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Nightbeat took him by the arm. ‘Optimus has given us a little errand…’<br />

‘Magnus! Over here!’<br />

‘What is it’ Ultra Magnus splashed over to Galvatron, who as usual was a few corridors ahead. ‘What<br />

have you found’<br />

‘My old cell. And my old cellmates. Look on the floor.’<br />

‘Thunderclash! Longtooth!’ Magnus fell to his knees. Only parts of the Pretender remained: keepsakes<br />

that would barely fill an open hand: scabs of paint, optic glass, a tusk. He was mingled with Thunderclash<br />

like a double exposure, a mess of overlap and twin-space.<br />

‘Leave them,’ said Galvatron, knowing he would be ignored.<br />

‘Longtooth’s dead, but Thunderclash…’ Magnus separated the debris as if dusting for fingerprints.<br />

‘What did they do to him’<br />

‘They killed him, Magnus! Come on!’<br />

Galvatron ran off, muttering to himself.<br />

Ultra Magnus took off his Pretender helmet to get a better look. Thunderclash’s head was split in two<br />

like a cleaved apple; one side was balanced on its rounded base, exposing the core. Just off-centre, studded<br />

with thousands of neural feeds, was his brain module – a ripe pip, glossy and intact.<br />

‘I know you can’t hear me,’ he said, flexing his fingers in preparation, ‘but you’re going to be alright.’<br />

Thunderclash’s body was irretrievable, but his brain could be picked and pocketed. He switched his optics<br />

to tight focus and watched his heavy Pretender glove move into view. Just a pinch and snip to detach the<br />

central wiring, and it would all be over.<br />

He touched the brain module with his wet hand. It disintegrated between his fingertips.<br />

The wormhole shuddered as it deposited three Transformers into 2013. Frenzy was doubled up with<br />

laughter, but stopped when he saw that the cracks in the temple floor had become fully blown ruptures.<br />

They’d only be gone a couple of minutes and now the world was falling apart. Were those flames he could<br />

see below<br />

Thundercracker was next, utterly bemused. He held his hands above his head, muttering something<br />

about self-destructing. Nightbeat prodded him off the altar with his photon gun. ‘Believe me, this will all<br />

make perfect sense if you give me a chance to explain. Get the Autoshuttle, Frenzy. Thunders here needs<br />

an escort to the Sonic Canyons.’<br />

‘Where am I’ asked Thundercracker. One moment he was watching Bumblebee run for his life in<br />

1986, the next he was being coshed over the head as he knelt to inspect a suspicious-looking ‘energon<br />

crystal’.<br />

‘You’re in a very bad place,’ said Nightbeat, looking at the tendrils of wormhole energy forcing the<br />

landscape apart. ‘This is the Cybertron of 2013. Don’t worry, it’s not all like this. Not yet, anyway.’<br />

Nightbeat watched Thundercracker board the Autoshuttle and noted how simple this abduction had<br />

been, at least on an emotional level. Where was the angst and the existential hubris, the nagging guilt about<br />

morality and ethics Perhaps it was easier with a Decepticon, although he hoped he wasn’t as prejudiced as<br />

that. Perhaps tampering with time itself wasn’t as hazardous as he’d imagined. Perhaps everything was easier<br />

second time around.<br />

He wandered back into the temple to look at the new past: once the Ark, now a nondescript patch of<br />

earthen rock face circa January 1986. He froze.<br />

It wasn’t possible. Not now.<br />

The portal had started to shrink.<br />

‘No!’<br />

Death’s Head ignored Siren’s scream and fired, but the advance warning, however unintentional, gave<br />

Haxian a chance to hide. The technician crashed behind his workbench as a spear thudded into a spare set<br />

of telearmour.<br />

‘He’s wearing the Matrix!’ Siren hissed. ‘We can’t risk it!’

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