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javelin of deep-coded light tear through the wormhole, reaching out for the Decepticon. Had it found its<br />

target He didn’t know.<br />

The mindpurge began to overheat, and Nightbeat wondered whether it was even working.<br />

‘Nightbeat!’ Optimus appeared at the door and ran towards the altar. ‘What happens now’<br />

‘Clear your mind. Let me do all the thinking. I’m going to remember the Ark as it was on my last<br />

visit.’ With the mindpurge in his left hand and Prime’s mighty paw in his right, Nightbeat closed his eyes.<br />

For a moment he thought he heard laserfire in 1986, but the sound soon faded.<br />

Suddenly, there it was: the Ark; the destination point; the flashback made flesh.<br />

They stepped through. Both looked back for different reasons and saw the same thing: a haze of<br />

commingling temporal energies. 2013 was reduced to memory prints and sense impressions, a vague<br />

suggestion of shape and form. The portal’s energies had flowed into 1984, where they crept along the<br />

ceiling and wrapped themselves around cones of rock, leaving fingerprints on monitor screens and worming<br />

their way into Teletran One.<br />

Mount St Hilary began to shake, feeding off the same tremors that were disassembling the Acid<br />

Wastes.<br />

‘Okay, Optimus,’ said Nightbeat, thumping the mindpurge device with his palm to get it working<br />

again. ‘This may sound trite, but we don’t have much time. I want you to… Optimus! Are you listening to<br />

me’<br />

‘Hmm Yes. I’m just…’ Optimus gestured at the deactivated robots littering the floor. ‘I’m just taking<br />

it all in.’ He got down on one knee and took Prowl’s hand. The wormhole light gave shape to a mouth<br />

that had been set in stone for four million years. ‘If you get the chance, Nightbeat, tell Prowl I’m sorry I<br />

missed him.’<br />

Nightbeat thought of quarantine and skeletons and bruise-blue optics. ‘I promise,’ he said, and held<br />

out the mindpurge.<br />

The volcano rumbled and belched, nauseated by the glue of a wormhole coming unstuck. Nightbeat<br />

relaxed his arm.<br />

‘I’ve been thinking, Optimus. I’ve never pretended any of this is fair: the time jumping, the<br />

abduction, the way we used you to win our war. But there is something I can do to make amends: I can let<br />

you keep your memories. Perhaps then… I don’t know. Perhaps then you can find a way to cheat death.’<br />

Optimus stood up. ‘At one point, not so long ago, I’d have snatched that box from your hand and<br />

crushed it. I’d have done anything to preserve the knowledge of my death. I planned to sidestep the<br />

inevitable by creating a facsimile construct to take my place in 1987, and when the end came, when this<br />

Ethan Zachary character shut me down, it wouldn’t be me lying in pieces, it would be a fake. I thought I<br />

could cheat death.’<br />

‘You still can! It would work, Optimus. You and Wheeljack could build some sort of clone that<br />

would – that would…’<br />

‘But then I thought no, that’s not how this works out. Why should I be the one to slip the net when<br />

millions of my fellow Autobots are dead They were never given a choice or a second chance: why should<br />

I My future will be played out the only way it can. We already know how this is going to end.’<br />

‘But you’ve seen the future! Save your memories!’<br />

‘Like I said, there was a time when I’d have done anything to remember. But now, having seen the<br />

future, having lived it… I’d do anything to forget.’<br />

Optimus took Nightbeat’s hand and adjusted the mindpurge so that the lens faced his forehead. ‘Let’s<br />

get this over with.’<br />

‘There’s something else, Optimus. Something I meant to tell you. 1987 is not the end. Not quite.<br />

Ethan Zachary preserves your personality on a magnetic disc, and the following year we build a new body<br />

into which your old character codes are programmed. It’s not really you, not in the purest sense, but it’s an<br />

echo. In a manner of speaking, you live on.’<br />

Optimus scooped a rifle from the floor and handed it over. ‘You’ll need this. Don’t stop until I’m offline.’<br />

Nightbeat aimed the mindpurge and looked away. ‘I won’t forget you.’<br />

‘I wish I could say the same.’<br />

Nightbeat fired. The beam did not need to travel far, just a jagged hop from nub to cerebellum. As<br />

the black box slipped from his fingers, he saw the first flickers of bewilderment in Prime’s eyes. He did not

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