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‘Rodimus and Thunderclash should never have got hurt.’ Red Alert’s voice sounded like a bad<br />

recording, a ghost in a machine. ‘Their safety was my responsibility and I let them down. I let everybody<br />

down. I’ll understand if you want me to resign.’<br />

‘On the contrary, I need you back on duty as soon as possible. Who else is going to oversee our<br />

defences’<br />

While Red Alert didn’t smile, he at least tried to sit up. ‘I heard your speech before. You really think<br />

the Quintessons will invade again’<br />

‘They’re attacking Polyhex as we speak. They no doubt intend to turn their attention to us, but they<br />

have no way of knowing our location.’<br />

‘You said the others were reinforcing the Archives Centre in case of an attack,’ said Rev-Tone, who<br />

had been eavesdropping. ‘Is there anything else we can do to prepare’<br />

‘I have matters in hand, Rev-Tone. No one has anything to worry about.’ Prowl turned back to Red<br />

Alert. ‘I should let you concentrate on getting better. First Aid says you’re well on the way to a full<br />

recovery. I just wanted to come down here and… you know. I’ll see you later.’<br />

He left the ward without looking up.<br />

Galvatron came back on line quietly and without fanfare. There was no blaze of red-raw sparks, no<br />

primal howl, no thunderclouds scudding across the sky; just a subtle changeover, a silent switch from A to<br />

B, and consciousness stirred deep within his processors.<br />

He knew he was captive, that much was easy: he could see the prison bars, coated in energy, and<br />

behind them just a lonely corridor (his whole life, he thought fleetingly, was composed of corridors and<br />

cells, throne rooms and thrones). Still, this was no Autobot prison, and it certainly wasn’t Darkmount. He<br />

was hanging from a wall; he could feel electro-bonds around his wrists and ankles, imprinting a dark glow.<br />

No matter. He would transform and—<br />

Wait.<br />

He couldn’t transform. Something had brushed against his morphcore when he’d tried to initiate<br />

changeover, something hard and spindled. He pressed himself against the wall and felt a growth in the small<br />

of his back: an Inhibitor Claw.<br />

Patience.<br />

He saw a rusting heap of robotic limbs in the far corner of the cell and realised that it was Longtooth’s<br />

dead body. He wondered idly where the Pretender’s shell was.<br />

He looked the other way and saw his fellow prisoner for the first time. Thunderclash was a mess. He<br />

looked slapdash and semi-realised, like a child’s portrait; a mass of poster paint and cut-out shapes. Behind<br />

the sticky styling and the primary colours were half-melted body plates and soiled circuitry, as if someone<br />

had dunked him in molten lava. Only the Autobot’s optics held their form.<br />

Galvatron checked his own body and smiled: he was virtually unharmed. True, there was the odd<br />

scratch on the arms, the flake of paint on the torso, but nothing serious. Why, then, was he in such pain<br />

Was he injured on the inside<br />

He heard someone approach and screamed, ‘Release me this instant! Whoever has done this will burn<br />

in the acids of Unicron’s maw!’<br />

Q-6 appeared behind the bars, shrank back as he saw the prisoner, and sprinted down the corridor.<br />

Galvatron dug his fingers into his palms. The soldier’s face had been enough. He remembered. He<br />

remembered it all.<br />

The throne room in Darkmount. His thoughts were heavy with plans and counterplans, with the dynamics of<br />

treachery. His decision to promote Sixshot instead of Pitchshifter had, in retrospect, been foolish. Images of mutiny and<br />

rebellion dragged him deeper into self-absorption, until he finally conceded that he had made a mistake. Yes, Squad 117<br />

or not, he had made a mistake. He’d summoned Soundwave with the intention of demoting Sixshot. And then: a spasm<br />

of light. A rush of noise that had driven him to his knees. A blurred figure exploding into the room – a Quintesson who<br />

had slammed something into his back, paralysing him. Another flash of light, then darkness, and then—<br />

The Quintesson had obviously teleported him here. It was impossible to know how far away from<br />

home he was, but surely Cybertron was nearby… After all, teleport armour couldn’t carry you across<br />

interstellar space, could it

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