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leadership, his career, his life. Nothing else registered. The Quintesson invasion had ended the moment<br />

Kup invoked the Crisis Act. The planet had shrunk to a single room as soon as he’d closed the door.<br />

224 Autobots, 28 of whom were off-line. Excluding himself and the appellant, that left an electorate<br />

of 194: Afterburner thru Vroom.<br />

Calculations rattled around his head. He had the ability to observe eight hundred moving objects,<br />

compute their probable paths of movement, and determine the proper countermove in 0.05 seconds, yet he<br />

was incapable of second-guessing a single Autobot vote. It was only now, crossing off their names in his<br />

head, that he realised how little he knew about his troops.<br />

How had it come to this He’d progressed from chartered surveyor to a member of The Five (Circuit<br />

One’s band of special Autobots) to criminal profiler (Mechaforensics Division) to Optimus Prime’s treasured<br />

advisor in a few thousand years. But ever since the attempt on Rodimus Prime’s life, back at Diosys, things<br />

had been falling apart. Everything around him was crumbling, and he was crumbling too…<br />

Autobots walked past his office. Throwback, Volt, Hotrider, Quark, Rev-Tone, Skram. Others<br />

followed. No one looked at him. No one spoke.<br />

Perceptor stepped into the office and closed the door behind him. Prowl had rehearsed a thousand<br />

scathing opening lines, but in the event could only manage a barely audible ‘Well’<br />

‘108 to 86.’<br />

‘In whose favour’<br />

‘Yours. Kup lost the appeal.’<br />

‘I see.’<br />

Prowl stood up, stepped outside, and headed in a direction opposite to that travelled by the other<br />

Autobots. He was thinking only one thing:<br />

86 against<br />

‘Five quads of millitine solution, a plasteen burn unit and some microscalpels! Charge the circuit-slab<br />

and hook up the tethene lube drip – we have widespread puncture wounds! Looks like a noidal break on<br />

the left flank.’<br />

Optimus Prime lay unconscious on the stretcher and dripped lubricant on Delphi’s clean white<br />

corridors as he was pushed towards the medi-lab. The medical entourage swarmed around him and<br />

exchanged glances. Cloudraker held an energon pack in either hand and gave orders, his expression<br />

flickering with disbelief every time he looked at the patient.<br />

‘What’s happened to him’ shouted Nightbeat, fighting for a place at Prime’s side. ‘Is he going to be<br />

all right Why isn’t he conscious’<br />

‘Someone get Nightbeat out of here!’ shouted Cloudraker.<br />

Siren slipped inside the ring of medics, synchronised his pace with theirs and looped his arm around<br />

Nightbeat’s shoulder. ‘You’re in the way, ’Beat – come on.’<br />

Nightbeat dropped back and watched the medics disappear around a corner.<br />

‘It’s really him, isn’t it,’ said Siren, looking at Nightbeat with fresh understanding. ‘It really is.’<br />

‘And there is absolutely no trace of the Quintesson ship’ repeated Ultra Magnus.<br />

‘None whatsoever. We can locate debris that were knocked loose in battle, but the actual ship –<br />

nothing.’ Silverbolt looked up to check that the door was closed. He could hear the celebrations on the<br />

bridge, the back-slaps and hand-claps and cheers of support for his triumphant team.<br />

‘I don’t get it,’ said Mirage. ‘Surely we should be able to detect fuel emissions or a burnout signature’<br />

‘It is possible that the Quintesson ship wasn’t completely destroyed. If its trans-warp generator was<br />

hit, it would have materialised in regular space in mid-explosion.’<br />

Mirage looked from Silverbolt to Ultra Magnus. ‘There’s something else, isn’t there Something<br />

you’re not telling me.’<br />

‘Our own trans-warp generator is operating at 45% efficiency; any lower and we too will be forced<br />

back into reg-space.’<br />

‘How long will it take to get to Cybertron’

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