69-72 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

69-72 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

69-72 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów


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The aim of this study was to develop scaffolds for cartilage<br />

regeneration to be used in reconstructive and plastic<br />

surgery. The porous scaffolds were produced from biocompatible<br />

and resorbable polymer – poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide)<br />

(PLG) acting as a supportive matrix. A thin layer of sodium<br />

hyaluronate (Hyal) was also deposited on the surface as<br />

well in the pore walls of PLG scaffolds in order to provide<br />

biologically active molecules promoting differentiation and<br />

regeneration of the tissue. Physical and chemical properties<br />

of the scaffolds were evaluated and the scaffolds were<br />

implanted in the rabbit auricular cartilage.<br />

Materials and methods<br />

Materials<br />

A copolymer of L-lactide and glycolide (PLG), with the<br />

molar ratio of L-lactide to glycolide 85:15 (molecular masses:<br />

M n =80kDa, M w =152kDa), was synthesised in the Centre<br />

of Polymer and Carbon Materials (Polish Academy of Sciences,<br />

Zabrze, Poland) according to the method described<br />

previously [5].<br />

The PLG scaffolds were produced by solvent casting/<br />

particulate leaching technique. Sieved sodium chloride<br />

particles (POCh, Gliwice, Poland) of defined grain fraction:<br />

250µm-320µm, were mixed with 10% (w/v) copolymer solution<br />

in methylene chloride (POCh, Gliwice, Poland) in such<br />

proportions that a salt volume fraction of 85% was obtained.<br />

The mixture was transferred into polypropylene vials<br />

(diameter 12mm, 5ml volume) and dried overnight in the air,<br />

followed by vacuum treatment at a reduced pressure for 48h.<br />

Next, the vials with the rigid salt/polymer mixture were cut<br />

into slices of the thickness of 2mm and placed into 100ml<br />

of ultra high purity water (UHQ-water, produced by Purelab<br />

UHQ-PS apparatus, Elga, UK). The water was exchanged<br />

several times until the conductivity of the water after washing<br />

was about 2µS/cm, which took 2-3 days. The samples were<br />

then dried in a vacuum oven at 35 o C for <strong>72</strong>h.<br />

The PLG-Hyal scaffolds were produced according to<br />

the following procedure. UHQ-water was used to dissolve<br />

hyaluronic acid (Na salt powder, CPN Spol. s r.o., Czech<br />

Republic) to the concentration of 80µg/ml. Subsequently,<br />

each scaffold was put in 5ml of the solution in the glass vial<br />

and placed in a vacuum oven to apply a vacuum of 0.08MPa<br />

for 10min, in order to impregnate the whole scaffold with<br />

sodium hyaluronian solution. The scaffolds were then dried<br />

in air for 24h followed by drying under vacuum for <strong>72</strong>h, and<br />

stored in a desiccator prior to use.<br />

Materials characterization<br />

The microstructure of the scaffolds was studied with the<br />

use of a scanning electron microscope (Nova NanoSEM<br />

200, FEI, U.S.A.); accelerating voltage 5kV, magnification:<br />

600x, vacuum 60 Pa, without any coating with a conductive<br />

layer.<br />

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis (FTIR)<br />

was performed in the attenuated total reflection mode (ATR)<br />

with the use of Digilab FTS60 (BioRad).<br />

Implantation<br />

The experiment was performed according to the EU ISO<br />

10993-6 guidelines and the study protocol was approved by<br />

the local bioethics committee in Katowice (No 17/2007, 21<br />

Feb 2007). Before implantation the samples were sterilized<br />

with hydrogen peroxide plasma method (Sterrad 120, ASP,<br />

Johnson & Johnson). Four adult white New Zealand rabbits<br />

were used in the experiment. The animals were operated in<br />

general anaesthesia. Superichondrically 6 mm x 4 mm fragment<br />

of the auricular cartilage was removed and replaced<br />

with the scaffold (6x4x1.5 mm). Each animal received two<br />

implants: PLG or PLG-Hyal scaffolds were implanted into<br />

the right and left ears. The tissues were sutured with polyglycolide<br />

3-0 Safil. After 1 and 4 weeks from the surgery<br />

the animals were painlessly euthanized by an overdose of<br />

Morbital (200 mg/kg body weight).<br />

Histological and histochemical evaluation<br />

Implants and surrounding tissues were excised, frozen<br />

in carbon dioxide ice and subsequently sectioned with<br />

a cryostat microtom into slices 10 µm thick. Obtained slices<br />

were stained by the May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG) method<br />

to estimate the tissue morphology, number of inflammatory<br />

cells, and degradation process of the scaffolds. The relative<br />

number of inflammatory cells and the activity of hydrolytic<br />

enzyme acid phosphatase (AcP) revealed by Goldberg and<br />

Barka method [6] were used to assess the extent of inflammation<br />

in tissues around the implants.<br />

Observations were made using an optical microscope<br />

(Olympus BH2, objectives 4x and 10x), and pictures were<br />

taken with a digital camera.<br />

Results and discussion<br />

The microstructure of the scaffolds observed under<br />

scanning electron microscope is presented in FIG.1 A, B.<br />

The pore walls of the PLG-Hyal scaffolds (FIG.1B) are much<br />

rough and textured than those of PLG (FIG.1A) because of<br />

the presence of hyaluronate layer on their surface.<br />

Presence of hyaluronate was also proved by infrared spectroscopy<br />

(FTIR-ATR) (FIG. 2 A, B). It can be seen that all peaks<br />

characteristic of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) at 1730 cm -1<br />

assigned to C=O and peaks in the range of 1000-1400 cm -1<br />

attributed to C-O and C-O-C stretching vibrations [7] appeared<br />

in both PLG and PLG-Hyal materials. However extra peaks:<br />

at 1530 cm -1 , at 2800 cm -1 and at 3600 cm -1 were observed in<br />

the spectra of PLG-Hyal scaffolds. These peaks attributed<br />

to amide II, C-H, and O-H stretching vibrations, respectively,<br />

are characteristic of hyaluronic acid and hyaluronates [8].<br />

A<br />

B<br />

FIG.1. SEM micrographs of PLG (A) and PLG-Hyal<br />

scaffolds (B)<br />

FIG.2. FTIR-ATR spectra of PLG (a) and PLG-Hyal<br />

scaffolds (b).

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