REPORT 2007 - CIMA - Universidade do Algarve

REPORT 2007 - CIMA - Universidade do Algarve

REPORT 2007 - CIMA - Universidade do Algarve


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<strong>REPORT</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />

<strong>CIMA</strong> - Centre for Marine and Environmental Research<br />

cima@ualg.pt<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Index<br />

A) <strong>CIMA</strong> General Report<br />

1. Unit Description …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3<br />

2. General Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3<br />

3. Main Achievements during the year of <strong>2007</strong> ………………………………………………… 4<br />

4. Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of <strong>2007</strong> ………………… 6<br />

5. Outreach activities during the year of <strong>2007</strong> ………………………………………………… 7<br />

a) Participation in regional events promoting marine and environmental<br />

activities; …………………………………………………………………………………… 7<br />

b) Divulgation of findings/activities of social interest; …………………………… 7<br />

c) Development of multimedia applications for open and school education 7<br />

B) Reports by Research Objectives<br />

Research Objective I - Marine Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates ………………………………………………………………………………… 9<br />

2. Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9<br />

3. Main Achievements ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10<br />

4. Productivity…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11<br />

a) Publications in peer review Journals …………………………………………………… 11<br />

b) Other publications ……………………………………………………………………………… 11<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed …………………………………………………… 12<br />

d) Organization of conferences ……………………………………………………………… 13<br />

e) Industry contract research ………………………………………………………………… 13<br />

f) Internationalization …………………………………………………………………………… 13<br />

Research Objective II- Marine Morfosedimentary Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates ………………………………………………………………………………… 15<br />

2. Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15<br />

3. Main Achievements ……………………………………………………………………………………… 17<br />

4. Productivity ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18<br />


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a) Publications in peer review ………………………………………………………………… 18<br />

b) Other publications ……………………………………………………………………………… 19<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed ……………………………………………………… 19<br />

d) Organization of conferences ………………………………………………………………… 20<br />

e) Internationalization ……………………………………………………………………………… 20<br />

Research Objective III- Large Scale Geological Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates ………………………………………………………………………………… 22<br />

2. Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22<br />

3. Main Achievements ……………………………………………………………………………………… 24<br />

4. Productivity ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25<br />

a) Publications in peer review Journals…………………………………………………… 25<br />

b) Other publications ……………………………………………………………………………… 25<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed …………………………………………………… 27<br />

d) Organization of conferences ……………………………………………………………… 28<br />

e) Internationalization …………………………………………………………………………… 28<br />

Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates ………………………………………………………………………………… 30<br />

2. Objectives …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30<br />

3. Main Achievements ……………………………………………………………………………………… 30<br />

4. Productivity ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31<br />

a) Publications in peer review Journals ………………………………………………… 31<br />

b) Other publications ……………………………………………………………………………… 32<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed …………………………………………………… 33<br />

d) Organization of conferences ……………………………………………………………… 34<br />

e) Industry contract research ………………………………………………………………… 34<br />

f) Internationalization …………………………………………………………………………… 35<br />

Research………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35<br />

Graduate Training Networks…………………………………………………………………………… 36<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

A) <strong>CIMA</strong> General Report<br />

1. Unit Description<br />

<strong>CIMA</strong> research activity is structured around for major Research Objectives (RO) with<br />

the aim to further improve the creation of synergies and conditions for merging of<br />

complementary skills. The functional objective of the Centre is to fulfill the role of<br />

binder between a series of specific initiatives financed from other sources, and at the<br />

same time to enhance the pluridisciplinarity of the unit.<br />

The Centre management was based on the close collaboration of <strong>CIMA</strong> coordination<br />

(co-ordinator and scientific secretary and the collective body – The Scientific<br />

Commission. The latter met regularly once a month for the discussion of major issues<br />

relevant to carrying out the research plans. These issues embraced wide range of<br />

subjects like: scientific information, grant allocations, preparation of project<br />

proposals for EU and national calls, purchase of equipment, lab-space, internal and<br />

external evaluation of the Centre activities. The decisions were recorded in the<br />

meeting minutes available from the <strong>CIMA</strong> web-site. The allocation of funds was<br />

decided within the Scientific Commission and was based on the following principles:<br />

- 10% retained by the coordination for administrative expenses, including 40% of the<br />

salary of administrative secretary<br />

- 90% spent by the individual researchers mostly on laboratory consumables,<br />

informatics equipment, acquisition of external services and conference travel. This<br />

part of the budget played a very important role in complementing the insufficiencies<br />

in project financing or by providing for the linkage period between successive project<br />

grants.<br />

On the national scale <strong>CIMA</strong> integrates the IMAR network which aggregates 5 National<br />

Research Units lead by IMAR-Coimbra. Through this network a purchase of 2 important<br />

pieces of equipment was finalized in <strong>2007</strong>: the XRD diffratometer and the multisensor<br />

buoy SIMPATICO which is installed now in Guadiana River Estuary. A common strategy<br />

for participating in National Marine Consortium was set during several meetings which<br />

occurred in the second half of the year.<br />

2. General Objectives<br />

This refers to the current aims of the Unit as a whole.<br />

The integrating strategic aim of <strong>CIMA</strong> is defined as Factors , Dynamics and Records of<br />

the Processes in Marine, Coastal and Watershed Systems. Under this integrating topic<br />

4 research objectives (RO’s) are defined together with 14 associated tasks/lines:<br />


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a) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the ocean<br />

b) Chemical dynamics in the ocean<br />

c) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs<br />

d) Sutainable marine resources<br />


a) Sea-level and climate change<br />

b) Numerical modelling of lithosphere processes<br />

c) Biogeochemical processes in sediment water exchange and the fate of OM<br />


a) Shelf sedimentary dynamics<br />

b) Coastal dynamics<br />

c) Science and policy integration for ICZM<br />


a) Impacts on human health<br />

b) Eutrophication and rehabilitation methods<br />

c) Impacts of emerging contaminants<br />

d) Development of new biomarkers and indexes in risk management<br />

e) Harmful algal blooms<br />

Such approach to the observation, quantification and modelling of the phenomena<br />

of is supposed to enable our team of researchers to explore new areas in the<br />

interfaces between the traditional <strong>do</strong>mains of science and produce new knowledge<br />

transferable to the public <strong>do</strong>main<br />

a) Training on MSc and PhD level<br />

b) Expert Services<br />

c) Design of digital applications<br />

3. Main Achievements during the year of <strong>2007</strong><br />

Description of the Iberian wind field and upwelling filament off SW Iberia with<br />

quantification of the coastal waters - open ocean exchange<br />

Integration of the scattered mesoscale knowledge on physical-chemical-biologic<br />

coupling in two Atlantic areas (SW Europe and SW Africa).<br />

Setup of numerical models to predict the propagationt of oil-spills(The patos lagoon,<br />

Brasil and the Kong’s Fjorden, Norway)<br />

Setup of numerical models to characterize hydrodynamic and biogeochemical cycles in<br />

Ria Formosa and the main Portuguese estuaries.<br />


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In terms of training the research work for the Master's theses of 23 Angolan students,<br />

who completed their course work, was started.<br />

MSc of Portuguese students, based on research in Cuba and Mozambique,<br />

Ecological models with evaluation of carbon fluxes and the role of microbiological<br />

compartments as carbon sinks in the <strong>Algarve</strong> coastal zone<br />

Estimation of the impact of the Alqueva Dam on nutrient regime and phytoplankton<br />

dynamics, (cyanobacteria blooms) in the Guadiana River<br />

Assessment of Ria Formosa tidal inlet evolution ,definition of a new classification<br />

method for barrier overwash and a new management approach for channels in the<br />

area, based on a DPSIR approach.<br />

Definition of a new method for characterisation of the morphodynamics of fetch<br />

limited beaches.<br />

Characterisation of the impact of storm events on of benthic communities at the<br />

<strong>Algarve</strong>.<br />

Definition of a multitool, GIS based method for morphodynamics and hazard<br />

assessment at rocky coasts.<br />

Coastal dunes proxy introduced for Sea level fluctuations<br />

Modelling of the estuariine infill in the <strong>Algarve</strong> region.<br />

Definition of the depositional sequences for the shelf off the Guadiana River,<br />

Definition of the Holocene evolution of NW Iberian shelf-slope circulation by multiproxy<br />

analysis.<br />

Virtual system definition of Guadiana River estuary for further modelling by means of<br />

EXTEND tool.<br />

Evaluation of the Neogene compression in the Tagus Abyssal Plain using an association<br />

of numerical modelling with seismic data.<br />

Alternative explanation of the small magnitude background seismicity in the Gulf of<br />

Cadiz<br />

Five releases (1.0, 1.1, 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and 1.2.3) of the MIRONE package .<br />

Finished the multi-beam bathymetric survey of the Azores Triple Junction area.<br />

Publication of the first results and the map the maturation of the South Portuguese<br />

Zone<br />


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Geochemical and petrologic description, of the Mértola Formation (SPZ).<br />

Concluded heavy mineral survey in stream sediments, Monchique area;<br />

Defining zircon age groups in Plio- Holocene deposits of <strong>Algarve</strong><br />

Stable isotopes definition of groundwater discharge to Ria Formosa lagoon system,<br />

Publishing of the first climatic reconstruction of the last 13000 years in <strong>Algarve</strong><br />

Launching of the full trilingual version of the educational application GUADID.<br />

Use of deep sea cages for the assessment of deep sea vent fluids - mussels<br />

interactions<br />

Development of the models of metal (Cd, and Zn) accumulation and<br />

metallothionein induction in Ruditapes decussatus.<br />

Knowledge of PAHs accumulation and biological effects in the clam Ruditapes<br />

decussatus from the Ria Formosa lagoon<br />

Identification of an inverse relationship between Pb and ALAD activity in molluscs<br />

in the Guadiana Estuary – potential for ALAD as a biomarker.<br />

Establishment of main differences in bloom dynamics between western and<br />

eastern reservoirs in the <strong>Algarve</strong>.<br />

Elaboration of policy recommendations for reservoir management to mitigate toxic<br />

cyanobacteria blooms<br />

4. Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of <strong>2007</strong><br />

The activities within <strong>CIMA</strong> which help to create a true added value based on the<br />

integration of nearly 100 individuals take several forms. Two most emblematic are:<br />

a) - <strong>CIMA</strong> Advanced Seminars (http://cima.ualg.pt/eventos/semi_avanca<strong>do</strong>s.htm) –<br />

during the period under evaluation, 8 sessions were organized. The topics presented<br />

by local and invited researchers embraced a very broad thematic spectrum and very<br />

frequently led to lively/hot discussions.<br />

b) - Formulation and execution of projects based on sharing of complementary<br />

technical know-how and on sharing of common facilities (laboratories, small boats and<br />

library), equipment and full secretarial support. Indeed the elaboration of 8 successful<br />

project EU and FCT proposals, approved in late <strong>2007</strong>/early 2008 involved the broad<br />

participation across the disciplines. For that very reason the researchers are not any<br />

more bound to the thematic groups but instead, are freely contributing to the<br />

research objectives. The modelling know-how, is currently the most interdisciplinary<br />


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and unifying skill which is gaining new adherents in that group. From the past year<br />

experience, it appeared that the application of measurement and analytical<br />

techniques (eg. GPS, multisensor buoy, statistical analyses, MATLAB programming, GIS)<br />

for different purposes provokes discussion and exchange improves the experimental<br />

proceedings.<br />

c) design of educational applications which aggregate multidisciplinary knowledge (eg.<br />

MIRONE and GUADID) was another platform at which occurs the interdisciplinary<br />

exchange.<br />

5. Outreach activities during the year of <strong>2007</strong><br />

Throughout <strong>2007</strong>, multiple links with society were maintained and further developed.<br />

Following initiatives took place:<br />

a) Participation in regional events promoting marine and environmental activities;<br />

<strong>CIMA</strong> maintained its own stands in annual fairs like EXPOMAR (Olhão) or during the<br />

open week of the <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. The presentation of the video-shows<br />

showing the full panorama of field and laboratory activities , the miniature models of<br />

physical phenomena and geological features like for instance internal waves, coastal<br />

aquifers, luminescent sands coastal barriers and live microscope identification of<br />

microfauna and minerals in marine sediments were very successful sessions and<br />

attracted wide public interest.<br />

b) Divulgation of findings/activities of social interest;<br />

This promotional activity received a strong support from the University of <strong>Algarve</strong>,<br />

which helped to produce regular press releases and to establish contacts with TV<br />

stations . These channels were used to promote our new initiatives or to comment on<br />

“hot topics” like for instance: pollution,, coastal erosion, climate change etc.<br />

c) Development of multimedia applications for open and school education;<br />

MIRONE is a didactic Win<strong>do</strong>ws MATLAB-based framework tool that allows the display<br />

and manipulation of a large number of grid/images formats through its interface with<br />

the GDAL library. Its main purpose is to provide end-users with an easy-to-use<br />

graphical interface to manipulate GMT grids. In addition it offers a wide range of tools<br />

dedicated to topics in the earth sciences, including tools for multibeam mission<br />

planning, elastic deformation studies, tsunami propagation modelling, earth magnetic<br />

field computations and magnetic Parker inversions, Euler rotations and poles<br />

computations, plate tectonic reconstructions, and seismicity and focal mechanism<br />

plotting. The high quality mapping and cartographic capabilities for which GMT is<br />

renowned is guaranteed through Mirone’s ability to automatically generate GMT cshell<br />

scripts and <strong>do</strong>s batch files.<br />


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GUADID is a didactic Win<strong>do</strong>ws application intended to support environmental<br />

management, natural science teaching at school level and ecology teaching at<br />

undergraduate level. It was developed by means of Macromedia tools as a by-product<br />

of GIS “MEGASIG” of Guadiana Estuary. It is organised in modules, describing in a<br />

dynamic way the geological, chemical, biological and geographical aspects of an<br />

estuary and includes the auto-evaluation tests. The latter resulted from the<br />

collaboration with University of Huelva, IRNAS-CSIC in Seville and NGO “A Rocha”. The<br />

socioeconomic model was developed within the framework of EU 6 FP projects<br />

SPICOSA and COASTALPROFS After successful tests in secondary schools in 2006, more<br />

than 80 copies of GUADID were distributed in schools of <strong>Algarve</strong> and Andalucia..<br />

GUADID is on permanent display in the headquarters of Castro Marim Natural Reserve<br />

with which <strong>CIMA</strong> has very close working relation. It was also distributed as a<br />

“template” in India and Vietnam and received very warm comments MONDID is<br />

another educational application which is developed in the framework of VALEMON<br />

project (EU INTERREG program). It will be launched in 2008 after pilot tests, which<br />

took place in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

d) <strong>CIMA</strong> researchers participate frequently in the open science sessions organized by<br />

Ciência Vive Centers in Faro and in Tavira. Every month Café Oceano meeting<br />

promotes public discussions on “hot” marine topics.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

B) Reports by Research Objectives<br />

Research Objective I - Marine Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates<br />

Proj: “Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Coastal Countercurrents: A<br />

Study Case in <strong>Algarve</strong> Luff - DYNCOASTAL” 2006-2008. FCT POCTI/CTA/48250/2002<br />

Total funding: 100.000 €; attributed to <strong>CIMA</strong>: 26.746€<br />

Postgraduate Training in Angola – 100000 €<br />

FCT Base Funding 28100€<br />

Total estimated: 140.000 €<br />

2. Objectives<br />

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group<br />

during the <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

- The broad goal of this Research Objective is the characterisation of Marine Aquatic<br />

Processes off SW Iberian Peninsula,in the Gulf of Cadiz, and off SW Africa ,<br />

including Eastern Boundary Current System of the North Atlantic, Iberian coastal<br />

upwelling phenomena, regional fluvial inputs and the coastal transition zone<br />

processes, approached by means of measurements, interpretation and modelling..<br />

The physical descriptors are integrated with the chemical and biologic processes<br />

including microbial dynamics and the research on basic fisheries information of the<br />

main exploited stocks in the cited areas.<br />

More specific tasks associated to the research objective are:<br />

- Mesoscale features in the coastal ocean off Iberia, in particular upwelling filaments<br />

and eddies.<br />

- Crosshelf and alongshore transports off Iberia.<br />

- Air-sea interactions in the coastal regions / wind forcing<br />

- Dynamics of the eastern boundary current system of the North Atlantic, in<br />

particular the Iberian regional basin.<br />

- Chemical dynamics of the ocean at the shelf and at the continental slope of South<br />

of Portugal<br />

- Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs<br />


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- To study bacterioplankton biomass, activity and environmental controls in aquatic<br />

systems<br />

- To analyse regulation factors on the composition, biomass and productivity of<br />

phytoplankton: importance of hydrodynamic regime, light and nutrient<br />

environments and grazing pressure<br />

- To assess the impact of microbial food-web structure on organic matter degradation<br />

and export in estuarine and coastal areas.<br />

- To determine the impact of Alqueva dam on nutrient, light availability and<br />

sediment load regime in the Guadiana estuary<br />

- To monitor alterations in phytoplankton species composition and succession as well<br />

as primary productivity after construction of this dam<br />

- Development, Adaptation and Evaluation of different Fish Stock Assessment<br />

Methods for the data-poor situations of most developing countries;<br />

- Operationalization of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAF),<br />

especially in developing countries;<br />

- development of a geo-referenced system (software GeoCrust 2.0) to cross vessel<br />

monitoring system data with catch, landings and log-books data for the Portuguese<br />

trawl fisheries and provide geo-referenced information on fishing effort and catch<br />

rates for these fisheries, in particular for the crustacean trawl fishery.<br />

3. Main Achievements<br />

- Description of the Iberian wind field based on remote sensed and directly<br />

observed data; detailed analysis of the role of the wind forcing in the dynamics of<br />

the ocean off SW Iberia.<br />

- Detailed description of an upwelling filament off SW Iberia through<br />

multidisciplinary “in situ” sampling; Quantification of the exchange between<br />

coastal waters and open ocean.<br />

- Identification of the relations between the physical findings and the biological and<br />

chemical distributions, transports and processes.<br />

- Large scale characterization of the coastal ocean off southern Portugal.<br />

- Integration of the scattered mesoscale knowledge in a regional-scale<br />

understanding of the ocean functioning in two geographical areas (SW Europe and<br />

SW Africa).<br />

- Setup of numerical models to characterize hydrodynamic and predict the impact<br />

of oil-spill accidents in coastal regions (The patos lagoon, Brasil and the Kong’s<br />

Fjorden, Norway)<br />

- Setup of numerical models to characterize hydrodynamic and biogeochemical<br />

cycles in Ria Formosa and the main Portuguese estuaries.<br />

- In terms of training the research work for the Master's theses of 23 Angolan<br />

students, who completed their course work, was started.<br />

- Two Portuguese Master students, who carried out their research in Cuba and<br />

Mozambique, delivered and defended their theses.<br />

- Increase of the information available on the biology of the main exploited fish<br />

resources in Angola;<br />

- Ecological models with evaluation of carbon fluxes and importance of different<br />

microbiological compartments as carbon sinks in the <strong>Algarve</strong> coastal zone<br />


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- Estimation of the impact of the Alqueva Dam construction on nutrient regime and<br />

phytoplankton dynamics in the Guadiana River, particularly in increased frequency<br />

and duration of cyanobacteria blooms<br />

4. Productivity<br />

a) Publications in peer review Journals (3000 ca.)<br />

1. Kilongo, K,, Barros, P., and Diehdiou, M. <strong>2007</strong>. Diet of large-eye dentex Dentex<br />

macrophthalmus (Pisces: Sparidae) off Angola and Namibia. African Journal of<br />

Marine Science 29(1): 49–54 IF=1.08 C=0<br />

2. Mudge, S.M.,Icely, J.D, Newton, A. (<strong>2007</strong>).Residence times in a hypersaline<br />

lagoon: using salinity as a tracer. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.<br />

<strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.ecss.<strong>2007</strong>.09.032 (IF 1.73 )<br />

3. Mudge, S.M.,Icely, J.D, Newton, A.(<strong>2007</strong>). Oxygen depletion in relation to<br />

water residence times. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. <strong>do</strong>i:<br />

10.1039/b708178b (IF 1.52)<br />

4. Pereira, M.G., Icely, J.D., Mudge,S.M., Newton,A., Rodrigues,R. (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Temporal and spatial variation of phytopigments in the western part of the Ria<br />

Formosa lagoon, Southern Portugal, Evironmental Forensics 8, 205-220. (IF<br />

0.98 C=0)<br />

5. R.B Domingues, C. Sobrino & H.M. Galvão. Impact of reservoir filling on<br />

phytoplankton succession and cyanobacteria blooms in a temperate estuary.<br />

Est. Coast. & Shelf Science (<strong>2007</strong>) 31-43. IF=1.733 C=0<br />

6. R.B. Domingues & H.M. Galvão. Phytoplankton and environmental variability in<br />

a dam regulated temperate estuary. Hydrobiologia (<strong>2007</strong>) 586:117–134. IF=1.05<br />

C=0<br />

7. Relvas, P., E. D. Barton, J. Dubert, P. B. Oliveira, Á. J. Peliz, J. C. da Silva and<br />

A. M. P. Santos, <strong>2007</strong>.Physical oceanography of the Western Iberia Ecosystem:<br />

latest views and challenges, Progress in Oceanography, 74, 149-173, (IF=2.26<br />

C=2)<br />

8. Sánchez, R., and P. Relvas, and M. Delga<strong>do</strong>. <strong>2007</strong>. Coupled ocean wind and sea<br />

surface patterns off the western Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Marine Systems,<br />

68, 103-127, , IF=1.45 C=0<br />

9. Sánchez, R., P. Relvas, and H. O. Pires <strong>2007</strong>, Comparison of scatterometer and<br />

anemometer winds off the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, Continental Shelf<br />

Research, 27, 155-175,. IF=2.30 C=0<br />

10. Saraiva, S., Pina, P., Martins, F., Santos, M., Braunschweig, F. & Neves, R.,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>. Modelling the influence of nutrient loads on portuguese estuaries,<br />

Hydrobiologia 587:5 -18. IF=1.05 C=0<br />

b) Other publications<br />


PEREIRA, <strong>2007</strong>. A pequena pesca na costa continental portuguesa em 2005. Programa<br />

Nacional de Recolha de Da<strong>do</strong>s da Pesca. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> / Direcção-Geral das<br />


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Pescas e Aquicultura. Publicação digital, 40 pp. + anexos . Digital Book ISBN 978-972-<br />

9341-65-6. (http://w3.ualg.pt/~madias/progmin/Publicacaodigital.pdf).<br />

Martins, F., Janeiro, J., Gabriel, S., Venâncio, A., Neves, R., Chícharo, L. and Santos,<br />

R., <strong>2007</strong>, Advanced monitoring of South Portugal water bodies towards WFD. Water<br />

Status Monitoring under the WFD Conference, IWO, Lille, France.<br />

R. B. Domingues, H. M. Galvão & E. Ribeiro (<strong>2007</strong>) Abstract Book of the 10th<br />

Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, 263 p. ISBN: 978-<br />

972-9341-66-3<br />

R. B. Domingues, A. B. Barbosa, H. M. Galvão (<strong>2007</strong>) Algas tóxicas no estuário <strong>do</strong><br />

Guadiana: impacto da barragem de Alqueva. Actas <strong>do</strong> 13º Congresso <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, 559-<br />

566.<br />

d) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed<br />

Ph.D. thesis<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> .Maria Alexandra Cordeiro de Almeida e Silva. “Geographic<br />

variation in sardine population traits: implications for stock assessment”. Supervisor<br />

Manuel A. Dias, Co-supervisor: Dr. Georgios Stratoudakis L-IPIMAR, Lisbon).<br />

MSc. theses<br />

1. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Sara Isabel Cardeira, "Caracterização química <strong>do</strong><br />

Oceano costeiro ao largo <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>" Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Oceanografia, <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>/FCMA). Supervisors: Alexandra Cravo & Paulo Relvas.<br />

2. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Bárbara Bastos Horta e Costa. Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Biologia<br />

Marinha,"Distribuição e Abundância de peixes comerciais dentro e fora da Área<br />

Marinha Protegida de Punta Francés, Cuba". Supervisor: Pedro Barros.<br />

3. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> .Laura Diniz Leite. "A pescaria artesanal de peixe com<br />

mergulho em Inhassoro, Província de Inhambane, Moçambique". Supervisor:<br />

Pedro Barros<br />

4. <strong>Universidade</strong> da Madeira. Joana Patrícia Reis Vasconcelos “Contribuição para o<br />

conhecimento da biologia da cavala, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782 <strong>do</strong><br />

Arquipélago da Madeira” Supervisor : Manuel A. Dias, Co-supervisor: Dr. Graça<br />

Costa (Departament of Biology, University of Madeira.<br />

5. University of Cadiz, Spain. Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel. European Joint Master in<br />

Water and Coastal Management. “Forecasting streamflow by artificial neural<br />

networks, auto-regressive models and implementation of mapserver for ria<br />

Formosa” Supervisor: Flávio Martins.<br />

6. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Mafalda de Serpa Pimentel Teixeira Viana. Mestra<strong>do</strong><br />

em Biologia Marinha. “Migration and distribution of the veneid squid Loligo<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

forbesi in Scottish (UK) waters” Supervisor: Dr. Graham Pierce (School of<br />

Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen) Co-supervisor: : Manuel A. Dias<br />

7. <strong>Universidade</strong> Nova de Lisboa. Rita B. Domingues. Phytoplankton succession in<br />

the Guadiana estuary: before and after the Alqueva dam. Master´s in<br />

“Ecologia, Gestão e Modelação <strong>do</strong>s Recursos Marinhos” Supervisor: Helena<br />

Galvão.<br />

8. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management.<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Faye Brinkman . Analysis of Annuli in Otoliths, Age<br />

Distribution and Growth Rates of the Namibian (Merluccius Capensis .<br />

Supervisor: Alice Newton.<br />

d) Organization of conferences<br />

10th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 2 to 7 September <strong>2007</strong> at the<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Coordinator Helena Galvão.<br />

e) Industry contract research<br />

Estu<strong>do</strong> de Avaliação de Impacte Ambiental <strong>do</strong> Projecto de Infra-Estruturas para ILS da<br />

Pista 10, Ampliação de Plataformas e Caminhos de Circulação e Ampliação e<br />

Remodelação da Aerogare <strong>do</strong> Aeroporto de Faro. Profico - Ambiente e Ordenamento.<br />

Relatório Técnico 24p.<br />

f) Internationalization<br />

(Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks or other forms of<br />

participation of the Research Group at the international level)<br />

Participation in the Spanish project:<br />

"Produccion Pelágica en la Plataforma Atlántico-Andaluza (P3A2)", CTM2005-<br />

01091/MAR, CSIC - ICMAN Cadiz<br />

Partners of the Network Of Excelence - ESONET<br />

Participation in GEOHAB, GLOBEC and GEO WP 2006 Tasks CL-06-04, CL-05-06 and WA-<br />

06-05<br />

Very strong ties to the university teaching on post-graduate level and capacity building<br />

in Angola and Mozambique . Pedro Barros lead the Master's course on Marine and<br />

Coastal Science lectured at University Agostinho Neto, Angola, in which several <strong>CIMA</strong><br />

members participated as guest professors.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Regular cooperation with FAO in the area of Fish Stock Assessment, with an emphasis<br />

on support to the work of the Central Eastern Atlantic Fisheries Commission (CECAF).<br />

The <strong>CIMA</strong> Microbiology group has been participating in the ICES/IOC Working Group on<br />

Harmful Algae Bloom Dynamics since 1996.<br />

Invitation and preparation meetings to participate in a targeted MarinEranet project<br />

addressing the necessity of further understanding the structure and function of the<br />

Mediterranean microbial food webs.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Research Objective II - Marine Morfosedimentary Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates<br />

FCT funding: POCTI/CTA/45431/2002 (BERNA); POCI/CLI/60192/2004 (IMCA);<br />

POCI/MAR/56533/2004 (IDEM); PTDC/CTE-GEX/66893/2006 (BAYBEACH); PTDC/CTE-<br />

GEX/71357/2006 (MORFEA); PTDC/CTE-GEX/70448/2006 (BISHOP); PTDC/CTE-<br />

GEX/64966/2006 (GEOCONSERVATION);<br />

EU 6FP Funding: Asia Link COASTALPROFS project (ca 30.000 €), SPICOSA project<br />

(40.000 €)<br />

Civil Protection Funding: ERSTA (Tsunami Hazard).<br />

Integrated Luso-French Action: Cosmogenic Nucleides<br />

National Geographic Society and Archaeological Institute of America:<br />

Geoarcheology.<br />

Grant funding<br />

Direct FCT grants: 2 post-<strong>do</strong>c grants (A. Matias; E. Garel); 3 PhD grants (A. Pacheco; C.<br />

Loureiro; I. Mendes)<br />

Grants within FCT projects: 2 BIC grants (M. Nunes; F. Prudencio)<br />

Civil Protection grant: 1 BIC (L. Albardeiro)<br />

FCT Base funding: 20.100€<br />

Estimated total funding in <strong>2007</strong>: 300000 euros<br />

2. Objectives<br />

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group<br />

during the <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

In general terms this scientific objective embraces the dynamic processes which are<br />

shaping the morphology of the coastal interface and of the continental shelf. This goal<br />

iinvolves a multi tool monitoring, interpretation and modeling of processes. Moreover,<br />

such holistic approach is used to set a knowledge-based rationale for formulation of<br />

ICZM. Furthermore more specific tasks may be defined as follows:<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

In terms of coastal Dynamics:<br />

To define the hydrodynamic and sediment transport at the Ria Formosa inlets and<br />

their relationships with driving factors<br />

To define patterns of morphodynamic behaviour of fetch limited beaches, namely<br />

regarding the sediment transport at those environments<br />

To characterise limits for overwash occurrence, formation and disappearance and<br />

associated mechanisms<br />

To analyse the impacts of storms on the benthic community<br />

To analyse the evolution of headland embayed beaches at coastal areas with<br />

contrasting setting<br />

To determine what are the first order factors on sculpting coastal features such as<br />

shore platforms, caves and notches;<br />

To quantify the relative role of physical, chemical and biological processes on the<br />

coastal landforms development at the <strong>Algarve</strong> rocky coast;<br />

To use several dating techniques to date the exposure time of the shore platforms and<br />

sedimentary sequences;<br />

To correlate dunes’ generation with sea level fluctuations;<br />

To start the research on the establishment of the hydro-sediment dynamics condition<br />

in the Guadiana estuary before the closure of the Alqueva dam, for further<br />

identification of the dam-related impacts.<br />

In terms of shelf sedimentary dynamics:<br />

To characterize the recent and Holocene sedimentation in different areas of the<br />

continental shelf near the Guadiana River.<br />

To improve the age model of the cored sediment profiles.<br />

To analyse environmental proxies (e.g. benthic foraminifera) both at the surface and<br />

along the cores, in order to reconstruct the Guadiana shelf evolution during the<br />

Holocene.<br />

In terms of science and policy integration for ICZM:<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

To define vulnerability classes for cliffed coasts based on the integration of wave<br />

action, lithology and profile characteristics<br />

To formulate system model and integrate data of Guadiana Estuary<br />

To promote capacity building activities for a better integration of scientific findings in<br />

management policies.<br />

3 Main Achievements<br />

In terms of Coastal Dynamics<br />

Assessment of tidal inlet evolution and stability by using integrated sediment budget<br />

computations and hydraulic parameter analysis.<br />

Definition of a new management approach for channels located in backbarrier areas<br />

based on a DPSIR approach.<br />

Improvement of knowledge regarding the morphodynamic behaviour of fetch limited<br />

beaches, and definition of a new method for morphodynamic characterisation of this<br />

beach type.<br />

Definition of a new classification method for overwash formation and disappearance.<br />

Characterisation of the role of storm events on changes on the abundance and<br />

diversity of benthic communities at the <strong>Algarve</strong>.<br />

Definition of a new GIS based method for hazard assessment at rocky coasts.<br />

Wave attack was found to be the first order factor on sculpting shore platforms,<br />

whereas platform dimensions are influenced by the lithology and structural trend of<br />

geological layers. Smaller-scale morphological variations are caused by chemical<br />

weathering, bioerosion, and bioprotection;<br />

Shore platforms lying above the present tidal range are inherited from older sea-level<br />

highstands probably corresponding to MIS 5 (substage 5e) and MIS 11 respectively and,<br />

their morphologies suggest coastal uplift of some sectors in the <strong>Algarve</strong>;<br />

Coastal dunes can be used as a proxy for sea level fluctuations<br />

Establishment of the sedimentary pattern for the estuaries infill in the <strong>Algarve</strong> region.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

In terms of Shelf sedimentary dynamics<br />

Definition of the depositional sequences for the shelf off the Guadiana River, including<br />

the changes on the depositional facies as a result of different environmental<br />

conditions. Clear differentiation between stronger influence of the Guadiana River and<br />

marine conditions.<br />

Definition of the Holocene evolution of shelf-slope circulation on the NW Iberian<br />

Continental Shelf by multi-proxy analysis.<br />

In terms of Science and policy integration for Integrated coastal zone managment<br />

Virtual system definition of Guadiana River estuary area in the framwork of EU 6 FP<br />

SPICOSA project , which will be further modelled by means of EXTEND tool. This was<br />

achieved after a broad stake-holder consultation .<br />

Final setting of manual for training of ICZM at the post-graduate level in the framwork<br />

of 6 EU FP COASTALPROFS project<br />

4. Productivity.<br />

a) Publications in peer review<br />

1. Carrasco, A.R., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Dias, J.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). Historic Monuments<br />

threatened by coastal hazards at Boca <strong>do</strong> Rio, <strong>Algarve</strong>, Portugal. Coastal<br />

Management, 35 (2), 163-179. (IF= 0.738; nº C=0)<br />

2. Dolbeth, M., Ferreira, Ó., Teixeira, H., Marques, J.C., Dias, J.A., Pardal, M.A.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Beach morphodynamics impact on a macrobenthic community along a<br />

subtidal depth gradient. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 352, 113-124. (IF= 2.286;<br />

nº C=0)<br />

3. Garel, E., Lopez, L., Collins, M.B., Sediment resuspension events induced by the<br />

wake wash of deep-draft vessels. Geo-Marine Letters. In press. (IF= 0.677; nº C=0)<br />

4. Gonzalez, R., Araújo, M. F., Burdloff, D., Cachao, M., Cascalho, J., Corredeira, C.,<br />

Dias, J. M. A., Fradique, C., Feffeira, J., Gomes, C., Macha<strong>do</strong>, A., Mendes, I.,<br />

Rocha, F. (<strong>2007</strong>). Journal of Marine Systems, 68(1-2), 1-23. (IF= 1.447; nº C=0)<br />

5. Martins, V.; Dubert, J.; Jouanneau, J.; Weber, O.; Silva, E.F.; Patinha, C.; Dias,<br />

J.M.A.; Rocha, F. (<strong>2007</strong>). A multiproxy approach of the Holocene evolution of shelfslope<br />

circulation on the NW Iberian Continental Shelf. Marine Geology, 239, 1-18.<br />

(IF= 2.029; nº C=0)<br />

6. Moura, D., Veiga-Pires, C., Albardeiro, L., Boski, T., Rodrigues, A.L., Tareco, H.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Holocene sea level fluctuations and coastal evolution in the central <strong>Algarve</strong><br />

(southern Portugal). Marine Geology, 237, 127-142. (IF= 2.029; nº C=0)<br />

7. Newton,A., Icely,J.D. (<strong>2007</strong>). Land ocean interactions in the coastal zone (LOICZ):<br />

Lessons from Banda Aceh, Atlantis and Canute. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf<br />

Science. <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.ecss.<strong>2007</strong>.09.016 ((IF 1.73 C=O )<br />

8. Pacheco, A., Carrasco, A.R., Vila-Concejo, A., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). A<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

coastal management program for channels located in backbarrier systems. Ocean &<br />

Coastal Management, 50(1-2), 119-143. (IF= 1.011; nº C=1)<br />

9. Soares, A.M.M., Dias, J.M.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). Reservoir effect of coastal waters off western<br />

and northwestern Galicia. Radiocarbon, 49(2), 925-936. (IF= 2.538; nº C=0)<br />

10. Zózimo, A., Fortes, C., Neves, M., Ferreira, Ó., Fernandes, J. (<strong>2007</strong>). Irregular<br />

wave propagation model. Validation with field data. Journal of Coastal Research,<br />

23 (2), 395-404. (IF= 0.665; nº C=0)<br />

b) Other publications<br />

Bicho, N., Stiner, M.C., Moura, D., Lucena, A. (<strong>2007</strong>)- Rockshelter studies in<br />

Southwestern Iberia: The case of vale Boi (<strong>Algarve</strong>, Southern Portugal). Union<br />

Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Lisboa. Vol.14, 75-82.<br />

Boski, T., Moura, D., Veiga-Pires, C., Fletcher, W., Correia, V. (<strong>2007</strong>)- Does the<br />

glacial/interglacial sea-level changes modulate the atmospheric CO2 variations<br />

Abstracts/Quaternary International 167-168 (<strong>2007</strong>) 3-486.<br />

Carrasco, A.R., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Dias, J.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). Backbarrier Evolution and<br />

Complete Overwash Occurrence. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ’07<br />

Conference. New Orleans, May <strong>2007</strong>, pp. 2084-2096.<br />

Matias, A., Vila-Concejo, A., Ferreira, Ó., Morris, B., Dias, J.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). Sediment<br />

transport patterns during overwash. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ’07<br />

Conference. New Orleans, May <strong>2007</strong>, pp. 2049-2060.<br />

Pacheco, A., Vila-Concejo, A., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A. (<strong>2007</strong>). Present Hydrodynamics<br />

of Ancão Inlet, 10 years after its Relocation. Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ’07<br />

Conference. New Orleans, May <strong>2007</strong>, pp. 1557-1570.<br />

Veiga-Pires, C., Moura, D., Rodrigues, B., Macha<strong>do</strong>, N., Campo, L., Simonetti, A.,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>. Provenance of Quaternary sands in the <strong>Algarve</strong> (Portugal) revealed by U-Pb ages<br />

of detrital zircon. In: Nichols, G., Williams Ed and Paola C. (Eds.), Sedimentary<br />

Processes, Environments and basins: A tribute to Peter Friend. Special publication<br />

number 38 of the International Association of Sedimentologists, Blackwell (publ.), 327-<br />

340<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed<br />

1. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Oceanografia..Ana Catarina Brito -<br />

Caracterização sedimentar da plataforma interna algarvia. Supervisor: O.Ferreira.<br />

2. EU Erasmus Mundus. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> e <strong>Universidade</strong> de Portsmouth.: Mara<br />

Lúcia Duarte Nunes - Hazard assessment in Galé – Olhos de Água sea cliffs: a tool<br />

for coastal management. Tese de Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Gestão da Água e da Costa.<br />

3. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Benjamin John Tomlinson The Cultural and Sócio-Economic Impacts of<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Marine Protected Áreas in Catalonia; Supervisor: Alice Newton<br />

EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Dong Zhang. Modelling Porphyra Haitanensis Growth in Huangdun Bay;<br />

Supervisor: Alice Newton<br />

4. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Ganapuram Sreedhar: Application of LOICZ DPSIR Framework to South<br />

Asia Basins and Developing Typology for Coastal Vulnerability in south Asia;<br />

Supervisor: Alice Newton<br />

5. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Jian Su: Biogeochemical Model LOICZ Approach on Ria Formosa Lagoon,<br />

<strong>Algarve</strong>, South Portugal; Supervisor: Alice Newton<br />

6. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: : Probath Jayasinghe : Valuing Water in a Irrigated Agriculture and<br />

Reservoir Fisheries in a Reservoir in Sri Lanka; Orienta<strong>do</strong>ra: Supervisor: Alice<br />

Newton<br />

7. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Subramanian Karuppiah.: Requirements of Innovative ICZM Curricula<br />

at Post-Graduate Professional Level Education in India: Tamil Nadu; Supervisor:<br />

Alice Newton<br />

8. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Thomas Chevalier : Research and Management of European Lagoons;<br />

Supervisor: Alice Newton<br />

d) Organization of conferences<br />

6 EU FP project - From postgraduate to professional - a partnership for the<br />

development of a course for professional capacity in coastal zone managers-<br />

COASTALPROFS . International Symposium in Castro Marim, Guadiana Estuary 11-16<br />

June <strong>2007</strong>. Organized by T.Boski and Alice Newton.<br />

II Guadiana Forum – MEGASIG project INTERREG IIIa program , Ayamonte, 5 May <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

e) Internationalization<br />

The European Erasmus Mundus Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal<br />

Management network of the Universities of <strong>Algarve</strong>, Bergen,. Cadiz and Plymouth. Coordinator<br />

- Alice Newton .<br />

Joint fieldwork at barrier islands with the School of Geography, University of<br />

Plymouth. Development of a joint PhD thesis (André Pacheco) with researchers from<br />

the same university.<br />

Cooperation with the University of Portsmouth in GIS and remote sensing, which<br />

resulted in a joint MSc thesis (Mara Nunes) and publications (submitted).<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Cooperation with the University of Ulster in the study of headland bay beaches, with a<br />

joint PhD (Carlos Loureiro) under development.<br />

Cooperation with the GEOMAR-University of Bremen in the area of paleoenvironmental<br />

reconstitution, with a joint PhD (Isabel Mendes) under development.<br />

Proposal of an European project (MICORE, submited in <strong>2007</strong>, already approved,<br />

starting in June 2008) with 15 european universities, institutes and companies from<br />

Italy, Spain, France, England, Poland, Bulgary, Netherlands and Belgium.<br />

Proposal and approval (started in 2008) of an European project (BARDEX) for using a<br />

large wave tank (Delft) together with 5 UK universities.<br />

Participation at an Iberian-American network (TANGO) for teaching and research in the<br />

area of coastal hazards and remote sensing, together with universities from Spain,<br />

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Cuba.<br />

6 EU FP project - From postgraduate to professional - a partnership for the<br />

development of a course for professional capacity in coastal zone managers-<br />

COASTALPROFS . A network of the Universities of Wageningen and Amsterdam<br />

(Netherlands), <strong>Algarve</strong>, Anna (Chennai-India), Can Tho (Vietnam).<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Research Objective III- Large Scale Geological Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates<br />

ERSTA (Estu<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> Risco Sísmico e Tsunamis <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>) Protocol with the National<br />

Agency for Civil Protection – Budget:12. 000€<br />

FCT project, STRIPAREA – Estu<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong> Ponto Triplo <strong>do</strong>s Açores, Budget: 2000 €,<br />

Investigação Colaborativa não contabilizada com EMEPC<br />

FCT-Modelação Multi-escala da Deformação no Golfo de Cadiz (ALMOND) Budget:<br />

15.000 euros<br />

FCT- Structure, Stratigraphy and Tectono-thermal evolution of the Tagus Abyssal Plain<br />

(TECTAP), Budget: 1.000 euros<br />

FCT project POCI/CTE-GEX/60278/2004 – PROVENANCE, Budget €36.496,00.<br />

EU-INTERREG IIIA Valorização Económica e Ambiental <strong>do</strong> Maciço Alcalino de Monchique<br />

VALEMON, Budget: 25000€<br />

FCT “CHYNA – Changing Hydrographic Network in <strong>Algarve</strong> during the Quaternary”<br />

(POCTI/CTA/48375/2002),Budget: 90 000 Euros<br />

FCT - Sabbatical grant C.V-Pires 3250<br />

CRUP Renewal of Luso-French Bilateral agreement from the aiming evaluate the age of<br />

some <strong>Algarve</strong> littoral platforms, Budget:1500 €<br />

FCT base funding 20.200€<br />

Total estimated for <strong>2007</strong>: 120.000€<br />

2. Objectives<br />

In this section please describe the main objectives and achievements of the group<br />

during the <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The research objective III Large Scale Geological processes is further subdivided into 3<br />

major work tasks detailed as follows:<br />

Sea level and climatic change<br />

- To reconstruct/define age and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity)<br />

of regional speleothems;<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

- To define age of the <strong>Algarve</strong> regional littoral platforms (also approached in RO III)<br />

- To continue with the reconstruction of infilling processes which occurred in S and SW<br />

Iberian estuaries during the post-glacial sea-level rise<br />

- To develop micropaleontological , geochemical and palynological proxies of the<br />

environmental change in S.Iberia<br />

Numerical modelling of ocean lithosphere processes<br />

-To continue with the numerical modeling of tsunami propagation and fine scale<br />

inundation studies on southern Portugal coast.<br />

- To develop numerical models of stress at the ocean-continent transition in the SW<br />

Iberian Peninsula (Gulf of Cadiz and Tagus Abyssal Plain).<br />

- To develop an automatic recognition system of tectonic lineaments from topographic<br />

features in swath bathymetry based on wavelet edge detection analysis.<br />

- To develop codes that incorporate damage theories capable of simulating fault<br />

generation and rift propagation (application to the Azores triple junction).<br />

Biogeochemical processes across the land-ocean interface and fate organic matter<br />

in multiple time scale<br />

- To characterize of the ecological processes that control marine trofic chains for<br />

posterior elaboration of dynamic models with the objective to improve quality<br />

management and control of resources with commercial and nutritional value<br />

- To define of organic maturation work from the South Portuguese Zone, Baixo<br />

Alentejo Flysch Group<br />

The following questions have been identified as relevant for understanding the<br />

Quaternary history of the <strong>Algarve</strong> Region as they can be approached by the mean sof<br />

isotopic geochemistry:<br />

Age and origin of single grains, mainly zircons, in sedimentary deposits from Lower<br />

Pliocene to Holocene in <strong>Algarve</strong>;<br />

Origin and pathways of Coastal groundwater discharge;<br />

Age of regional littoral platforms.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

3. Main Achievements<br />

Evaluation of the effect of the Miocene to present compression in the Tagus Abyssal<br />

Plain using an association of numerical modeling with seismic reflection and refraction<br />

data.<br />

Identification of an alternative explanation for the small magnitude background<br />

seismicity in the Gulf of Cadiz<br />

Five releases (1.0, 1.1, 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and 1.2.3) of the multipurpose<br />

educational/research MIRONE package .<br />

Finished the multi-beam bathymetric survey of the Azores Triple Junction area.<br />

Publication of the first results on the maturation of the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ);<br />

Production of the organic maturation map for the Baixo Alentejo Flysch of the SPZ;<br />

Geochemical characterization, in terms of trace elements and REE, and petrologic<br />

description of the Mértola Formation (SPZ).<br />

Detailed descriptions of heavy minerals present in sands form present day rivers and<br />

beaches, which helped identifying Titanite as a possible sedimentary tracer for<br />

Monchique source;<br />

Dating of zircons from Lower Pliocene to Holocene deposits, which revealed the<br />

presence of three age groups: Paleozoic to Neoproterozoic (200-800 Ma),<br />

Palaeoproterozoic ( ca. 1700-2100 Ma) and Neo- to Meso- Archean (2600 -3200 Ma);<br />

A stalagmite has been dated and showed growing two phases one older than 25 kyrs<br />

and one between 10 & 18 kyrs, results from stable isotopes are still in process;<br />

Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen measured in Coastal groundwater discharge<br />

from a barrier island of Ria Formosa lagoon system, allowed to identify the origin of<br />

the mixing water being mostly between groundwater from mainland aquifers and<br />

oceanic waters;<br />

Sampling of littoral platforms has been <strong>do</strong>ne for cosmogenic nuclides analyses which<br />

are still undergoing.<br />

Publishing of the first climatic reconstruction of the last 13000 years for the Lower<br />

Guadiana basin.<br />

Launching of the full trilingual version of the educational application GUADID.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

4. Productivity<br />

a) Publications in peer review<br />

1. Aníbal, J.; Rocha, C. & M. Sprung (<strong>2007</strong>). Mudflat surface morphology as a<br />

structuring agent of algae and associated macroepifauna communities: a case study<br />

in Ria Formosa. Journal of Sea Research 57: 36-46 (IF: 1.765; C: --).<br />

2. Baptista MA, Miranda JM, Lopes FC, Luis, J.F.<strong>2007</strong>. The source of the 1722 <strong>Algarve</strong><br />

earthquake: evidence from MCS and Tsunami data. Journal of Seismology 11 (4):<br />

371-380. (IF=0.7; C=0)<br />

3. Boski T., Moura D., Santos Correia.V, Camacho, C., Veiga-Pires C., Martins H.,<br />

Wilamowski, A.,(<strong>2007</strong>) – Postglacial Organic carbon accumulation in coastal zones –<br />

a possible cause for varying atmosferic CO2 levels.. Journal of Coastal Research, SI<br />

39, 1863 - 1867. (IF:0.86 C:0)<br />

4. D. Moura, C. Veiga-Pires, T. Boski, L. Albardeiro, A.L. Rodrigues, H. Tareco (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Holocene sea level fluctuations and coastal evolution in the Central <strong>Algarve</strong><br />

(southern Portugal)- Marine Geology, Vol 237, Issues 3-4, p.127-142. IF=2.029 ,<br />

nºC= 0<br />

5. Dias, N.A., Matias, L., Lourenço, N., Madeira, J., Gaspar, J. and Carrilho, F., 2006.<br />

Crustal seismic velocity structure near Faial and Pico Islands (Azores), from local<br />

earthquake tomography. Tectonophysics. (accepted for publication). (IF=1.67 C=O)<br />

6. Fletcher, W.J., Boski, T., Moura D., <strong>2007</strong>, Palynological evidence for environmental<br />

and climatic changes in the lower Guadiana valley (Portugal) during the last 13,000<br />

years. Holocene. 17, 481 – 494. IF=2.4, nºC=0<br />

7. J. F. Luis, <strong>2007</strong>. Mirone: A multi-purpose tool for exploring grid data. Computers &<br />

Geosciences, 33, 31-41,. (IF=0.8; C=1)<br />

8. Marques, F.O., Cobbold, P.R., Lourenço, N., <strong>2007</strong>. Physical models of rifting and<br />

transform faulting, due to ridge push in a wedge-shaped oceanic lithosphere.<br />

Tectonophysics.(accepted for publication)<br />

9. McCormack, N., Clayton, G. & Fernandes, P. - <strong>2007</strong>. The thermal history of the<br />

Upper Palaeozoic rocks of southern Portugal. Marine and Petroleum Geology,<br />

vol.24(3), pp. 145-150. IF = 2.013, Nº C = 0.<br />

10. Neves, M.C, Neves R.G.M., (submitted in <strong>2007</strong>). The contribution of the oceancontinent<br />

transition to the seismicity in the Gulf of Cadiz. Journal of Geodynamics<br />

(under revision)<br />

11. Neves, M.C., Terrinha, P., Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Moulin, M., Matias, L., Rosas, F.,<br />

(submitted in <strong>2007</strong>) Miocene reactivation of the Western Iberian Passive Margin:<br />

insigths from 2D numerical modelling at the Tagus abyssal plain. Tectonophysics<br />

(under revision)<br />

b) Other publications<br />

Veiga-Pires, C., D. Moura, B. Rodrigues, N. Macha<strong>do</strong>, L. Campo, A. Simonetti (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Provenance of quaternary sands in <strong>Algarve</strong> (Portugal) revealed by U-Pb ages of detrital<br />

zircon; In: Nichols, G.J., Williams, E.A. and Paola, C. (eds) Sedimentary processes,<br />

environments and basins - a tribute to Peter Friend. IAS Special Publication, 327-340,<br />

ISBN-9781405179225.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Boski, T., Moura, D., Veiga-Pires, C., Fletcher, W., Correia, V. (<strong>2007</strong>)- Does the<br />

glacial/interglacial sea-level changes modulate the atmospheric CO2 variations<br />

Abstracts/Quaternary International 167-168 3-486.<br />

Lourenço, N., Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Pimentel, F.M.M., Matias, L.M., Abreu, M.P. and Miranda,<br />

J.M.. Insigths on the Deep Structure of the Iberia Abyssal Plain and Galicia Southern<br />

edge, from new MCS and Wide angle data. AGU Fall Meeting <strong>2007</strong>. S Francisco, USA.<br />

Luis, J., Lourenço, N, Mata, J., Miranda, J. M., Madureira, P., Goslin, J., Perrot, J.,<br />

Simão, J. <strong>2007</strong>. The Azores Triple Junction: A highly detailed multibeam bathymetry<br />

survey. AGU Fall Meeting <strong>2007</strong>, S. Francisco. USA<br />

Pimentel, F.M.M., Lourenço, N., Abreu, M.P. and the EMEPC Team. <strong>2007</strong>. Zone of<br />

Exhumed Continental Mantle: a Natural Component of the West Iberian Margin within<br />

the Legal Framework of the UNCLOS. OCT meeting, Academie Sciences, Paris, France.<br />

Lourenço, N., Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Pimentel, F.M.M., Matias, L.M., Abreu, M.P. and the EMEPC<br />

Team. <strong>2007</strong>. New seismic reflection images of the Zone of Exhumed Continental<br />

Mantle (ZECM) at the Iberian Abyssal Plain Ocean-Continent Transition. OCT meeting,<br />

Academie Sciences, Paris, France.<br />

Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Lourenço, N., Matias, L., Corela, C., Pimentel, F.M.M., Abreu, M.P.,<br />

Miranda, J. M. and the EMEPC Team. <strong>2007</strong>. Preliminary results from new wide-angle<br />

and MCS data at seismic line IB02: the southern edge of the Galicia Bank. OCT<br />

meeting, Academie Sciences, Paris, France.<br />

Lourenço, N., Artilheiro, F., Campos, A., Pimentel, F. EM120 Swath bathymetric<br />

surveys on the deep West-Iberia margin: performance and new geological insights.<br />

Aceppted in FEMME (Forum for EM Mutual Experience) Amesterdão, Holanda<br />

Neves, M.C., Terrinha, P., Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Moulin, M., Matias, L., Rosas, F., The interplay<br />

of the OCT and Miocenic deformation in the Tagus Abyssal Plain. The Ocean-Continent<br />

Transition. International meeting organized by the "Académie des Sciences", Paris,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>.<br />

M.C. Neves, The contribution of the ocean-continent transition to the deformation in<br />

the Gulf of Cadiz, Proceedings <strong>do</strong> 5º simpósio da APMG, Peniche, <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Afilha<strong>do</strong>, M. C. Neves, L. Matias, Constraining the tectonic-thermal evolution of the<br />

SW Portuguese margin, Proceedings <strong>do</strong> 5º simpósio da APMG, Peniche, <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Fernandes, P. & Clayton, G. <strong>2007</strong>. Organic maturation levels and thermal history of<br />

the Carboniferous rocks of the Dublin Basin. Proceedings of the XVth International<br />

Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, Utrecht. Wong, Th. E. (Ed.). p.<br />

37 - 45. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Pereira, Z., Fernandes, P. & Oliveira, J. T. 2006. The Upper Devonian<br />

Palynostratigraphy and Organic Matter maturation of the Pulo <strong>do</strong> Lobo Domain, South<br />

Portuguese Zone, Portugal. Comunicações Geológicas, T.93, pp. 23-38.<br />

Jorge. R., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z., Oliveira, J. T. & Relvas, J. <strong>2007</strong>. A Late<br />

Fammenian age storm-<strong>do</strong>minated succession at Berrocal (Iberian Pyrite Belt – Spain).<br />

CIMP, Joint Meeting of Spores and Acriarch Subcommissions, Pereira, Z., Oliveira, J. T.<br />

& Wicander, R. (eds), pp. 83 – 87.<br />

Pereira. Z., Matos, J., Fernandes, P. & Oliveira, J. T. <strong>2007</strong>. Devonian and<br />

Carboniferous palynostratigraphy of the South Portuguese Zone, Portugal – An<br />

overview. CIMP, Joint Meeting of Spores and Acriarch Subcommissions, Pereira, Z.,<br />

Oliveira, J. T. & Wicander, R. (eds), pp. 83 – 87.<br />

Palynostratigraphic contributions to the understanding Ossa Morena and South<br />

Portuguese Zone Geology, Portugal. Post—meeting field-trip. CIMP, , Joint Meeting of<br />

Spores and Acriarch Subcommissions, Oliveira, J. T., Pereira, Z., Fernandes, P. &<br />

Matos, J. (eds), <strong>2007</strong>, 45p.<br />

Aníbal, J.; Viegas, A. S.; Geraldes A.; Francisco, V. (<strong>2007</strong>). Variações sazonais da<br />

composição química e índice de condição da amêijoa-boa, Ruditapes decussatus, na<br />

Ria Formosa. 13º Congresso <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Lagos, Portugal, 385-390.<br />

Esteves, E.; Aníbal, J. (<strong>2007</strong>). Quality Index Method (QIM): utilização da Análise<br />

Sensorial para determinação da qualidade <strong>do</strong> pesca<strong>do</strong>. 13º Congresso <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>,<br />

Lagos, Portugal, 365-373.<br />

f) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed<br />

PhD theses<br />

<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> : Lourenço, N. Tectono-magmatic processes at the Azores<br />

Triple Junction. PhD thesis in Marine Sciences. 239 p.<br />

MSc Theses<br />

1. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> – Curso de Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Ensino de Biologia e Geologia<br />

.Pereira, D: Comparação geomorfológica de algumas estruturas da superfície <strong>do</strong>s<br />

planetas Marte e Terra. Tese de Mestra<strong>do</strong>. Supervisor: Paulo Fernandes<br />

2. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> – EMAC , Curso de Mestra<strong>do</strong> em estu<strong>do</strong>s Marinhos e<br />

Costeiros . Rodrigues, B. <strong>2007</strong>: Relação entre sedimentos arenosos fluviais e<br />

costeiros: Estu<strong>do</strong> <strong>do</strong>s minerais pesa<strong>do</strong>s das areias actuais <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> Ocidental<br />

.Supervisor: Cristina Veiga-Pires.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

3. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, – Curso de Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Ensino de Biologia e Geologia.Luís<br />

Vaz - Evolução Recente <strong>do</strong> Litoral de Cacela Velha (Ria Formosa). Spervisors :<br />

Delinda Moura and Tomasz Boski<br />

4. <strong>Universidade</strong> de Montreal, Canadá. Leif Campo - Datação de Zircões em Formações<br />

<strong>do</strong> Quaternário Algarvio, Supervisor: Cristina Veiga-Pires<br />

5. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Biologia Marinha. Mahaut de Vareilles<br />

Sommières: Dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from the Guadiana Estuary,<br />

South-East Portugal. Supervisors: Tomasz Boski, Cristina Veiga Pires, Anne de Vernal<br />

(UCAM)<br />

6. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> – Curso de Mestra<strong>do</strong> em Ensino de Biologia e Geologia<br />

Neves, T. <strong>2007</strong>: “Influência da tectónica sobre o clima da Península Ibérica”, Master<br />

Thesis, 147 pp.<br />

d) Organization of conferences<br />

Co-organiser of the conference CIMP (Commission Internationale de la Microflore du<br />

Paléozoïque) Lisbon <strong>2007</strong>, Joint Meeting of Spore/Pollen and Acritarch<br />

Subcommissions, Lisbon 24 – 27 September <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

e) Internationalization<br />

(Collaborative publication, Research, Graduate Training Networks or other forms of<br />

participation of the Research Group at the international level)<br />

. Collaboartive work in research and teaching hás been developped with:<br />

- GEOTOP research center from Montreal, Quebec, Canada;<br />

- Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada;<br />

- Université du Québec, Trois Rivières, Montreal Rimouskis, Quebec, Canada;<br />

- CEREGE research Center, Aix-Marseille, France;<br />

- Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.<br />

- Participation in the worl wide IGCP program of UNESCO through the projects 496 and<br />

526<br />

- Collaborative research with University of Huelva and IRNAS Seville through the<br />

INERREG network<br />

- Collaborative research with Polish Academy of Science igeochemical/isotopic<br />

analyses.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes<br />

1. Funding, source, dates<br />

The main funding was from European Union (INTEREG IIIA – UTPIA )(40000€) INTERREG<br />

III A, contracts nº SP5/P19/02 and SP5/P138/03) for projects CIANOALERTA II and III.<br />

(total funding for this 2 phases for UAlg 190.000 €.)<br />

and National Foundation from Scientific Research (FCT)( 34292,76 €) and Municipalities<br />

(3 500€).<br />

Private funding through tourism linked enterprises for research in artificial coastal<br />

tidal lakes (ca. 15.000 €)<br />

FCT Base funding 16500€<br />

The total funding for <strong>2007</strong> was approximately 200000. EUR<br />

2. Objectives<br />

Biological effects on hydrothermal vent molluscs transplanted between vent sites and<br />

metal accumulation in shells. Comparative adaptation strategies towards metals and<br />

organic contaminants between hydrothermal and coastal mussels and shrimps.<br />

Impact of contaminants (metals and POPs) on biomarkers of effect (CYP450), exposure<br />

(metallothionein and ALAD), and susceptibility (Reactive Oxygen Species) in fish,<br />

molluscs, crustacea from laboratory and field studies.<br />

Kinetic models of metal accumulation in molluscs, mainly Ruditapes decussates.<br />

Impact and biological effects of POPs in Ruditapes decussatus<br />

Hg distribution and effects in young rats from Brasil and black scabbard fish catch off<br />

the coast of Madera<br />

Impact of metals from aban<strong>do</strong>ned mines in mammals, freshwater and marine molluscs<br />

from the Guadiana Estuary and coastal zone.<br />

Assessment of pollution along the Northern Iberian Shelf and Southern Coast of<br />

Portugal – the role of biomarkers in risk assessment.<br />

Impact of contaminants and its effects in different types of aquaculture explorations.<br />

A potential target for en<strong>do</strong>crine disruptors in sea bass.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Use of proteomics to assess the health of marine organisms.<br />

Use of biomarkers as a strategic tool in environmental quality assessment.<br />

The establishment of ecological water quality criteria for artificial lakes in ecoregions<br />

with less than 800 mm yearly rainfall<br />

Environmental regulation of phytoplankton blooms in the Guadiana estuary<br />

3. Main Achievements<br />

Use of deep sea cages for transplanting deep sea vent organisms to characterise<br />

the impact on hydrothermal vent changes in metal accumulation, reactive oxygen<br />

species, metallothionein, TOSC and lipid peroxidation in different tissues of<br />

mussels from hydrothermal vent fields. Furthermore, knowledge of the levels of<br />

metal accumulation in shells of Bathymodiolus azoricus from different vent sites in the<br />

Mid Atlantic Ridge<br />

Development of kinetic models of metal (Cd, and Zn) accumulation and<br />

metallothionein induction mechanisms in the clam Ruditapes decussatus.<br />

Knowledge of PAHs accumulation, distribution and biological effects in the clam<br />

Ruditapes decussatus from the Ria Formosa lagoon<br />

Identification of an inverse relationship between Pb accumulation and ALAD<br />

activity in fresh water (Corbicula fulminea) and marine molluscs (Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis; Scrobicularia plana, Crassostrea angulata and Nereis<br />

diversicolor) from the Guadiana River and adjacent coastal zone pointing out for<br />

the use of ALAD as a biomarker of Pb exposure.<br />

Establishment of main differences in bloom dynamics between western and<br />

eastern reservoirs in the <strong>Algarve</strong>.<br />

Elaboration of policy recommendations for reservoir management to mitigate toxic<br />

cyanobacteria blooms<br />

Several international networks with Spanish, UK and French teams were<br />

established.<br />

As a result two Ph.D.s and two Msc thesis were completed. 15 papers were<br />

published in the SCI, eight of which as a result of international collaboration<br />

within Europe and Brasil. More than 11 papers submitted and 10 more in<br />

preparation. Several oral and poster presentations in national and international<br />

meetings.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

4. Productivity.<br />

a) Publications in peer review Journals<br />

1. Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M.& M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Concentration and sources of<br />

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in sediments from the Ria Formosa lagoon.<br />

Environmental Forensics 8, 231-243. (IF= 0.982)<br />

2. Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M. & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Oxidative Stress in the clam<br />

Ruditapes decussates in relation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons body burden.<br />

Environmental Toxicology, 22 (2), 203-221. (IF=1.582)<br />

3. Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M. & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Polycyclic Aromatic<br />

Hydrocarbons in clams Ruditapes decussatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of<br />

Environmental Monitoring 9, 197-197. (IF=1.523)<br />

4. Bebianno, M. J., Santos, C., Canário, J., Gouveia, N., Sena-Carvalho, D., Vale C.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Hg and metallothionein-like proteins in the black scabbardfish Aphanopus<br />

carbo. Food and Chemical Toxicology 45, 1443-1452 (IF=2.393)<br />

5. Bebianno, M.J., Lopes, B., Guerra, L., Hoarau, P., Ferreira, AM. (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Glutathione-S-transferases and cytochrome P450 activities in Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis from the South coast of Portugal: effect of abiotic factors<br />

Environment International 33, 550-558. (IF=2.626)<br />

6. Company, R., Serafim, A., Cosson, R., Fiala-Médioni, A., Dixon, D.R. & Bebianno,<br />

M.J. (<strong>2007</strong>). Adaptation of antioxidant defence system in transplanted mussels from<br />

two Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Marine Ecology 28(1), 93-99. (IF=0.936)<br />

7. Cravo, A., Foster, P., Almeida, C., Company, R., Cosson, R.P., Bebianno, M.J.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Metals in the shell of Bathymodiolus azoricus from a hydrothermal vent site<br />

on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, Environment International 33, 609–615. (IF=2.626)<br />

8. Fernandes D., Porte C & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Chemical residues and biochemical<br />

responses in wild and cultured European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.).<br />

Environmental Research 103, 247–256. (IF=2.556)<br />

9. Fernandes, D., Bebianno, M.J. & Porte, C. (<strong>2007</strong>). Mitochondrial metabolism of 17αhydroxyprogesterone<br />

in male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) : A potential target for<br />

en<strong>do</strong>crine disruptors. Aquatic Toxicology 85, 258-266. (IF=2.964)<br />

10. Fernandes, D., Andreu-Sánchez, O., Bebianno, M.J. & Porte, C. (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Assessment of pollution along the Northern Iberian shelf by the combined use of<br />

chemical and biochemical markers in two representative fish species.<br />

Environmental Pollution DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.<strong>2007</strong>.11.010. (IF=2.769)<br />

11. Gonzalez-Rey M., Serafim A., Company R. & Bebianno M.J. (<strong>2007</strong>). Comparative<br />

adaptation strategies toward metals of hydrothermal and coastal shrimps. Marine<br />

Ecology 28(1), 100-107. (impact factor 0.936).<br />

12. Peixoto N. C., Serafim M. A., Flores E. M. M., Bebianno M. J. & Pereira M. E.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Metallothionein, zinc and mercury levels in tissues of young rats exposed to<br />

zinc and subsequently to mercury. Life Sciences 81, 1264-1271. (IF=2.389).<br />

13. Pica<strong>do</strong> A., Bebianno M. J., Costa M. H., Ferreira A. & Vale C. (<strong>2007</strong>). Biomarkers:<br />

a strategic tool in the assessment of environmental quality of coastal waters.<br />

Hydrobiologia 587, 79-87. (IF=1.049).<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

14. Serafim, A. & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Involvement of MT in Zn accumulation and<br />

elimination strategies in Ruditapes decussates. Archives of Environmental<br />

Contamination and Toxicology 52, 189–199. (IF=1.419).<br />

15. Serafim, A. & M.J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Kinetic model of cadmium accumulation and<br />

elimination and metallothionein response in Ruditapes decussatus. Environmental<br />

Toxicology and Chemistry, 26 (5), 960–969. (IF=2.202).<br />

b) Other publications<br />

Books<br />

Bebianno, M.J., <strong>2007</strong>. Effects of contaminants in marine organisms: from the<br />

multibiomarker approach to proteomics. In: Marine Sciences and Public Health- some<br />

major issues. CIESM (ed.), CIESM Workshop Monographs nº 31, 37-41.<br />

European Best Practice in Aquaculture Biofouling”. Major contribution to this<br />

publication by JD.Icely and B Fragoso. www.crabproject.com pp 60<br />

Conference Proceedings<br />

Lopes, B. & M. J. Bebianno. The impact of PAH levels on CYP450 in Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis from the South coast of Portugal. 4th International Symposium on<br />

Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms (PRIMO 14), Florianopolis, Brazil, 6-9 May<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Chora S., Mc<strong>do</strong>nagh B., Sheehan D., Starita-Geribaldi M., Roméo, M.& Bebianno, M. J..<br />

Ubiquitination and carbonylation as markers of oxidative-stress in Ruditapes<br />

decussatus 14th International Symposium Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms<br />

(PRIMO 14)Florianópolis, Brazil, 6-9 May <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Gonzalez-Rey, M., Serafim A., Company R., Gomes T.& Bebianno M. J.. Detoxification<br />

mechanisms in shrimps: comparative approach between hydrothermal vent fields and<br />

estuarine environments. 14th International Symposium Pollutant Responses in Marine<br />

Organisms (PRIMO 14), Florianópolis, Brazil, 6-9 May <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Lopes, B., Serafim, A., Company, R., Gomes T. C., Barreira, L., Cravo A., Bebianno<br />

M.J.. The use of biomarkers in risk assessment in the South Coast of Portugal.17th<br />

Annual Meeting SETAC Europe”Multiple stressors for the environment and Human<br />

health present and future challenges and perspectives” Porto, 20-24 May, p. 221<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Chora, S., Starita-Geribaldi M., Roméo M.& Bebianno M. J.. Application of proteomic<br />

analysis to assess the effect of nonylphenol in the clam Ruditapes decussates. 17th<br />

Annual Meeting SETAC Europe -”Multiple stressors for the environment and human<br />

health present and future challenges and perspectives”, Porto, Portugal 20-24 May<br />

<strong>2007</strong>, pg 29.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Lopes, B., Serafim, A., Company, R., Gomes T. C., Barreira, L., Cravo A., Bebianno<br />

M. J.. The use of biomarkers in risk assessment in the South Coast of Portugal.17th<br />

Annual Meeting SETAC Europe”Multiple stressors for the environment and Human<br />

health present and future challenges and perspectives” Porto, 20-24 May, p. 221<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Serafim A., Lopes B., Company R., Ferreira A. M. & Bebianno, M. J.. Comparative<br />

study of petroleum hydrocarbons levels and biochemical responses in mussels from<br />

hydrothermal vents (Bathymodiolus azoricus) and coastal environments (Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis). 5th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology,<br />

Hong Kong (China), 3-6 de Junho <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Serafim, A., Company R.& Bebianno M. J.. Kinetic model of metal accumulation and<br />

metallothionein responses in Ruditapes decussatus exposed to cadmium and<br />

cadmium/copper/zinc mixture.15 th International Environmental Bioindicators<br />

Conference, Hong Kong (China), 7-9 de Junho <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Quental T., Cravo A., Relvas P., Moita, M.T.. Autumn phytoplankton composition of an<br />

upwelling filament off Cape S. Vicente (Portugal). SAME10 (10th Symposium on Aquatic<br />

Microbial Ecology). University of <strong>Algarve</strong>, September <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Bebianno M. J., Sousa V., Lopes B., Barreira L., Company R.,. Cravo A. & Serafim, A.<br />

Are biomarkers useful in environmental management Theme Session on Effects of<br />

hazar<strong>do</strong>us substances on ecosystem health in coastal and brackish-water ecosystems:<br />

present research, monitoring strategies, and future, ICES <strong>2007</strong> Annual Conference<br />

meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 17- 21 de September, CM <strong>2007</strong>/I:03, (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Blasco J., Rodríguez A., Rey M., Trombini C.,. Gomes T.C, Gomez-Ariza, J.L. &<br />

Bebianno M. J.. metal contamination in the coastal and estuarine ecosystem from the<br />

southwest of iberian peninsula, is there a risk situation. MESAEP, Seville (Spain),<br />

October <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

c) Master and Ph.D. thesis completed<br />

Ph. D. thesis<br />

1. University of <strong>Algarve</strong>. Luísa Paula Viola Afonso Barreira - “Polycyclic aromatic<br />

hidrocarbons and oxidative stress markers in the clam Ruditapes decussatus”- Ph.<br />

D. in Environmental Sciences and Technology, - supervisor M. J. Bebianno<br />

2. University of <strong>Algarve</strong>. Denise Fernandes - “Chemical and biochemical tools to assess<br />

pollution exposure in aquatic ecosystems”- Ph. D. in Environmental Sciences and<br />

Technology, - supervisor M. J. Bebianno<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Master thesis<br />

1. Master in Marine Biology, University of <strong>Algarve</strong>. Maria Margarida Ramos Gonzalez<br />

Rey – “Metals and detoxification mechanisms in shrimp: comparative approach<br />

between hydrothermal vent fields and estuarine environments”-”- supervisor: M. J.<br />

Bebianno<br />

2. Master in Oceanography, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. Cardeira, S. Caracterização<br />

Oceanográfica da costa sul Portuguesa. supervisors : Alexandra Cravo and Paulo<br />

Relvas.<br />

3. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management. <strong>Universidade</strong><br />

<strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>: Yongjin Xiao: Trophic Assessment in Chinese Coastal Systems;<br />

Supervisor: Alice Newton.<br />

4. EU Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management: Yustina<br />

Kiwango. The Role of Papyrus Wetlands and Interval Waves in the Nutrient Mass<br />

Balance of Lake Victoria, East Africa; Supervisor: Alice Newton.<br />

5. <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> MSc in Marine Biology: Bruno Fragoso : Avaliação da<br />

acumulação de organismos (biofouling) em painéis de recrutamento de PVC e<br />

eficiência de materiais não tóxicos em redes numa Aquacultura de Ostras (Sagres).<br />

Supervisor: John Icely<br />

d) Organization of conferences<br />

Workshop «Harmfull Algal Blooms in SW Iberian Waters» included in the 10th Aquatic<br />

Symposium in Aquatic Microbial Ecology – SAME10 (Coordinator: Helena M. Galvão)<br />

which was held from 2 to 7 September <strong>2007</strong> at the <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Gambelas<br />

Exploring patterns of metal-biota interactions in the oceans – Emeritus Professor<br />

Nicholas S. Fisher with the support of FLAD.<br />

Modelling metal bioaccumulation in marine animals - Emeritus Professor Nicholas S.<br />

Fisher with the support of FLAD.<br />

e) Industry contract research<br />

2005- Ongoing: Field trial for Materials Innovations Centre , Holland concerning<br />

“Novel non-toxic materials for anti-biofouling in aquaculture.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

October <strong>2007</strong>- Ongoing: Field trial on behalf of Portsmouth University UK and<br />

Amaethon Ltd, York University UK concerning “Digestion in marine wood borers".<br />

f) Internationalization<br />

Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M.& M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Concentration and sources of<br />

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in sediments from the Ria Formosa lagoon.<br />

Environmental Forensics 8, 231-243. (impact factor 0.982)<br />

Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M. & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Oxidative Stress in the clam<br />

Ruditapes decussates in relation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons body burden.<br />

Environmental Toxicology, 22 (2), 203-221. (impact factor 1.582)<br />

Barreira L. A., Mudge S. M. & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons<br />

in clams Ruditapes decussatus (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of Environmental Monitoring<br />

9, 197-197. (impact factor 1.523)<br />

Company, R., Serafim, A., Cosson, R., Fiala-Médioni, A., Dixon, D.R. & Bebianno, M.J.<br />

(<strong>2007</strong>). Adaptation of antioxidant defence system in transplanted mussels from two<br />

Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Marine Ecology 28(1), 93-99 (impact factor<br />

0.936).<br />

Cravo, A., Foster, P., Almeida, C., Company, R., Cosson, R.P., Bebianno, M.J. (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Metals in the shell of Bathymodiolus azoricus from a hydrothermal vent site on the Mid<br />

Atlantic Ridge, Environment International 33, 609–615. (impact factor 2.626).<br />

Fernandes D., Porte C & M. J. Bebianno (<strong>2007</strong>). Chemical residues and biochemical<br />

responses in wild and cultured European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.).<br />

Environmental Research 103, 247–256. (impact factor 2.556).<br />

Fernandes, D., Bebianno, M.J. & Porte, C. (<strong>2007</strong>). Mitochondrial metabolism of 17αhydroxyprogesterone<br />

in male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) : A potential target for<br />

en<strong>do</strong>crine disruptors. Aquatic Toxicology 85, 258-266. (impact factor 2.964).<br />

Peixoto N. C., Serafim M. A., Flores E. M. M., Bebianno M. J. & Pereira M. E. (<strong>2007</strong>).<br />

Metallothionein, zinc and mercury levels in tissues of young rats exposed to zinc and<br />

subsequently to mercury. Life Sciences 81, 1264-1271. (impact factor 2.389).<br />

Research<br />

M. J. Bebianno invited to participate in the Working Group Risk assessment and<br />

monitoring of existing and emerging new chemicals in the European marine and<br />

coastal environment of the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation.<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

Colaboration with Dr Cinta Porte of the SCIC in Barcelona as a joint supervision of the<br />

PhD of D. Fernandes (M. J. Bebianno)..<br />

Cooperation with the Research Unit ECOMERS of the University Nice- Sophia Antipolis<br />

in the joint supervision and <strong>do</strong>uble degree of PH.D. Thesis of S. Chora (M. J.<br />

Bebianno).<br />

Participation in INTEREG projects between Portugal and Spain namely UTPIA – Use of<br />

Lead as na indicator of the environmental vulnerability of the pirite belt<br />

(UTPIA/SP.5P9/02); Cientific Network to characteize de levels of contamiants and the<br />

sustainable management of the coastal lagoons between Portugal and Spain<br />

(REDCONTAMAR) and development of new biomarkers for the sustainable management<br />

of sensitive areas: use of proteomics and metalomics (PROTEOBIOMAR)<br />

GRICES/CSIC (with CSIC de Barcelona – Dr. J. Blasco) – Use of proteomics in the<br />

identification of new biomarkers to assess the quality of the coastal Zone (2006/<strong>2007</strong>)<br />

(M. J. Bebianno).<br />

Five year collaboration with the Biochemistry Department of the Experimental<br />

Sciences Faculty of University of Huelva in CIANOALERTA projects.<br />

Two year collaboration with the Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences of the<br />

University of North Carolina through a common PhD student working on «Isolation and<br />

characterization of Microcystis’s sp. cyanophages: development of molecular tools for<br />

understanding cyanophage’s role towards cyanotoxins production/releasing».<br />

Graduate Training Networks<br />

Nilce Peixoto – <strong>Universidade</strong> Federal de Santa Maria, , Brazil -6 month trainig at the<br />

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry Group<br />

Field Training for the Master programme of the University of Glamorgan in<br />

Conservation 02 <strong>2007</strong><br />

“European Best Practice in Aquaculture Biofouling”. www.crabproject.com pp 60<br />


www.cima.ualg.pt<br />

<strong>CIMA</strong> - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental / Centre for Marine and Environmental Research<br />

FCMA, UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL<br />

Tel. 351 289 800 995, Fax: 351 289 800 069<br />

www.cima.ualg.pt; cima@ualg.pt<br />


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