52 Lies Heard In Church Every Sunday - Plain Truth Ministries

52 Lies Heard In Church Every Sunday - Plain Truth Ministries

52 Lies Heard In Church Every Sunday - Plain Truth Ministries


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The <strong>Truth</strong> Is So Much Better!<br />

The idea that we will be blessed because<br />

we tithe—or punished if we<br />

don’t—is solidly an old covenant<br />

teaching. You will find nothing<br />

about tithing in the New Testament.<br />

Does that mean we are left<br />

without guidance for Christian giving<br />

Far from it! The New Testament<br />

teachings on giving go far<br />

beyond tithing. Let me summarize<br />

them in the following points:<br />

1) Giving under the new<br />

covenant is responsive. <strong>In</strong> the same<br />

way that the whole Christian life is<br />

motivated, we freely and gratefully<br />

give because we have first received<br />

from the Lord. “We love, because<br />

He first loved us,” says 1 John 4:19.<br />

You could also say, “We give because<br />

He first gave to us.” Those<br />

whose hearts have been touched<br />

by the amazing grace of Jesus<br />

Christ find themselves stirred with<br />

the desire to give.<br />

2) Giving under the new<br />

covenant is gracious. Unlike the<br />

law of tithing, which was mandatory<br />

and specific, Christian giving<br />

is voluntary and comes from the<br />

heart. It is absolutely not a command,<br />

which the Scriptures make<br />

clear. Paul urged the Corinthians<br />

to join him in giving to support<br />

the poor at Jerusalem, but he was<br />

careful to explain to them what he<br />

meant:<br />

“Just as you abound in everything,<br />

in faith and utterance and<br />

knowledge and in all earnestness<br />

and in the love we inspired in you,<br />

see that you abound in this gracious<br />

work also. I am not speaking<br />

this as a command, but as proving<br />

through the earnestness of others<br />

the sincerity of your love also” (2<br />

Corinthians 8:7-8).<br />

Paul said that, when it came to<br />

this matter of giving, he had no<br />

“command.” The motivation for<br />

the Corinthians to give would be<br />

“the sincerity of [their] love.” He<br />

even called the act of giving a “gracious<br />

work.” It is a work of God’s<br />

grace operating in us that motivates<br />

us to give, not an external<br />

demand to tithe. He wrote, “Each<br />

one must do just as he has purposed<br />

in his heart, not grudgingly or<br />

under compulsion, for God loves a<br />

cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).<br />

As you can see, this is totally different<br />

from the command to tithe,<br />

with curses or blessings tied to disobedience<br />

or obedience. And there<br />

is no specific amount Christians are<br />

told to give. Paul says each person<br />

should give “as he has purposed in<br />

his heart.” It’s between you and<br />

God.<br />

3) Giving under the new<br />

covenant is purposeful. That means<br />

it is thoughtful and intelligent,<br />

and is aimed at specific objectives,<br />

chiefly two: (1) To advance the<br />

cause of the gospel through supporting<br />

people and ministries, and<br />

(2) to meet the needs of people,<br />

the poor, hungry, and needy.<br />

To the first point, Paul says, “The<br />

one who is taught the word is to<br />

share all good things with the one<br />

who teaches him” (Galatians 6:6).<br />

To the second, Paul explains some<br />

The Old Testament tithe was a tax, not a gift. A lot of times today,<br />

people have that same legalistic attitude about giving... They<br />

believe that if you don’t tithe, your refrigerator will quit, or your<br />

car is going to need repair, or your kids are going to need braces.<br />

of the positive results that happen<br />

when God’s people give generously:<br />

“The ministry of this service is<br />

not only fully supplying the needs<br />

of the saints, but is also overflowing<br />

through many thanksgivings<br />

to God. Because of the proof given<br />

by this ministry, they will glorify<br />

God for your obedience to your<br />

confession of the gospel of Christ<br />

and for the liberality of your contribution<br />

to them and to all, while<br />

they also, by prayer on your behalf,<br />

yearn for you because of the<br />

surpassing grace of God in you” (2<br />

Corinthians 9:12-14).<br />

Genuine grace giving meets the<br />

need of people, motivates the recipients<br />

to honor God and give<br />

thanks, proves the reality of our<br />

faith, advances the work of the<br />

gospel, and builds unity and love<br />

in the body of Christ. What more<br />

reasons do we need If you need<br />

one more, the Lord Jesus said, “It is<br />

more blessed to give than to receive”<br />

(Acts 20:35).<br />

Clarify Your Thinking<br />

The Old Testament tithe was a tax,<br />

not a gift. A lot of times today,<br />

people have that same legalistic attitude<br />

about giving. They think<br />

they have to give 10 percent of<br />

their income. They believe that if<br />

you don’t tithe, your refrigerator<br />

will quit, or your car is going to<br />

need repair, or your kids are going<br />

to need braces. You know the kind<br />

of thing. They’re really paying insurance<br />

premiums more than anything<br />

else when they give that<br />

way. Sometimes I’ve said that the<br />

way people pay their tithes, you<br />

would think they’re being held<br />

hostage by God. They’d better pay<br />

up that ransom, or God’s going to<br />

allow some bad thing to happen to<br />

them. What nonsense.<br />

Others have said that the matter<br />

of tithing is a “revelation” that<br />

must come to you. If by that they<br />

mean that God’s Spirit will reveal<br />

that everybody needs to give 10<br />

percent, I strongly disagree. The<br />

Holy Spirit won’t reveal something<br />

that contradicts what the Bible<br />

teaches, and the Scripture teaches<br />

grace giving, not tithing.<br />


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