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‘It’s Iacon,’ said Wheeljack. ‘And who’s to say the Quintessons haven’t got to them too’<br />

‘What about your Sonic Canyons HQ’ asked Sygnet.<br />

Mainframe looked up. ‘How did you know about Delphi’<br />

‘Common knowledge,’ said Sygnet. ‘Main base in the Archives Centre, auxiliary post in the Canyons.<br />

We’ve known about them for a while.’ He shrugged. ‘I really shouldn’t be saying all this.’<br />

‘One way or another,’ said Wheeljack, ‘I don’t suppose it matters now.’<br />

The upstairs room seemed to change shape as overhead lights flickered on and off. After a moment of<br />

indecision, the filaments dulled to grey and the room sank a little lower, a little darker. A faint stretch of<br />

natural light fell across Mainframe’s lifeless console. He looked up apologetically. ‘That was the last of the<br />

power. The whole system was running on reserves.’ He tossed the comms-box to Wheeljack. ‘Didn’t even<br />

get a chance to hook up.’<br />

‘Back to square one, then,’ said Wheeljack. ‘Let’s head for the Canyons.’ He peeled away the floor<br />

plating and took the lasers from their brackets. Centurion and Mainframe followed suit, then headed for the<br />

door.<br />

‘Isn’t Sygnet coming with us’ whispered Centurion.<br />

‘I don’t think he wants to,’ said Wheeljack, ushering his team-mates ahead. He looked around.<br />

Sygnet was standing in front of the window, his expression studiously blank. ‘Well’<br />

‘Well what’<br />

‘Are you coming with us or not’<br />

‘A Decepticon and three Autobots. Nice ratio.’<br />

‘Fine. Stay here. Sit in the dark and wait for the Quintessons to find you.’<br />

‘And what makes you think they won’t find you If I join you I’ll either end up dead or an Autobot<br />

prisoner.’<br />

‘At least this way you have a choice.’ There was a long pause, during which Wheeljack fussed and<br />

fiddled with the words he was about to say. ‘Besides, we might need… we might need someone with your<br />

talents.’<br />

‘Well why didn’t you just say so’<br />

Xenon jabbed the pad once more, annoyed. ‘What’s happening, Haxian Why can’t I release the<br />

liquid’<br />

Inside the torture chamber, Galvatron gingerly raised an optic cover and wondered the same thing.<br />

‘I deactivated the release mechanism. And please commander, hear me out before you shoot me.’<br />

Haxian gestured at the monitor screen, where thousands of plot-points and schem-threads described a 3D<br />

Galvatron. ‘He’s incredible.’<br />

‘What am I looking at’ asked Xenon.<br />

‘This scan shows physiological complexity on a scale I’ve never seen – a level of internal construction<br />

thousands of years ahead of our own, ahead of the other Cybertronians we’ve tested.’<br />

‘And still he couldn’t transform!’<br />

‘Hm. Perhaps – perhaps you misunderstand me, commander. We’re looking at a robotic anomaly<br />

here. Something so powerful, so unique…’<br />

‘No, no, I understand. Thank you for stopping me. We came within a second of losing the most<br />

powerful weapon in our arsenal. It’s funny how things come full circle, isn’t it How the same process<br />

informs the beginning and the end. Who would have thought, after all this time, that we would be learning<br />

from them… It’s a strange feeling, when something takes on a life of its own. I sometimes think the whole<br />

universe is looped: this near-infinite curve which bends at the same speed, at the same angle, until it rejoins<br />

at source and we return, instantaneously, to Alpha Point. Perhaps we weren’t meant to have loose ends.<br />

Have the guards take Galvatron back to his cell, Haxian. I need time to think.’<br />

‘I can’t go any faster!’ screamed Nightbeat, losing his voice to the preening wind. His vehicular mode<br />

had already melted into a watery strip of yellow and blue, disturbed only by the odd dash of exhaust fume<br />

or grit kick. ‘Any faster and I’ll start losing wheels!’

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