, begiming on his fuily's fan in Adm Couly fld including his ls1 l5<br />

yeds of swi@ io th. P.msylveia Depanm€nt of Agncnltuq fie@ is no norc<br />

erperienced, tnowledgeable or dedicaled l€ader in agricullE loday. His leadeBhip ir<br />

6ese challoging limes is cndcal. s is you suppon o{ Pmylvoia agricullre'<br />

TlDrt you lor you support ofMr Redding md for you €florts in Eaisbug md l@auv<br />

-.-J ')'-'

6F&*H"<br />

ffif*<br />

ggfE,<br />

9.1*,ff<br />

ffiB4dlLF<br />

s*H?tflE*<br />

&*,fcf&<br />

&sF,sF-<br />

SffiFRE<br />

s*tBst<br />

PEI{NSYLY4!4 qI{rE ASS(rhTrON<br />


g@!d.<br />

8{aoD.rP,aD<br />

rAL. Bru!.Ld, Cbir<br />

fu d@166<br />

-d Rud llli6 C@Di!h.<br />

16 E d Wilg<br />

llaicbrg PA 1712G3036<br />

Ille tdarEtq ofori_A.ro b. io tt ri&EofXrelC,R.d.tiq.<br />

Ar*y!, I E iAr.*d tln t -Ftad th. tdi6 of .gdqjte i! s m€r<br />

Fo&&i@l!!!.!E. I!.d.ddm,Ili!'qg'-S.,rddrof .loieinrtotcdtbdle,<br />

R.ddirs w orftrtrb| |nlodlg .grioit& i! FqlvDi ei6 i ol{<br />

rDd.l$irg of ll! D@bq @ idlcr!.<br />

And w @dr!d...t ottd i r6iq qrEdo4.t di@ of p&{CF<br />

o6c., RUE|I FlU e'flwriMgLrir!.mt c@rrn r.dtrtio Ttir;4ri.b!<br />

brrndh.v.lEtDcaqtEqe.ots .tGi!Hlngtuild!ftyrnit!<br />

,ilclo of o.c.!.! ad EinfrD@.di! th.dt'di.rryoft ?i!s itsoilg.<br />

rrflc,I hlE ba b.U ffi ni6in l,dddc.dt E .t@E?rgrs<br />

lario dei!.Eiq6od. i.trd68thtli|cccot4/rrqidcst!.<br />

grda lPot iD ltda)drd^ad tt !ii@ A w rpld! to dd.l E {oM Fah<br />

dd oaar@ rn. 8ood rdd@ .mg tt rl@! .'lfiEny, ad .Ld.bsol5co<br />

E.hg. r!rri.. b 6!al6 c.ldg.ft.pd.i.86.de,ad6.o6y<br />

Eltrdd i,io dr.n ltpa S/.reofrrotbDaEF.t -.t frD.t @rba<br />

lrJffi|arr bdly imhE4 $ Aiadt ed bbidG r,hbio fdr in @tbr<br />

Fldiodb tde!.d. r6ool 6il tt Dq MDd.id *vbc dgdd@ eni.t<br />

a!@idc..dd6eien@d.r!co.p.dtu BCrd&dNdHoltddb&<br />

lt.ir6iBd@iocE a,irohitrgdED.ryh&iEDnictotatb.ii.lrorsfd<br />

.gdr'!ftlE to t ltoE .A Ird t6 F virihn l/.r Leg.n-jd. r&ip &d<br />

j'qdrofrh..ity,titi.ftllei.wofetu |giqrlhnl6.U.htt !d@ I!<br />

.[ dr.+ Mft.! 6 o dillLy rilh t rich..otr$dny,dhD.rrd!<br />

^arlqlEr<br />

IrrfidilytutDtallEuitlrnic$bdd !r.ai@@r.dsrcd!<br />

o.l"lt.-t V @ddrb dvh@rdftrrb r.e.dd fiie la^Cr<br />

ra|l lddhr<br />

-D!..tt<br />

fr. c r.d ..drnrt .t lbtiirb Asklbr gi!<br />

tdliogtPgUqtdlb!.!F!dhi6,@dlbodyqEiqE@!dri@.<br />

r& ril rld.l d@a&(th. -d$d'ys,ni.6lc.t er&b.ed!g.<br />

ffiffi*e*<br />


BurLptN4 Bc;>aes<br />

rotuc(r Metuc:+dri{Lt< } ctriz.6<br />

cb$Lddti,a$ r*|di.t3' Aqn6@i4s<br />

Hono6bl€ Mik€ Brubak€r, Chair<br />

Agi@ltuE and Rural Afi6irs cofr mitt6e<br />

Hanisburg, PA 17120-3036<br />

I sme b you loday lo sh@ my suppon ror covemor Rendell 6 nomination of Russell Redding lor<br />

PennBylvani. Seftlary ol Agn4ltuE. Mr Redding is a .ommitl6d public *dant Bho has spent lhE p.sl<br />

1s yea6 helping lead rhe PA oep.nm.nt oiAq.idlture, and |€ntthinkof a bene. p€6onto ep€s and<br />

As Secretary, Mr Redding would bnng insighl and knowledge ot podoction agd@hur6, consuner b.u€s,<br />

n.tlrel Bources @Geoalion, ag.icullual ed uc.tion, nadcl developm€il, urb.. ag.icullur.l initatlves<br />

.nd the nuan@s ot ruEl Penn6ylvania. In addilion, Mr. Redding would b6 . hwo a$et lo F€nmvlkda aB<br />

our AqdculiuB S€crctary b€caus€ ol hb 6*eFiw expedence wofting wnh d'@e llakeholder gMpl on<br />

regonel. slale and nelronal i$@s <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> E Jnrque g.og€pr'y, enen.iw agn@tuBldiw6itv and<br />

conrecivity h lhe Mid-Allanic Gqion r€qurre E l6add sho ca4 wo,k oo$ In P6nnsylvania dnd b.yond our<br />

state bode|!+nd I beliew Mr. R€dding ie a l€d€r sto has thal .kill<br />

As pan of he PA Agncullural OmbudBm.n Prog€m, I ha€ lhe oppodLn y lo @i( slh and iileEct sith<br />

Ml REddrng on a latrly Egular bas's. I h6v€ always loLnd h.m lo be verv r.s@c1tullo olheB sineely<br />

taking tim€ to t.lk to ss mEny p6ople as po$ibl€ at m@lrnge, .nd knowledg.abl. .bottt manv diff66nt<br />

taceG or.gricultu€ snd ths o;parlmenl ofAgncultuG. I app€d.€ his'big picture" undeEtanding of hd<br />

agicultoral prcdu€E musl rclk with each olhe., h@ aodcuftoBl produ@B ne€d lo rcspecl lheir<br />

;iohbors, and how mlnicipal suppon of agdcultuB ie cnlic€l for hs viability. ! abo feel cotr o abl6 lhal Mr'<br />

Redding undeBlands lhe financial hadships lh.l 8ld4ltuEl produ@rs and .gn-bosin$B€s 8te<br />

expenencing especia lly with in ihe lret y6.i.<br />

I ask ior your suppod to @ntim RussEll Redding as o(r nen S€c€t ry ot Ag cultur€, eo thel he and th.<br />

Dep.rtmont en entinue iheir good rc.k With a liletim€ ol dpenen@ in ag.icultu€, b6gin.i.g on hi3<br />

family s lam in Ad.ns counly, and inclldinq hi6 l..l 15 y€a6 ol seM@ lo PA s ooparhenl of agri.ulllE,<br />

lhe.e i. no m@ expe enced k.Ml.dgeable o. dedi@led leader in .gn@[ure lodav His leadeBhip rn<br />

ihese challenoins lim6 b cilical, a. i. your support ol Penn€ylvania .sn@ltoE.<br />

Thank you lor your slpport of Mr. Redding and tor your eifon6 in Herisborg and locslry lo lead<br />

Ag cu[u@/Public Liaison,




Sept€nb€r 12, 2009<br />

Honorable Shirl€y Kilchm<br />

<strong>Senate</strong> of Ptusylvuia<br />

<strong>Senate</strong> Box 203003<br />

Hdisbu& PA ul20-1001<br />

st2<br />

:- r:.'<br />

i ?3iJ<br />

we, the IFA studml adlircry body of WB Saul Hi8h School ofAglioltu@l Sddcq<br />

wnte to you loday to share ou suppod for Govemor Ed R€nd€11\ nohinatiotr of Russ€ll<br />

Reddine for P@sylvtuia Secr€ttry ofAg.i@ltue. Mr. R€dding uddstdd! oui deeds<br />

6 sruddts a.d is able ro relate lo ou crue s a fomer rFA studenr, Edvisor, md stat€<br />

8,000 FFA stud€nts in tne shi. of PA will n€ pos ivety afected by th€ nooination of<br />

Mi Reddins. Mr. Redding is supponivq available. and *illihs ro Iisto to studaLs ed<br />

$eir neds. This is a uique position for md tine for borh students ed gov€mfltal<br />

Pleae support the FFA md Mr, Redding. We dE 545<br />

Chapter de in strong suppon ofthe mniMtion ol Mr.<br />

sMenls ofth€ Philadelplia iFA<br />

Redding @d wish hin gr€at<br />

Shu*<br />

e Philadelphra FFA Ch,prer<br />

Cd Eonorabl€ Mike Btubakq,<br />

HonoBble Micna.l A. O'PakeJ Minoity Chair Asriolhre dd Rural Affais Comin.e

O.vid, Ph@bo & Js Eiii€r<br />

Phom a Fd: 4104444541<br />

E{.lL vdlo.r'1v.6m<br />

tuNdtutule<br />

Honodblo Miko Brubakoi Chair<br />

Agii@rhlB .nd Bural afiaiG commm6<br />

Harj6butg. PA 1712&3NA<br />

I mdd riko ro sk tl.l y.u @nlim R!*ll R€ddin! s P.nmyNsiaS s@Frary or<br />

A0ri@rtu6. I hm knoM Rlsll lbm his days @ a t€1ry t fror tnEugh hl3 drFd<br />

$M€ ro tF Pennsylv.nla puHL. H. hs al*ayE had lh€ cn ol *ing th.ldrct<br />

piou6 and rc ing lomd a lel tl.l b€refE tl6 *llol. HiB l€ad.chlp * ..nd<br />

cao€b v r! @4y id€* tv@oh io onrplolion haw $Md bolh t|. lgleltu6l @munfv<br />

a3 rell 6 'h.<br />

cutrs ol s€ ohtM$drh ln m.nv Mvs<br />

I b6li@ ir i. cdrcal lirr @r seFlary oi agttdrtuG io hs h4d$6 kno*ledgE ol<br />

prcducnon agi4lru6 s Nll 4 a lh@uqh undodtanding oi fio @€ds ed |*@ m.l<br />

Rusll'6 Pa.r de€d6n6t, l@alrv 8id n.llonallt haw pEp.t€d hih<br />

ioi rhLs rlo. Ho h@ a Flwol* ot @ acrs mt€ P€nnsyvol. od t\€ U.il.d slaEe<br />

Hs i. ennon.bb rc jns dir @r ydr€ L.lk3 in FFA Md 4'H, P6n vlvsla 6n$@6<br />

a1r ryp6 oi hm.6 a6 w€Ir a politidl pmrnd.s. Ho @n0l6iatirv t6aE eryo. rc<br />

mer sh.r fEn @p&ity, lhn uhost E3p*l 4d unr,.Eiandinq.<br />

Fusorl hE6 s6Md P.nmylvaiia tor ti6 pasl 20 plu3 v@, and I ki@ $al h€ s<br />

6rni.!€ ro guld. ou sla6 and tl. .grld[uEl @mmlnlly ioffird ao.ln, pl.* codh<br />

Fusll Rodding s out PA SeFiaty ol Agridltuta<br />



HooGble Mike Bob6*d, Cbai.<br />

AgriolM bd Ruar Afflns Comine<br />

Hd!bug, PA 17120-3036<br />

I n ,liling b you in suppon of Acling Sffilrry Rusell Reddjng fd dE pdirid of S*Etary<br />

of Agricd.E fd die comnueallh of Pemylvdn.<br />

I bare IsDvn Acti4 Seebr] Reddiq for t2 y6, bd whoevq I go 6 ralk *irh hiD, he<br />

arvar hd d opa dmr. He t a ho offd$tht sd ou$lrnding lsdmhip qualities. He i6 riF abili.y<br />

b bldd practic, and infftical kiorlcdge bedse of his *pdiences gowing up on a t@.<br />

Acring S@tnry ReddinA hd b€.n iffh,Mr.l on cop iDsude and isk lmagelm. bh ro<br />

pIGt dE in.o@ of fdh operarions.<br />

His sdon md erp€riend have ben p€Non.lly €srding dd encou€ging. I e @Dfident he<br />

*ill furlher h€lp the A8iculm Depatuenr gDw for tie b€$ tor rhe fa@ ot pemsylvmia.<br />

Thmk you ldr you consideranon of his suppon fq Se@r{y of Arncuhre rd $e<br />

C.llmn{eardi of Pmrsylvmir<br />

sndely.<br />

f"t" FB"&4

HonoEble M'ke Brubal€r, Chai<br />

AgricultN @d Rual Aifails Comitee<br />

Hmisbdg, PA l?120-1036<br />

I m sritin8 to sro.gly suppofr the @nnmadod of Russll Redding 6 P€dsylvmia s<br />

next SecElary ofAcriculls, As the fomer Press Serer.ry for lhe D@ann€nl of<br />

Agricultue, I had ihe phdw ofworking direclly Rith Russell lot the pasl fou yffi in<br />

his capacity as Exeutive Depuly Secrclary. I cm say wnh lhe umos! confiddce that<br />

$ere is no p@n b€ner pr€paEd to lesd the depadnenl throud the next fq yes.<br />

As you e .pdq tbis is a challenging time for bolh lhe Depannent ofAgncutue and<br />

the agicultuBl induty in Pemsylvuia. Bolh lhe depanmenl ed the indulfy n<br />

suppons fee mp@edqlled chaU€ng€s dE in no small p.rt 10 the stuCgling eohomy.<br />

Just 6 faders fee low f@d prices and high op€ratioml costs, the Depainent of<br />

Agicullue hd scaled back $afing lo ne.t lhe budseldy cotutrainls of thh sonomic<br />

climste. I car 6sue you thai Russll possses nol only o {pr€cidion dd<br />

mde$teding for these chrllehg.s, but a detemimlion lo conlin@ supponing botn the<br />

opelaiion of the deplrtn.nt @d lhe seflices it provides to the cilids of Pemsylveia<br />

Rusell js a true public sflet - lhe type people exp.$ but b€liev€ .o loneer qisl. For<br />

inis dedjcatioo dd mwavering comnnenl lo doing what was ne€ded .nd whal ws<br />

ngh! Russell h6 emed ml sincer€ i€sFcl md. fon wh.t I hlve sem, lhal of ndly<br />

everyone else wbo *nows hin,<br />

' ,'1'7'/

Sepienrber 23.2009<br />

Honorablc Mik€ Brubater<br />

Agiculture and Rural Afans Connitce<br />

Hmkburg, PA l?120 3036<br />

I writ lo you loday to shaE ny support for Covenor Ed Re.dellt noninatioh of<br />

RnssU ReddinS for Pen.sylvmia SeEtdy of Agriculture. Mr. Redding is a conmilred<br />

public srvml vho has spent the pdt l5 yea6 helping lead the Pennlylvdia Depanme.l<br />

of Aericnlture, and thee is no berter peson 10 Buide rhis agency,<br />

A3 Saretary, Mr. Reddihg bllng8 wilh him i.sight on prc

'?(at:<br />


Fruit Farm & Market<br />

5'15 Carlisle Road, Biglervnle, PA 17307<br />

Phr 717.617.r,1r4 ]:rx 717 477.7t57<br />

Nwho/kbarsrbtor tun<br />

Honorable t4ike Brubaker, ch€ir<br />

Aqriculture and Rural Afial6 committee<br />

Harisburg, PA 17120-303€<br />

I am wrrting to you today to encouru g€ your slpport of Gove.nor Rendells nomlnation of<br />

RussellReddlng for <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> sec€tary ofagricultlte Mr, Redding i5 an Incredible<br />

advo€te for <strong>Pennsylvania</strong>'s agrlcultural*ctor havlng alRdvspent 1s v€aE heloing to<br />

lead the PA DeDartment ofAqriculture.<br />

Mr, Reddlnq happens to be a nelghborofmine - llvlnq onlv about4 mll€s frcm ourtarm<br />

Although I know him wellon a peEonalleveli I have ale seryed on th€ PAApple r4arketing<br />

Board fornearly 15 yeaF and have se€n him in actlon at the oepartment Mr' Reddlng ls<br />

hon€stand bridhtand commined, He has qarnered the esped ofallth€ ditrerent fae of<br />

agrrcultue in PennsylvanLa. He hasthe abllry b donj€ans and a nannelshi^and appear<br />

on the tarm - workng closely with therarm€r' But he also has the abilitv to .hafqe hats<br />

and adasthe publlc face repre*nting those of!s ln as.icultuE. He trulv i5 an amazing<br />

m.n. I peEonally dontthink you @uld nnd a better repre*ntative ror the face or<br />

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Asricultore, I trulyam honored and aw€d to call"R!s*ll"a hend-<br />

I ask for your suppon b confirm Ru$e Reddinq as our next se.retary ot Agricult@ wlth<br />

hm at rhe helm, r:m @nfidentthetthe Department can continuethe oreat workth.t has<br />

alr€dy begun there. with a lifetime ofexperiene in agnculture/ beqlnnlng on hisf6mllv's<br />

farm in Adams county and includlng hls last 15 vea6 ofsedlce to the PA Departm€nt or<br />

Agriculture, there is no moE experienced, knowledgeable ordedl.ated leaderin agrlcultue<br />

today. The bus ness ofaqnalture, as wellas most bus nesses these daYs, ls facing some<br />

trying times. It ls essentialthatwe have a man ofMr' Reddlngt @llb€r Leading the wav<br />

Thenk you for yolr support of Mr. R€ddlng and for vour efforts in Hadsburg to lead<br />

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong>l I would be happyto speak peEonally with vou should vou have rlrth€r<br />

srncerey, /<br />

- o-" (<br />

9*1 e -"- t-<br />

Treasurer, Hollabdugh Bros.,Inc, Fruit Farm & Mark€t


Sc[@l of vererimry Medicine<br />

L.bontory ofAvian Meilicitre & Patholog<br />

Hononbh Mi.h&l Btobak.i chair<br />

asricurM 4d Ruhl afiaiB conmine<br />

I* c ro yd bd:y b shd my sppd lor comor Ed Rddelfj noniodjon of Rusdl ReddinE<br />

p.m")hei, fd<br />

selfu orag, ru M<br />

d,<br />

15 yess b.rping t€d dE pmsytvmir D.ptuflr orAgricuh@, dd rhft<br />

-.b^"*in.p*.<br />

i" * be p-;. b s,ia<br />

tu s.@bry, rrr Reddins bringr eirh hin iBEhr on produ.rioD asriol@, 6nmer issu.s. rh.<br />

cdsddid of ou mMl ]!ffis, agricd@l .du.dion, hrk r d.v.lopm.d, ub6n i€dculbmt<br />

ii ldivs md rh. nu6 ofrunl P.msytvdia. tn .ddition, Mr. R.dding qold b. 3 hu€; asr ro<br />

bry beae oftis.x&nsivc.xpai.nce rn yoiknt * h drE^.<br />

e'l.holdtr smuB ol rg'on.t. lhk rd mtrmt i$uo petrJ h dir: un,qR s{sne\ hd ftm\j\.<br />

rod qo,t borh h.r d ho n. hd b.<br />

I b.li.v! Itr Reddins L di. l.adq *ho ch do rhis.<br />

I hlE knoq Ruslr R.ddidg tor.uhr yffi. rn ny.,p&it d R.sidmr Diebr ord,. pdnsyhdn<br />

animd Diasn6tic Llbodory .r Nd<br />

R.ddns on dis; bsu6<br />

,boabr sy{.n h Peui) vmi. dd tfudbl n sMtrg Ah.nf4 a.cdd of v.Etrr4<br />

L'bodor) Dnsro.i.ioelcri'btrorD 2007 lt@krmdbqo't.rgq'!hhn ndrtutuE<br />

'sr fo rouqpffi ro.onln Rr.*<br />

cuttrf, qd 6r h. ed ,h.<br />

D.pmhh,6mdiJefti good*o .wrir.ftnn.of.rpnEGinlg.i.utM.b.gbningors<br />

rmilyt rm in Adnr conty ud itrcludins hi. I'n 15 r.&s or sflh. ro rh. pwr;i. D;tu-r<br />

r.dqrhip i, d'6. chrlLnghg rines is aftical, a k y6u suppd or Peijlytnnia asri.ultu.<br />

ft&k you for yor suppd of r,L. Redding nd for rou' efttu in HdkbD4 and ldrlty b lead<br />

')ll-rJ<br />

-b**<br />

sherill D,vi!on, vMD, Ms, MBA, AcPv<br />

DiEdor, Labodor] ofAvim M.dj.in. dd p.rhotogy

Oftice ofSlale Sehator Mikc Brubalcr<br />

Pennsllvinias l6th Seml(rrirl Disticr<br />

7l ?.737..1420 (Haff kburg Ofi &)<br />

kecthad/apascn.lov<br />

qrw.senatorbrubaker.con<br />

Fren: bm6Eh216@@@st,nd [nailtoibm66h216@M@st.net]<br />

sdt! Fdda, s€ptember 2t 2009 2114 PM<br />

To: Brubaker, senator t4rcha€l; oPdke, r4rchael<br />

Subj&t ding Se@tary R€dding<br />

Mr, Brubakerand Mr. O Pake,<br />

I have atlached a leftq of support fo. Russell Readhg as <strong>Pennsylvania</strong>s SecElary of Agicunure.<br />

Thank you tor your lim€l<br />

National Otri@r CandHale<br />

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> FFA Ass@ialion

Horolabl€ Mik Brobater, chan<br />

Agncute dd Rual A{faiB Comitt e<br />

Hdisburg, PA 1712G3036<br />

I wit€ to yru today io sn@ my suppon for Covehor Ed Rendelt's nomi@iion of Rusll Reddins for<br />

Pemsylvmia Sed€tdy ol AgriculnE, Mr. Ibdding is a @mift€d public sedt who b6 spenl tbe pasl<br />

l5 yed helping lead {E Pmsylvdia Depdtnenl ofAsncultu€, md rh€e is no ben€r peson to Suide<br />

Mr. ReddinC. s Secrc1dry. woutl bling a vat amy of exp*iencd ed tnowledge ro the posiiion, Eis<br />

insielt on pod@tion asrict lw, oNUm iss@, lne consflation ofou natr@l ssoures, agricultuFl<br />

educatiol mket d€velopmnt, uban agricultnal initiaiives od the nmccs of tud Ptusylvmia would<br />

cerrainly be invaluable to lhe ClEnonweallh ofP€msylvtuia. Pmsylvdia s diqe g6glaphy md<br />

exteNiye agdcuhual divdily requirc a leadd who @ vork both h€r€ ai hone dd beyond ou stalet<br />

bordd md I beliqe Mr. R€dding is de lead.r who @ do th*,<br />

I have pe*ondly int€mct€d wilh Mr. R.ddlng threugJr the Depanhent ofAg.iculture thftughout the p4t<br />

l0yees. E€ ha csisted with dd desi8ned mdy progrds desisned io €ducale Pemsylvmia,s Youtn<br />

aboul the inponmce ofegriculture, bsiness, l€ad€ship ed ceer sece$ thrcusl moy ore&iations.<br />

His eflice to tle Pemylmil FFA Associalion, Pemsylvmia 4-H, Mid Atlelic AUie@ of<br />

Coopernives Youlh Smer bstitule ed P€msylvdia Youg Fh€n has b€n ireplaceable. In<br />

additio4 uder the crent md $e pst adninisrration, Mr. Reddins ms instnm.hlal in pNvidi.g<br />

i.temships ed appr€nliceships lo yomg college studats rhrough the depan,adt 10 osist th€n in sai.ins<br />

6sdtial cdeer expqi€nce rh.y cm in im @ io bend sese our indulrry.<br />

I ast for you suppon to @nlim Rusell Redding s ow next S4@rary of AsicuhG, $ rhat he md &e<br />

D€pdrtndt cd conline lheir good work. Wilir a lifeline of qpoience in agricultre, begrming on his<br />

$nily's fam in Adds County ud includins his lst t 5 yed ol sryice to rhe ?emylvdia DeDarrnenr<br />

of Asriculm. $crc 's<br />

no (oR e\pmenced,lnowledceable o! dal'cdl:d ledder in esriculue bdij H's<br />

lsddhip ih lhse chalhnging iins h ditical, d is you suppoa of Pemsylvdia aericulrue.<br />

Tltnt you 'o' you tuppon of Mr Reddi0g md for you effoN in Hdrisbus sd l@ally 10 lead<br />

tAIr^i-I\^Jl,-<br />

, .]

4..<br />

flt-.ll<br />

IH'<br />

Pannaylttlnlo<br />

tdtrntt<br />

A$cloiorl<br />

s@ie Bor 201036<br />

I d ninDs to d@@8! frvoablc Mi{i.rdid &d tih.ly Sd.ic €nidorid 6rcorq@<br />

EdR.!d.[]llDointodtorRwllReddilr6s-r.L,vofAeridlhlE As1hed.potrEdt\<br />

lon& .im. Elcutiv. DeDulv sd.ilrv Rw hs bd d dtddinttv publi. wmr md e<br />

M;dtsh.d orqsva Tte Podsvlvu! Rdlumt AtnidioD b wotk.d vsv cloldv *nh<br />

RE d ! vid. mg. of.lticultu!. md food sd.ty initirlivE ovd lh. ttii, 6d I i.v. rdhiEd<br />

RuJs leadcFhip rid visid nrdrrnd ndy iit6.<br />

I hope r{u will muEC€ Fu sae @lt€su6 !o ..r qdcUy ed f$ onhlv ot rhe<br />

@lfllMd of Ru!k! Rcddins s S@bry ot^s'icdfis Plc$ do tror i6ie b ld n.<br />

k w ifl6 povide fr,nha esisl66 s et.ddifobtl ilfonalior r!8&dins q dpti@@<br />

wdlins wilh Russdi R€ddin& lf]ou would [L io mr..r mq tl@ €I nv offie.1<br />

711424434.<br />

Tisk Fu ftjt tM meiddltid ofou vi.r5, dd for )o!r sutpdt<br />

(nr ( e-




AssochTroN<br />

ir,.,:.<br />

S€pt€mber 29, 2009<br />

Honorable Mike Btubaker, Chaiman<br />

HonorabiolMlk€ O Paks, Chaiman<br />

<strong>Senate</strong> Agicullu€ & RuralAffairs Commitiee<br />

Dear l\rr. Brubaker and Mr. O'Pake:<br />

lam writing lo nlom yoJ tharrhe P€nnsytvanb Chnstdas Tr€e crtu€B<br />

A$ooation (PCIcAl @utd tihe its nam€ add€d lo lhe tist ot organizations<br />

supporting the nominalion of Rossetl Redding as pA S€crelary ;f Agdcuttur€,<br />

Hls d€di@tion to PAAgicutturc isrema(abte and hts rc@rd or seruice is<br />

exenpla.y. PCTGA at$ supports Russe b€@use of his peEonat iniegnty. He<br />

js c€ndid and kno$ledseabt€ rnd PCTGA has vatued ourrcrking rctao;n;hip.<br />

we hop6 that you willspeed ihe nomhalion orRusse Reddhg thbugh the<br />

senat€ Asriculiur€ & Rurat Atrai.s Commiito€ and urse concu;ence ty th6 tutl<br />

<strong>Senate</strong>.<br />

-]}^r'.v t "*b..,.r-<br />

CC: Hon.RussettR€ddins<br />

Vince Phillips, PCTGA lobbyist<br />

PA Clnbrrr* te Grcws Astuiatiq<br />

4305 Ndh Si\th stteet, suit A<br />

Harisbutg, PA 17110<br />

(717) 233-9765<br />

w.cmsmas@es ory

Huorblr Mlt Bn$or.r. ci,im<br />

&dc!n@ ind tuld ahiB c(xmi@<br />

Fnprsv<br />

Kesources<br />

GrouP<br />

s€Dbnhd 29. 2049<br />

I *iE b yo todiy b lhE Pd6ytroi. EndSJ Rslll€ Gflp's $ppd lot ln. oomiieon of RlNu R.nding ijr<br />

P..irlmi. sd.ry orAgft ul@<br />

w.brehonddwrt d*nhMi.R.ddiqfothdMdcldebodbbn.rp..itvi[tncP.navlvDii<br />

D.DorM of astun@ Dd pinb h, dEog his wic. G 'gricurh'rl<br />

polidy ldvis b us sd* Hartu voftu<br />

Dfjng th.ttin., Rus Pcdding h* dirully d.m.!t!rrd his lbiliri.s hi. e.lyti.d ud bdrg.d skil! htu fim<br />

stup;f poli.t6 '.d th. '[irEdG orpoli.y ohdsd rd nis r:|un ledchip {idb rh. Dptu orAsn.ul@<br />

odrh..ft s3gridlhl cmoit.<br />

Pi s daury s.r6'y sql mc tldly c .Jdi* dlprly *rl!.y orsc Ll.pd.r.' r'lr. R.ddi4 ba dm.d a<br />

*.:16 of *pdi@ ud lorNLdg. orD.pr|l]ldl progM .rd lho id.'ddidshiF iMl tu {aao6 md rx.<br />

cffil A3!.i.bly. rk\lmm forbn hitffi d.lhttdttdds r!!or.h b probld elvi4& Or ilsu adivgp !<br />

nEl.ryd.rcloln .hdstun's.do€l*,.dmicdadoptfuindpmdimorP.mtlY!.ia|tri.urid<br />

pr.du.4 Rs R.ddhs h4.@istdt $om. fillinr@ dd m tbilnt b lntA b Liii, b ld o{h.6 @ do tb. !!N,<br />

b d*loD *dl lnolsln d r'!€tld ud polici* rtd b...fir rh. cor'ffeal$ orP.tltrui.<br />

Tn d ft* la! *itl h. oi.lk shs ro. Pa'!ylv!d. '!tolr@<br />

ed ftr tb. D.pitud oraEiult6 a ir *t b b<br />

di6Lri.tdistm.dd.nEs ioryripd|Siliriabrh.nidnorbnserdndfir.dudi@ rad.':hipfiub.<br />

ofiel ddEDlDda4 od nreu R.ddids bri.!' d..9.ri@ on h'&r$jF |tn' l b.nwt t! *tle<br />

D.Ftur b 616ll rbo& Mdd..<br />

wdw loom Mr. tlddiDs pqsly dd pFf*ioDdly. snd htr I'it b t a{sddjdpublictu-$jtlerh.<br />

Pdryldir 6'd, aErihli@ tnd nrnl .ll0Iuii6 hs, nd ffi *do bd'jc did fitl rbddi lnrw4<br />

{6 rc cft b 6D6t F\N)l ilddil,:<br />

vc sk for rlB 3,40d b..niloiDs Mi rd\4i.s a PdEylEn sr&dt of^s.i.urM<br />

/*24),^-.*.<br />

Mdb61 S.4t Asdo.lft d tud<br />

20o N. Tnnd sft4 su e I l0o - Hrisb'fs, PA l7l0t<br />

Phoe (717)213-3606 - Fdr(7r7)2

Professional Dairy l\4anagers of <strong>Pennsylvania</strong><br />

s66hngt Attvaffi L\d Dairy hdu6ty ih Parcytuania<br />

fhfugh|hFrcvedPnduaivilyandPnflabiny<br />

174 C,eis Driv., B.r.ronle, PA 164213516<br />

Toll lre. 3773245€96 . f* 31435t2452 . Em.iri ha.@pdnp o!<br />

HonoEble Mlke Brubaker, Chan<br />

Agiallure .nd RuEl Afiane Cmmlttoe<br />

H.risburg, PA 171203036<br />

Th6 Comrct1@llh c@n!s on agdcutuE io suppon lhe @notrry. -lhai means th€ p€Bon in chrE. of<br />

fte PdnsyN€nia O€p.nm6nr of AgricutuB mu6i be sodeone trust d by th. .gdcutuEl @mnunity<br />

and em@n€ witrr axpenence ln d@ling with h6 pEcti*l i*us of farreE. iheir supptioE €nd th.i.<br />

Th. P@fe$ional Oairy Msnsg.E ol P.nn.ylvrnia bdle€ that Rus$tt R€dding i. the gtn man to be<br />

Seetary ot AgricutuE for rhe Conmoirctth ot PqnsytwniE €nd re .rrongty supporl c@mr Ed<br />

R.nd6ll's nomination ol hifr tor lhb imporr.nr b.d€Fhip po.t.<br />

Th6 d.iry indu.lry i6 lhe l6rgBl playd in tE bGin$3 of aOrld[ue in PqNytvFni. €nd Mr. Reddtng<br />

6 uell knM among th6 9l6le . dairy hms. He has omp.lhy tor lhe pod@ei3 dltua on ftom s<br />

pmond hisrory wilh dairy tuming both d hb f€mily fam and later ln 6min9 wilh hb wit€. w.<br />

bell4e he also hss th€ dpedem. io do he Job bAs.d on his 20 €@r in gdemrcnt 6etoi6 and hi3<br />

*[ve and onqolng role ii qd€mirg p@..6. 90tlln hbdsrys.san Agncu[uEtPoticl advlerto a<br />

U S. S€n.tor .nd houOhoul 15 y€6 a3 s Elu€d p.n of lh6 lo.deEhip k am tc{ S16 Pmnsytv.nia<br />

D€padrein ot AgricultuB, h€ h* held rEponstbttity to, isu6 thst ehEp€d th. f&€ of Pennsytvanta s<br />

nunbd ono ind$lry He h* bul[ a Epportwith a direE grcup ofstakeholdeB and is tuhitiar witl<br />

fle bsues on E Esional .ratg.nd naionall4el<br />

Thee are challonqino litE for $@ involv€d qlth 60icutiue 6id PDMP b.ti€@ that Rus.etl<br />

Redding is up lo lh. ch.ll€noe,<br />

lhe B@d ol Di€ctoE of lh. Poteeional Dalry Manag€G ot P€nmylvania and PoMP s n6nb€Bhip<br />

ol pbgEeate dairy prcdueF End ind$try suppli€E en@69e yd. suppon of Ru$.ll R.ddhg s<br />

nminrrion for sec€lary ot fun4ltu€. And @ thank y@ foiy4r d$nsd €fton8 in Hadsbuo and<br />

l@lly to 3od€ Ih€ p€opl6 of Penn6ylvanir<br />

ptv<br />

Alsn P. Novat, Eredive ol€dor

Wednesday. S€9t frbq 30, 2009 2:51 PM<br />

FW confm Russell Redding<br />

Stsle Sen orMikeRrubak.r<br />

7l 7.787.4410 (llurisburg Ofi cc)<br />

?17.6:7.0016 (Disn ict Otice)<br />

!nooda,npasen,qo!<br />

www.enalorbrubaker.com<br />

B@: Sherylvan@tmailto:6n@fam@groll.@ml<br />

s€m: Tu6day, septembs 29, 2009 6:54 Prl<br />

Tor Brub6ker, s€.ator lr4lchael<br />

subt€t! onfifr Rus€ll R€rHinq<br />

I m widng to you on b€half of lhe o@bers of Fme6 Union Milk PrcdMts As$- We @asmau<br />

ind@ddefi ;{o in seslem PA. As Lt. Govemor, vou tpcsent tll of PA's fmeB dd ciiias W€ 4t vou<br />

ba;' qriclly b;onfm Rusell Reddins s SecEE4 olAed.ulrm Ou dairv hd'ts d€ inuprMd€nd<br />

fi'd 'dl<br />

hardship md f hds aneed our enriF rur.l comunnJ {s lme6 tre unable lo pa} brut I dhls<br />

roallolthe bu';escec tha *ne 6 A h's ume ir i' imponflr Lhd we ha\ e a s'Lreur' of Agricul@ wilx<br />

tull Dower dd aulhoritv lo solk for us on bolh the stale md dtional scane To b€ sa 6 intnm or acling<br />

rem;oruily in ihat off;e diDinishes th€ r€spe{t that he should h5!e to r€Prcsent us PA is a pow€rtul<br />

aed;uftual sbte dd shodd be .Eoded all tespect to ou iodDski6 dd officitls<br />

- RuseU R€.lding is uiquely qua[ned fot tn; posiion l lmw hin to he a nm ofinlesrilv and his<br />

kno\ l€dse of lhe ;d€! adnc;hml indNrJ is s; ond ro none He repr*nb c rdl with ih inrellisrnce nd<br />

hi.abililytobnnsidestoeerhfl wened hi) leadetshipnoq roh.lpourlm6fld Md omuhnGq<br />

Pbase ; to eiv;im tle n .uihof,ty md Ecosnilion thar he n*ds ro go foMed ed ert for s<br />

Sheryl Vflco, prcsidenl Fame6 Union Milt Produc6 Ase<br />

8t4/489-1921<br />


pcnnsylvqniq<br />

convcnlance<br />

dora<br />

councll<br />

The Honorable Mike Bnbrl@<br />

i-_,<br />

._)<br />

Hmisburg, ?A 17i20-3036<br />

I m wi rinC codcming ihe ctudid4 of R6se Reddin8 toj ihe posirion ol<br />

Sdrewj of rhe Depdnd olAericuhr. Ihe ptuvl;nia I o;d<br />

Merchmts Assciaion dd the lasylhia Converienc Stft Co@il<br />

hav€ wlrked closely wil! RNsell tttrbughour his i€nu€ ar the D€prlrnent of<br />

Ou nembe nd I {e obcollrely delighEd ro h* lhat Covnor Rendetl<br />

had rle.cd Rssell lor rhis posrion. Tlhughout ou )e@ of inkarion,<br />

Rus*llha dwls ben a ferud an.ndre liso( b the nd, iscues k<br />

have bolsl to hin. At ev€ry st€p he hs batdced 1h. n€eds ofr.raieB.<br />

grcwrls. pbdrceE &d oNm6 !0 a wdy thar md. all $e I,oups f*t rha,<br />

hy had bs tEaH propsly He hff dqys befl avatabtc q hen rcded<br />

md h$ nev€r avoided conno ing dilficut i.s!€s.<br />

Ple-N irte lhis l.tlel 6 q toka of ou enthui6ric support tur lh. cddid&y<br />

oI Rusll Reddins to be@me Se@larr of rhe D€latndl of AsriculrE.<br />

/L^-,4 tt 4-

One Coaode Dnv. - Suie 102<br />

B.dfd( PA l5t2<br />

Pho& (888) 4 BEEFPA<br />

Iax (8r4) 623'651I<br />

Beef Courrcil<br />

sL tAn tdRaL cH tDI C,nO\ PPOUOTIO\SA RESF'RCH<br />

HonoEbl€ Mike Brubal(d, Chan<br />

Agtioltm fld RuiEl Aflais C@itle€<br />

Itdisbure; PA 17120-3036<br />

I qit€ to you today to she ny support for Govmor Ed Rodell s n@imtio. oI<br />

Rusell Reddins fo! Pmylvsia Secrctary of Agiculhtr€ Mr'Reddingha6Imi$ed<br />

public wst wno ns spat the pat 15 yed helping lead the Pmsvlvmja Departm€<br />

of Asricult@. ed thft is no b€ttd p@n io euide ihG agency<br />

As S€det.ly, MN Redding briq;s with him insigll on Podwljon<br />

.8lculture cons@s<br />

issues, tne ons*ltion ol oN natural Gources, aencnltulal education, ffikd<br />

ddelopnot, ur!@ aSnoltur.l idtiatives ed lh€ numcs of rual P.mvlvmia Id<br />

addilion, IG, Reddjng would be a hug€ dset to Pmylvdia a ou Asculture<br />

S€c!€tlq b*aus€ ofhis ext€Nive €xpdj€ne in working with divde slalchotdd 8loups<br />

o. r€giodl, sraie dd nalioml ises. Pmylvmiat dique geography ed extssive<br />

aglicnltulal divdity requiF a leadd who .d wort both h@ at hone ed belond oui<br />

strt€'s bordeE dd I beliwe Mr R€dCirg is the l@da who cd do tlis<br />

Rusell Re.tCing h6 b@n 6 8r@t $pporter of lhe Bef CnekolfpoeIm md ha<br />

6sht€d ns in tn€ dselopndt of the Pmsylvmi! Beel Qualitv AsLrue proatu dd<br />

in scuing lh. findins n46srry each yd lo Prcpel il to orc oI the besl slat€ proards<br />

mtiodlly. PA produceE e beltet educal.d md have ad*s to th€ ne*$ary<br />

r€comdded $insl cde prtcli4s to !ai* o vhol6one, nulritiou, sale befptlducts<br />

I ask for you su?porl to colfim Rs*ll Reddirg 4 ou next Sffitev of furicnliw, so<br />

thlt he ed the Deparment .d continue th€n Sood vo!k. With a lifetine of expaidce<br />

in agriculh{e. beelmin8 on his fdily\ fam id Adm Counry md including hb 1sl l5<br />

yedsofs ce lo lh€ P€msylvmia D@afinenl of Aericdn!€, thd€ is no more<br />

€xpqiened, knowledgeabl€ or d€dicated leads in aenculture today Hk leade6bip in<br />

ihese chall€nsing tines is cnliMl. s is your suppon ol Pffsylvdia agrialture'<br />

Thrnl you for yod suppod of M. Reddins md fd yonr €trons in Hdrisburg md leallv<br />

(N"g*<br />

P@sylwia Beef C.scil


fu@^qw'&br0,r-r.i<br />

l'6{d+nP.qM'.<br />

PA Senae Ag & Rur.l Afhis ConnitG.<br />

Ildorble M;t€ Btubakd, Chan<br />

AgricdtN ed R@l AlfaiB Cotmifle<br />

Sepldnb€r 29, 2009<br />

Hdisbus, PA 17120-3036<br />

The Am€d@ M6h@m lEtilui. (AMl) and ils Commuiq AraM€s Comiit . (CAC)<br />

support ile nomi.rtion ofRusell Redding for the Ptusylveia S.ftt iy ofA8ricdrus. Mr.<br />

R€ddir'g is . @Mitted public sw&t drd we how he will do r grer job s ihc<br />

C.lm@w*llh's Asnoultue Saetary.<br />

For ho@ than 15 yes ou n€nb€F have w*ed with Mr. Redding s he helped !3 twlv.<br />

n6y nsu6 tnal all@t P@nE/lvtuir f.ft€6. AcMs ?emylwdio, faming b son€tind<br />

eC'rded a a cultuaj od historical phenoh€nor! lot a rcd bsiG$ Sirce oBl dd frdilg<br />

@muin.s e€ woddfal pl@s to liv., wk .nd 6ise fuili€s, fmes @ often u&t<br />

tr.mcndoB *nomi. pr6sw ro sll &.n hrms io dev€loFs. Mr R€dding hd help€d rhe<br />

muhtoon g10\6 ke.p P.Nylwh fmily fam in rh. Comonwedd by rc*ing rovdd<br />

slutiom for $e eononic p@$B tlEy fa@.<br />

Mr. Redding h8 shom suplDrt fo. s by anend€d idust y tundios ircludilg ihe ?em Shre<br />

Mushmm Short Couse, Kmcn Sqw MEh@n f*iival dd Ch6r€. and Be*s Coetv<br />

Mr. Reddi.g is a thowhtfin dd iDighrfll lada. H€ atEldy hs o\i€Give dFeriace wirh ihe<br />

muht@m farn @muit s w€ll 6 the adliolion ed respe.t of orh€r fm greups.<br />

We sk you for you support to contrfr Rusll Redding 4 od @r S{retary ofAeiculr@.<br />


Donate. Volufi€er. speakOut<br />

Honorahl€ Michael BNbak€t, Chaimfl<br />

SdqG Aslicitti@ & RMI Aifai6 Comilte<br />

PO Box 203036<br />

Itdisbug, PA 17120-2030<br />

It is uth geat excilenent that I writ€ ro you to $et vou support for Cov€mr Ed Rddell'3<br />

noninatio; of Rusll Reddine fd P€msylvuia Screlarv of Agriouhe Acting Sdr.latv<br />

R€dding is . d€dicated public oficial tho hd sp.d over a d€sde helping to i.ad th€<br />

ComJnweatOt Oeportnot ofAsiculh@. He is now expended to ssme the lFln in lhis<br />

very impodad departrenl,<br />

Dujnc his otiF tenu€ in the P.NylY&ia Departnd of Aglcdlft. I haw wtched Acling<br />

S.cF;ry R€.tdilg tulfill hh esponsibilities vjih a ercal @nnilmol to what is b'sl for ote<br />

Fooleof Pflsyhmia I ta\eprGorallywibessed hisabiliD to lish undeMd. dd then to<br />

;uie wis d(isions ro'this. he h$ov Especrdd Lhalofm) @llea8lle'<br />

Wlile nmh oI lhe €rLrml foc6 of the PA Depallft@i oI Asticull@ is on the prcnotion of<br />

asiculm, Aarng S*€Ery Re.ldine hd dmons@ed dn. ed again hn o$utbtic swpon<br />

|;tE rood blisbe prcstmtdmrnhkEd bythe PA Depmen'of Asticult$ Asatood<br />

bantd, I cd te$rry that Acting S4rct{y Redding ha given geal anertion to ou rssu€s'<br />

demon$arinc his @nDFhenriE ud$tsndins ofthe plighl of $o* neding lood dsishce.<br />

.nd aainE ;h's @n'iitions. He h6 @rred in parh6hip u irh ou pnvare secror efto6 ro<br />

.lEW Lh; Pemsrl\aia\ denu. re$uc6. both rededl ed rraE. de ur'li4d .tr€ctivelv ro<br />

addres lhe basic nslt ofall Ptrlylvflis to nulthous food.<br />

I ast von lo voie lo onfim Rsell R..l.lins 6 Pdnsvlvsis's nql S€oFtlrv of Aslcult@<br />

Aclins S@tary Reddingt lead€ship is n€eded in tlts challenging linesl<br />

ftaot you for you dloughtfin @sideEtion ofAcling Secdarv Rendinst nonilalion ad for<br />

you oM eifoft to l.ad ltuylvoia fonErd<br />

kl"z o<br />

t-" "*<br />

foodbanr Lr / l-dddqa*<br />


w<br />

l0thousandFriends<br />

Th. Hononblo Mike Bobaler, Choit<br />

A8iiculture md Ruml AffaiB Comhise<br />

fleisbu& PA l?120-3016<br />

i m ariling to sllol8ly en6uBS. you suDpon for covmor !d Rend.I,s noninorion of Russ<br />

Rsddirg for Ponsyhmi! Sec&ry ofAgiculture.<br />

I hA. knoq Ru$ R.dd.ns\Fch'ng bact b nJ !ffi s Counry txcn,ior DRe, for penn rde<br />

( oop€rane Lcmq.B.A! ( o.nN,6 $e snhen I )eF.d e Be-tr CounD (ommFqone. As<br />

.gliul@ i, rhe numbs om hdBt) in Aerks Couq.I had min] oppotul;i ro woA wrh Ru\ on a<br />

te,.tyol i*u$. He ir e^ftnd' tnowtedteab eo.,.. mith pfniner, b agncuttore. tiom hodcuttoBl<br />

(rcF bdrmal..iene, ftom rheeconomr blues r.(.n3 our fmos ban ututeabdhe or hN teal<br />

gomrenr rcgr rd'M\ cm 'mp&<br />

I agriculm Rus @oablr @r ou .r , .<br />

H. ha helpcd Ber*s Cooty fims dd agrirullu. educalo4 numebus tim.s in hi3 @le 6 D.Du$<br />

S@ray rd wen h.lped us !o olgdia . confeEnc. on the frnuE offmins in fte €unty. H; is; *lf_<br />

etrasinA hor's dd on€ oi tn. tuly AEat public sdanrs in sllte govnnert. I 16 th.illd *hen I<br />

lem.d Colemor Rendell nnen Rus b se as SecElory ofA8ricnllue. TheE is !o one moE<br />

qulilied or dewing oftnar ol..<br />

Ru$ has sfled unde. mrny SeFbi.s ofA8ricuttore sp8nDi.g senl rdninistlrtions. rt is a te$inony<br />

ro his v6l lnowl€dg€! oullt ndins interprsonat stitls dd s€sned leadrship rhat e tmy Aovfros<br />

bave asked him to rcniin in iis position.<br />

As Mdjonry Cnair orrhe Sena!. Asricuituat Conmine r know lhat you tutly undeBbd th. ndy<br />

.hrllmg.qrdoptorun.'ia|nduf ted&d fio$'ndNO fre>,npd^],.-ia ueht) tsr@.lnormhetp,sbmeraefuMinagrrutkmdlb.he\edurRusReddinEEddteider "*d;<br />

He<br />

n o. nghr ndtddi to hre Lhe h.lm dlhe DepMme r ofAsrilu ruEtudJoJ qoutd be nBr,ng s vs)<br />

wu.dailio b doin hir in thai smia<br />

Thanl you v.ry nuch fo! consideing ny opinion on this Dan€r<br />

d,#t^^?,")-*<br />

Chair, Stare Phning Board<br />

PHid.nt & CEq I 0,000 Friends of Pennsy tvania<br />

I rDja.-- .4 ir.i-j.6

Hankbul8, PA 1712&3031<br />

A! w! mav ln*, GoEmd fiend.ll @ntv mmln.red n@I R.ddln, for s.@tary of th€ PdBtlv.nla<br />

Deprrtn.itofAg.ulturc(PDA).Iam,rft|ryto..@uEgEYoursupponofMiR.dding'3nonln.tlonIIbelis<br />

h€ is rhe lnd ltldual h.n s lled for rhk bad.Bhig Et€- Hk exp.ri.E. a nd d€dit tion 15 .n s* to $e<br />

codnoMalth, and | 6mlY b€lide rhe $ yo6 Mr. neddin, hai spent with PDA h- pEg.rcd hh to. thls<br />

F.om srcwlng !p on . lnnllv f.m to N@ina ih. d.v_iod.v m...g.m6t ol PDA, Mr R€ddlna brtlls $th nh<br />

a litetid. of ag cultu@ inbre3ts :nd .dvo6ry' sln.e he stls {kh h.al, tt te .id mtlonal strk€hold.B on a<br />

my.lad of ises, n. h- a k€en inslSl"'t on 6sB such I ttflcultuEl plductlon lnd psfrodo., utb.n .nd tu61<br />

dkrn .s, natuEl r€oud @nPMdon afft n.dcr d*loptunt rsttdltuE ir . anenl lnduslry in<br />

P€nievt nL, and hs hs ben Inflknti.l In pu6ol|t Iniiirtiv6 tnd held.lb. th.l b€nefiG th€ indtuldu'lt<br />

f|mlll6, @nnunrtl6 and @!.ttsld. th.r h€lp the 4rlcultuE @mmunrq .onlinu. 16 rhnre,<br />

At.r*entSr.dort from ti. P€nnsrlvBnl. ftuEl L..de6hrp pEsan (RULE), I m3 fon!..te to haw Mr-<br />

R€ddhg p.rticirat in ts dftuEnl sion' F|m llltenin8 to hlm sp€rl tnd eiklng witn hin, | 6n tell ihat hkt<br />

p.$b;dns d*9 .nd h. k S€nuin. in hkt hrendoG Mr' R.ddr4 h.d such .n lmp.d on thoe of ot h ine niJlE<br />

das th.t w Invft€d hin b b. . @mm..ei..t spskei I dli.hed the ogp.nvntY to Int€Ect wth hrm about<br />

hlr teMn.l exp€nek* and l..d..shlp p.Ef,.ctiw. 3€6us ol hk wlllln3ns to @dr out to mV nU[E ch$, a<br />

n4 gEup of Fool. h:d th. ch.@ to b€ *p@d ro th. m6sid of PDA hk und.6t .dlng of ryicultlE |n the<br />

common€lth.ndhfl !.@nd.rpe .n@s@neryea3anituplEtlon<br />

I asl to. your support ro .onfitn R@ll Reddina tt oot n.xt Poa GEbry s lh.t rh.f Inponrnt md @n<br />

@ntin@. wnh . [f.nm. of.rp€d.@ h .s/klture, h.Sinnlns on hi5 6nivi f.m In Ad.6t couniv and<br />

Inclldlna hG Lst t5 ylaE ol $ric. $th PDA th.e G no moE exp.6en@d, knowl.dlotle or d.dkatdt l.ad'r<br />

In 4ricunua 6dry. xk ldd.Ehlp ln the ch.ll.ngng dn.s i! crilldl, $ ls wut rupp.rt of P.ii3vlv'nl'<br />

ag ;ulture. I apFr€.laE your suppon of Mi Reddlng s rhd hls sod! .nd rhe sd( ol PDA .t lh. lodl 3$E 'nd<br />

.ational kEl dn @nn.!e.<br />

Cc Soionbh Mi*e Atubak€r<br />

HomEble Mttt..l A. dPal€

o.-9f#ti:?t,<br />

SeDternba 10. 2009<br />

H@onble Ail€n Spetei<br />

711 Hart S€mre Offi.e Buildilg<br />

I wite to you todat ro she my $pport for cov€mor Ed Rmdct!.s domimlion of<br />

RNrll Redding fd Pmylveia SecElary of Agricultur€. Mr, Redding is a @min€d<br />

public sddt llb ns sp.!t ilE p6t 15 y.ds hetpins t€ad $e p€msyt;dia DeBtb4t<br />

of AericultN, ed theF is do ben r pNn io guide tnis ag€ncy.<br />

As SecEbrJ . \4r Reddrns bnngs wirh hin iNish, ol prcduction .gri(ulrw. coEln*<br />

lssue.. the cone6arion of our narLai eiou^es. agncuhuat eodcanon, muter<br />

development, ubfl agricultuhl initistiles &d the i@c€s of rural pmsvlvdi4 In<br />

additon. Mr. R€ddingwould bea \uge &fl @ Pemryheia a our AgTuh!e<br />

\€ experienle in worune wi$ dive* *eholder grculs<br />

onFsioMl. cbreed naLio$l h{ues. Ptursylvtuia q Mque src8raph) ddcxkNiv.<br />

agricuhEal di\qsiry EquiR a leadtr who 6 sort bolh her al hone $d b€vod ou<br />

siale's bord6 - dd I belide Mr- Rcdding is the lsda who cm do {&.<br />

i 6k for you sulpon to mniim RskI R.ddirg s ou nqr S.crc&ry of Agricuhe, e<br />

lhnt h€ md the Dep&ftEnr cm continue th€n gmd wdk With a tifeiin€ of*D.rience<br />

in sgric'nie. begiming on njs faily s farn in Adans Coury md includins iis lai I<br />

j<br />

y€c of wice to lhe Pe@yl@i& Deparr!€oi of Agricdr@, nere E no nolc<br />

cxpedocd, tiowl€dgeable or d€dicared ld

Dr4vsved coGcr<br />

The Hon. Mike Brubal@r, Chair<br />

Agdcullre md Rural Affairs Cosftitte€<br />

tlaEisbu{. ?A 17120-3036<br />

As pEsident ofa coll€8€ witn slons lools in the science of faming, l'd like to expess snpport for Cov Ed<br />

Rendelh nohinadon ofRusell Reddins for Pe.nsylva.ia Secrelary ofAsriculrae<br />

Mr. Redding s sldlk, howledse md beksoud make hin ideal for lhejob. Ite h vesed in prcduotion<br />

aericulre, @6md issu4, th€ conse(atio. of natual €soulces. agrioltdal education, mdket<br />

developnent, ube aCrrcnhual initialives sd the nwes of lml Pemylvdia ln addiiioq he nG wol*ed<br />

with vdiou conslitant soups on Eaio.al. stde and naioml issues.<br />

Wilh Russell Reddins .s Sarclary oI Asricultue, v€ will bav€ $meone wiih fi4l_hmd expen€tce Miog a<br />

fmily fm d well as 15 yes of senice at the ACncnllm D€patunen!.<br />

Thanl you for you suppon of Mr. Redding in the conlimtion pMe$ @d lor vou efrois in H@isbue md<br />

l@allr lo le.d Pemvlvania,


PO BOX 129. NEW FREEDOM. PA 17349-0129<br />

717-2354954 L!: 717-2398190<br />

ry!4!4!ct!4.949!r<br />

.Dtil! bslodon@.yb€rirroD<br />

HonoEble Mik€ Bmbater, chaif<br />

Agricdtw & Rual AfIaiB Comitlse<br />

Hsisburg, PA 17120"3036<br />

I m Milirg in support ofth€ noninalion of Rusell Redding for fi€ S€orct ry of<br />

Ae.icultu@ in Ptusylvfli.. I have tnoM RNell for nedly 20 y.m, i. fact he is fiom<br />

my hmdom, C€n$bue. H. is iruly a dislinguished md @erg.tic sewdt ofth€<br />

ColmonE .ftn. Rusell, 6 you know. hs invdubl. expdi€rce in the D€p&tnenl<br />

Iiomrhennyyedthalhehas*edsD€putyS4rct ry. treisap€6onof<br />

exceplionrl ability ad inl€gity md Ihm cd not be a b€ft.r pels for ihis position.<br />

I rculd .pprcciate very mrch you and you colleagud' suppon of his nomimlior<br />

willim J Solomo4 vMD<br />

Sdalor Michel O'Pake, Minonq' Chair



Fta_,i:f<br />

Honodble Mike BNbato, choir<br />

Aedoltue dd Rual Afai$ Comittee<br />

Hmisburg ?A 17120-3036<br />

I wire 10 you today to sh@ ny suppon fo. Govedor Ed Rddell s noFimtion of<br />

R$sell Redd'nc for P.m"J l@k \.cddy ol agncd@ vr' Reddins is d comined<br />

publ'c seddr *ho hd spd the pas rs yd. he'pmg lead lhe Pedctl\dia DeP&'ltr'tu_<br />

of Asicuhr, tud thqe is no b€ri.r p.son to r!id. rhis agencv<br />

Ar Sec@ry. v-. Reddincb nC" siJr bim msig5l on pJodKior osncllrm ro$mer<br />

.ssues, theoNdtror olod tuhral resoues dgncrntul educa.ior ndel<br />

developmat, ubd aercultml inilialives ed the nMes of rutl Pmsvlv@ia In<br />

additioa Mr. Reddins wodd be a hug€ as.t to PeDs9vaia s ou aSnculne<br />

se.'eu4 becau'eol hiserhlnee\penene'nuorlingnind\.Fesblehol&rgoup'<br />

on eqo;. sk dd turronal b:ues Pffcvlvdir's unique g@8Bph) ad e\Gsi\ e<br />

er requre a ,odd sho worl both here ar home dd b')ond ou<br />

.iar\ ';ltuEtdivdirv bord6 d;<br />

'd<br />

I belk'e Mr. Redd$s ii+e leader {hocddo Uris<br />

I hav€ knoM Mr. Reddins sine 1998 md continu b be inpr.$ed sith his knowledge<br />

of dd oImilnent to agr;dtuF. He is Fof6sioml md also approa.hable in his public<br />

I dL for \ our suoDd ro conlim Russell ReddinE d ou! n.{ SecrcuD ol AgflcullG so<br />

du he ud $e d;pahenr ce @nr'nue ther good worl w'rhalireume ore\pen'ne<br />

in asrioltw, begimilg on his fmily's fm in Adds coutv md including his lasl l5<br />

yeas of sfli€ to the PeNylvmia Departnd of Agricultw' thqe is no noE<br />

;xpen6ced, loowl€dgeable or dedicated l@d.r in agriculture lodav. gis lead$hip in<br />

ihe$ challdsus tin€s is ciiictl, s is you supPon of Pemvlv{ia sgnc'rltuF'<br />

Thanl you for you $lporl of Mr' Redding ad lor vour elfoils in Hmisbug md locallv<br />

AgricuLl$e S.ni*s Mmag(<br />

fte Lddter Chuber of Colm@ & Ldulrt<br />

Ee o:r7')$l$y r0r7r,]r'1,^e

Pennsw0nla Goilem0ds ts$0cl0tlon<br />

127 Tompkinsvill€ Rood, Scoit Township, pA lM33<br />

Phone: 57G254{856 Fox: 57G254{553<br />

wwwpocotile.org<br />

affi | i oE d ||i.h n. N a. i m ot aonb n ?n\ 34 f A $..ta tia n<br />

s.pen$a 3q 2009<br />

c:i<br />

" t0c9<br />

3144612164<br />

rmmmr@..ni!<br />

"... . ""<br />

s€cDtor<br />

tn.<br />

ffis'ld6 6hd , Alsdm opcrtuuv addE tue.I R.ddq s<br />

d4ofa6tuhe lnl bdu!<br />

ha!<br />

'M rh. pcr ,ur r 5 b.hins tad ft. pdn*hau D.eMm; or Asi{fiu., ;; -<br />

tu3 dbtund @ kn dvrugou! b dt mrl. indlsy r.r.!.d p|l1M<br />

",' tu<br />

: ::::,-, wn M R.ddiis brnF s$ rnb .n,sn m pmd,@n |gnturto( 600@<br />

:^--: ^^::^:.-- --<br />

G ed rhe nlln4 o, ud P.mrytvbr tn<br />

:ddi'na ! n'id'"s *"id b. ' h's. r|c b ptrD h d' e u ae olM sddd<br />

Mtu$ or tu! .crE .:Tjitu. itr wddl! wi,n drru ,rlaiotdB @6<br />

j'9cu!'<br />

d<br />

4gidLl aE .nd o r ho6. Ptusy|vbn ! ( niqc sEs'prD rnd @;,8<br />

rsnorM dj6iF requiE r ,.rdc tt)o d ed, bdn hm<br />

-'7<br />

d hom rd b.,otrd<br />

t32-A4Jz<br />

M<br />

.d.i4 i! rr. r6de sho d do rh!<br />

{r I d.dq.d Plor.sjoid \,tr Rldduu br ba mjurbt. @ s iDduq H. \q b.o<br />

Er*dtvo Commtfi€€ olhboadd b nera io rh. profiEbitiy.ad tlsDib ti,, ot;r ontv rk 6ft.'<br />

D.Do1',,16, hrtusy bu',x of!€ncutu. ii pdtuvtvui, rid rrionnD n*E;sliFtun{<br />

B a 8.5 ,goo<br />

itrdi! idurt who hu lmsi,.d rhL ned rnd x 6nd i sdjryiis b tl$;d |nl .rfi)d!<br />

d,n'flen@o! €du<br />

w! ,el Io, pr uppod ,o tujm Rlq R.ddrB s e ntr sebs of asiot@<br />

tx€cu v€ Alrtrtont<br />

s d!' h. !'d rb! D.Dahm m mDdtu. ,t$ gmd M I wrh I tfdme oroesa;<br />

r!8n@R 4tr4mtuedDirihh AdrBcounr,.dhctud4hj,td ts<br />

";. i;:^;,^ yd' orsic. b th. p.ruuyrmh D.md d As,io!tuq,b4 tr m D@<br />

:: .'"-;:; "-. .._ .\r.,i@.d. r.|sr.d3.rbr.o d.d,sr.d r..de m<br />

liii lgnturkmdry Hi! jdddnj,,tr<br />

de ch'xal8its trm6 i, oidd o * "<br />

-prd.t p"ryhoi. |sdk '<br />

'Itdr @ Io' pu qppod or irr Reddiig and for t/M.ffm ,D Harilbury ed locdty io<br />

cc: Alrioiun .nd Rurit atr ih connihe<br />

Hmonlr.Mi*.8ru6'tr, Ci.ir<br />

roMrtlc Mi.b!.r a (h*q Mi@ity ch.ir


lll ^ )."r<br />

Honorabl€ Mike Brubak€r, Chair<br />

Aqnclturo and RudlAtuiF C.mmittee<br />

HanisbuE, PA 17120-3036<br />

I an snll.o on b6hsf of coBdnl\ to suppon G.@hor Ed F€nd€ll e M'nalion ol<br />

Ru6s[ R;ddi.s lor P€nnsyl€nia $a6tary ol AOicullu€ W R€dding ls a<br />

commitled ,ublic s.Mnt wio poss€s$s a d€ep und€Flanding or lh€ unique<br />

irrattense ano l$@s tacing P6nnsy'vania's agd@lt!61 s*tor and ru€l<br />

C.Bank ls a $63 bllllon @op€raliw bank thal polid€s nMncial ssM6s b ulEl<br />

i;dustis - ;gdcullu€, €;.9y, Mld and communic€tons - 34!inq ru61<br />

6mmun[i6s aadss lh6 nalion. lh6 bani has an imporred cu5lomEr bds in<br />

P6nns!,lvada, and rc a6 @mmitt€d lo fultiDing our misslon lo FM as t<br />

deo€ lab|6 aou@ ot c6di ior ou cuslomeB In lho sbte lf @nrm€d our<br />

esiom.6 murd be dFcrlv seMd bv Mr. Reddirg<br />

T ard lhal €nd, tho bank beli€€s Mr. Reddmg poess tE n@$ary skilk<br />

.nd .xo6nen@ ne€dod to @ndnue to lead th€ Stale s D€panm€ ol Agdcultur€<br />

ne nai r,e.enoo,s msiohl 5nd 6xpe en@ on ilsu6s €laied io prcducton<br />

s;ncu[uF, a!^dltuEl _ €du€lion sno mall\6t dewlopmdt H€ has<br />

d;monslraied iis @mmilm€nl to lh€ p@pl6 of ruEl Pennsy'van6 lhough hlr<br />

man! E6 of oublic sNi6 oilh lho erate s D€partnenl of agrldhuF | @uld<br />

eo6drulv asi mat you o,'t'm Mr. R€ddmg a6 lh€ stal€ E n6x S€cElarv or<br />

Thank you lor tour lim€ and 6nsld€.a1ion<br />

f"h-%-<br />

Load R6latioNhi9 Manage.<br />

CorpoEte A€dbusino$ Banking G,oup<br />


aEouse !I /,\rpre!8ntafi!er<br />



ocl N | 2003<br />

H,r.i-l:r:i-:3<br />

Governor Rend€tt re.endy naoed Russe Reddtng to slc@ed DennrsWotft, tormer<br />

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> secreiary ofAgricutrore. prior to his nomi.dtion, r!r. Reddrni was the<br />

Erecutrve oeputy secEtary forAgncuttuE 6nd nowseNes€s tuthg s{.etary whit€ rhe<br />

senate.eviews hls cEdenials for connrmaflon.<br />

asclatrman ofrhe HouEeag4cutture committee, tan pt€.sed b ommenron pus*tl<br />

Redd'ns s qual fcaflons b serve the cotrnonweahh !! sec.ebry of Aqacutrure. ri6 6e<br />

balance ofscholaFhtp, plbtic*Niceadd pr.cticalknow how uniqueitquatify Mr. Reddjnq<br />

to assume this r€sronsibilitv.<br />

A qraduate ofPen. srate, w,rh !ndergraduare.nd graduare degrees In aqa.uttlrc.Fd<br />

academtc5 undersrE.drng or agn.utt!,e sdence and<br />

with over 20 yea6,expsience in stare rnd nanonatqovernment, r, Reddtng atso h.sa<br />

prcfound .omfritment to public seru'.e. Hiswide.rang'n9 undearardhq of,r;ues<br />

conrrcnlnq polcymake4 ncudes@mmuntty a.d qonom,c devetoprent, nutneFt<br />

management, ra.mland p.€seNation, thefederatFarm Ai , and coo insurance.<br />

Pe'haps m6t rmportant. Mr. Re.d'nC Orcw up on a pennsyrvan,a rarm a.d t.re, operared a<br />

o!ry rarm. As i.rmeE srruggre to inceare p.oducnonr dennt new markers.nd comov<br />

wtrh envrbnme.E/ mandates, Mr. Redd'no undeEtanos rhe chalenqe fame.s fa@ a;d wrl<br />

qncutture in th€ p!btic interesr.<br />

I€m Drea*d ro h ghty recommend pusser, Redd,ng fo, lhis posrr,on, and am .va,tabte to<br />

ion pe6on€ly at vou' ftueri.<br />

Agrlculture and Rural Affal6 Cohmittee

sBEc Smoll Bulind D@loPdent C€nter<br />

Kulztown Uni6nifr, of P.nry/lvonio<br />

Ho.or$le Michael W Brubakd<br />

Heisbug, PA 17120_3036<br />

l'- |<br />

i:.:)<br />

ldwiunero vou ro e\DRss av flthc'dnc suppon lorCovmortdtrard Ren&ll snof,iMtiorol<br />

ai",.i. r.aii'i i- ,1. i.-"vtiu. s. r-u,ry ofeenrutm vr' Reddins h a comined public<br />

.."" '<br />

*r," r'"i"p*, t" p*irt v.d helprne b lead !te Peffi\ lveia Depanmenror AeicdIN -<br />

iner€ is no beltd peson to guide lhis d€paltndl!<br />

Mr. Reddrns bnnss wilh hh bbs Fs'ghr on podJdion agnculue consMerhsles 'onssationol<br />

.* *i"ri i.""ri*, ed@: on. mke' de\ elopmenr' exporring ubd aemumi<br />

"""rl''"t<br />

-<br />

.*"r'*" -a "".*.i<br />

.r ttt" of lml Petunl\&rs lile Ar a8ri'itu€ S*(ur} Mr<br />

"mces<br />

,<br />

Rddne wolld be a hlae sser Pennt lvdia b*auq ofhis *ent!"\Pendc' D @Krng s'u<br />

'o<br />

dn sr-skkeholde! g'oups on rgroml ttre ed n'noml isG" Pemsvlvtuia 5 mque seognPh) ea<br />

*. *qi,r. t ;d *ho. m *ork qths ou suk 6d b'vond ou srare s bordd -<br />

a;d I "i".i,j.*'iq knos thal M!. Reddus is Lh.l€adn who cm do dris<br />

We d Ell acodnbl {rLh Rb"ellrlvougi lxs dNLinsu'shed seryi* on lhe KuuoM Unnersiq<br />

SBD. Advnory Bodd Moeo\ er. 4 ht\ e $orked s ift F ussell on nmeous "sues<br />

luch s E.ad'<br />

-jJ.':.*L.<br />

,r'" c-"' o. Dairv Excellen@ @d<br />

'siou srmls io $Pport tn' PDA wirhout a<br />

doubt is s visionary leadq who wd.r$dds lhe prelical iss@s thal imp&l 1h€ nueou segnms<br />

oi r"msyr*ia agti"illue Ei" integtlry ed l)1@senenl al:md nake him m ex@llot 'hoice<br />

L]<br />

swe s the next seEtlrY of AedcultN<br />

i. irip,i-."lJ;,",: L'.irgooduorr' withaliret'me of *pritr( n asncJrtwle,giiruns@<br />

i'i *'rr:i-ram. c"-D-md ,n.luding his lar l5 v6r otseruiRrc.rhe Peds)lvdia<br />

ii.p*l"i"iee"-l'*". ^a".. ,h." rs rc mor eerio

:".'J<br />

The Hononble Michel Brubata, Chair<br />

Agtcultu€ ed Rual AlTairs Comnree<br />

Hdisbue, PA 17120-3036<br />

This is ! lener of snppon for th€ nonjnation ot Rusl Reddins to becom€ {E S€crcrw of<br />

Asricuftue for tne connonmallh ofpeusylvdia. I hlve kroM dd worked with R;sei for<br />



ll:c::: fJ<br />

(814)3954667<br />

Th. Hononble Richald A. ("su.ic<br />

Hrrisbur3r ?A 17120-1032<br />

I d niting io ctpr.s mt suPPon fo! cona@don ofRusel Reddtng rs Pcmsylnnirt 4!t S.Gbtv of<br />

,{*riclntuc I nop. Fu rSEe *ith he th.t thct ntlt is no bdd Pe6on b lsd the D.pdtudt<br />

As S(shty, Mr. Redding bn.gs vith hii inr€ht on producdo' .8nc t@, cocutu ke!, mns.mdon of<br />

or .atui;so@s, rsncL turn .ductrioo, @rk r d.v.lopn nt, ubrn .siculbnl initi.tives hd lle nunc.s<br />

of :l Pe..sylani In rddition, Mi R.dding Eoutd bc t huse xs.r to Pe.ntlvmix s ou Agi.'nM<br />

Sdftbry b.ous. olhis .xEnsive .xpetiene in vorkldg with diY.* eekeAoldtr SouPs on iqio..l sEt aod<br />

mtion,l lsua ?mstlmoi.t mique SegaPhy md dedv. agricultui:l div*i9 Equit a lsds vho cd<br />

mik both h.rt d hon rnd b.y;d o; {!tet bordds a'd I beh.ve N{r' R.dding h th. Lrder en do<br />

''bo<br />

O. 1 p.6o..l noc, /ou xlndy k N ny e.thusi.ln lor ihe Pmnsyluf,i. Rural Ladssbip ?bg@ EULE)<br />

dd it gires n. hinl& pla$re to scre wih R6*l on (n. AdvGoiy Bdd for dre proAtu Mr' kdni.a<br />

spoLe io our &$ on s.veial diffft.t ocesiods s ve tude our vq tholah ou M teF s RILE FeI(M.<br />

r;d nad f.ilcd @ lay. B inpftssd by h& k@d.dge of r.d de,l&..ion b bxsic pftdples ofaoodn s, .thi.s<br />

mdr cla! urdcsadding of ihe PM!of tjte individu,l to.fLct t€l.h,nge We vd. inPts.d mough 6<br />

init. hin b scd. * r k y.ot€ s!..ker at ou com.ncme.t ia M2y r.d hls wm 3nd harfeft suPpod or<br />

RLILiE ilode is mowh to cndet him ro ne and ny cl.trn*ci<br />

Ir'k fo' torsJppo" b o.fimnL eU Redongdou t'\'ssauflo {8-tulte.'o'hr'}r,rdlb'<br />

Ocp.<br />

-i.r *io.o'u,l ",e..d m tnrn.lf.@. o, exPs.n(c n ,gn o'gndng o<br />

' 'jrur' '<br />

B ldnn?5<br />

f; in Adrm CoDnrFnd i.dudl.q his l5t I5 ye6 of seflice to ihe Pencyl9mir Dcp$h.d of4!.1ne<br />

thd.is.o mEdpc;.nad,looqnedssble oidedic.td ledoln €iicultu. todly His lerd4hiP in rbes.<br />

chdlensi.g rim6 i. cn!c.1, a is you supFot of?.a$ylvrM r3nontuF<br />

Thrals .s ,lmF fo! youi h.!d *ork.<br />


3)Fg,<br />

Dairy FanersofAn6rtca<br />

Honmble Mite Brb.ker, Chat<br />

AgrioultuE dd Runl Alllns Comnitt€e<br />

Hdisbury, PA 17120-:1036<br />

I vrils lo tou loday b she my snppon for Oovenor Ed Rendeth nomimtion of Rus*ll<br />

R.dding fd Pen6ylvdia ssEEry ofAg culruE. Mi Roddi.g is i comnithd pubtic sn{t<br />

Nho hos spenl th€ past 15 yes helpinA t6d lhe Pennsylvdia Depfimot of Agrioulture, dd<br />

rh* is no b€b p€Non io guide ftis raency.<br />

As Secr€lsry, Mi Reddiq brings *nh hin iDsight on prcduction agrioutlure. cdnsuntr hsues<br />

the mnseeaiion ofour .atonl lwles, .gricultubl educotion, Mter developnenr, uba,<br />

agricult!61 initialives dd $e nurnes ol rual Pennsylvinii. In addilion, Mr R€dding rould<br />

a huge agt b Pflnsylwnia s ou fu.icultor S*claiy beause 6tnis exbsik experiene<br />

*olkine sith divefe stleholder grcups on regional. iar md nalionat isnes. pemsvtvdia,s<br />

uique geostuoh) rd erknqv. egr'.uhumldneFiD rcqu.re a teider Iho mn h,t bo$ hft d<br />

hoae dd b.yond oui sLte\ botden - dd I b€lifle Mr. R.dding is lhe leodei who m do thh.<br />

John Siglor, Direotor ofopmtions for Dairy Fam.6 ofAherica, Nonhsr A@ Councjl,<br />

sd.s s a Di€b. on the Pennsylv.nir Cdd of Dairy Excettence dd has wdked yiLt Rus$U<br />

Redding in tne past dd sp€ks ver' highty ot him dd ippftci't6 his d.dic.1io. lo lhe indusby.<br />

I .sk tbr your support to onfim Russll Redding a od nexl Secct ry ofAEricuhrc. so rhat he<br />

ind lhe Dep6tue.t can coDtinue lh.n godd work Wilh a lifdime dfspsi.nc. i. igricuhre.<br />

beginring on hft friily\ f.m in Adams Coung dd includirg his lrsr l5 wN of s;iice to tne<br />

Pernsylunir Lxpanmenl of AgricDltoE, rhft h no norc expdiencd, tnovtcdAe,ble or<br />

dedic,ied lsder in agriculure tod'y. His ladeNbip in rbe* challenging tines is oriliod, s<br />

ydur supp.fr of Pemsylvania agricul.ure.<br />

lhuk yon for your supp.n of Mr. Redding md tor your efons i. Hmisburg and toc,lly ro lad<br />


"1 S-"<br />

rrw Galdn r, Cdpohb Bdd Member<br />

Norrhdt Are. Council<br />

F.O.8o,43r0. syracu*, N Y.13221-43r0. rel rts43l-13s2 or 300,9G2667

cFg.<br />

Hono6bl. Mike Boboker, Chair<br />

AgricultuE dd Rual Allaiis Comnifte<br />

Hdisbut8; PA 17120-1016<br />

lwik rorou 'o&J<br />

o >hsF mJ suppon ro' Co\eflor t-d R.ndell s nom'In'r on olRu>*lr<br />

Redoinr'; Pd .ihmhsd;s4 or Asr'.uhue w Reddins F a 6rm'nod public seF'nr<br />

trho \,iqoen, rhe psr l) Jes^ helprng lerd d-e Pennlh, i Depsnmed of Agr:'ul@ and<br />

diere is no b€ns pe6on b guide rhG 4Acv.<br />

As s.cr€tq. M. R.ndina brings wirh hin insighr on produciion agrioulta cdsmd issEs,<br />

n*0rc0s, as cultuGl educdior nT ket dweloPdd! udrn<br />

ii" -',*iii"'<br />

;mculto( 'nn'dr<br />

"r"* $ md ""t'a rh< nu,n( e' or rmr Pen- n lsmi' la donron M<br />

' Rddrns $ ould be<br />

,i.* a,xr .o p*6 tt u" o. \ii'cdoc sarm be.,u or hiq exren'n e eipenen* in<br />

;;' k:n! r' dn er;{,|.ehol&r ^ soup. on RsDml {de rd nd iatr' \sues Pdnn h an o s<br />

unio*"eompt'r "<br />

-o orr^.. ag"cu oo ai' crtv ,.qu're a teto o " ho v ort borh her rl<br />

ri'i. f,rl,"i<br />

".-a<br />

- .*t t",a;^ ed rber'e\eM' Redd'n36rhe re'dc\hosdorhN<br />

lohi \islo$, Dtrsro of Op.6ron' fo' D3rD ' "mea<br />

of a -erica \odneN AEs r oun(il<br />

'"".' 11" or,*.. - u'" i.-.r,"nir'a;-orDi,D I x'ellflce 'ndhat<br />

$ored s'th Ru'*ll<br />

R.iding in lhe pai nnd spqls very higily of him and appeiales his d'dicotion to lhe i'dBlrv<br />

I sk fo. ror ru@it to mnfim Ru$ell Redding 6 our n x1 SaEbry of As'iculore' b that he<br />

md .he d

Ml.l - Atlantlc<br />


AssoG,latlon<br />

TO: Seiabrc ot P€nnsytvania<br />

RE: Coittm.rion of Russol R€ddiis tu p€hisytvania se@l.ry of Aqncu[u€<br />

r a m Mtr nq on beh. I or lhe Mid-Alra itic Soyb€.n Associ.[on a m€mbeGh ip<br />

oTar%io. @mp6ed ot so,beal lahe' s, ro ule /ou rcc i, coir,mal o; or<br />

lEd by c6€no. Ed RordeJ lor pen6ytvarE<br />

as E .tur ,e Depurv Seaebry ror tie Lrepan4€.r or Agrcu'tue, ft Reddms \.s<br />

dehoGr:Fd an rn.r. ide*b4d'ng o. p'odLcl ol asldtrue He gw rp an fis<br />

Ehny s d.ry rrn<br />

'n<br />

c*rysbL! a1d operaFs r d€'ry ram w,h t ,e ,if€ N,na<br />

sz!lbtEs.Na.r rvFg so€ro noe rhr120 yer<br />

Fatrg n6 rac n ts.dsbJrg md 1wsshrgb.. D c Ml Redoing bnnss sh n,;<br />

onctoar o ol n.tu6t Houres ag1@ttu,a,<br />

< r€bl tu{et de@ opnenr u bal aslcJrrLr.r ,nirxiv* .nd he nJ.n-es of ruE<br />

M r Reddlng h.s exle.siv. 6xper enc6 n trlkinO wilh d trc6e sEkehotdo. ! rcups oi<br />

€gb.a 5t t€*dnat@€lis*4 PerTvtvan,a s un|qle oeogEp\y a.d €rt€ns,4<br />

.SFutra d v4iy @cun6 . h.der s\o ..n M'tt botr .t hor€ €id<br />

bodec we boriere Mr Reddins sihe ead€rehocandorh,s<br />

His l€adeEhip ii lh.e cha tenqing imes is citi€t, as is your suppo.l of pendsytv.nia<br />

T\ar[ yd b vor sppod ot M' Reod 10 cno t yol, enotu ,n HarhbLrg a.o ,oerry<br />

Carol Kinsfey


I m rl@d to wib i. $oDon of G@tu !d IGdd.I s tmidion ol RusFll Redding fr ?ennsvldir<br />

SF;hy orAsiouh@. iG pdiou A$diaL Dan ofR.$rcl' fq lhc Lm Sllt Coll%! ofAsticulturil<br />

ScieMs, ud now s dd, I naYe had the pl6w ofwotti'g *ilh Mr. Rending for rlnosl a &c'd' ald h'v'<br />

foDnd htn to b€ a pofdsiool Dd oMitLd publio agom dd eftdiv. addidisbttor fs dF Penntlvmia<br />

D.paltudt ofAsrioulluE (PDA). H. is d *,le!t @d obvious choic. lo lad dis 4€n y inb lh. tul'E<br />

Redmhr &.ldnd@r rnitudon in Pmsvltuia $e pffi stlh PDA ob i da t b6i thtuuelbu lhe<br />

co;n@*;tb d pos!-. dalins s irh i$uee sch 6 rmd saloty @ q!.h). st btr e spd'.* bimtrsr.<br />

md oodmon sFc-lod On Otuber :e, e will pD wtb PD A in rlebr,fi4 the offlcial dldtdioo or piM<br />

oox v'ru<br />

'n<br />

Pd;ry|luia md $e I'jios 01lb. qu,r',line in mpactd c{mie M offon mad. p.ssible dvoDd<br />

ih. ioi' D@.BbiD ofUsDA PDA. Ptu sEro, dd Pemrlhtuia p.sb prcdu@F l}iehid ooe ompleor<br />

bo; sc; om*hios ho'. --h.d in doving Pseylvmi! agi( ulM foNud dd ho!. h'd ! lignificsi<br />

p.siiv. domic inpa.l fd Percylvmii<br />

I m Mu.rilnr vou su@dn b 6Dfm RL$ell Redddg s ou n*r seEEr) of AgncultuB eo lhd h' and lh'<br />

depatu;' c; odin;lhd sood mrt we vah. ou Nelled $drDsEl{iodh'p wt[]DA Md k'ow Mr<br />

R;dirs will diiiu. to proviae E l€d{6hip D@ts,ry to 6,titue such p6thmhips 10 ddvd€ asriolN id<br />

Tbb* you ior you supgon oIMr. Reddin& ou 6U.9., md igricuft'ft<br />

(,^t n/L

'Tara L.ltoman<br />

Ccnd. Coung Disei.t Oficc<br />

4<br />

I sie to IoU ron"y b .h* ny suppor foi Gdchor Edwd Rbael,s .omirodo. of RBselt Reddi@<br />

for ?e.nstlv.nir secftbry of Agdcultu. Mr Redding n a comtftd p!6lic semd *no hs sDmt $J<br />

pr.' (r/nr.lp.nele,ddrPtrr-ttarDepcJm".'of Agnc.JM.hJ.hffi i5rob.Goaor o<br />

As S.ctstuy, Mr Redding bnngs with hin insrShi oq ptoducdon ,gri.ultue obsl@! issus! thr<br />

@nsetion ot dr mrnl r6oEccs, .gricdturir educ4ion,<br />

'fukd<br />

dsdopnrd, ubh agricuttu?l<br />

iririlriy.s rnd i6. nurc6 of ru't P.nctltuil I' rddnioq Mi R.ddinS;,nd b. "<br />

hug;-*t b<br />

?emsyl6i. .s ou 4ricdM Seerr b.c$e or bi .ie6iy. *ptuida in wrkins;th divds<br />

sbt hold.! geups on regs.,l. ,Et. and mtio.,t issues. p.nf,lylvrnit, *iq& SeS*phy .od eft."i,e<br />

gic'nnE1 divGiq ftqui€ r t id vho qn wrk borh L.r. r! hoft r.d be;d ;rsae,s boldds _<br />

,na I b.liee Mr. Red.Cina is dr la&r vho cu do this.<br />

I d the ?rcg1n A$nbd lor rh. P.d.s/rdi. Ruit-Urb,n lpddltip pba'm bscd our of d.<br />

Pem St& Unie.siq, CoU.ge of Agnculnnil ScicoaE. Mr. Rcdding w6 Efldy appoint.d b ou<br />

Ad'isory Bo.d. H. h.! b.en hd vilt o.tGu. b 5. an ifr-alubte nsbd b LUlj. Mi R.ddi"a b..<br />

d,osemdr',.Mt.rlo R| P)(ll.prcy.i.g,prrmuuone.dd"4-\gn.,JM. ft. B.nl"O.<br />

ed Off the Beld'vhiLe in GerFblrg in Febn,ry 2m3. M! Redding.ot oitr pdids RULE vith hir<br />

h.Jn:bl.laleFnprLlL,bub.tdrcn'ewreorb.dSsgbn6fapropk Mos 6..d) Ntr<br />

Reddi4 r d \i (ull hm ptrd.d I e.. c qrh "p.r,s.<br />

rd / d, ti.s Io- rh. \ufFao In,.rrDon.l<br />

Fmi.g SchoL*, This Emup wil b. sbing i' tdnsttvmir in M.Fh of 2O1O Mr. Reddi.q nor onjv<br />

h.! a pasi6 and lde fo gri.ultu., but heLa n\e ch@t.!i.tic ofr tu l.ad*- c"""iotu*. H;<br />

hs loq. "<br />

fo his rrfrnd Jqrgee.rcdl v*T"ra' bdu<br />

t ask for your suppon b cof,fim Rus.U Rcddiig ,s ou n*t Sccftsrt ofAgicdbie, so rh.t he md<br />

'h. D.m hcn. d , .o1dnr e hu *"dc., wo \r'k r reme o.dp.ruae r qi.,tue. o.@s<br />

o, . .,TJns hm in Adh,, o,,h @d hchdin8 hi. t + rr, ?a o, *-i".,",_F; p*".v.-.;'<br />

Dep,fuot of lgri.!]tuc, th.t. is no nort dp.rGbad, k owled3sNc 01dcdicrted l.i.r in<br />

.grtcultu ro&t. His leddhip in rhes. ch,nersi.g rin.! is c'itic.! ,s ls yor luppod of p.nnrylv.nir<br />

Tbrk you fo! you suppotr of Mi R.ddi.g a'd fo! your .faor6 ir H.dsbulg dd locrly to t d<br />

._ tl(lt\lr,(ln<br />

Ho.onble Milr. B6h*c!, Chrn ofA8ric'ntu ard Ru,] Affri^ Comine<br />

Hononble MichaeL o P&c, Minonit ch.n of Agricultu. and Runr AIr.G ct]lmire

PennAg I ndusties Ass ocialio n<br />

The Eonorable Michel W. Brubater<br />

R@m 457 Capitol Buildins<br />

This left€r is intnded to shd€ Pdr.Ag's suppon for Coremor Ed<br />

Rendell's noninadon ol Rnssll Reddins for PmsvlvmG S€crelary of<br />

Aen( ulrm. RLssell .s t comitred public se^ et who ha spenl lhe<br />

p;r I' yeshelpile ead the Pmj lvmia Depannenr ol Ae4culk<br />

As S@@tarX, Rusell btines wfth hin i$iSlt on prcduction agnc'xnft<br />

cotumei issues, the @nseflalion of ou mllllal FsN6, Egric'ntual<br />

€ducadon, ndket dev€lopnent, ubd agncuhdl iniliativ€s md the<br />

of rual P€ms veia. Rusell also h5 exteaiv€ qpen@ce m<br />

with divers si.lehold€r soups or resional, slale md national<br />

TheE h5 been a distubing lrend in supporl for the Depail,aent of<br />

Ahculm over $epNLsreratled' ln addiror b 'upponing<br />

nisel- sconnmr'in. a'[ rhd' vor pFv'de hm wiUr d. rd.ial<br />

"e<br />

1ools to efidtively perfon this job.<br />

PennAc Industries dd its soo-sgribuiness nembes enco@ge vou<br />

confimalion of Ruseu Reddins s ou rext Se@lary ofAgrcdru€<br />

The* yon lor your suppon ofMr. Rusell Redding We appre6te<br />

you! dediotion md legddsiip of P€mylvmia aCncultue<br />

2///+--<br />

Sin.erely,<br />

Executive Vi€ Peide<br />

Leadi"s th. War<br />

/t--<br />


N.lioDl O4.nbrrion ol A8rt.utbrc Srud.nr<br />


Honohbl€ Mike Brubaker, Chair<br />

Agricuhno dd Rural Afrairs Comittee<br />

Hmisbu€, PA 17120-3036<br />

I wite lo you today to shde ny slppon for covenor Ed Rendell.s nohinalion of<br />

RusseU Reddins for P€msylvdia Secrctary ofAsricult@. M,. Reddins is a comhined<br />

pLblic"0r\dn. *ho h6.pen' rh( pln t. v.$ hetpins t€ad de petr{ylituia Depeenr<br />

of A8ricnllw, End ther€ is no berter peren lo guide thh ag.rcy.<br />

I hdve fu1oM RFs.ll Reddrns toraimorm) entiF rea!ninscrer. fhe fiarrcoletion<br />

I fave is {hen t B a cedidak tor Nal.ondt Ft a Oflice duine one orrhc flrn FFA<br />

Conventions I ever altend€d. I have work€d wit6 Rsse on a nmb€r ofasriculluEl ahd<br />

edralion r{es rnJ hse always lound hin ro be a peror $no i, a good ticlers eo a<br />

problem elver who seks $lutions. I have always fouhd hin exlr€oelv caDable of<br />

wad'ne lbrougb a conplex issue md delerninins lhe essnrial qu€sljons rhi need lo b€<br />

asked md aosweEd to make a sud decisioo, He is borh tholough dd Iai,, io hy<br />

estination, based on mny yed of obswation.<br />

I_ask for you sppon lo @nfim Ru$ell Redding s our nexl Secrcrary of Agnculturc.<br />

wirh a hfer'neolelperen( hasricLtr@, begimhgonnis |mrtyi fam inAdhs<br />

( oha ad includins tk ld l5 JeN of rnrr b rt e pemsJ tvmE DeMenl ot<br />

Aericuhde, th€rc is no nore expdieoced, knowledgqble or dedicaled t;add i.<br />

agdcullE loday. His leadenhip in tbese chatlengi4 limes is c lical.<br />

lt-L-<br />

Bob Laufer, Asriscience Insrtuclor md FFA Advis.<br />

Gad€n Spot High Schoot<br />


<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Farm Bureau<br />

5rosodr "ersl€er.Po Bo, 3?16 . Crrp ,lir, PA 1700',_37r5<br />

Phone (717) 76r-2740. FAX (717) 73r 3515. wplb com<br />

TIe Honoroble Michael Brubaker<br />

Soale Agliculure md Rural Afiails<br />

ttadhbug, PA 1?120-3036<br />

Ded Chai@m Brubaleri<br />

On behalf of P.msylvanid Fam Burcau (PFB). $e sta€'s ldge$ eenetal tim<br />

organialio!, t an *nting to ugc the confim.tion of Russll Redding as Seclty of the<br />

Pemsylleia D€pannent of Agri@lre.<br />

Mr. Reddih8 is s wellrespeded m.mber of lbe agriculture comunitv Since<br />

1995, he bas d€nonstoted a prov.n Ecord of sucess a1 d€ Depmnei oi Agicultue<br />

playing a key rcle in mmt ol d& DePartmenf s inniaivos<br />

Mr. Redding hos long beo a fan ed open nhded advoclte for both tle<br />

agi@lrw industy dd c@sume$, md Pemsylvoia Farn B@au is Pleasd io suppod<br />

hn conJiimlion as PeNylvDia S€wlary of Agiiculw, Should vou have av<br />

questions, please do not hesilate to onirct ne.<br />

Thrnk you tor lour<br />

@nedemL o.<br />

c"3sT<br />

tu+"<br />

cdl T. Shafier<br />

Pi€sid€nt<br />

Tlr. Hononble .,oe Sc@ti<br />

The Honodble Dominic Pileggi<br />

<strong>Senate</strong> Agricultule md Rural Affairs Co@ntee Membes

Hono6bb and€{ E. Dndron<br />

Ssnsia ol Psnsyvania<br />

Hadisburg, PA 171203!19<br />

I l€an.d that Gov€mor Ed R.nd.n n.6 iomaly noninabd ttu..e Ft ddtng to,<br />

P€nn.ylv.nl. S-dtlry of Agrhuttud. I Em e@ursg6d s6 my deat,ng6 w l Mr<br />

xeolhg nav6 Dbwn lo m6 rat n6 ls a commin€d oubtic sNafl end has h,gh r€ards<br />

br tn. issu€3, o@m6 and inr€6€r3 ot PA s sErj.lttu,at @mnlnity. so | 5rn wndno ro<br />

.sk for vdr suDrn ol his nomination_<br />

iry €'Aonon€ with Ru8€rl Rqtdno ha! pdmadty bsn thDugh my asooston filh tF<br />

FA r.rE. LrG you, h. ena6 a |ow for tn. bakod oood.' H6 peBhaly oftbcd io b€<br />

a judg. for n6 ar $e $6h€y coco. ct $b .tat€ @mpefijon at the Fdlrn shMl<br />

sincEth6n I have *en h@ he is a strcnq proporent tor th6 f.iB and their nbsion 1o<br />

pomob PA sgri@huF_ lie ha6 {5o b€€n a by.t .uppo.i6r of rh€ pa F.ir oen<br />

Prcg.lm whlch latsoor!€.ia€veryy6€r. Not oty hs h€ mad€ e Fint to hetp u! with<br />

crd€r g€ni tundhq, bur lE nak€. a point to .tiend our €nnuat cmri6n Baniuet in<br />

H€Eh€y, PA. M@r .dmiEbly, h6 ebo iak* tn. mo to p€MEIy wit. ro dch<br />

c6iesr.r {End or@ aF 6udt 6q fo @ch y€ed) to thank $€h br h.ir d€oie on<br />

to tlh€n b@l fak and .g 6mmuniri6s, as sl as for th6ir psnicipotion in th6 sret6<br />

I he€ come io Bspecl Russell RoddrE ov€r th6 pasl f6w y@B b€eu$ | 3,n€€v<br />

b€rio€ h€ ksp€ *E f.iB lnig€st. d th€ top of hrs dg€ida. A trw t€6d6r t4d5 by<br />

.'dmple . noljurl by Llkinq about ise* Hrs a.lud Danicipeton in h6 menyfa@is<br />

d our Far inou6ay h4 snoM m lnat tF wil be . d.diei6d t4der for pA .gricuttuo<br />

and a $dg 3!pport4 fo. th€ FsjB ihat shov€s pa €gricutiu€ ard t u.i5m. And witl<br />

th65e @rent sltic€l tinancial ttmes, 4r faiB n6d th€t ktnd ot i.sd€Ehlpl<br />

Thak you lor your support of Rus$tt R€ddi.g, and as .tways, ior your on-Oohg efiois<br />

h Hsnisburg dnd l@tly to suppon PA FaiBl<br />

d<br />

Kmb.don coFmunily Falr, s..Etary<br />

PA Srale Aseciation of Coanty Fat6, Di6c{or, zon6 4<br />

PA Fai Qe€n PosEm, Srat Conr€d C@rdt.ator<br />

9 Ebolha€ R@d<br />

PodstoM, PA 19465<br />

61G212-fia0cp<br />

@: Hembd [,]It6 8^b*or: Cha].r fud.dhre ad Ru, Arat6 Cffiir*l<br />

Chair AqldltlD nd Rud nhiE Cff[s<br />

NdoEdaM.iddA.OPak Mnodty


sdtor Mictel Brubald<br />

sdrr€ Box 203036 16EatWirg<br />

Earisbus, P& 17120-1036<br />

fte \va)ndPil€ couty Fm Bnlle *ih . n€mb.chip of ovd 1,200 lt:mb€s with u@im6<br />

alprcvai non oE hdblsnip, lgmdds N'li. Ru€U Redding @ring S-lcr.rt of ih. D.pqtrcnt<br />

oiAsricultw wfth @nplet cmnd€nc be alpoinled S@rctdy ofihe D.partmdi ofAgrculhE.<br />

Mr. R.dning ha d oute&ndi.g oud@t on agriodn@ isEs &d hn oFo dw lolici6 bav. bd<br />

noll hebfin i! lovidi.s idomaiion 6d .dvi4 ro IMy I@ BN.a Pl€e @!id{ ou<br />

G^.i-+y*o.-q-<br />

C@L Grc&ck, sstary<br />

vaynq?ike couty Fm Bu.au<br />

cdfile, CdeNr R€nd.I,<br />

Minonty Ch!i. Agrrcultue & Rual Aflaits<br />

Sdard Mich&! A. o'Pske

<strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Rural Electric<br />

Association<br />


TELEPHoNE 7r71233.5?04.F X 7r?/234.r3oe<br />

The rlol@ble Mich&! Brubaka<br />

Chaitum, Aericultre & RualAfans Comitkr<br />

I68 Main Capnol Blilding<br />

Eeisbug, PA 17120-3036<br />

ocrob€r 2l, 2009<br />

ci<br />

lf<br />

:003<br />

On behalf of rle boad of dieIos &d llr@genenl of de ptuylvaia Ruat El€clric<br />

Assoc'ation (PREA), M muld lik€ to lod or enlhusidtic su!@rt for cov. Ed<br />

Rendell s nom insLion ol R ucsell Redding for PeN) h aE Sec;Ery of Ag r uthre A<br />

cohhitted public swdl, Mi Reddins ha spenr the pasl t 5 yus helpins lo l€ad th€<br />

?emsylvaia Departnert ofAgriculru., ad re feel lhee is no bet&r pdson io guide<br />

As secrtary, Mr. Redding brings wirh hin iBight on atl 6peds of agricultue, tion<br />

consmer issres 10 uba, aericdtual initiativB. As a tong{landine tual et€ctic<br />

coop.rative @6mer-memba, n€ a&o und€rsfids d€ nudces ofrual pemsytveia.<br />

Hic exteEiveexpenenle in qorkine wirh divene skkehot.t* grcup- on egiorirt. *r<br />

md mlional issles trEkd lti. R.ddine a gEdl sst to P€msytvdi! as agriculrE<br />

we at PREA sk for you supFn in confining Rusll R€.lding a ou rcxi Secdary oI<br />

Agdcultft so thal h. dd the depa-tn€nl @ @nrinE lnen C@d Mrk. With a lifeliDe<br />

ofex!€r'icncc h agicdtEe besiuiis on his fanjbrs fam in Adss Counry thmis<br />

no one moE qp€rieN ed. loo* leds@b e or dedr akd inagr(utrue bday Hb<br />

leaddship in these challenging rihes is filical, s is you supporr 6f pmylvmja<br />

ThanL yon in advdce for your suppod of Rusll Redding,<br />

@.ro.o<br />

rou ,'.r.or*, o.a

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