European Red List of Vascular Plants - European Commission

European Red List of Vascular Plants - European Commission European Red List of Vascular Plants - European Commission


Near Threatened. One species is Extinct at the European level, the Serbian endemic Trapa annosa; however the taxonomy of the genus Trapa is far from clear and it is not certain that T. annosa is a good species. The Greek endemic Isoetes heldreichii, is listed as Critically Endangered/ Possibly Extinct as it has not been seen since 1885, in spite of searches in the type locality, however there is also a need to resolve the taxonomic status of this species, particularly in relation to populations recently found on the island of Lesvos (I. Bazos pers. comm. 2010). A temporary pool on karstic limestone which supports half of the European population of Callitriche pulchra, Gavdos Island, Greece Photograph © Richard V. Lansdown. Finally, it should be noted that the percentages of threatened aquatic plants mentioned above represent minimum estimates. A more realistic value may be calculated based only on the surviving species which have been assessed for their extinction risk (i.e. omitting DD and EX from the total). In this case, 7.9% of aquatic plants are threatened at European level and 8.1% at EU 27 level. The Extinct and threatened species (Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable) at European and EU 27 level are listed in Table 10. Table 10. Threatened and Extinct aquatic plants at the European and EU 27 level Family Species Red List Status Europe Red List Status EU 27 Endemic to Europe TRAPACEAE Trapa annosa EX NE Yes CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche pulchra CR CR CRUCIFERAE Rorippa valdes-bermejoi CR CR Yes ISOETACEAE Isoetes heldreichii CR CR Yes ISOETACEAE Isoetes malinverniana CR CR Yes UMBELLIFERAE Apium bermejoi CR CR Yes CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche regis-jubae EN EN CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche transvolgensis EN NE Yes ISOETACEAE Isoetes boryana EN EN Yes ISOETACEAE Isoetes fluitans EN EN Yes LYTHRACEAE Lythrum thesioides EN EN MARSILEACEAE Marsilea batardae EN EN Yes MARSILEACEAE Pilularia minuta EN EN UMBELLIFERAE Eryngium viviparum EN EN Yes ALISMATACEAE Alisma wahlenbergii VU EN Yes ALISMATACEAE Damasonium polyspermum VU VU ALLIACEAE Allium schmitzii VU VU Yes CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea sagittata VU VU CYPERACEAE Cyperus cyprius VU VU Yes ELATINACEAE Elatine brochonii VU VU HYDROCHARITACEAE Najas flexilis VU VU ISOETACEAE Isoetes azorica VU VU Yes LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula mundi VU VU Yes MARSILEACEAE Marsilea azorica VU VU Yes MARSILEACEAE Marsilea strigosa VU VU PRIMULACEAE Anagallis crassifolia VU VU UMBELLIFERAE Thorella verticillato-inundata VU VU Yes HIPPURIDACEAE Hippuris tetraphylla LC VU HYDROCHARITACEAE Najas tenuissima DD EN 36

5.3 Spatial distribution of species 5.3.1 Species richness Figure 21 shows the geographic distribution of aquatic plant species across Europe; it does not include Data Deficient species although these are included in Table 11. To interpret this map it is necessary to know that detailed distribution data were available for some countries (such as Spain, France and Fennoscandia) whereas for others the only data available were presence or absence at a national level and therefore the map was created by selecting the whole country (Balkan states and Central and East Europe). This gives a false impression of a high density over very large areas in the centre and southeast of Europe. In fact, the top five EU countries in terms of aquatic plant species richness (in descending order) are: France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Poland (Table 11). It is notable, that most aquatic plants have a very wide distribution, occurring in a large number of countries. Perhaps the most remarkable is Potamogeton pusillus which has an almost cosmopolitan distribution, from Europe through Russia east to eastern Russia, Japan and the Korean Peninsula, south through the Ryukyu Islands to Papua New Guinea, Table 11. Number of aquatic plant species in the 27 current EU Member States (excluding introduced species) Country Total number of species Austria 217 Belgium 203 Bulgaria 207 Cyprus 59 Czech Republic 215 Denmark 193 Estonia 161 Finland 179 France 288 Germany 244 Greece 205 Hungary 200 Ireland 181 Italy 270 Latvia 153 Lithuania 156 Luxembourg 176 Malta 66 Netherlands 202 Poland 223 Portugal 207 Romania 214 Slovakia 182 Slovenia 202 Spain 261 Sweden 210 United Kingdom 210 Figure 21. Species richness of aquatic plant species in Europe (excluding species assessed as Not Applicable and Data Deficient) 37

5.3 Spatial distribution <strong>of</strong> species<br />

5.3.1 Species richness<br />

Figure 21 shows the geographic distribution <strong>of</strong> aquatic<br />

plant species across Europe; it does not include Data<br />

Deficient species although these are included in Table 11.<br />

To interpret this map it is necessary to know that detailed<br />

distribution data were available for some countries<br />

(such as Spain, France and Fennoscandia) whereas for<br />

others the only data available were presence or absence<br />

at a national level and therefore the map was created by<br />

selecting the whole country (Balkan states and Central<br />

and East Europe). This gives a false impression <strong>of</strong> a high<br />

density over very large areas in the centre and southeast<br />

<strong>of</strong> Europe.<br />

In fact, the top five EU countries in terms <strong>of</strong> aquatic plant<br />

species richness (in descending order) are: France, Italy,<br />

Spain, Germany and Poland (Table 11). It is notable,<br />

that most aquatic plants have a very wide distribution,<br />

occurring in a large number <strong>of</strong> countries. Perhaps the most<br />

remarkable is Potamogeton pusillus which has an almost<br />

cosmopolitan distribution, from Europe through Russia<br />

east to eastern Russia, Japan and the Korean Peninsula,<br />

south through the Ryukyu Islands to Papua New Guinea,<br />

Table 11. Number <strong>of</strong> aquatic plant species in the 27<br />

current EU Member States (excluding introduced species)<br />

Country<br />

Total number <strong>of</strong> species<br />

Austria 217<br />

Belgium 203<br />

Bulgaria 207<br />

Cyprus 59<br />

Czech Republic 215<br />

Denmark 193<br />

Estonia 161<br />

Finland 179<br />

France 288<br />

Germany 244<br />

Greece 205<br />

Hungary 200<br />

Ireland 181<br />

Italy 270<br />

Latvia 153<br />

Lithuania 156<br />

Luxembourg 176<br />

Malta 66<br />

Netherlands 202<br />

Poland 223<br />

Portugal 207<br />

Romania 214<br />

Slovakia 182<br />

Slovenia 202<br />

Spain 261<br />

Sweden 210<br />

United Kingdom 210<br />

Figure 21. Species richness <strong>of</strong> aquatic plant species in Europe (excluding species assessed as Not Applicable and Data<br />

Deficient)<br />


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