Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences ISSN: 0974-2115 2.3.Determination of mucoadhesiveness by Wilhelmy plate method: In this method small glass plates were coated uniformly by natural bioadhesive material solution and dried at 60 0 C. The prepared coated plates were immersed in to U.S.P. simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.0), or U.S.P. simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2), for 5, 10, 15, and 20 min interval at room temperature. The force required to pull the plate out of the solution was determined under constant experimental conditions (Gandhi and Robinson,1988). 2.4.Determination of mucoadhesiveness by Falling ball method: The synthetic polymer or natural mucoadhesive material coated mustard seeds were passed through U.S.P. simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.0) at a specific distance (21 inches). The time required to pass this distance for the coated seeds were noted. All experiments were performed at room temperature. The mustard seeds were coated with 0.75% w/v synthetic polymer or natural mucoadhesive material solution in a small laboratory type coating pan (Chanada and Bandopahaya, 2001). 2.5.X-Ray Diffraction study: To detect crystalline or amorphous nature of two best acting natural mucoadhesive material x ray diffraction study has performed. The study has performed in powder crystallographic machine model name and number (Scifert XDAL 3000) and test was performed in wave length 1.540598nm.(Kar Asutosh,2005; Rao and Vani,1998). 2.6.In Vivo Study of natural mucoadhesion material: In vivo method is very much useful than in vitro method because it presumably provide a more realistic picture of the expected behavior. Three formulations containing Barium sulphate were prepared. 1. Control Barium sulphate tablets. 2. Barium sulphate tablet using natural polymer of Tamarindus indica , (seed, TS) 3. Barium sulphate tablet using natural polymer of Tamarindus indicia, (fruit, T) Nine healthy rabbits of same age and weight were taken as subject. They were overnight fasted and on the next day morning the tablets were administered to them followed by giving 25 ml of water. At different time intervals of 1, 3, 5 and 8 hours the rabbits were x-ray photographed and observed for the nature and the position of the tablets (Mishra and Mishra,1999). 2.7.Preparation of Mucoadhesive Salbutamol sulphate tablets: The tablets were prepared by wet granulation method, using natural mucoadhesive materials extracted from tamarind seeds and tamarind fruits. Matrix tablets of Salbutamol sulphate were prepared by conventional wet granulation method as per the formula given in the table 6. The required quantity of medicament and matrix materials was mixed thoroughly in a motor by following geometric dilution technique. The binder solution (mixture of alcohol and purified water at 3:7ratio) was added and mixed thoroughly to form a dough mass. The mass was passed through mesh number 14 to obtain wet granules. The wet granules were dried at 60ºc for 4 hours. The dried granules were passed through mesh no.14 to break the aggregates. Talc and Magnesium Stearate were mixed with dry granules after passing through mesh number 100 and blended in a closed polythene bag. The granules were compressed into tablets on a rotary multi station tableting machine to a hardness of 7kg/sq. cm. using 9mm round and flat punches (Chowdary and Sundari,2003; I.P.,1996). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results obtained from Wilhelmy plate method and from Falling ball method were represented in table 1 and 2 respectively. From the results obtained we can conclude that tamarind and tamarind seeds have mucoadhesive property. X- ray diffraction study of both materials has done. The result obtained from the X- ray diffraction study in figure 2shows tamarind seed is amorphous in nature. The in vivo test of natural mucoadhesive materials in rabit body (figure 3) shows control Barium sulphate tablets disintegrates within 3 hours but tamarind and tamarind seed containing Barium sulphate tablets adhere up to 5 and 7 hours. The mucoadhesive property of selected materials showed very good results in both In Vitro and In Vivo. Dissolution study of different formulations has shown in table 3 and 4, and Tamarind Fruit T2 (1:2– Drug:Polymer ratio) which has shown 96% release up to 12 hrs and Tamarind seed – TS2 (1:2–Drug : Polymer ratio) has been found to show 95% release within 12hrs. An appropriate kinetic model study was conducted by plotting the slopes for various appropriate formulations and their R 2 values (Regression constant) were also calculated (table 5). T2 and TS2 formulations exhibited zero order release kinetics followed by first order kinetics. April – June 2012 63 JCPS Volume 5 Issue 2

Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences ISSN: 0974-2115 4.CONCLUSION In the present study, the adhesiveness and other physicochemical properties of natural material were performed by in vitro method and from the results tamarind seeds had shown good results. The Salbutamol sulfate mucoadhesive tablets were prepared by using tamarind seed as well as tamrind fruit containing polysaccharide .in various drug: polymer ratios. By using the In vitro drug release data, kinetic studies were performed and R 2 value was calculated. From the R 2 values it was found that the drug release of the natural materials containing tamarind and tamarind seed shows zero order followed by first order release kinetics. Among various drug polymer ratio tamarind fruit T2 (Drug: Polymer = 1: 2) and tamarind seed TS2 (Drug: Polymer = 1: 2) showed better results for sustained property of anti-asthmatic drug of Salbutamol sulfate in the present study. Table1&2: In Vitro mucoadhesive nature of tamarind and tamarind seed polymers (Wilhelmy plate method) (Falling ball method) Name of the material Time (min) Weight required (gm) Tamarind Seed 5 0.77 (Tamarindus indica) 10 0.89 15 1.09 Tamarind fruit (Tamarindus indica) 20 0.59 5 0.49 10 0.62 15 0.77 20 0.56 0.8 Name Time(sec) TS1 30.71 T1 36.687 Blank 1.286 Weight (gms) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Tamarind Seed Tamarind fruit 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (min) Figure1. Comparison of mucoadhesive nature of tamarind and tamarind fruit and tamarind seed polymers (Wilhelmy plate method) *The avarage weight of each material are taken at room temp(30 0 c). *TS =Seedof tamarind(Tamarindus indica),*T=Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) Figure2.a. and 2.b: X-ray diffraction study of tamarind fruit and seed April – June 2012 64 JCPS Volume 5 Issue 2

Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical sciences<br />

ISSN: 0974-2115<br />

2.3.Determination of mucoadhesiveness by Wilhelmy plate method: In this method small glass plates<br />

were coated uniformly by natural bioadhesive material solution and dried at 60 0 C. The prepared coated<br />

plates were immersed in to U.S.P. simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.0), or U.S.P. simulated gastric fluid (pH<br />

1.2), for 5, 10, 15, and 20 min interval at room temperature. The force required to pull the plate out of the<br />

solution was determined under constant experimental conditions (Gandhi and Robinson,1988).<br />

2.4.Determination of mucoadhesiveness by Falling ball method: The synthetic polymer or natural<br />

mucoadhesive material coated mustard seeds were passed through U.S.P. simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.0)<br />

at a specific distance (21 inches). The time required to pass this distance for the coated seeds were noted. All<br />

experiments were performed at room temperature. The mustard seeds were coated with 0.75% w/v synthetic<br />

polymer or natural mucoadhesive material solution in a small laboratory type coating pan (Chanada and<br />

Bandopahaya, 2001).<br />

2.5.X-Ray Diffraction study: To detect crystalline or amorphous nature of two best acting natural<br />

mucoadhesive material x ray diffraction study has performed. The study has performed in powder<br />

crystallographic machine model name and number (Scifert XDAL 3000) and test was performed in wave<br />

length 1.540598nm.(Kar Asutosh,2005; Rao and Vani,1998).<br />

2.6.In Vivo Study of natural mucoadhesion material: In vivo method is very much useful than in vitro<br />

method because it presumably provide a more realistic picture of the expected behavior. Three formulations<br />

containing Barium sulphate were prepared.<br />

1. Control Barium sulphate tablets.<br />

2. Barium sulphate tablet using natural polymer of Tamarindus indica , (seed, TS)<br />

3. Barium sulphate tablet using natural polymer of Tamarindus indicia, (fruit, T)<br />

Nine healthy rabbits of same age and weight were taken as subject. They were overnight fasted and on<br />

the next day morning the tablets were administered to them followed by giving 25 ml of water. At different<br />

time intervals of 1, 3, 5 and 8 hours the rabbits were x-ray photographed and observed for the nature and the<br />

position of the tablets (Mishra and Mishra,1999).<br />

2.7.Preparation of Mucoadhesive Salbutamol sulphate tablets: The tablets were prepared by wet<br />

granulation method, using natural mucoadhesive materials extracted from tamarind seeds and tamarind fruits.<br />

Matrix tablets of Salbutamol sulphate were prepared by conventional wet granulation method as per the<br />

formula given in the table 6. The required quantity of medicament and matrix materials was mixed<br />

thoroughly in a motor by following geometric dilution technique. The binder solution (mixture of alcohol<br />

and purified water at 3:7ratio) was added and mixed thoroughly to form a dough mass. The mass was passed<br />

through mesh number 14 to obtain wet granules. The wet granules were dried at 60ºc for 4 hours. The dried<br />

granules were passed through mesh no.14 to break the aggregates. Talc and Magnesium Stearate were mixed<br />

with dry granules after passing through mesh number 100 and blended in a closed polythene bag. The<br />

granules were compressed into tablets on a rotary multi station tableting machine to a hardness of<br />

7kg/sq. cm. using 9mm round and flat punches (Chowdary and Sundari,2003; I.P.,1996).<br />

3. RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> DISCUSSION<br />

The results obtained from Wilhelmy plate method and from Falling ball method were represented in<br />

table 1 and 2 respectively. From the results obtained we can conclude that tamarind and tamarind seeds have<br />

mucoadhesive property. X- ray diffraction study of both materials has done. The result obtained from the X-<br />

ray diffraction study in figure 2shows tamarind seed is amorphous in nature. The in vivo test of natural<br />

mucoadhesive materials in rabit body (figure 3) shows control Barium sulphate tablets disintegrates within 3<br />

hours but tamarind and tamarind seed containing Barium sulphate tablets adhere up to 5 and 7 hours. The<br />

mucoadhesive property of selected materials showed very good results in both In Vitro and In Vivo.<br />

Dissolution study of different formulations has shown in table 3 and 4, and Tamarind Fruit T2 (1:2–<br />

Drug:Polymer ratio) which has shown 96% release up to 12 hrs and Tamarind seed – TS2 (1:2–Drug :<br />

Polymer ratio) has been found to show 95% release within 12hrs. An appropriate kinetic model study was<br />

conducted by plotting the slopes for various appropriate formulations and their R 2 values (Regression<br />

constant) were also calculated (table 5). T2 and TS2 formulations exhibited zero order release kinetics<br />

followed by first order kinetics.<br />

April – June 2012 63 JCPS Volume 5 Issue 2

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