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United Nations<br />

Environment<br />

Programme<br />

Distr.<br />


UNEP/ROWA/Syria/1<br />

1 September 2004<br />

EP<br />

ORIGINAL: <strong>English</strong><br />

Regional Workshop Promoting The Coordinated Implementation Of The<br />

Basel, Rotterdam And Stockholm Conventions<br />

In The Middle East And Northern Africa<br />

DAMASCUS, SYRIA, 19-21 JULY 2004<br />

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 2<br />

II. Objectives............................................................................................................................... 2<br />

III. Attendance ............................................................................................................................ 3<br />

IV. Opening Session ................................................................................................................... 3<br />

V. Agenda and Presentations ...................................................................................................... 4<br />

VI. Proceedings and Discussion ................................................................................................. 4<br />

VII. Recommendations and Outcomes ....................................................................................... 5<br />

VIII. List of Participants ............................................................................................................. 8<br />

VIIII. Workshop Agenda .......................................................................................................... 17<br />



1. The Regional Workshop Promoting The Coordinated Implementation Of The Basel,<br />

Rotterdam And Stockholm Conventions In The Middle East And Northern Africa was held<br />

in Damascus, Syria on 19-21 July 2004.<br />

2. The Workshop was organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),<br />

with support from the Geneva Environment Network, financed fully by the Swiss Agency<br />

for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL), the Syrian Ministry of Local<br />

Administration and the Environment (MOLAE) and the Public Commission on<br />

Environmental Affairs (PCEA) of Syria. The Workshop convened under the Patronage of<br />

His Excellency Eng. Helal Al-Attrash, Minister of MOLAE.<br />

3. The Workshop addressed the objectives of the three conventions (Basel, Rotterdam and<br />

Stockholm, MEAs) , the obligations that they impose on Parties, and how they are meant to<br />

work at the national level. Also, it discussed how can the three conventions be mutually<br />

supportive and complementary and how together provide a coherent framework for<br />

managing the life cycle of chemicals.<br />

4. 70 participants representing most countries of the region (MENA), including governmental<br />

and non-governmental agencies and regional centres.<br />

5. The Workshop, throughout its working groups and plenary sessions, evaluated the practical<br />

coordinated implementation of MEAs in the region, and the countries’ experiences in this<br />

regard.<br />

6. At the end of the Workshop, the participants issued a set of Recommendations for the<br />

continuing promotion of MEAs clustering and coordinated implementation, indicating<br />

conditions, needs and priorities in the region.<br />

II. Objectives<br />

7. The main objectives of this Regional Workshop were to develop an understanding of the<br />

pertinent MEAS and their coordinated implementation; and to discuss and exchange<br />

experiences on how to:<br />

• Promote an integrated approach to implementing the three conventions at the national<br />

and regional levels.<br />

• Promote cooperation and coordination amongst convention focal points and identify<br />

opportunities for developing pilot projects for the environmentally sound<br />

management of hazardous chemicals and wastes.<br />

• Identify options for supporting and enhancing cooperation and joint implementation<br />

of the three conventions.<br />


8. To this end, country representatives provided presentations on the situation in their own<br />

countries, outlining:<br />

• What is the status of signing, ratification, acceding and implementation efforts<br />

and plan concerning the three MEAs in each country; and how is it compared to<br />

other member states in the region<br />

• What are the main constraints and challenges<br />

• Where have been the key areas of progress achieved<br />

• What are the current and future needs to further promote integrated approach and<br />

coordinated implementation nationally and regionally<br />

• How can countries benefit from each other’s experiences and lesson learned, and<br />

how can efforts be integrated and complemented in the region<br />

• What is needed from international organizations, conventions secretariats and<br />

donors<br />

III. Attendance<br />

9. The 70 participants in the Workshop represented eighteen (18) countries in the MENA<br />

region; of which 68 governmental representatives from various DNAs (e.g.,<br />

Environmental, Agricultural Health and/or Foreign Affairs Ministries) and 15 female<br />

colleagues. 2 NGOs and 5 international & regional organizations were presenting the<br />

workshop. The List of Participants is provided in Annex 1.<br />

IV. Opening Session<br />

10. The Workshop was held under the Patronage of under the Patronage of His Excellency<br />

Eng. Helal Al-Attrash, Minister of Local Administration and the Environment (MOLAE) in<br />

Syria.<br />

11. The Opening Ceremony was attended by HE Minister Al-Attrash, HE Eng. Emad Hasoun,<br />

Deputy Minister of MOLAE, Dr. Akram Khory, DG of PCEA, OIC of the Swiss Embassy<br />

in Damascus, several representatives of the Diplomatic Missions of participating countries<br />

accredited to Syria, The Executive Secretaries of three MEAs (Ms. Sachiko Kuwabara-<br />

Yamamoto: Excutive Secretary of the Basel Convention, and Mr. James B. Willis:<br />

Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions), among other<br />

dignitaries.<br />

12. HE Deputy Minister Hasoun chaired the opening ceremony. The following statements<br />

were made:<br />

a. HE Minister Al-Attrash welcomed the participants on behalf of the Syrian Government.<br />

He stated that Syria is pleased to host this regional Workshop, emphasized the<br />

importance of the MEAs, and highlighted the Syrian experience in this regard. He also<br />

thanked UNEP and SAEFL on their contributions.<br />


. Attorney Gabriela Esther Low, representative of SAEFL also welcomed the participants<br />

and thanked UNEP and the Syrian government on their efforts and cooperation.<br />

c. Mr. Basel Al-Yousfi, Regional Industry Officer, welcomed the participants on behalf of<br />

UNEP. He emphasized the importance of the three MEAs in developing integrated<br />

management approach of chemicals and wastes in the region based on LCA. He urged<br />

member states to consider coordinated implantation of the MEAS on regional level. He<br />

thanked the organizing partners and wished the participants success in fulfilling the<br />

Workshop objectives.<br />

V. Agenda and Presentations<br />

13. Simultaneous translation <strong>English</strong>-Arabic and visa versa was provided throughout the<br />

Workshop.<br />

14. The 3-day Agenda for the Workshop was extensive, including presentations from most<br />

countries, alongside technical presentations on the three MEAS from the Conventions<br />

Secretariats, as well as regional offices (UNEP/ROWA, UNEP-DTIE-Chemicals and<br />

UNEP-IUC). A copy of the Workshop Agenda is enclosed in Annex 2.<br />

15. The first day was predominantly a technical session, outlining the requirements of the<br />

MEAs and providing guidance in implementation.<br />

16. Most countries represented at the Workshop provided presentations, delineating the overall<br />

national picture and experiences concerning the three conventions.<br />

17. Three Working Groups, met in three discussion sessions to address the issues of<br />

coordinated implementation of the MEAs and provide insights and input to the plenary<br />

Sessions (5 in total).<br />

18. The Closing Session was Chaired by Dr. Akram Khory, DG of PCEA, and composed of<br />

plenary discussion, conclusions and recommendations. Representatives of the organizing<br />

consortium provided closing remarks.<br />

19. Copies of all presentations are available on CD from UNEP/ROWA upon request.<br />

VI. Proceedings and Discussion<br />

20. In-depth discussion of a strategy for the further promotion of sound mangemnt of<br />

chemicals and wastes in the region prevailed throughout the meeting. Consensus on the<br />

integrated approach of coordinated implemntaion of the three MEAs were clearly reached,<br />

arising from the presentations and country reports. The discussion and conclusions were<br />

constructive, and collectively the Workshop was successful in satisfying the objectives.<br />


21. The major points of discussion concentrated on:<br />

• How to help member states coordinate the MEAs implementation nationally, utilizing<br />

synergies and avoiding duplications.<br />

• The roles of all stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, regional and international<br />

organizations and the streamlining and responsiblities of the various Designated<br />

National Authorities (DNAs).<br />

• How to integrated and complement national efforts in this field (e.g., regional networks,<br />

bilateral/regional cooperation, financial mechanisms)<br />

• How a regional Approach on MEAs implementation can bridge the global strategy with<br />

the national programmes, considering similar circumstances, needs, priorities, obstecles<br />

and opprtunities.<br />

• How to ensure the involvment of the regional offices and centers in catalyizing such<br />

efforts technically (consultancy, training, capacity building) with backstopping support<br />

of the MEAs Secretriates and UN HQs and relevant Divisions.<br />

22. On the Local & National Levels:<br />

VII. Recommendations and Outcomes<br />

♦ Forming a National Committee in every member state composed of all governmental<br />

stakeholders and Designated National Authorities (DNAs) in order to assist and facilitate<br />

the tasks of the MEAs’ NFPs.<br />

♦ Convening regular and ad hoc meetings between the pertinent NFPs in order to:<br />

o Cooperate on implementing the inspection and auditing plans.<br />

o Cooperate in developing coordinated work-plans and unified activities (with due<br />

consideration to the financial mechanisms).<br />

o Cooperate in launching joint awareness raising campaigns (for decision makers,<br />

the public, industry and other relevant groups).<br />

o Implement joint inventories and surveys.<br />

o Exchange information and experience.<br />

o Review relevant legislation to initiate incorporating new requirements and<br />

commitments under the MEAs and their annexes, and to recommend<br />

modifications as needed to avoid duplication and contradiction.<br />

o Tackle wastes related issues in accordance with the requirements and implications<br />

of all three MEAs.<br />

o Implement various joint activities, workshops and seminars.<br />

o Work to ensure the delivery of financial support for this coordination.<br />

o Achieve integrated management systems of hazardous materials and wastes, by<br />

establishing internal networking and communications systems to exchange<br />

information, records and experiences that are necessary for the coordination<br />

efforts.<br />


23. On the Regional Level:<br />

♦ Establishment of a Regional Center under Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, to<br />

achieve the following:<br />

o Exchange of information among member states in the region.<br />

o Exchange of experiences.<br />

o Training and capacity building.<br />

o Facilitate transfer of technologies.<br />

o Develop a regional financial mechanism.<br />

o Implement projects on the regional level.<br />

o Establish mechanisms to attract and utilize international funds.<br />

o Activate the role of the Arab Technical Team concerned with the three MEAs<br />

under the League of Arab States’ (LAS) umbrella.<br />

o Construct a regional network based on information and databases available<br />

regionally and internationally.<br />

o Develop regional standards and guidelines on the requirements of importing and<br />

exporting Chemical materials.<br />

o Establish regional integrated programmes and joint projects among member states<br />

in the region to collectively mange and dispose of hazardous wastes.<br />

24. On the International Level:<br />

♦ Call upon international organizations and MEA Secretariats in:<br />

ο Facilitating the dissemination of information via international publications and<br />

reports, the international network as well as other available sources.<br />

ο Facilitating technology transfer.<br />

ο Facilitating the disposal of hazardous wastes in countries capable of handling them<br />

soundly.<br />

ο Facilitating the delivery of financial support.<br />

ο Ensuring that countries implement international legislation and establish<br />

comprehensive mechanisms, which apply to all countries in the world.<br />

ο Establishing a penalty-based mechanism as a punitive measure against member states<br />

that are parties to these MEAs, but violate their commitments and obligations (such as<br />

dumping of hazardous wastes in international water). Also, supporting the<br />

Secretariats of Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions to prevent and control<br />

illegal trade and smuggling in hazardous chemicals and wastes.<br />

ο Continuing to organize workshops, symposiums and conferences.<br />

ο Exchanging experiences in preparing international procedures and reports.<br />

ο Ensuring support for national and regional cadres and capabilities with the<br />

international database and information network INFOCAP.<br />


25. Miscellaneous Recommendations from various Member States’ Delegations:<br />

♦ Due to the exceptional prevailing circumstances in Iraq and Palestine, these nations are<br />

not currently able to become party to these MEAs. Therefore, it is desired to allocate<br />

technical and financial support to assist them in adopting and implementing the principles<br />

of the MEAs and encourage their accedence’s in the future. (Iraq, Palestine)<br />

♦ Support active involvement of UNEP-ROWA in the implementation of MEAs and<br />

participation in the MEAs COPs and other important meetings, to utilize its intimate<br />

knowledge of the region, especially the conditions relevant to GCC countries. (United<br />

Arab Emirates, UAE)<br />

♦ Emphasize the importance of adopting new criteria under the GEF financing mechanism<br />

of MEAs in order to allow GCC countries utilize such available funds, and call upon<br />

UNEP-ROWA to further advocate this recommendation. (UAE)<br />

♦ Stress the importance of Arab member states participation in and coordination during the<br />

three MEAs meetings and COPs. (UAE)<br />

♦ Accentuate the necessity of holding such technical meetings, workshops and seminars in<br />

order to train professionals and facilitate the implementation of these MEAS in the<br />

respective countries. (UAE)<br />


VIII. List of Participants<br />


Algeria<br />

Mr. Fateh Kouri<br />

Diplomatic consulle<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />

Algiers, Algeria<br />

Tel: 213 21 504545<br />

Fax: 213 21 504335<br />

fotkou5@hotmail.com<br />

Ms. Samia Abderrezak<br />

Deputy Director of hazardous chemicals<br />

and wastes<br />

Ministry of Land Management &<br />

Environment<br />

Algiers, Algeria<br />

Tel: 213 21 43 28 04<br />

Fax: 213 21 43 28 97<br />

Mr. Barkahoum Al Amir<br />

Director General<br />

Ministry of Health<br />

Algiers, Algeria<br />

Tel: 213 21 970058<br />

Fax: 213 21 964184<br />

cnt@ibnsina.ands.dz<br />

Bahrain<br />

Mr. Fadhel Marhoon<br />

Agricultural Technician<br />

Ministry of Municipalities Affairs<br />

and Agriculture<br />

P.O.Box 251, Manama, Bahrain<br />

Tel: 973 17691251<br />

Fax: 973 17695734<br />

Mr. Abdul Mohsin Al-Mahmood<br />

Head of Waste Management Section<br />

General Directorate of Environment & Wild<br />

Life<br />

P.O.Box 32657, Manama, Bahrain<br />

Tel : 973 17875163<br />

Fax : 973 17786102<br />

mohsin.602000@yahoo.com<br />

http://www.environment.gov.bh/<br />

Dr. Afaf Al-Sho'ala<br />

Director of Environmental Control<br />

General Directorate of Environment & Wild<br />

Life<br />

P.O.Box 32657, Isa Town, Bahrain<br />

Tel: 973 17875175<br />

Faz: 973 17786102<br />

ashola@bahrain.gov.bh<br />

Egypt<br />

Mr. Adel Shafei Mohamed Osman<br />

NFP for Basel Convention - Egypt, Director,<br />

Hazardous Waste Department<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

31 Misr - Helwan Rd., 11728 Maadie, Cairo,<br />

Egypt<br />

Tel: 202 5260588<br />

Fax: 202 5260588<br />

adel221261@yahoo.com<br />

HZwaste@eeaa.gov.eg<br />

Eng. Tarek Eid El Ruby NFP For POPs +<br />

PIC<br />

Director of Hazardous Substances Dept.<br />

Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency<br />

(EEAA)<br />

30 Misr Helwan El Zyrae Rd. Maadi,<br />

Cairo, Egypt<br />

Tel : 202 5260588<br />

Fax : 202 5260588<br />

tarek_elruby@yahoo.com<br />

http://www.eeaa.gov.eg/<br />

Mr. Mohamed Naguib Fakhry<br />

First Secretary + Env.+Sustatanable Dev.<br />

Affairs<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />

Cairo, Egypt<br />

Tel : 202 5747847<br />

Fax : 202 5747847<br />

mohamedfakhry@hotmail.com<br />


Iraq<br />

Mr. Emad Jasim<br />

Legal Consultant<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

Karada Kharij / Al andalus Sq., behind<br />

Sheik Zayed Hospital<br />

Baghdad, Iraq<br />

Tel: 790 1490502<br />

moen_iraq@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Mohsin Ali Rajab<br />

Attache<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />

Baghdad, Iraq<br />

Tel: 9641 5373070<br />

marajab_rajab@yahoo.com<br />

Ms. Hanaa Mohammed<br />

Chief Chemist<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

Karada Kharij / Al andalus Sq., behind<br />

Sheik Zayed Hospital<br />

Baghdad, Iraq<br />

Tel: 964 7470406<br />

moen_iraq@yahoo.com<br />

Iran<br />

Ms. Maryam Meschi<br />

Expert<br />

Plant Protection Organization<br />

P.O.Box 4568, Evin, Tabnak Ave.<br />

Tehran, Iran<br />

Tel: 98 21 2402712<br />

Fax: 98 21 2403197<br />

Maryam_meschi160@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Mohammad Alizadeh<br />

Deputy for the Human Environment Affairs,<br />

Department of Environment of the Gilan<br />

Province<br />

Department of Environment<br />

Resalt Ave., Rasht<br />

Tehran, Iran<br />

Tel : 98 131 8824626<br />

Fax : 98 131 8829561<br />

alizabeh_76@hotmail.com<br />

Dr. Taghi Dbadi<br />

Director General For the Soil & Water<br />

Pollution and Waste Bureau<br />

Department of Environment<br />

Tehran, Iran<br />

Tel: 98 21 8267992<br />

Fax: 98 21 8264003<br />

tebadi@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Mohammad Khatibi<br />

Deputy to the head of the Soil &<br />

Water Pollution and Waste Bureau<br />

Department of Environment<br />

Tehran, Iran<br />

Tel: 98 21 8267992<br />

Fax: 98 21 8264003<br />

khatibi_117@hotmail.com<br />

Jordan<br />

Eng. Hajar Majar<br />

Chemical Engineer<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

P.O.Box 1408<br />

Amman, Jordan<br />

Tel: 962 65350149<br />

Fax: 962 65350084<br />

hajarma2004@yahoo.com; moenv.gov.jo<br />

Ms. Kholoud Aranki<br />

Ministry of Agriculture<br />

P.O.Box 961043-2099<br />

Amnam, Jordon<br />

Tel: 962 6 5656151 Ext. 311<br />

Fax: 962 6 5650920 / 5686310<br />

moa_pest@moa.gov.jo;<br />

kh_aranki@yahoo.com<br />


Mr. Maher Shehadeh<br />

Biochemist, Department of Chemical Safety,<br />

Directorate of Environmental Health<br />

Ministry of Health<br />

P.O.Box 86<br />

Amman, Jordan<br />

Tel : 962 6 662080<br />

Fax : 962 6 5666147<br />

maher967@hotmail.com<br />

Dr. Ziad Abu Kaddourah<br />

Project Assistant (POPs)<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

P.O.Box 1408<br />

Amman, Jordan<br />

962 77 323690<br />

962 6 5344678<br />

z_iad1@yahoo.com, z_iad@hotmail.com<br />

Kuwait<br />

Eng. Abdul Rahman Al-Jameel<br />

Chemical Engineer<br />

Environment Public Authority<br />

P.O.Box 24395, Safat Code 13104<br />

Kuwait City, Kuwait<br />

Tel: 965 4821284<br />

Fax: 965 4821284<br />

aaljameel@hotmail.com<br />

Eng. Reem Al-Masoud<br />

Chemical Engineer<br />

Environment Public Authority<br />

P.O.Box 24395, Safat Code 13104<br />

Kuwait City, Kuwait<br />

Tel : 965 4820595<br />

Fax : 965 4821724<br />

arreem_kwt@hotmail.com<br />

Eng. Al-Jazi Al-Mansour<br />

Civil Engineer<br />

Environment Public Authority<br />

P.O.Box 24395, Safat Code 13104<br />

Kuwait City, Kuwait<br />

Tel: 965 4820595<br />

Fax: 965 4821724<br />

Lebanon<br />

Ms. Sana Hamady<br />

Project Manager for the project<br />

"Development of NIPs for the Management<br />

of POPs<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

P.O.Box 70-1091, Antelias<br />

Beirut, Lebanon<br />

Tel: 961 4 522222 Ext. 475<br />

Fax: 961 4 418918<br />

shamady.moe@gov.lb<br />

Dr. Naji Kodeih<br />

Expert - Service of Prevention from<br />

Technological Impacts and Natural Disasters<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

P.O.Box 70-1091, Antelias<br />

Beirut, Lebanon<br />

Tel: 961 4 522222 Ext. 412<br />

Fax: 961 4 525080<br />

nkodeih@moe.gov.lb<br />

Dr. Hanna Bou-Habib<br />

Expert - Service of Prevention from<br />

Technological Impacts and Natural Disasters<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

P.O.Box 70-1091, Antelias<br />

Beirut, Lebanon<br />

Tel: 961 4 522222 Ext. 437<br />

Fax: 961 4 525080 – Mob. 961 3 - 150225<br />

h.habib@moe.gov.lb<br />

Mauritania<br />

Mr. Sidi Ould Taleb Boubacar<br />

Expert<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

Nouakchott, Mauritania<br />

Tel : 222 6411167<br />

Fax : 222 5258386<br />


Morocco<br />

Ms. Laila El Founti<br />

Administrator, Department of Environment<br />

Ministry of Environment<br />

Rabat, Morocco<br />

Tel: 212 64079129<br />

Fax: 212 37 772658<br />

lelfounti2675@yahoo.fr<br />

Mr. Mustapha El Hor<br />

Officer of Sustainable Development Dept.<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Cooperation<br />

Rabat, Morocco<br />

Tel : 212 66 430901<br />

Fax : 212 37 660091<br />

melhor@maec.gov.ma<br />

Mr. Ahmed Jaafari<br />

Engineer, Master<br />

Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development<br />

and Fisheries/ DPVCTFR/P.O BOX 1308<br />

Rabat, Morocco<br />

Tel : 212 37 690375 / 299193<br />

Fax : 212 37 297544<br />

ahmedjaafari@hotmail.com<br />

Oman<br />

Ms. Moza Al-Jahwari<br />

Head of Permits and Records Section<br />

Ministry of Regional Municipalities,<br />

Environment and Water Resources<br />

P.O.Box 323, PC 113<br />

Muscat, Oman<br />

Tel: 968 692417<br />

Fax: 968 692928<br />

Ms. Suad Al-Lawati<br />

Environmental Inspector<br />

Ministry of Regional Municipalities,<br />

Environment and Water Resources<br />

P.O.Box 323, PC 113<br />

Muscat, Oman<br />

Tel: 968 692550<br />

Fax: 968 692928<br />

suad806@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Ahmad Al-Zadjali<br />

Environmental Technician<br />

Ministry of Regional Municipalities,<br />

Environment and Water Resources<br />

P.O.Box 323, PC 113<br />

Muscat, Oman<br />

Tel: 968 692550<br />

Fax: 968 692928<br />

Palestine<br />

Eng. Atef M. H. Jaber<br />

Director of Solid and Hazardous Waste<br />

Directorate<br />

Environment Quality Authority<br />

Gaza<br />

Tel: 970 8 2823000 . Fax: 970 8 2847198<br />

Mobile: 970 59 730157<br />

environment@gov.ps<br />

Eng. Walid Mustafa Ahmad<br />

Deputy Director General of Environmental<br />

Protection<br />

Environment Quality Authority<br />

Ramallah<br />

Tel: 970 59 219704<br />

Fax: 970 2 2403494<br />

walidmus@yahoo.com<br />

Qatar<br />

Eng. Mohammad Al-Ibrahim<br />

Head of Chemical Management Section<br />

Supreme Council for the Environment and<br />

Natural Reserves<br />

P.O.Box 7634<br />

Doha, Qatar<br />

Tel: 974 4350504<br />

Fax: 974 4415246<br />

mgibrahim@qatarenv.org.qa<br />


Eng. Hassan Al-Khowar<br />

Head of Pollution Control Section<br />

Supreme Council for the Environment and<br />

Natural Reserves<br />

P.O.Box 7634<br />

Doha, Qatar<br />

Tel: 974 4437171 Ext. 278<br />

Fax: 974 4415246<br />

hmkhuwar@gatarenv.org.qa<br />

Mr. Ali Al Marri<br />

Chemical Researcher<br />

Supreme Council for the Environment and<br />

Natural Reserves<br />

P.O.Box 7634, Doha, Qatar<br />

Tel: 974 5000686<br />

Fax: 974 4415246<br />

alfheady@hotmail.com<br />

Saudi Arabia<br />

Mr. sulaiman M. Al-Zaben<br />

Presidency of Meteorology and<br />

Environment Protection<br />

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia<br />

P.O BOX: 9257<br />

JEDDAH 21413<br />

Ext. 2676<br />

Tel: 966 2 6512312<br />

Fax: 966 2 6511424<br />

E. mail: smz2002@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Abdullah A. Bjaili<br />

Presidency of Meteorology and<br />

Environment Protection<br />

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia<br />

P.O BOX: 22773<br />

Seddah: 21416<br />

Ext: 2672<br />

Tel: 966 2 6512312<br />

Fax: 966 2 6517832<br />

E. mail: Abjaili@hotmail.com<br />

Sudan<br />

Mr. Ali Mohamad Ali Mahmoud<br />

Project Coordinator (POPs enabling activity)<br />

Higher Council for Environment and<br />

Natural Resources<br />

Khartoum, Sudan<br />

Tel : 249 11 777160 / 784279<br />

Fax: 249 11 787617<br />

hcenr@sudanmail.net<br />

Mr. Abdel Rahim Mohamad Osman<br />

Head of Pesticides Department<br />

Plant Protection Directorate<br />

Khartoum North, Sudan<br />

Tel: 249 9129 99269<br />

Fax: 249 11 337423<br />

binnawi@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Amir Ahmed El Mardi<br />

Minister Plenipotentiary<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />

Khartoum, Sudan<br />

Tel : 249 83784804<br />

elmardi@hotmail.com<br />

Syria<br />

Eng. Afraa Nouh<br />

Head of Section of Agriculture - directorate<br />

of Land Safety<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

963 11 4464796<br />

963 11 1162658<br />

nouh@shuf.com<br />

Dr. Nader Ghazi<br />

Director of Chemical Safety Department<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 3773, Damascus, Syria<br />


Tel: 963 11 4443729<br />

Fax: 963 11 4443729<br />

env-min@net.sy<br />

Eng. Fouad El-O'k<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 3773<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Eng. Khaled Fashtouk<br />

Chemical Engineer - Directorate of<br />

Chemical /Safety<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 3773<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 4443729<br />

Fax: 963 11 4443729<br />

env-min@net.sy<br />

Eng. Imad Hassoun<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 3773<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 3773<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 4443729<br />

Fax: 963 11 4443729<br />

env-min@net.sy<br />

Eng. Ahmed Kamel<br />

Chemical Engineer<br />

E.S.C. Environmental Center Studies<br />

Researchers on Air Pollution<br />

Chemical Analysis and Waste Management<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

963 11 6115719<br />

963 11 6622309<br />

esrc@mail.sy<br />

Dr. Bassam Abou-Alzahab<br />

Head of Occupational Health Division<br />

Ministry of Health<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 3339601<br />

Fax: 963 11 3338964<br />

Eng. Fares Reda<br />

Department of Plant Protection<br />

Ministry of Agriculture<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 2215143, 963 11 5615614<br />

E. mail: f-reda@scs-net.org<br />

Mr. Ali Al-Jwyed<br />

Director of Environment Affairs in Hama<br />

Directorate of Environment Affairs, Hama<br />

Gov.<br />

Hama City, Adia St., P.O.Box 981, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 33 242531<br />

Fax: 963 33 516274<br />

env-hama@myway.com<br />

H.E. Naeem M. Kaddah<br />

Chairman of Environmental Protection &<br />

Sustainable Development Society<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Dr. Barquil Sophie<br />

Environmental Protection & Sustainable<br />

Development Society<br />

Damascus, Syria<br />

Mr. Suleiman Kalo<br />

Director of Environmental Affairs in Homs<br />

Ministry of Local Administration and<br />

Environment<br />

P.O.Box 331, Homs, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 31 510336<br />

Fax: 963 31 510334<br />

kalo@net.sy<br />

Eng. Hassan Murjan<br />

Director of Environment<br />

Directorate of Environment,<br />

Tartous Government<br />

Syria<br />

Tel : 963 43 321916<br />

Fax:963 43 321217<br />


Eng. Raghda Malas NGOs<br />

Environmental Protection & Sustainable<br />

Dev. Society<br />

P.O Box : 5995<br />

E. mail: raro2001@scs-net.org<br />

Damascus – Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 3324585<br />

Fax: 963 11 3343762<br />

Dr. Mahmoud Krayem<br />

Director of Env. And Chronic Diseases.<br />

Ministry of Health<br />

Damascus – Syria<br />

Tel/Fax: 963 11 3319804<br />

Ms. Siba Hatim<br />

Arab Labor Organization<br />

Arab Institute for occupational Health &<br />

Safety<br />

P.O.Box: 5770, Damascus, Syria<br />

Tel: 963 11 3122616<br />

Fax: 963 11 3122617<br />

United Arab Emirates<br />

Eng. Khaled Al Hossani<br />

Head of Plant Protection<br />

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries<br />

P.O.Box 1509<br />

Dubai, U.A.E.<br />

Tel : 971 4 2026638<br />

Fax : 971 2 957766<br />

alhossani-maf@uae.gov.ae<br />

Dr. Jaber Al-Jabri<br />

Director Env. Protection Division<br />

Environmental Research & Wildlife<br />

Development Agency<br />

P.O.Box 45553<br />

Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.<br />

Tel: 971 2 6934618<br />

Fax: 971 2 6815010<br />

jaljaberi@erwda.gov.ae<br />

Dr. Mahboob Saleh<br />

Environmental Researcher<br />

Federal Environmental Agency<br />

P.O.Box 8820<br />

Dubai, U.A.E<br />

Tel: 971 4 3965888<br />

Fax: 971 4 3962113<br />

uaefea@emirates.net.ae<br />

Yemen<br />

Mr. Salem A. Baquhaizel<br />

Focal Point of Rotterdam Convention - PIC<br />

Environment Protection Authority<br />

P.O.Box 19719, Sana'a, Yemen<br />

Tel: 967 1 207816<br />

Fax: 967 1 207327<br />

sbaqu@y.net.ye<br />

Mr. Ali A. Al-Dobhani<br />

Focal Point of Basel Convention<br />

Environment Protection Authority<br />

P.O. Box 19719, Sana'a, Yemen<br />

Tel: 967 1 207816<br />

Fax: 967 1 207327<br />

dobhani2822@yahoo.com<br />

Dr. Gamal Allozy<br />

POPs Focal Point<br />

Environment Protection Authority<br />

P.O. Box 603, Aden, Yemen<br />

Tel: 967 2 240607<br />

Fax: 967 2 240615<br />

gallozy@y.net.ye<br />

Organizers and speakers<br />

Dr. Mortada El Aref, Director<br />

Basel Convention, Regional Centre for<br />

Training and Technology Transfer for the<br />

Arab States<br />

Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt<br />

Tel: 202 5719688 / 5674838<br />

Fax: 202 5717565<br />


elaref@baselegypt.org,<br />

afarouk@baselegypt.org<br />

elaref2000@yahoo.com<br />

Ms. Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto<br />

Excutive Secretary of the Basel Convention<br />

International Environment House, Geneva<br />

11-13 ch des Anémones, 1219 Châtelaine,<br />

Switzerland<br />

Tel: 41 22 917 8213<br />

Fax: 41 22 797 3454<br />

E. mail: Sachiko.kuwabara@unep.ch<br />

Ms. Gabriela Esther Low<br />

Senior Scientific Advisor, International<br />

Chemicals<br />

Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests<br />

and Landscape<br />

CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland<br />

Tel: 41 31 3229386<br />

Fax: 41 31 3230349<br />

gabriela.loew@buwal.admin.ch<br />

Mr. Michael Williams<br />

Head, Information Unit for Conventions<br />

United Nations Environment Programme<br />

(UNEP/IUC)<br />

International Environment House, Geneva<br />

11-13 ch des Anémones<br />

1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland<br />

Tel: 41 22 917 8242<br />

Fax: 41 22 797 3464<br />

Michael.Williams@unep.ch<br />

Mr. James B. Willis<br />

Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam and<br />

Stockholm Conventions<br />

United Nations Environment Programme<br />

International Environment House, Geneva<br />

11-13 ch des Anémones<br />

1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland<br />

Tel: 41 22 917 8192<br />

Fax: 41 22 797 3460<br />

Jwillis@chemicals.unep.ch<br />

Dr. Basel Al-Yousfi<br />

Regional Industry Officer<br />

Regional Office for West Asia<br />

United Nations Environment Programme<br />

(UNEP/ROWA)<br />

Manama, Bahrain<br />

Tel: 973 17 812777<br />

Fax: 973 17 825110/1<br />

Basel.Alyousfi@unep.org.bh<br />

Mr. Grigorios Patilis<br />

Administrative Officer<br />

Regional Office for West Asia<br />

United Nations Environment Programme<br />

(UNEP/ROWA)<br />

Manama, Bahrain<br />

Tel: 973 17 812777<br />

Fax: 973 17 825110/1<br />

Ms. Nadeya Mohamed Al-Merbati<br />

Regional Office for West Asia<br />

United Nations Environment Programme<br />

(UNEP/ROWA)<br />

Manama, Bahrain<br />

Tel: 973 17 812777<br />

Fax: 973 17 825110/1<br />

Nadia.Al-murbati@unep.org.bh<br />


VIIII. Workshop Agenda<br />


Regional workshop promoting the coordinated implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and<br />

Stockholm Conventions in the Middle East and Northern Africa<br />




19 – 21 July 2004<br />

Meridien Hotel, Damascus, Syria<br />

Programme for the workshop<br />

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)<br />

Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL)<br />

Ministry of Environment, Syria<br />


Introduction<br />

This workshop will build on previous regional workshops on the Basel, Rotterdam and<br />

Stockholm Conventions. These earlier events were designed to explain the objectives of the<br />

three conventions, the obligations that they impose on Parties, and how they are meant to<br />

work at the national level. The three conventions are clearly mutually supportive and<br />

complementary and together provide a coherent framework for managing the life cycle of<br />

chemicals.<br />

Participants<br />

The participants will include Government Focal Points for the three Conventions as well as representatives from<br />

Ministries of Foreign Affairs or the equivalent. A representative of the Basel Convention Regional Centre in<br />

Cairo will also be invited. The Executive Secretaries of the three Conventions as well as selected experts will give<br />

presentations intended to stimulate working group discussions.<br />

Objectives<br />

The objectives of the workshop will be to discuss and exchange experiences on how to:<br />

• Promote an integrated approach to implementing the three conventions at the<br />

national and regional levels.<br />

• Promote cooperation and coordination amongst convention focal points and identify<br />

opportunities for developing pilot projects for the environmentally sound<br />

management of hazardous chemicals and wastes.<br />

• Identify options for supporting and enhancing cooperation and joint implementation<br />

of the three conventions.<br />

Approach<br />

The organizers expect the workshop to be highly participatory and invite participants to take full<br />

part in the discussions, both in plenary and in the working groups.<br />

Documents<br />

Doc 1 – Agenda<br />

Doc 2 – Provisional list of participants<br />

Doc 3 – Terms of Reference for Working Group I<br />

Doc 4 – Terms of Reference for Working Group II<br />

Doc 5 – Overview of ratification status of Middle Eastern and North African Countries<br />

Doc 6 – The November 2002 Cotonou workshop – summary and conclusions<br />

Doc 7 – The September 2003 Pretoria workshop – summary and conclusions<br />

Doc 8 – The January 2004 Montevido workshop – summary and conclusions<br />

Doc 9 – The April 2004 Riga (Latvia) workshop – summary and conclusions<br />



Monday, 19 July<br />

8h30<br />

9h30<br />

Registration<br />

Plenary I – Opening<br />

Chair – HE Eng. Imad Hassoun, Deputy Minister of Local Administration and<br />

Environment, Syria<br />

- Welcome address by H.E. Eng. Helal Al-Attrash, Minister of Local<br />

Administration and Environment, Syria<br />

- Welcome address by Gabriela Löw, International Affairs Division, Swiss<br />

Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL)<br />

- Welcome address by Basel Al-yousfi, Regional Industry Officer, UNEP<br />

Regional Office for West Asia (include introduction to workshop objectives<br />

and programme)<br />

- Introductions by participants of their expectations<br />

10h30 Coffee & tea break<br />

11h<br />

Plenary II – An introduction to the Conventions<br />

Chair – HE Eng. Imad Hassoun, Deputy Minister of Environment, Syria<br />

- The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), by Jim<br />

Willis, Executive Secretary<br />

- The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of<br />

Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, by Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto<br />

- The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Pocedure for<br />

Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, by<br />

Jim Willis, Executive Secretary<br />

- Discussion<br />

12h30<br />

14h<br />

Lunch<br />

Plenary III – The integrated management of chemicals and wastes<br />

Chair – Dr. Akram Khouri, Director General, G.C.E.A., Syria<br />

- Analysis of advance questionnaires submitted by workshop participants, by<br />

Michael Williams, UNEP’s Information Unit for Conventions<br />

- Coordinating the implementation of the three conventions, by Sachiko<br />

Kuwabara-Yamamoto, Executive Secretary of the Basel Convention<br />

- Syria’s environmental laws and by-laws, by HE Eng. Imad Hassoun, Deputy<br />

Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Syria<br />

- Syria’s national experience with integrated management, by Nader Ghazi<br />

- Bahrain’s national experience with integrated management, by Afaf Al-<br />

Shola<br />


- Yemen’s national experience with integrated management, by Gamal Al-<br />

Louzi<br />

- Discussion<br />

16h<br />

Coffee & tea break<br />

16h30 Plenary III continued – The integrated management of chemicals<br />

and wastes<br />

Chair – Dr. Akram Khouri, Director General, G.C.E.A., Syria<br />

- -The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM),<br />

by Jim Willis, Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam and Stockholm<br />

Conventions<br />

- The role of the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and<br />

Technology Transfer for Arab States, by Dr. Mortada Murad El Aref,<br />

Interim Director, BCRC Cairo<br />

- The role of UNEP’s Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA), by Basel Alyousfi,<br />

Regional Industry Officer, UNEP/ROWA<br />

- Lebanon’s national experience with integrated management, by Naji Qudaih<br />

- Egypt’s national experience with integrated management, by Tarek Eid<br />

- Discussion<br />

- Presentation of the assignment for Working Group I, by Michael Williams,<br />

UNEP/IUC<br />

18h30 Close<br />

19h30 Dinner hosted by the Governments of Switzerland and Syria<br />

Tuesday, 20 July<br />

9h Working Group I discussions (participants assigned to groups A, B & C)<br />

10h30 Coffee and tea available<br />

12h30 Lunch<br />

14h Plenary IV – Reports of Working Group I and discussion<br />

Chair – Dr. Suliman M. Al-Zaben, D.G., Chemicals, Safety & Hazardous Wastes, Saudi<br />

Arabia.<br />

15h<br />

Plenary IV continued – National Implementation Plans (NIPs)<br />

Chair – Dr. Taghi Ebadi, D.G. of Soil & Water Pollution and<br />

Waste Bureau, I.R. of Iran.<br />

Use of National Implementation Plans (NIPs) under the Stockholm Convention to assist<br />

or complement the implementation of the three conventions, by Jim Willis, Executive<br />

Secretary of the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions<br />


National experiences with developing and implementing NIPs and similar programmes –<br />

two speakers to be determined<br />

Discussion<br />

Presentation of the assignment for Working Group II, by Michael Williams, UNEP/IUC<br />

16h30 Coffee & tea break<br />

17h<br />

18h30<br />

Working Group II discussions<br />

Close<br />

Wednesday, 21 July<br />

9h<br />

Working Group II discussions – continued<br />

10h30 Coffee & tea break<br />

11h<br />

Plenary V – Reports from Working Group II and discussion<br />

Chair – Dr. Gamal Allozy, D.G., EPA, Aden Branch, Yemen.<br />

12h30 Lunch<br />

14h<br />

Plenary V continued – Discussion of final workshop conclusions<br />

Chair – Dr. Naji Kodeih, Head of Chemical and Waste Management,<br />

Lebanon.<br />

15h30 Final remarks and close<br />

17h<br />

Walking Tour of old Damascus<br />

20:30 Dinner at Zaman Al Kheir Resturant hosted by H.E. Minister of Local<br />

Administration and Environment and UNEP .<br />

***<br />


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