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He wondered whether Quantax had reached Cybertron yet. The Transformers’ homeworld (ha!) was<br />

further away from Aquaria than this mud-ball, so perhaps his comrade had yet to arrive. Perhaps, if he<br />

crushed these Cybes quick enough, he could gatecrash the bigger battle. A nearby explosion brought him<br />

back to the situation at hand.<br />

‘We’ve been hit,’ said Q-537 from the communications pit. ‘Two small-scale photon blasts near<br />

subsection 300371. I’m requesting a damage report.’<br />

‘I don’t care about specifics. Deploy all hull weaponry. Hit everything you can. Twice.’<br />

‘Are you sure that was a good idea, Hound’<br />

Bluestreak steadied the windswept Autoshuttle and glanced at his teammate. They’d spent the last<br />

half-hour playing catch-up and now, within metres of the Enslaver, Hound had started firing the KK guns.<br />

‘Keep her steady,’ was Hound’s only comment. ‘This is our last chance for close-quarters combat.’<br />

‘No, that’s close enough,’ decided Mirage. ‘Get us clear. You know what happened last time we got<br />

within sniffing distance.’<br />

Hound pulled away as the Enslaver opened fire on the mountainside. Doused in dust but<br />

miraculously unscathed, the Autoshuttle barrelled towards the City.<br />

‘We’re too late,’ said Hound, taking the shuttle in low. ‘They’re here.’<br />

‘Get us inside,’ snapped Mirage.<br />

‘Metroplex is in fortress mode. He’s impregnable.’<br />

‘Surely there’s a hidden entrance or—’<br />

‘He’s impregnable, Mirage!’<br />

An explosion knocked them off course. A portion of the ceiling disintegrated and flames crawled the<br />

walls like poison ivy. A pack of Tridents moved in for another attack.<br />

Ratchet climbed out of his seat. ‘I hate to state the obvious, but we’ve got to disembark!’<br />

The shuttle dipped and dithered, trailing smoke and shedding parts. Bluestreak locked the controls<br />

and ran to the others at the back, near the tear. The ground below was full of crater-crescents and the first<br />

few Quintesson casualties.<br />

‘You know what to do, everyone,’ said Mirage.<br />

The moat flashed by first, then the punched-up walls, then the barricades and barracks – and suddenly<br />

they were flying over the heart of the City. Bluestreak was the first to jump and the first to land. He looked<br />

up in time to see the others hit the ground like cluster bombs. The shuttle slid into the distance, engulfed in<br />

flame.<br />

Prowl sat at Rodimus Prime’s desk and felt the energy drain from his body. He had been trying to<br />

organise some paperwork (a generic term for data discs and com-slugs and procene acetates) in an effort to<br />

discover the various missions and strategies that had not yet been presented to High Command.<br />

Yesterday he’d have relished the opportunity to revamp Prime’s admin system; now he realised that<br />

there was more to it than shuffling papers: there were proposals to consider, troop transferrals to oversee,<br />

meetings to arrange. He’d once thought that leadership – at least the Rodimus Prime school of leadership –<br />

had been all about unforced charisma, an inspiring turn-of-phrase. You know, general soft-focus hero<br />

worship stuff. He’d never realised that there was so much red tape – and he usually loved red tape.<br />

He selected a random report from a freshly-built stack and –<br />

This didn’t even feel right.<br />

What was he doing here, rummaging through private journals when the diarist was only a few miles<br />

away The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he was about how readily he had stepped into<br />

Prime’s boots. But who else could handle the job He ran through the list, ticking boxes in his head.<br />

Magnus had always rejected outright leadership; Perceptor lacked the interpersonal skills; Jazz had recently<br />

been demoted; Mirage was unpopular; Siren was still learning his trade; Springer … well, there was<br />

something about Springer that made him unsuitable (it was the closest Prowl came to a gut instinct). The<br />

Triple Changer not only wanted to be leader, he felt that he was destined to rule, that it was Meant to Be<br />

(perhaps that’s why he’d recently started dabbling in re-fits and circuit-steroids - as if leadership was reliant<br />

on muscle and tone).

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