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Ultra Magnus stared blankly at the wreckage, unable to think of anything to say. He remembered<br />

approving the plans for both the new bridge and the Ark’s underground hangar; he remembered the<br />

months of backbreaking work it had taken to extend the City downwards, excavating the natural caverns<br />

and catacombs that riddled the area, making a massive detour after a near-hysterical Red Alert, on loan<br />

from High Command, claimed he had found fault lines in certain no-go areas. He thought of the Ark right<br />

now, enveloped in darkness, fastened to a million tonnes of scaffold, sitting on the launch pad, ready for<br />

use.<br />

‘We won’t leave without a fight,’ declared Wheeljack, recovering the microscope. ‘I’ll confront High<br />

Command if I have to, even if it means—’<br />

He was interrupted by the buzzing intercom. Blaster’s face appeared on the monitor as Ultra Magnus<br />

approached, his fists balled with tension: he wasn’t in the mood for another impassioned plea to extend the<br />

Comms Level. ‘What is it, Blaster’<br />

‘I think you’d better get down here ASAP. Rewind’s found something… unexpected.’<br />

‘On my way. Magnus out.’<br />

The picture was instantly replaced by the head and shoulders of a Powerbot and a cluttered cockpit.<br />

‘Commander Magnus, this is Heatwave of the Cybertronian exploration vessel Thunder Raider requesting<br />

permission to land.’<br />

While Heatwave was speaking, a familiar figure crept up behind him and mugged at the vidcam. ‘And<br />

this is Ratchet saying, “let us in.”’<br />

Ultra Magnus grinned. ‘You’re free to land, Thunder Raider. Use the central landing strip.’ He<br />

looked at Ratchet. ‘I’ll see you in a moment.’<br />

‘I guess this is it, then,’ said Wheeljack, slipping the newly repaired microscope into his belt.<br />

Ultra Magnus pressed his forehead against the window and watched Thunder Raider sweep elegantly<br />

towards the landing strip. ‘I guess we have to be hospitable. If you could meet our guests at the hangar, I’ll<br />

see you in Blaster’s office in five minutes. Turn the lights out before you go.’<br />

Wheeljack watched him disappear down the vacuum lift and wondered why everything was so<br />

impermanent. Ever since the outbreak of war, when he’d fled Tene with his apprentice to enlist in the<br />

Autobot army, he’d felt homeless. Evacuated from underground bunkers, lying low in moonbases, biding<br />

time in volcanoes and orbital hideaways – his life had been a catalogue of displacement. He felt the usual<br />

twist of sadness at the thought of abandoning another base.<br />

He pressed a wall pad and let the lights drain from the room. The windowpanes seemed to<br />

disintegrate, revealing a vault of stars. He wondered how many more times he would admire the view.<br />

Ratchet and Mirage picked their way down the Thunder Raider’s disembarkation ramp to see<br />

Bluestreak, Trailbreaker and Hound waving from a balcony.<br />

‘It’s nice to feel welcomed, eh Mirage’<br />

‘I suppose three out of a hundred isn’t bad.’<br />

‘Make that four,’ said Wheeljack, strolling into the hangar. ‘Nice to see you, doc. Hi, Mirage.’<br />

Ratchet shook his friend’s hand, one of many human mannerisms that the original crew of the Ark<br />

had appropriated over the years. ‘It’s been a while. Too long.’<br />

‘Yeah. We thought you’d forgotten about us.’<br />

‘You’re always in our thoughts,’ said Mirage, looking away.<br />

The planet Cybertron is known throughout the galaxy, but for many different reasons.<br />

Ancient races such as the Guardians and the Nightstalkers can recall its Golden Age, a time when the<br />

Cybertronians were regarded by many pre-Ascension races as evolutionary miracles, their name<br />

synonymous with culture and intellectual vigour. When news of a civil war spread to nearby quadrants,<br />

even the most astute political commentators could not foresee the downfall of an entire race. But what<br />

began as a tit-for-tat exchange of proton bombs escalated at alarming speed, eventually claiming the lives of<br />


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