Chapter 7. The Eigenvalue Problem

Chapter 7. The Eigenvalue Problem

Chapter 7. The Eigenvalue Problem


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<strong>7.</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Eigenvalue</strong> <strong>Problem</strong>, December 17, 2009 10<br />

N solutions. Because they are eigenvalues of A and A is Hermitian, these<br />

solutions mustallberealnumbers.<br />

I will assume here that you have heard of determinants. If not, take heart:<br />

computers can calculate them for you. Mathematica has the function Det[A]<br />

that returns the determinant of the matrix A.<br />

§ 8 Back to physics. IfAisanobservablethentheeigenvaluesofthe<br />

matrix A are the values that we observe when we measure the observable A.<br />

<strong>The</strong> “quantization” of the values that the observable can take occurs because<br />

(A − λI)ψ = 0 has solutions only for those special values of λ for which the<br />

matrix A − λI does not have an inverse. <strong>The</strong>se are the values of λ for which<br />

det[A − λI] = 0. Note that the spectrum of A depends only on the matrix<br />

A, as it should.<br />

If we use N functions in our orthonormal, complete basis set, the matrix<br />

A can have only N eigenvalues. <strong>The</strong> are not necessarily distinct, because<br />

some roots of the characteristic polynomial might be equal to each other. As<br />

we increase the number of functions in the orthonormal basis set, we increase<br />

the number of eigenvalues. If we use an infinite basis set, we will have an<br />

infinite number of eigenvalues. <strong>The</strong>se eigenvalues will be discrete, however.<br />

We cannot possible use an infinite basis set and therefore we never get<br />

the exact eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. By luck, or perhaps because of<br />

some mathematical theorem unknown to me, if we are intelligent in our<br />

choice of basis set, we get a good approximation to the smallest eigenvalues<br />

even with a relatively small basis set. As you’ll see in an example given later,<br />

using roughly 40 basis functions gives accurate values for about the 20 lowest<br />

eigenvalues.<br />

§ 9 An example of an eigenvalue problem: nondegenerate eigenvalues. Let<br />

us examine the eigenvalue problem for the matrix A given by Eq. 35. <strong>The</strong><br />

characteristic equation is (see Eq. 51)<br />

⎛<br />

⎜<br />

det ⎝<br />

3 − λ 2 4<br />

2 1.2 − λ 3.1<br />

4 3.1 4− λ<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠ =0 (52)<br />

If you find tedious algebra soothing, you can calculate this determinant.<br />

IprefertouseMathematica, and the result is (see Section 2 of the file<br />

WorkBook7 <strong>The</strong> eigenvalue problem.nb)<br />

−λ 3 +8.2λ 2 +9.21λ − 0.03 = 0 (53)

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