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His optics settled on the technical data unfurling below a picture of the Space Bridge. ‘It would have<br />

worked, too’, he said out loud. ‘It really would.’<br />

‘Not getting maudlin, are we’<br />

Wheeljack swivelled away from Ultra Magnus’ reflection. ‘I’ll take that as a joke. How is everyone’<br />

‘Surprised. Upset. Angry. Same as you and me… Centurion can’t believe he’ll be moving to another<br />

planet.’<br />

‘Where’s Mirage’<br />

‘With Ratchet, getting ready to go. I wouldn’t like to hang around here if I were him.’ Magnus<br />

replaced the electron microscope he’d been examining. ‘Anyway, I just came down here to see how you<br />

were.’ He gestured to Wheeljack’s computer screen. ‘I’d erase that if I were you. We don’t want evidence<br />

of an Autobot Space Bridge falling into Decepticon hands, prototype or not.’<br />

‘Of course,’ said Wheeljack quietly as he watched his commander leave his workshop. ‘Right away.’<br />

The three Decepticons lay on the operating tables like slabs of raw meat. The oil-spattered<br />

Quintesson surgeon, Ferrax, shuffled around them like a nervous diner at a buffet, wondering where to<br />

start. His hands were the colour of olives, smeared as they were with a genealogy of grime that could be<br />

traced to a thousand innards. He wore a headband full of welders and needle-lights; underneath, lubricant<br />

sprang from microscopic pores in his forehead. After a brief prayer to the Progenitors and a nod towards the<br />

wipe-clean copy of the Old Texts (he’d just re-read Book 3 and was feeling particularly vengeful), he<br />

flipped micro-instruments from his fingertips and set to work on the nearest Decepticon cerebellum. He<br />

removed a portion of the skull’s outer casing and prodded the brain module.<br />

The Decepticon convulsed, his torso heaving towards the spotlight as if trying to turn itself inside out.<br />

Ferrax shrank back until both he and the Decepticon had relaxed – until their teeth stopped chattering and<br />

their spines had reasserted themselves.<br />

Xenon stifled a gasp of pleasure. ‘I was growing bored with the operation,’ he said, moving closer to<br />

the corpse. ‘But that was worth waiting for. Tell me, is he dead’<br />

Ferrax mumbled something. His vocal synthesiser had partially eroded thanks to endless vials of<br />

battery acid (he was a binge drinker) and frowned. A corneal tic puckered the flexi-steel around his one<br />

good eye. He held his hand up to Xenon’s face. A dead ball of circuitry was skewered on his fingertip.<br />

‘Excellent,’ said Xenon. ‘And what about the Cybertronian’s body You’ve left the cerebral<br />

connections intact’<br />

Another sniffle, another twitch.<br />

‘Good. Hooking up the new brains will be simple.’<br />

Ferrax threw the brain module aside. It overheated as it hit the floor and was engulfed in a delicate<br />

skin of flame.<br />

Scrawled across the slopes of Mount Kyth was a black, lipless mouth, a slanted crevice lost among<br />

thousands of similar pockmarks. Emyrissus had been laying there, pinioned between toothless steel, for nine<br />

hundred days now, a laser rifle resting between his arms. His legs had seized up through lack of movement,<br />

and he had long since abandoned any notion of comfort in favour of simply bearing the pain of immobility.<br />

But, being a loyal little Micromaster, he accepted his circumstances without malice. After all, he’d<br />

volunteered for this assignment. Rodimus Prime had been brutally honest when briefing him: this was a<br />

dangerous mission, potentially fatal, involving long periods of tense inactivity. He would be bored. He<br />

would be isolated. He would not be allowed to contact any of his team-mates until the mission was<br />

accomplished.<br />

And yes, it was as bad as it sounded, but the objective… assassinate Galvatron<br />

He’d accepted without hesitation.<br />

He looked through the optic enhancer and saw the usual view: the east face of Darkmount (thirty<br />

miles away but appearing much closer), the dirty blue walls, the colossal Decepticon symbol, the amalgam<br />

of walkways and weapons and entrance hatches. He knew every ridge and furrow with pornographic<br />

intimacy, but one area he knew best of all – the large plexiglass window fronting Galvatron’s throne room.

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