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‘What, Prime What can I do My forces are decimated and Darkmount’s in ruins. Much as I’d like<br />

to storm Polyhex and reclaim what’s mine, I cannot.’<br />

‘What are you saying You wish to remain imprisoned’<br />

‘A proposal: I join you – temporarily.’<br />

‘An alliance Freedom, yes, but collaboration… I don’t know.’<br />

‘Why do you hesitate This is not the first time we have pooled our resources.’<br />

‘It’s not’<br />

Rev-Tone’s body parts hit the floor like building blocks, too dull and dented to catch the light.<br />

Throwback hadn’t radioed ahead and so arrived at the Institute unannounced, his MARB hobbling with<br />

speed fatigue. Red Alert had taken one look at the container under Throwback’s arm and headed for the<br />

Reconstruction Harness (a.k.a. the Repair Chair), a straight-backed steadying frame used for heavy duty<br />

rebuilds.<br />

Autobots and Decepticons swarmed into the makeshift medi-bay - a cold, scraped-clean parts centre<br />

underneath the Institute – to see what all the fuss was about. Perceptor pushed them back. Behind him,<br />

Throwback rubbed his forehead and Red Alert cherry-picked scattered limbs.<br />

The crowd soon lost interest and dispersed, and the medi-bay resembled the aftermath of a party.<br />

Only the hosts remained, tired and over-emotional amid the metaphorical cans and ashtrays. Kup sat on a<br />

circuit slab, hands in his lap, staring at the reverse autopsy.<br />

The door opened and Soundwave entered with a Decepticon of equal size and build. ‘Fulcrum here is<br />

a surgeon. He’s the best we have.’<br />

‘Thank you, Soundwave.’ said Perceptor. It sounded strange.<br />

‘We need all the troops we can get.’<br />

Soon, Rev-Tone was taking shape. Like aeroplane wreckage, his remains had been arranged on the<br />

slab to give the illusion of completeness. Perceptor ferried body parts from slab to chair, stood back and<br />

watched Fulcrum cut, buzz and burrow, slowly adding layers to the skeleton.<br />

The damage was patient and only revealed itself when ready. Paradoxically, the longer the operation,<br />

the less complete Rev-Tone became: only when two parts were brought close together did the missing link<br />

become apparent: an absent knee joint, half a forearm, a chest-plate torn by laserfire.<br />

After several hours, Fulcrum attached Rev-Tone’s severed head to his shoulders. The Autobot had no<br />

jaw, and the interior of his vocal aperture was covered in scorch marks.<br />

Fulcrum stood up and retracted his laser scalpel. ‘He’s ready.’<br />

Red Alert administered slugs of hi-grade fuel as bio-scanners began searching for life signs. Kup<br />

crouched low, desperate to catch the first spark of life when it appeared behind Rev-Tone’s visor. In the<br />

end, though, it was not his eyes that betrayed his recovery; it was the sound of his one remaining hand<br />

tapping the arm of the Repair Chair.<br />

Kup started laughing, a laugh that could not be controlled. Perceptor led him away.<br />

‘Something’s wrong,’ said Throwback. The spasm in Rev-Tone’s hand had reached other parts of his<br />

body. ‘What’s happening to him’<br />

‘He’s in shock,’ said Fulcrum. ‘It’s a common reaction. Shall I shut him down’<br />

‘No!’ said Perceptor. ‘We may not be able to resuscitate him again.’ He knelt down beside the chair.<br />

‘It’s all right, Rev-Tone, you’re safe. Can you hear me’<br />

Rev-Tone’s eyes shone like a dark and shifting spectrum. As he tried to speak, levers in his face pulled<br />

his cheekbones sideways. He grabbed a scalpel from a nearby tray and began hacking at his leg. Paint fell at<br />

his feet before a shocked Perceptor found the presence of mind to snatch the weapon away.<br />

‘Is self-mutilation a recognised part of the repair process’ Soundwave asked Fulcrum in all<br />

seriousness.<br />

Before the surgeon could answer, Rev-Tone had grabbed another blade and started scratching his<br />

thigh. Perceptor yanked the blade and this time stood well back. The patient rocked in his chair, straining<br />

for another scalpel.<br />

Soundwave unclipped his concussion blaster and unloaded an energon clip into Rev-Tone’s head and<br />

shoulders. Motors and servo-joints twitched with a life of their own, spinning like radar dishes, determined<br />

to outlive their host. This time Rev-Tone would not be coming back.

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