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‘I’ve made my choice.’ Rev-Tone turned awkwardly on his heels and looked at the others. ‘Who’s<br />

with me’ Some looked away, some motioned to their wounds apologetically. Some, like Ammo, just<br />

shook their heads. Red Alert looked him straight in the eye. So Rev-Tone padded up the aisle alone, his<br />

leg joints squeaking with each step. First Aid stepped out of his way at the last moment.<br />

‘First Aid’ It was Search, offering him a communicube with Prowl’s face on it. ‘Message from the<br />

boss.’<br />

‘We’re expecting the initial assault any time now,’ said Prowl. ‘I want you to be prepared for a rush<br />

of casualties.’<br />

‘We’re pretty full as it is, but I’ll try. We’re soaking up a lot of juice, Prowl. Perhaps if you could<br />

authorise Section 11 I could—’<br />

‘First Aid, now is not the time! Prowl out!’<br />

Meanwhile, Rev-Tone limped down stainless steel corridors. Every few moments he would pass<br />

another ward and deliver a blunt rallying cry. Every few moments another set of patients would ignore him.<br />

He hobbled past the operating chambers, past the surgeon’s quarters, past Rodimus Prime’s medivault<br />

(Kup was nowhere to be seen) and finally past the threshold to AMC1 itself. He looked out into the<br />

seething waste ducts, their rancid cargo veined with rust.<br />

‘If you’re leaving, then leave,’ said First Aid, jogging up the corridor. ‘I’m locking up.’<br />

Rev-Tone stepped outside.<br />

Clamped between Skyhammer and Whirl, Quark wasn’t sure whether he was running or being<br />

carried. Still, he thought, maybe it was better this way, swept up in the stampede, in the ferocity of it all,<br />

concentrating on keeping balance, keeping track. He wondered how many of them were running to their<br />

deaths, scrambling over barricades to reach the battle field and lunge headlong into the first whitened rush<br />

of laser. Somewhere out there – probably sandwiched between ammo-racks and bomb-drop pods - the<br />

Quintessons were slamming rounds into their handguns. Some alien biopoid was lining up the bullets that<br />

would hurtle, red-nosed and screaming, into his softly mottled techno-flesh, into the trembling slivers of<br />

ghost-grey, Matrix-blessed hardware at the back of his skull.<br />

He surged up a stairwell, his eyes fixed on Crossblades’ back, and not for the first time he wished that<br />

Rev-Tone were with him, underplaying the gravity of the situation and annoying the others in his unique<br />

fashion. Despite the rabid packs of Autobots, despite the universe of limbs, he felt utterly alone.<br />

‘Second squad over there!’ yelled Prowl, with an exaggerated sweep of his arm. He was perched on a<br />

rail gun and, as always, straining to be heard above the noise. His men were trussed-up and psyched-out, as<br />

if Springer’s dealer had pumped vials of frothing Syk into their fuel-streams.<br />

The entire Iaconian army was pouring into a battle-hanger just underneath Cybertron’s surface. Once<br />

the upper level of the Archives Centre, it was now fitted with rail guns the size of a Gestalt. The barrels<br />

broke the surface of the planet and hid inside fake generators, making the Helio Generator Complex look<br />

like just another bombed-out relic from Iacon’s Solar Age.<br />

Prowl reached up and tapped the ceiling. ‘This is lower than it used to be,’ he said to Perceptor.<br />

‘I had Quickmix and Scoop add as much shielding as they could without compromising the<br />

infrastructure. They’ve put another six metres of titanium between us and the Quintessons.’<br />

‘It might make all the difference,’ nodded Prowl, secretly wishing the idea had been his.<br />

‘Yeah, but it’s still only one layer between us and them,’ said Sideswipe, scrambling onto his rail gun.<br />

‘Thank god for heavy artillery, eh’<br />

Prowl pressed a targeting visor under his knuckled brow. ‘On my signal,’ he said, as dark spots slid<br />

across his eyes.<br />

‘General Quantax, this is 1st Wave leader Q-715 giving position update: we are dead on course.’ He<br />

thumbed the navigation keypad and let the Trident’s targeting set burn crosshairs onto his eyeballs.

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