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‘Last time they launched parallel invasions,’ called Rewind from the floor. ‘Cybertron and Earth were<br />

attacked simultaneously.’<br />

‘Which is why we’re heading for Cybertron. There’s a possibility that the Quintessons have yet to<br />

invade.’ Whoever scoffed covered their mouth before Magnus could look their way. ‘At the very least we<br />

can assist the Autobots on Cybertron. We might tip the balance.’<br />

‘Does Prowl know about the invasion’ asked Hound, noting his leader’s discomfort and offering a<br />

direct question as a lifeline.<br />

‘When we last spoke the Quintessons were not mentioned, which is why I believe Earth may have<br />

been attacked long before Cybertron.’<br />

‘For all your talk of facts,’ said Mirage, ‘we still don’t know the scale of the problem. The<br />

Quintessons chasing us right now might be the sum total of their race. As you say, we have no proof of<br />

their motives. Revenge Or a genuine attempt at colonisation’<br />

‘I have someone who can give you the facts.’ Ultra Magnus made a small, almost embarrassed gesture<br />

towards Death’s Head and let the mechanoid take centre stage.<br />

‘I’ll keep this short, yes I’ve heard the Quintessons’ plans and witnessed them preparing for an attack.<br />

I know what they want.’<br />

‘Because you’re colluding with them, bounty hunter!’ shouted Smokescreen.<br />

‘Come here and say that, eh’<br />

‘Stay where you are,’ barked Magnus. ‘All of you – sit and listen. Death’s Head discovered their<br />

operation by accident…’<br />

‘They’ve built a deep-sea base on the ocean floor of the planet Aquaria. Nice and remote. They<br />

intend to colonise Cybertron and wipe you out. They’ve been planning this for years. You saw the amount<br />

of attack craft they used against you – I’ve seen ten times that number.’<br />

‘Could you please explain to me,’ said Mirage scornfully, ‘exactly how they intend to colonise<br />

Cybertron Sorry to sound callous, but after the last invasion there aren’t too many of them left, are there’<br />

‘I saw thousands of them, Autobot. And sorry to sound callous, but after four million years of<br />

pointless fighting, there aren’t too many of you Transformers left, either.’<br />

The explosive charge, when he detonated it, reduced the engine casing to a tidy little crater. It<br />

destroyed a portion of the comms-systems too, but not to worry: thanks to his wiretap, Q-2709 could still<br />

overhear the Autobots’ conference on the bridge.<br />

He carried only destroying the Ark’s trans-warp engines piece by piece. Every flurry of sparks made<br />

him smile; every fizz-fuse and dynamite line left him satisfied. He wondered when Rodern and the others<br />

would catch up, and checked that the tracking beacon he’d hidden in the corridor was still broadcasting its<br />

persistent little signal, like a buoy pinpointing the Ark’s position in the hyperspatial ocean.<br />

Images of an unexpected Quintesson boarding party mingled with vainglorious fantasies of General<br />

Rodern giving him an instantaneous promotion (and with it a proper name – none of this rank-sensitive Q-<br />

numeral business – you might as have ‘Cannon Fodder’ written across your back in huge white letters).<br />

He stopped mapping his glorious career when Ultra Magnus’s voice returned to his ear. He registered<br />

the change of tone and was about to resume his daydream when he realised what was being said. He<br />

dropped the wire-cutter and pressed the earpiece deeper. This was too good to be true…<br />

‘Magnus is right,’ protested Hound, craning to stare down the rowdy Autobot at the back.<br />

‘Conserving energy should be our main priority, Snarl. For once in your life pipe down and listen!’<br />

‘Voluntary systems shutdown for one day,’ repeated Ultra Magnus, flattening random mutters of<br />

dissent. ‘Cybertron is still a long way off. Sitting around here chatting, no matter how cathartic, is a waste<br />

of energy: we need to conserve our strength.’<br />

Beachcomber raised his hand. ‘And if the Quintesson warcruiser attacks us in our sleep’<br />

‘The Ark will be running on autopilot while we’re offline,’ said Silverbolt. ‘If anything crosses the<br />

perimeter sesnors we’ll be awakened automatically.’<br />

Ultra Magnus looked at his crew, hoping that this would be the end of the discussion. A few seconds<br />

of silence signalled a won argument.

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