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dumb, loyal, sweet-smelling Autobots massaged his ego. Five hundred years posing as an Autobot had<br />

taught him many things about the nature of the enemy, and this display of hero worship proved that old<br />

Decepticon adage: the Autobots are nothing without a leader.<br />

No one could recall the exact time when he had surreptitiously swapped sides (1493, shortly after<br />

Cyclonus and Scourge, fleeing Death’s Head, had appeared from the future). Casual lapses of memory like<br />

these helped people forget his ‘foolish’ Decepticon dalliance. He was trusted. In fact, some of the Autobots<br />

in his squad – Jackpot, Seisor, Rumbler, Rearguard – trusted him with their lives. That was the good thing<br />

about being a Decepticon: you had a natural talent for deception.<br />

Remain undercover until you are in a position to assassinate the Autobot leader.<br />

The mission was simple but, over the years, the specifics had changed. Kill Fortress Maximus became<br />

Kill Xaaron, then Kill Triax, then Kill Optimus, then Kill Rodimus. It had taken five hundred years of<br />

selective murder (Autobot and Decepticon) and lies of breathtaking audacity to keep his secret undisclosed,<br />

to climb quietly up the ranks. Second-in-command of a respected SAR squad, he sometimes wondered<br />

whether he could have made it to squad leader or even High Command.<br />

That wouldn’t happen now, of course. Not after today.<br />

The cheering stopped. Rodimus Prime stepped off stage flanked by Thunderclash and Red Alert and<br />

began walking between the squad-blocks, shaking hands.<br />

Emyrissus did not know why Galvatron chose that precise moment to leave his throne, but within<br />

0.17 seconds of doing so a scalding red dot was searching for the Decepticon’s neural cluster.<br />

He slid his finger around the ultra-sensitive trigger. The metal nuzzled his knuckled joint and begged<br />

for pressure, and as soon as Galvatron stepped in front of the weakened plexiglass he was quartered by<br />

crosshairs. The Decepticon leader was talking into his arm, into some sort of communicator or remote<br />

control. Another half step, a shrug of forward gesture, and he would become vulnerable.<br />

And then it happened.<br />

Emyrissus lowered his rifle and stared at the empty throne room, stunned by what he had just seen.<br />

Loosening his grip, Rodimus gave Vroom a parting smile and moved a step onwards. The Pretender’s<br />

second-in-command was waiting with an open hand.<br />

‘I think this is a great idea,’ said Doubleheader. ‘You should do it more often.’<br />

Prime took his hand.<br />

‘Thank you. It’s good to know I’m doing something right.’ His smile flickered a little as<br />

Doubleheader tightened his grip.<br />

‘It’s good that you take the time to see the troops, you know The people that actually do all the hard<br />

work.’<br />

The laugh was a little too late and a little too loud.<br />

‘Yes, well, we all have our part to play.’ He heard Doubleheader say something else and leant<br />

forward, frowning. ‘What was that’<br />

‘I asked if you’ve every wondered what it would feel like to die.’<br />

‘Excuse me’ Rodimus looked down at his hand and saw the shining badge on Doubleheader’s<br />

forearm. ‘Your Autobrand – it’s fake.’<br />

Doubleheader’s chest split open to reveal something unnatural, something wedged between a fuel<br />

pump and a block of energon ducts.<br />

Red Alert yelled ‘Bomb!’<br />

Rodimus tried to break away.<br />

Everyone within earshot reached for their rifles.<br />

Doubleheader smiled. It was a proud smile, a sad smile.

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