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‘Refuel and re-arm. I have received news from one of my more reliable squads that the Autobots’<br />

medical centre is located near your present position. They’ve already cleansed the complex, and in doing so<br />

discovered the body of the Matrix Bearer, Rodimus Prime, sealed inside some sort of tomb. They were<br />

unable to break in and will soon rejoin you to commandeer pathblasting equipment. Bring me the Matrix,<br />

with or without its host.’<br />

‘It shall be in your hands within the hour, General.’<br />

‘I will hold you to that.’<br />

Prowl’s Autobots had congregated in the octagonal foyer at the hub of AMC1, unified by grief.<br />

Afraid to talk too loudly and unsure what to say, they huddled against each other and waited for their<br />

leader.<br />

Prowl swept through spring-hinged double doors and, surrendering to a statistician’s impulse, counted<br />

heads: 197. Everyone was inside. A supernaturally calm Perceptor was leaning over Red Alert to speak to<br />

his new chaperone, Kup. Senior officers stood brave-faced and solemn as they received details of the death<br />

toll. Prowl squeezed through fissures in the crowd, trying to avoid faces and voices.<br />

‘They left just over a hour ago,’ called Perceptor, beckoning him over. ‘They spent a long time trying<br />

to break into the medivault.’<br />

Prowl looked at Red Alert. ‘Did they leave any messages or threats’<br />

‘Nothing,’ answered Perceptor.<br />

‘I’m sorry you had to go through this, Red Alert. How are you feeling’<br />

Red Alert shook his head.<br />

‘When will his voxbox be fixed, Kup’<br />

‘His voxbox I’ve already fixed it.’<br />

Quark sat down against the corridor wall and put his small hands behind his head. Why had he let<br />

Rev-Tone drag him away from the meeting point They should have been with the others – safety in<br />

numbers and all that. Rev-Tone was equal parts stubborn and persuasive, and at times like these it was<br />

dangerous combination.<br />

‘Every ward has been checked, Rev. Come on.’<br />

‘Be quiet. You see this’ Rev-Tone pointed to his own face. ‘This expression means I’m<br />

concentrating.’ He jabbed the wall-mounted keypad, which flashed an indignant red.<br />

‘It’s probably just an equipment store.’<br />

‘Highly unlikely considering that we’ve passed several unlocked doors with “Equipment Store”<br />

plastered on them. This one’s different: it has a coded lock.’<br />

Quark let his partner tap away. He knew the signs by now. Patronising, evasive, edgy: Rev-Tone was<br />

keeping himself busy to avoid thinking about the deaths of his fellow patients. It was a clockwork impulse,<br />

and one that he had seen many times since they’d first met in a Decepticon cell at the height of the Straxian<br />

Holocaust, two million years previously. Delay the inevitable, relegate the wrenching shock to some<br />

occluded corner of the mind, compress it into a Dark Event, out of focus and never to be examined. Let<br />

others deal with the repercussions, the rituals of clean up and aftermath.<br />

The keypad flashed green, the door opened and Rev-Tone prodded the darkness with a flick-torch.<br />

Something was moving.<br />

A long-dormant optic sensor adjusted to the light. ‘First Aid Search Rescue Is that you’<br />

‘What did I tell you, Quark They missed one.’<br />

‘It would help if you didn’t keep shining that torch in my face,’ said Throwback as he was dragged<br />

from a sarcophagus of circuitry. ‘I’m getting nasty stim-surges here.’<br />

Rev-Tone and Quark muddled with monitoring equipment that seemed to consist of finger-thick<br />

wiring and flashing shoeboxes. Throwback had been dangling from the ceiling in a chandelier of petrolaxdrips<br />

and nucleon feeds, locked in a cheap bio-suit with only the steady hiccup of his own fuel pump for<br />


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