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‘Is there no other way’ Prime asked, proffering his upturned wrists. He moved the moment the Q-<br />

142 looked down: a double-punch across the Quintesson’s face. The other Autobots rounded on their<br />

aggressors, and before fingers fell on triggers Prime had bundled everyone back into the tunnel.<br />

‘Let them go!’ hacked Q-142, trying to reattach his dangling jawbone. ‘They’ll not get far.’<br />

Nightbeat reached midpoint and wheeled in horror. The Quintessons on the other side were waiting<br />

with drawn weapons. ‘We’re trapped,’ he said, ‘and right back where we started!’<br />

The Autobots hit the ground as the two sets of Quintessons opened fire. Laser flew over their heads<br />

in taut strings of red and yellow.<br />

Q-142 looked at the bloated embassy building. It straddled the tunnel with greying thighs and buzzed<br />

with a kind of sweet-smelling decay, having spent the best part of four million years trying not to loose its<br />

balance. ‘Bring it down!’ he yelled. ‘Crush the tunnel!’<br />

‘Everyone fire at the floor,’ ordered Optimus, but there was no one to hear him. Sunstreaker, Hoist<br />

and Grapple had bolted for the exit, weapons blazing.<br />

The embassy fell like a house of cards, 150 papery layers toppling towards a common core.<br />

Hovercyclists pumped ammo deep into the creases and the tunnel roof shook itself into a million<br />

pentagonal pieces.<br />

Nightbeat grabbed Prime’s arm. ‘Optimus, please! I’m not leaving you here!’<br />

The tunnel collapsed.<br />

On Cybertron, the Past is inescapable. It exists as a frame of reference, a rigid table of comparison.<br />

After four million years of war, so much is defined by what it isn’t, by what it used to be. Iacon is an excapital.<br />

The Golden Dome is an ex-council chamber. Transgalactica is an ex-spaceport. And every Autobot,<br />

every Decepticon, every side-swapping spy and counterspy – everyone is an ex-Cybertronian.<br />

Once the jewel in the galactic crown, Cybertron has been scandalised and misappropriated, rebuilt<br />

into a vague shadow of its old self. Beneath its misshapen crust, however, one thing remains unchanged: the<br />

utility ducts. After millions of years of voracious recycling, the utility ducts are still utility ducts: a coiling<br />

network of rust-ridden tectomene tubing, thousands of miles long, dappled with bacilli and grime cultures<br />

as old as the First Ones themselves.<br />

They even have their own language, a murmured vernacular that will still be heard when every<br />

dialect and comm-prog has been de-codified and unwritten: the metronomic drip of oil on sticky surfaces;<br />

the hum of warm liquid tumbling through anchored piping; the mildewed kiss of water against curved<br />

walls; the wheeze of rust, red as a waxy apple, as it prises itself from the copper-top ceilings.<br />

Down in the ducts, the upper world is mythical; the lower world, the Underworld, is madness.<br />

Prowl’s Autobots were making slow progress. Halved by the Quintessons’ aerial attack, halved again<br />

by Sideswipe’s sacrifice, they now numbered less than two hundred. They were the leftovers, knee-deep in<br />

mech-waste. Prowl and Perceptor took the lead, then Kup, then Chromedome. The dead and the dying<br />

were somewhere near the back, supported by stronger Autobots.<br />

Rev-Tone wondered what the local conditions were doing to his damaged legs. Even now he could<br />

feel the wounds re-opening, teased by the questing current, by the froth and bubbled scum. He focused on<br />

Quark’s whispered voice and tried to ignore the pain.<br />

‘It’s not that I’m not grateful to be here,’ said his companion. ‘Of course I am… it’s just that I was<br />

given an order to stay and fight. You don’t realise how it feels to run away.’<br />

‘I have three things to say to that, Quark. Firstly, no one but you and I know that you disobeyed<br />

orders. Secondly, one more Autobot isn’t going to turn the tide of battle, is he What use is an<br />

anthropologist against thousands of screaming Quintessons’<br />

‘Yes, but if everyone thought like that we’d never—’<br />

‘My third point is the most important: I wanted you to come with me.’<br />

‘But it feels as if I’ve cheated – cheated Sideswipe and Scattershot and Gunrunner and everyone else<br />

who stayed behind…’<br />

‘…Getting slaughtered. We’re a team, Quark! We stick together!’<br />

Prowl craned his neck. ‘Everything okay back there’ Rev-Tone waved the enquiry away and the<br />

Autobot leader went back to his own conversation with Perceptor:

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