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you’ll burn in the pit for such brazen sacrilege /// it purred, and fired a single shot which drilled the<br />

Autobot into a wall.<br />

Nightbeat vaulted over upturned pews and landed near the droid’s feet. A three-fingered hand<br />

grabbed his throat and lifted him off the floor.<br />

/// repent /// prima chapter two, verse nine: whosoever desecrates the sacred shall ///<br />

Its quotation was cut short as Sunstreaker’s laser-guided missile exploded against its rib. The impact<br />

did not move it, but the pain prompted a reaction: Nightbeat was sent crashing through the pews.<br />

‘Why did Wheeljack have to make ’em so tough’ asked Grapple, pulling his team leader from the<br />

crumpled metal.<br />

‘Back of the neck, guys!’ called Hoist, tapping his own. ‘A concentrated blast will shut down its<br />

CPU!’<br />

‘Okay,’ said Nightbeat, ‘I’ll distract it while you get as close to the wormhole as you can. We’ll take it<br />

from there.’<br />

‘But what do I do when—’<br />

Sunstreaker cut himself short as Nightbeat casually stepped out into the open, put his hands above his<br />

head, and walked towards Guardian.<br />

‘He’s lost it,’ hissed Grapple.<br />

‘I need to ask you something,’ said Nightbeat, making eye contact. The Class 3 trained its wrist-lasers<br />

on the Autobot’s head but held its fire.<br />

/// you dare question me ///<br />

‘I want to know why you killed the worshippers. They were following the way of Primus and living<br />

their lives in accordance with the <strong>text</strong>ural codes. Why did they deserve to die’<br />

/// their faith was weak /// their spirit was lacking /// he wanted them dead ///<br />

‘Right. So if God is so benign, why did He seal you underground for so long’<br />

Guardian cocked his head; engines whirred, pistons pumped.<br />

/// if I had not been punished i would never have discovered the way /// better to be trapped physically than<br />

mentally ///<br />

Nightbeat saw Sunstreaker slipping through the shadows and slowly lowered his arms. ‘You’re<br />

unstable, Guardian. You’ve sat in a hole and let the dogma seep like mech-waste into your bargain-bin<br />

brain module.’<br />

/// i forgive you ///<br />

‘That’s your response You forgive me Forgive me for what, telling you you’re wrong Rejecting<br />

Primus on the grounds that he doesn’t exist Denouncing your entire religion as retrograde folklore that<br />

would sound naïve coming from the mouth of a still-wet proto-form’<br />

Nightbeat stopped talking as Guardian’s targeting laser settled on his brow.<br />

/// you know not what you say ///<br />

Sunstreaker fired, and Guardian’s back burst into flame. The droid arched its spine and saw its attacker<br />

on the threshold of the portal. Nightbeat leapt onto the Class 3’s shoulders and unclipped his pistol.<br />

/// get back /// get back /// get back /// g /// g /// g /// g ///<br />

The droid’s head slumped to one side as a thread of smoke escaped a fresh entry wound in its neck.<br />

‘I don’t know if I shot it in the right place,’ said Nightbeat, sliding to the floor and thumbing back<br />

the droid’s optic covers. ‘But it seems out for the count. Let’s put it back in its box.’<br />

They dumped the body in the hole and kicked loose debris to fill the gaps. Out of sight, out of mind.<br />

‘And after that brief interlude,’ said Nightbeat, ‘we return to the task at hand.’<br />

The wormhole was waiting. Even up close it retained its mystery. One moment it seemed<br />

tantalisingly transparent, the next it was as impenetrable as concrete. Right now, as the Autobots stood in<br />

line, their paintwork bleached by the glow, it looked like balled lightning.<br />

Nightbeat felt ill. This was it, then. The Moment. The Rubicon. He was about to travel through<br />

time and pollute the temporal stream. He was scared; scared of altering the past, scared of dying, scared of<br />

not coming back, scared of failing.<br />

‘Okay everyone,’ he said. ‘I want you to think of the Ark, the central control room, Earth date 1984.<br />

The wormhole will do the rest.’

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