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‘Okay. You win.’ Nightbeat rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling, which was thick with dead<br />

bodies. ‘I’ve had enough of your proselytising. If you’re going to kill me, do it now. Just no more<br />

conversation.’<br />

Guardian cocked his head. An array of slicers and serrators sprung from his fingertips and he pushed<br />

them timidly towards Nightbeat’s face, suspicious.<br />

‘Actually, I’ve changed my mind. Aren’t you going to read me my Last Rites’<br />

Guardian froze, and his head fell off his shoulders. It hit the floor with a dull thud.<br />

And there he was, standing over the decapitated droid, holding a piece of jagged piping and looking<br />

mildly annoyed.<br />

Nightbeat passed out.<br />

‘All squads assume defensive positions! A to F, man the perimeter as planned! Back-up teams reinforce<br />

the supply lines. I want it tight and tidy: no distractions! Air Corps stay inside - you launch on my signal!<br />

No one breaks cover!’<br />

Prowl took corner after corner, smashed by strobes, decibel-deafened as the klaxons came and went.<br />

He barked orders as he ran, practically chewing his wrist communicator. His words bounced back at him<br />

through the tangled Tannoy, a steady echo that matched him step for step, vowel for vowel.<br />

‘Squads G to M assume priority positions on the artillery deck! I want you ready with blanket fire if<br />

needed! I want all rec ‘n’ research rooms shut and sealed, I want every troop route lined with hi-ex, and I<br />

want every Autobot who can hold a gun—’<br />

‘—to fall into fight-formation and get to their assigned area - NOW!’<br />

Rev-Tone started pulling wires from his engen regulators. ‘You heard him: “Every Autobot who can<br />

hold a gun.”’ Fresh pain studded a system he thought had healed, a system that had grown used to detoxshots<br />

and joint-relaxants. The ward wobbled as he touched toes with the floor.<br />

‘Squads N to Z fall into back-up formation and chain gang the proton packs! Scouts and surface sentries<br />

regroup—’<br />

Ammo frowned. ‘First Aid won’t discharge you in that condition, Rev.’<br />

‘He’s right, you know,’ said Red Alert, hidden between medical equipment the size of monster<br />

trucks. ‘We’re no use to anyone out there.’ There was a low mumble of consent: the other patients felt<br />

more comfortable siding with a member of High Command.<br />

‘—designated ammo carriers! Prepare to repel the first assault in six point eight two minutes, I repeat—’<br />

Rev-Tone rubbed his temples and counted at least six-dozen servo-failures. ‘I can’t believe I’m<br />

hearing this! The Quintessons are invading! An extra soldier is an extra soldier!’<br />

‘What’s going on in here Rev-Tone! Sit down!’<br />

Everyone watched First Aid stride down the aisle, Search and Rescue trailing behind him.<br />

‘—point eight two minutes! Head for your squadron leader on reaching ground level and clear bandwidth for inter-<br />

Autobot updates! Remember that—’<br />

First Aid nodded to the throbbing speaker. ‘Somebody switch Prowl off.’<br />

‘But the Quintessons!’ pleaded Rev-Tone, fighting off Rescue’s attempts to hook him back up to the<br />

slab. ‘We can’t hide down here while the others are getting slaughtered!’<br />

‘Some of us have no choice,’ said Red Alert.<br />

‘If I thought that any of you were capable of walking from here to Autobase and then engaging in<br />

frontline combat, I would have discharged you days ago.’ First Aid turned on his toes as he spoke, making<br />

eye contact with every patient. ‘As it is, anyone who makes that walk will be dead before they reach<br />

halfway. You weren’t even fit for the troop inspection, Rev-Tone, and yet now you want to wade into<br />

battle No. No way.’<br />

Rescue took the punch on the chin as a signal to back off. Rev-Tone stood up with as much dignity<br />

as he could muster. ‘I hear what you’re saying, doc. But as long as I can stand up, as long as I can pull a<br />

trigger, I am going outside to fight. You can’t hold me here against my will.’<br />

‘Lie down.’

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