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‘Lucky he wasn’t a Cybertronian,’ said Quantax, leaving the trident to wobble in the wound. ‘Else<br />

we’d all be taking turns.’<br />

Death’s Head raised an optic cover and saw his own entrails.<br />

[+++ Damage assessment pending +++ Activating internal repair program +++]<br />

He could feel every wound, every severed connection, every shattered hydraulic. Carefully, he<br />

released enough oil to form a shiny pool under his back and then quietly stemmed the flow. Selective<br />

shutdown killed the pain, an optic cover sealed his eye and super-advanced servomotors begin re-knitting<br />

his ravaged insides.<br />

‘You’ve seen enough bloodshed for the day,’ Xenon said to the Sharkticon bystanders. ‘Return to<br />

your assignments. Quantax, Rodern: stay behind and activate the others.’<br />

Rodern leant over the life-support machine. ‘Xenon, do we really need to cart these three around’<br />

‘Sevax, Jolup and Ryknia are veterans. Their status within the revised Quintesson hierarchy is<br />

without question. If we can keep them alive within these units then it is our duty to do so.’<br />

Rodern scowled and took his place on the rostrum alongside Xenon. If I’d lost my entire body in<br />

battle I know I wouldn’t want to wake up inside a glass bauble, he thought to himself. I wouldn’t want to<br />

be kept alive by stim-shocks and energon boosts. What a tenuous existence. What a mockery of life.<br />

He knew the history. Sevax, Jolup and Ryknia had ended up like this after the abortive attack on the<br />

Cybertronians in 2008: the CyberWar. He had overseen Project: Retrieval, organising stealth squads to<br />

collect dying Quintessons from Earth and Cybertron. Any troops below the repair threshold were used to<br />

help construct the base he was standing in now. At the end of the CyberWar (when the planet Quintesson<br />

was just beginning to slide over the chrono-horizon of a temporal rift), the former Imperial Majestrix, Lord<br />

Kledji, his War Minister-turned-Poet Laureate Sevax and a skeleton staff of Monarchists had boarded the<br />

last transport ship and made a break for it.<br />

Unfortunately, Kledji had overestimated the stability of the planet, and Quintesson had exploded<br />

before his ship could get clear.<br />

The thought of the ageing Majestrix being ripped to shreds still brought a smile to Rodern’s face.<br />

When the retrieval teams found the ship’s remains floating through space there wasn’t anything of Kledji to<br />

salvage. Not that he’d looked too hard.<br />

Others, like Sevax, had been marginally more fortunate. Admittedly, most of his body had been<br />

scraped from its bubbling endoskeleton in a well of shearing gravity, his brain module peeled from its<br />

moorings by suction alone, but at least he’d survived. Rodern had only brought sycophants like Sevax back<br />

to curry favour with Xenon, to prove that the Project was worthwhile. True enough, a promotion to<br />

General soon followed.<br />

As for Jolup and Ryknia – well, he had to admit he felt a grudging respect for them, or at least their<br />

tactics. Jolup had masterminded the legendary Ibex ambush that had nearly wiped out a whole<br />

Cybertronian faction. Ryknia had been his field officer. When the tide of battle had turned, the<br />

Quintessons had retreated into space to rendezvous with the central fleet. The injured and dying were left<br />

behind to rust into the battlefield – at least until it was safe enough to despatch a small stealth squad without<br />

being detected. Jolup, Ryknia and a handful of grunts were eventually found, minus most of their bodies.<br />

As newly crowned Majestrix and self-proclaimed saviour of the Quintesson race, Xenon had decided<br />

to have Sevax, Jolup and Ryknia transferred to portable life-support. Rodern knew why: Xenon saw them<br />

as his personal council, his learned advisors. Whenever they asked for new bodies – which was frequent<br />

now that the Cargo was nearly ready for distribution – Xenon or his new favourite, the obsequious<br />

Quantax, would tell them to be patient, to wait for the right time. Perhaps it was this assurance that kept<br />

once-proud warriors like Jolup and Ryknia from requesting termination.<br />

Jolup’s voice sounded flat and distorted as it was filtered through speakers. ‘I still don’t see why you<br />

insist on shutting down our vocal synths. You can’t just switch us on and off when you feel like it.’<br />

‘Your voices are superfluous unless I ask you to speak,’ snapped Xenon. ‘We need to conserve all the<br />

energy we can. And incidentally, lieutenant, you are not in any position to complain.’<br />

‘So why have we been wheeled out today’<br />

‘Lord Xenon!’ Haxian stormed into the courtroom and clicked his heels. ‘The hypershuttle has been<br />

disabled.’<br />


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