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Prowl continued studying the dust patterns on his desk. ‘How can we find out if Delphi has a linkup’<br />

he mumbled.<br />

‘We’re waiting to ask them. Chromedome’s found a way to send a scrambled messages.’ He<br />

pretended to scrape oil from his fingertip. ‘Forgive me, Prowl, but I thought you’d be pleased.’<br />

‘I’m just worried about Kup and the others. Aren’t you’<br />

‘Of course. But there’s nothing we can do.’<br />

‘Yes… it’s too late to do anything. Thank you, Perceptor. Dismissed.’<br />

Throwback was waiting nervously outside as Perceptor left the room. Prowl gestured at the visitor’s<br />

chair.<br />

‘Sit down, Throwback. What’s the matter’<br />

‘I knew about them, Prowl. Going away, I mean. I was involved.’<br />

Prowl stiffened. ‘In what way’<br />

‘Kup tried to recruit me after the, er, vote. He didn’t say where he was heading. He didn’t need to.’<br />

‘Did you tell anyone’<br />

‘No. I was going to tell you. I should have. I wanted to. But… but when I turned Kup down, he<br />

swore me to secrecy. I didn’t think he’d find anyone stupid enough to join him, and then the next thing I<br />

knew the alarms went off.’<br />

Prowl said nothing. He knew Throwback would misinterpret his silence as anger but he didn’t care.<br />

Even now, facing a guilty soldier – a soldier blaming himself for someone else’s mistake – he felt an<br />

overwhelming detachment.<br />

‘I felt sorry for him,’ Throwback added as a weak epilogue.<br />

‘It doesn’t matter. You’re not at fault.’<br />

‘I am, commander. I should have reported Kup the moment he approached me.’<br />

‘I wouldn’t have been able to prevent what happened.’<br />

‘Why not You’re in command: he would’ve listened to you!’<br />

Prowl’s chair creaked as he leant forward. ‘Kup No. He called an emergency meeting because he was<br />

unhappy with my command. He would not have listened to me.’<br />

‘Okay, maybe not Kup – but the others Definitely. And the whole enterprise would have been<br />

undermined. So by my reckoning, if I’d said something to you at the time, they’d still be here.’<br />

‘I disagree.’ [You’re right.] ‘Nothing you or I could have done would have stopped them leaving.’ [Yes<br />

it would.] ‘You shouldn’t blame yourself, Throwback.’ [Blame me instead: it’s my fault, it’s my purpose: I absorb<br />

guilt, I digest pain. I have monopolised suffering. Give me your anguish and watch.]<br />

‘Thank you for your confession,’ said Prowl, but somehow the words reshaped themselves as they left<br />

his lips, and came out as: ‘Thank you for your report. Dismissed.’<br />

Throwback stayed his ground, entranced by something on the desk.<br />

Prowl looked down and saw that his hands were shaking.<br />

Part 1: The inner hull of the Ark begins to ripple and swell, bulging against the barrage of firepower. My ragged<br />

assembly of Autobots - my army of the scuffed and scorched - can only stare, mute, as comm-ports fizz and cables snap. I<br />

tighten my grip on the concussion rifle and stride towards the wall. ‘Our hull is breached!’ I yell… and the picture bleeds<br />

itself white.<br />

[It’s trying to get in, the outside world. Trust me.]<br />

Part 2: Face-up and eye-fried I stare at the ceiling. It twists in muddy loops and plaits. It stings my optics with<br />

detail. Someone is shouting. I sit up and immediately count my wounds (force of habit); I’m in a temple and in front of<br />

me, his back turned, there is a Guardian robot with fists like lava husks. My hand snaps into focus as I reach for a<br />

weapon.<br />

[Well I’m ready. I can’t keep you out much longer. I’m used to you. I know your prod poke push<br />

pinch by now. Come on.]<br />

Part 3: The Quintesson ship stinks of darkness and the architecture of pain. Lime light coats control boards and<br />

keypads. Robots I barely recognise jam-pack the sticky neon fizz. I am pistol-whipped to my knees and jostled with fists<br />

and laser burns. The blows increase in force and ferocity, and I decide to jump ship. I’ve had enough.<br />

[And so have you, it seems. Real-life pain floods my system and once more I lunge towards freedom<br />

without flexing a muscle.]

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