Annual Report (Complete) - MYCRON Steel Berhad

Annual Report (Complete) - MYCRON Steel Berhad

Annual Report (Complete) - MYCRON Steel Berhad


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Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

The Group recognises its social obligation as an integral part towards being an internationally competitive marketplace. To create<br />

long-term value for our stakeholders, we will build on our platform of supporting strong corporate governance by providing a conducive<br />

workplace, embedding environmental and social considerations into our operations. We will strive to develop and maintain policies<br />

and practices that promote positive social and environmental impact.<br />


The Group wants to be recognised as a responsible employer, offering fair employment practices and remuneration, a safe working<br />

environment, provides training and support for skill enhancement, ensuring work-life balance. To this end, the Group wants to be a<br />

company that respects all employees and promote human rights within our sphere of influence. The Group continues to provide training<br />

programmes for employees to ensure they are equipped with appropriate skills and knowledge to grow and prosper together with the<br />

Group they work for. The Group has also implemented a policy whereby employees are rewarded when safety measures are adhered<br />

fully with no lost time injury in their workplace. We adapt “Safety First” as our work culture in our operations and business activities.<br />

Besides the above, the Group also ensures that all employees are adequately provided for with medical and hospitalisation benefits as<br />

well as health and personal accident insurance. Whilst we continuously seek to improve the performance of our people, we also strive<br />

to create a balanced workforce whereby social gatherings and recreational activities are encouraged. These include <strong>Annual</strong> Dinners,<br />

sports tournaments, weekly sports events and the establishment of a staff recreational club to encourage physical well being, greater<br />

employee interaction, as well as to cultivate team spirit amongst the employees.<br />


The Group embeds an environment-friendly management system in our operational process and business activities in compliance with<br />

the applicable environment regulations and laws at all times. We also recognise the importance of improving the environment in which<br />

we operate and we endeavour to use our unique access to encourage other companies to address this need.<br />

The Group constantly monitors areas of environmental concerns relating to its businesses in order to prevent damage to the environmental<br />

resources. In 2010, we implemented a rainwater-harvesting project. The rainwater is harvested, filtered, treated and stored before it is<br />

utilised in our cold rolling production process. This project would help to reduce our dependency on the water supply by approximately<br />

ten percent (10%). In the long run, the rainwater- harvesting project will help to replenish the depleting water resources as well as better<br />

environmental resources management.<br />

We have also undertaken a study to conserve electrical energy through an E-Energy Saver project from a leading energy management<br />

technology from Korea that promises a way of revolutionising energy efficiency through a patented technology known as ‘Balanced<br />

Wave’. To this end, the Group is exploring feasible opportunities to prevent wastage of resources with an estimated ten to fifteen<br />

percent (10-15 %) of electrical consumption being saved from our operations and business activities.<br />


As a socially conscious corporate citizen, we are also concerned of the safety and security in our neighborhood community. Since 2009,<br />

when the Neighborhood Watch Programme (NWP) Section 16 Shah Alam was established, we have been actively participating in the<br />

programme. The main objective of the programme is to establish an information sharing network as well as to foster better cooperation<br />

in improving safety and security measures in community areas. To attain this objective, the Group always support various activities<br />

carried out by local authorities such as Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam, Polis Diraja Malaysia and Jabatan Bomba.<br />

The Group also continues to look out for the well-being of orphans by responding to fund-raising requests from orphanages, for example<br />

The Budimas Charitable Foundation, a foundation specifically set up to care, nurture homeless children to which the Group has<br />

committed to support and make donation to on a regular basis. The Group believes that children are our next generation of leaders<br />

and must be taken care in such healthy and harmonious environment.<br />


The Group is committed in building a sustainable, innovative and competitive marketplace that is receptive to the needs of our<br />

stakeholders and takes into consideration the key social and environmental issues to aid in the formulation of best practices. The Group<br />

ensures the delivery of quality through enhancement of quality meeting its standards of excellence provision of products and services<br />

that address our stakeholders’ needs and aspirations.<br />

To achieve the best standards of quality, the Group embarked on an ISO accreditation and was accredited with MS ISO 9001:2000 in<br />

October 2002 and is currently working on further accreditation with MS ISO 9001:2008. We take pride that our products meet international<br />

standards that are recognised worldwide.<br />

This, together with the securing of fair profits, fair employment and continuously improving on its best practice business strategies<br />

constitutes the foundation of our business and fundamental Corporate Social Responsibility.<br />

pg 8 | Mycron <strong>Steel</strong> <strong>Berhad</strong>

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