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41296_Marian AR - Marian Catholic High School

41296_Marian AR - Marian Catholic High School


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AnnualReport<br />

2004-2005<br />

Student Council Executive Board, 2005-2006<br />

<strong>AR</strong>IAN CATHOLIC<br />


Table of Contents<br />

Student Council Executive Board 2004-2005<br />

(left-down)<br />

Mike Mesterharm ’05<br />

Elizabeth Berger ’05<br />

Valerie Ruiz ’05,<br />

Ashley Reed ’07<br />

(right-down)<br />

Jean-Phillip Brignol ’06<br />

Lauren Misch ’05<br />

Charlie Wright ’05<br />

Kevin Marvinac ’05<br />

3 President’s Letter<br />

4 Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Letter/ Veritas Society<br />

5 Advisory Board Chair Letter/Advisory Board Members/Club Officers<br />

6-7 2004-2005 <strong>High</strong>lights<br />

8-15 Alumni Giving<br />

16-19 Current Parent Giving<br />

20 Friends/Corporate Matching Gifts<br />

21 Financial & Fiscal Year Summary<br />

22-23 Endowment Classic Golf Outing<br />

24 AIM (Athletic Initiative at <strong>Marian</strong>)<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

25 Long-Range Plan: "The Courage to Lead"<br />

is proud to recognize in this Annual<br />

Report the generosity of all<br />

26-28 Scholarship Fund Sources:<br />

individuals and organizations who<br />

Sr. Simeon Fund/Endowed Scholarships<br />

have so wonderfully given from July<br />

29-30 Gifts in Kind/Faculty & Staff Giving<br />

1, 2004 through June 30, 2005.<br />

Every effort has been made to<br />

31-34 Alumni Parent Giving<br />

include each individual and<br />

organizational donor in the proper<br />

35 Parent Pledge Program<br />

category, correctly spelled.Time<br />

and other publication restraints<br />

36 Buy-A-Brick Program<br />

sometimes interfere with these<br />

37 Honorariums<br />

efforts. If your name has been<br />

38-47 Memorials (dates: July 1, 2004 through July 30, 2005)<br />

omitted or misspelled, we offer<br />

our sincere apologies. Please notify<br />

48-55 Academic Honors and Scholarships / Class of 2005 the Advancement Office at<br />

708-755-6579 so that we can<br />

adjust our records appropriately.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Our Mission<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, under the sponsorship of the Springfield Dominicans, is a coeducational,<br />

college preparatory high school where students seek truth, exhibit personal responsibility,<br />

cultivate their talents, and demonstrate Christian service and leadership.<br />

Teaching Scholars with a Soul<br />

Pictured on front cover:<br />

Student Council Executive Board 2005-2006 — Christian Haas ’07, Ashley Reed ’07, Joseph DiMaggio ’06,<br />

Dennis Kelly ’08, Lauren Eldridge ’06, Rachel Gonzalez ’06, Jean-Phillip Brignol ’06<br />

Pictured on back cover: James Murphy ’05

President’s Leter<br />

Dear Participant in the Life of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>:<br />

If you are reading this report of the highlights of the 2004-2005 school year, then you have indeed “participated” in our life<br />

here at <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>—and so much more!<br />

In a year marked by student success and service as documented by our graduates’ honors on these pages, we celebrate our<br />

milestones with gratitude to the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> community of support—families, friends, alumni. What you<br />

read in this Annual Report reflects the work and care of so many. The unselfish effort of students, teachers, staff, the Executive Council (Sr. Kathleen<br />

Anne, Bill Hogan, Pete Ruhl) and our extended community of support earned the kudos documented herein…with all of it underpinned by God’s<br />

own grace.<br />

Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67<br />

with MCHS coach and parent Ken<br />

Muszynski after a bird’s eye view<br />

of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>’s Campus.<br />

We continue to build on faith, “…the fruit of a seed planted in the depth of a lifetime” (A.G. Herschel). As a part of the “planting” this year, the<br />

Long-Range Plan (featured in last year’s report) has been turned into strategic action plans with action deadlines, costs, and responsibilities detailed.<br />

I am forever grateful to all who gave of their time to participate in the development of the action plans and to those who, in a series of personal and<br />

phone interviews, helped to prioritize them.<br />

When the MCHS Lay Advisory Board approved the last of the strategic action plans in the Spring of 2005, those steps were again presented to<br />

individuals in the community for their reaction. Their insights provided the needed community perspective on those initiatives requiring funding as<br />

we move ahead with “The Courage to Lead.”<br />

Wherever I go, people query,“What’s new at <strong>Marian</strong>” What a joy to be able to tell them of solid roots and soaring wings. In many ways, this was a<br />

planning year, a transitional year. We tested more students and deliberately accepted fewer in order to control class size; we hired an additional<br />

college counselor and upgraded tech services (library, college planning, student grades/attendance) that will eventually be experienced in the home<br />

of every <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Family. We acted on those parts of the plan which could be implemented without major funding. Seeds now; trees later.<br />

God bless you for playing a part in this bold venture as we love and teach our “scholars with a soul,” called to lead with courage.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P.<br />

President<br />


L E T T E R F R O M<br />

Vice-President<br />

F O R I N S T I T U T I O N A L A D V A N C E M E N T<br />

The report you have in your hands reflects the continued love and support that has made <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> the absolute best. I send a most grateful “thank you” for making this possible.<br />

Peter Ruhl<br />

Advancement<br />

Income <strong>High</strong>lights<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Fund<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Fund Appeal $232,679<br />

Phonathon $87,437<br />

Parent Pledge $49,363<br />

Sr. Simeon Fund $96,833<br />

Calendar Drive $229,543<br />

Alumni Gifts $42,467<br />

Total $738,322<br />

When the doors to <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> opened in 1958, few would have predicted that almost<br />

50 years later <strong>Marian</strong> would still be growing.That growth is most evident right where it is expected—in<br />

our students.The graduating class of 2005 earned a record breaking $7.3 million in college scholarships.<br />

Young men and women leave MCHS well prepared for college and, more importantly, prepared for life.<br />

Like parents, we couldn’t be prouder.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong>’s programs and facilities continue to grow, too. Under the banner “The Courage to Lead,” the<br />

initial stages of our expanded leadership program has begun. This across-the-board curriculum<br />

continues the <strong>Marian</strong> leading edge approach to making our students real stand-outs in all areas:<br />

academics, fine arts, athletics and all extra-curricular activities.<br />

You, the <strong>Marian</strong> Family, have made this possible.Thank you for being there to guide, love and support us.<br />

You are always in our thoughts and prayers.<br />

Endowment<br />

Endowment Golf Classic<br />

$122,453<br />

Band $47,350<br />

Family Scholarships $96,180<br />

Total $265,983<br />

God bless you,<br />

Peter A. Ruhl<br />

VeritasSociety<br />


Memorials<br />

General $8,899<br />

Mothers Club $2,017<br />

Total $10,916<br />

AIM (Athletic Initiative) $46,883<br />

C apital Pledge<br />

Payments $35,100<br />

Subtotal $1,097,204<br />

Stock Transfers &<br />

Employee Payroll<br />

Deductions $49,762<br />

Total Revenue $1,146,966<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. Joseph Christofanelli<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Ehlman<br />

Mr. Mark Erickson<br />

Mr.William Fogarty<br />

Mr. Robert Peele ’65<br />

Mrs. Roberta Rolwing-McQuade ’76<br />

Mr. Thomas Sadler ’65<br />

Ms. Catherine Schulze-Coll ’68<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thiernau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Underwood<br />

The Veritas Society for planned giving recognizes benefactors who have remembered <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

in their wills and estate plans during their lives.The Veritas Society was established to provide continuing support<br />

to the Mission of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> and invites the participation of alumni,alumni parents, current parents,<br />

students, faculty, staff and friends.<br />

The Dominican Sisters and the entire <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> community gratefully<br />

acknowledge the generosity of vision to provide an investment for the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> educational<br />

legacy through a gift to the Veritas Society.<br />

Benefactors may consider an investment in the Veritas Society to indicate to their families<br />

their deep feelings for <strong>Marian</strong> and the hope that they would continue to support <strong>Marian</strong> as a<br />

matter of tradition.This decision is usually because of a profound sense of the values <strong>Marian</strong><br />

represented to them personally or through a loved one and is reflected by their<br />

investment in the Veritas Society in order to allow for a continuation of the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> values for the students to come.

L E T T E R F R O M<br />

AdvisoryBoard Chair<br />

To the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Family,<br />

In 1976, I joined the MCHS family as a student. Years ago, my experiences at <strong>Marian</strong> set in motion my commitment to the<br />

organization today. I was fortunate to graduate with so many great men and women. I have watched them and many other<br />

MCHS graduates go on to lead honest and productive lives, which speaks volumes, and highlights what a special place <strong>Marian</strong> is.<br />

For me, this sheds a powerful light on our responsibility to continue the legacy of <strong>Marian</strong>’s mission,“Teach as Jesus did," which<br />

is to not only teach subject matter, but values, service and faith. We must provide our students with more than an education in<br />

order for them to truly have the tools to become successful people.<br />

Robert Jones, III ’79 So what has been going on this past year as we continue on this journey First, <strong>Marian</strong> installed a new Leadership model by<br />

separating the President and Principal duties. Our President, Sr. Mary Paul and Principal, Sr. Kathleen Anne, have done an<br />

outstanding job working together and separately in their daily jobs. <strong>Marian</strong>’s size dictated this new format and now both leaders<br />

can focus on their responsibilities, providing all in the <strong>Marian</strong> community with the attention they may need. Second, your Advisory Board and staff have<br />

been working hard all year on refining the new Long-Range Plan. We began our focus in early 2004 by bringing together an inclusive group of <strong>Marian</strong><br />

family members in order to examine three fundamental concerns:<br />

What is the current status of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> • Where does <strong>Marian</strong> want to be in 5 years<br />

What are some ways <strong>Marian</strong> can sustain and/or improve our leadership role in the community<br />

Over the course of the last 1 1 /2 years certain propositions have been isolated as areas in which we are anxious to improve. These items were grouped<br />

into 5 major categories: College Counseling, Leadership, Programs, Facilities, and Finance. In June of 2004, each of the 5 areas of focus was assigned<br />

leadership. The leaders were to examine feasibility and develop a specific action plan to be approved. By year’s end, the Advisory Board approved<br />

each category’s plan. I am happy to report <strong>Marian</strong> now has a detailed list of achievable goals that will be used to move our mission forward.<br />

There are many great things about <strong>Marian</strong>. Under the guidance of Sr. Mary Paul and the Dominican Sisters and our Lord Jesus Christ, I can report:<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> is strong financially • Academic achievement is unmatched in the Southland. • Faculty and staff performances are outstanding<br />

Our music program is nationally recognized • Our Sports and Club programs continue to thrive and enhance the “<strong>Marian</strong>” experience.<br />

ADVISORY BO<strong>AR</strong>D 2004-2005<br />

Robert Jones, III ’79, Chair<br />

Patrick Dolan ’72,Vice-Chair<br />

Joann Lindholm, Past Chair<br />

Sr. Katherine O’Connor, O.P.,<br />

Ex-Officio<br />


Kevin Larson, Chair<br />

Genevieve Boesen<br />

Michael Caruso<br />

Joann Lindholm<br />

Michael Murphy ’70<br />


Charles Gallagher ’77, Chair<br />

Dr. Joseph Hamann ’79<br />

Robert Jones, III ’79<br />

Stanley Pagorek<br />


Nicholas Zagotta, Chair<br />

Ramzi Bahu<br />

Patrick Dolan ’72<br />

Sr. M. Janice Greenwood, O.P.<br />

Peter Kroner<br />

Vincent Krydynski ’81<br />


Sharon Pope, Chair<br />

Jeanne DeRaimo<br />

Sharon Kiehl<br />

Michelle (Feldner) Lancaster ’77<br />


Cherie Rippey, President<br />

Mary Kay Entsminger, First Vice-President<br />

Holly Griffin, Second Vice-President<br />

Shirley Uhll, Secretary<br />

Karen Marvinac, Co-treasurer<br />

Sandra Sweeney, Co-treasurer<br />

God is great and continues to bless the <strong>Marian</strong> community.<br />

On a personal note, I appreciate the example <strong>Marian</strong> has been to my three daughters. <strong>Marian</strong> serves as a daily reinforcement of our family’s values.<br />

I hope their experience here will act as a foundation for them to one day carry on the <strong>Marian</strong> legacy with their children.<br />

We have had another successful year at MCHS. I wish to thank my fellow Board members for their time and service. In giving my time to this Board,<br />

I have received so much more from all of you. I thank you for that. Finally, I would especially like to thank all those who volunteer at <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>.<br />

Your unselfish efforts not only are necessary for <strong>Marian</strong> to fulfill its mission, but you set an exceptional example as you live the ministry of service.<br />

Robert Jones, III ’79<br />

T E A C H I N G S C H O L A R S W I T H A S O U L<br />


Don Johnson, President<br />

Mark Terrazas, First Vice-President<br />

Randy Wisowaty, Second Vice-President<br />

Sandra Isaac, Secretary<br />

Marguerite Frigo,Treasurer<br />

Valerie Middleton, Membership<br />

BAND P<strong>AR</strong>ENTS<br />

Jack St.Aubin, President<br />

Cathryn Popelka,Vice-President<br />

Pamela Lau, Secretary<br />

Sandra Sweeney,Treasurer<br />


Colleen (O’Neill) Ranieri ’83, Chairperson<br />

Nancy (Lynch) Virene ’81,Vice-Chairperson<br />


<strong>High</strong>lights2 0<br />

0 4 - 2 0 0 5<br />

Salutatorian Colleen Peabody ’05 and<br />

Valedictorian Elizabeth Berger ’05<br />

walk the aisle on the way to graduation.<br />


• <strong>Marian</strong> remained among the elite in the Chicagoland area, increasing its<br />

number of nationally recognized Advanced Placement Scholars to over<br />

100. A total of 332 students took 754 tests in 19 AP courses to earn<br />

scores to qualify for college credit.<br />

• More than $7.3 million in scholarships were earned by the 98 percent of<br />

2005 graduates attending 88 colleges in 22 states and the District of<br />

Columbia.<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong> “Scholars with a Soul” numbered two National Merit Scholar<br />

Finalists, 22 National Merit Recognition Students, and 72 students<br />

equivalent to Illinois State Scholars.<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> was named to the inaugural <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Honor<br />

Roll, which recognizes the Top 50 Secondary <strong>School</strong>s in America.<br />

• College-bound students scored 24.7 on the ACT compared to the state<br />

average of 20.3. <strong>Marian</strong> students also scored higher than the national<br />

average for the SAT.<br />

• Academic Letters were awarded to 60 students for achievement of a 4.0<br />

grade-point average for two consecutive semesters, as the number of<br />

Academic Letters awarded grew to more than 685. A total of 95 Letters<br />

were awarded in the spring for seniors, juniors and sophomores<br />

achieving a 4.0 in all semesters.<br />

• 111 Junior and Senior students were inducted in the National Honor<br />

Society in May, 2005, adding to 100 year-long members.<br />

Vanessa Armand ’05, Nina Ortega ’05,<br />

and Jackie Holl ’05 combine fun and<br />

building during one of two fix-up<br />

trips to Appalachia.<br />



• The summer of 2005 brought<br />

the installation of new servers<br />

that will allow <strong>Marian</strong> to<br />

stream multimedia content from our website and improve email<br />

communications among faculty, staff, and parents.<br />

• Implementation of a web-based student information system,<br />

Power<strong>School</strong>, allows for real time access for faculty, staff, students, and<br />

parents of student grades, attendance and faculty communication.<br />

• Displaying continued commitment to a strong Dominican influence in<br />

educational excellence, the Dominican Sisters continued to fund<br />

Endowment Scholarships to help families in financial need at a record level.<br />

• In addition to 75 traveling wireless laptop computers, virtually every<br />

classroom/work area in <strong>Marian</strong>’s building has PC availability and wireless<br />

access to the Internet and the <strong>Marian</strong> network.<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong> continued its commitment to AIM (Athletic Initiative at <strong>Marian</strong>), a<br />

sponsorship-driven initiative intended to renovate the existing<br />

stadium and to continue to develop land on the west portion of campus<br />

with a renovated stadium press box and new lighting for Spartan Stadium.<br />

• Funding depreciation resulted in ongoing preventative maintenance of<br />

the campus.<br />


Nick Eggebrecht '06 and<br />

Ryan Bishton '06 participate<br />

in the annual Christmas Food Drive.<br />


• <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> continues to offer challenging opportunities to<br />

tomorrow's leaders. More than 625 families attended the school's<br />

Open House and nearly 650 students took the eighth-grade entrance<br />

exam; 480 were accepted.<br />

• Nearly 90 percent of <strong>Marian</strong> students volunteer for service work.<br />

The Service Club reached out to help those in need through<br />

participating in tag days and hunger walks, visiting nursing homes, and<br />

taking inner city children on field trips. In excess of 800 service<br />

positions were filled in more than 25 Service Club activities.<br />

• Virtually all of <strong>Marian</strong>’s enrollment participates in the annual Student

Matt Nix '07 and Alex Stoterau '07<br />

practice for the Forensics Grand<br />

Nationals in Milwaukee.<br />

Council Christmas Food Drive to benefit more than 50 families, as well<br />

as the Lenten Campus Ministry Mission Drive that benefits Brother<br />

Jerry Galloway’s medical mission in Africa, Holy Rosary Parish and St.<br />

Benedict’s social services in Chicago.<br />

• Each academic class attends retreats, including a three-day Kairos retreat<br />

for the senior class.<br />

• The popular Appalachia trip has grown to two visits, as more than 60<br />

students and chaperones traveled to Kentucky in the summer to do<br />

landscaping and home repairs for those in need.<br />


• <strong>Marian</strong> senior Casey Taylor turned in the third best Triple Jump distance in<br />

state meet history to capture her third consecutive State Championship.<br />

Taylor also earned seventh place in the long-jump and senior teammate<br />

Becca Gustafson was 11th at State in both hurdle events.<br />

• On the men’s track side, Cameron Williams captured 13th place at state<br />

in the triple jump. Overall, <strong>Marian</strong> totaled 16 individual State qualifiers in<br />

all sports.<br />

• The women’s softball squad posted a school-record 34-6 mark for the<br />

second straight year, while extending its ESCC winning streak to 58<br />

games with a fifth straight title, as well as advancing to the Class AA<br />

Sweet 16.<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong>’s women’s basketball captured its fourth straight Hillcrest<br />

Holiday Classic championship, shared the East Suburban <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Conference crown and concluded the year with a 28-3 mark. The<br />

Spartans also won ESCC titles in women’s golf and women’s track and<br />

field, while earning IHSA regional crowns in women’s golf, cross country,<br />

basketball and softball.<br />

• Spartan seniors earned Player of the Year honors from local newspapers<br />

for women’s basketball (Keisha Collins, Skye Johnson) and softball<br />

(Kathleen Jacoby).<br />

Casey Taylor ’05 receives State<br />

Championship Metal in the Triple<br />

Jump for third straight year.<br />

THE FINEST IN PERFORMANCE <strong>AR</strong>TS<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong> orators capped off an undefeated season in the Chicago <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Forensics League by qualifying 17 students for the Grand National<br />

Tournament in Milwaukee. Meanwhile, <strong>Marian</strong>’s Performance-in-the Round<br />

entry captured second place at the IHSA Speech State Tournament.<br />

• The <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Marching Band won its 25th consecutive State<br />

Championship in its class, while finishing in the top 10 at the Bands of<br />

America Grand Nationals. A supportive crowd enjoyed Command<br />

Performance III at Governors State University. Greg Bimm, Director<br />

since 1977, was inducted into the Bands of America Hall of Fame.<br />

• The Concert Band won the Grand Championship at the “State of the<br />

Art” <strong>Catholic</strong> Band Competition. Meanwhile, the 2004 Grand Champion<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Symphonic Band performed in exhibition, making it the first time<br />

in history that one school won first place honors while its other band<br />

(last year’s winner, thus ineligible for competition) played in exhibition.<br />

• <strong>Marian</strong>'s stage came alive with the school play, The Odd Couple, and<br />

musical Fiddler on the Roof. Full houses enjoyed choral concerts and<br />

<strong>Marian</strong>’s annual Christmas Madrigal Dinner. Seniors devised and directed<br />

annual Theater Experimentals in the MCHS theater.<br />

• Students prepared portfolios for admission to art schools and won<br />

recognition at Prairie State Art Exhibit, the VFW, and State and Regional<br />

art contests.<br />

The <strong>Marian</strong><br />

Marching<br />

Band turned<br />

in another<br />

top 10 finish<br />

at the BOA<br />

Grand<br />

Nationals in<br />

Indianapolis.<br />


Alumni Giving<br />

The future of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> depends on its past, including the generosity of over 13,000<br />

alumni. Alumni benefactors may also appear in other listings in this report, reflecting<br />

restricted gifts or gifts-in-kind.<br />


Kerri Evans ’96 and Cristin Evans ’99 watch a<br />

basketball game with trainer Kim Blackwell.<br />

“Thank you for giving me the motivation, work<br />

ethic, and morals to withstand the ‘real world.’<br />

With <strong>Marian</strong> in my background, I have no<br />

doubt that I will succeed.”<br />

—Lisa Clauson ’03<br />

1 9 6 2<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Lorron Grady Farani<br />

Jane Dooley Guagliardo<br />

Michael Mancini<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

James Armbruster<br />

Karen Barus Bailey<br />

Camille Zarantonello Blachowicz<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.<br />

Robert Flynn<br />

Joyce Zeller Glandon<br />

Frank & Therese (Trotier ’70)<br />

Napoli '70<br />

Celeste Klein Phillips<br />

Kathryn Sheil<br />

Frank J.Vesci, Jr.<br />

Thomas Vitelli<br />

William Willet<br />

Patricia Wetzel Zup<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1962:<br />

$855.00<br />

1 9 6 3<br />


John Ferrari<br />


Nancy Johnson Marchese<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Barry Grenier<br />


Patricia Pignotti Knepler<br />

Timothy & Mary Ann<br />

(Ormsby ’62) O'Hea<br />

William R.Walsh<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

James & Scherrie (Hawkins ‘62)<br />

Addyman<br />

Raymond Deabel<br />

Lynn Kenney Kiley<br />

Roger King<br />

Peter Korn<br />

Edward Ross<br />

Kathleen McElroy Russ<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Angela Faso Carlman<br />

Barbara Sholeen Corsentino<br />

Lawrence Frey<br />

Frank Heiting<br />

Glenda Jones<br />

Mary Henning O'Sullivan<br />

Michael & Mary (Colby) Paul<br />

John & Donna (Soltysik) Schreiber<br />

Paul Sweeney<br />

Frank Weider<br />

Caryn Christopher Wieczorkiewicz<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1963:<br />

$20,055.00<br />

1 9 6 4<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Patricia Wujcik McHenry<br />


Dean Bartolini<br />

James Singler<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Diana Doerr Cruz<br />

Kathleen O'Keefe Cusick<br />

Fred Rosenberger<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Bonita Bohlsen<br />

David & Katheryn (Essig) Bruni<br />

Patricia M. Hagemann<br />

Colonel Christine Coons Ingle<br />

Mary Alice Rodskier Kocielko<br />

Joseph & Kay (Cowan ’65)<br />

Krusinski<br />

Allen Marazas<br />

Joann Scheisher Pelletier<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1964:<br />

$1,565.00<br />

1 9 6 5<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

James & Marijo (Doheny) Hudzik<br />

Joseph Lex, Jr.<br />

Thomas Sadler<br />

Barbara Ferrari Zarlengo<br />


Daniel & Georjean (Day) Gautsch

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Thomas Engstrand<br />

Jeanne Bartusiewicz Lahey<br />

Donna Lamoureux<br />

Joanne Remkus Lembares<br />

David McIntire<br />

Michael Petrouski<br />

James Quirk<br />

Leon Redman<br />

Steven Richter<br />

Mary Ann Heidenrich Rygiel<br />

James Sisson<br />

Bonnie Ireland Slyder<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Anthea Rosati Bojar<br />

John R. Carr<br />

Denise Buckley Chilcote<br />

Thomas Czech<br />

Thomas DiCarlo<br />

Daniel Dwornik<br />

Thomas Flanagan<br />

Judith Hack<br />

Eugene Hildeman<br />

Irene Mytych Howland<br />

Patricia Reavley Hunnewell<br />

Catherine Kenzie LaPlante<br />

Patricia Zinser Loftus<br />

Lynda Hajduch McCarthy<br />

Edward McCormick, Jr.<br />

Patricia Kennedy Menoni<br />

William Nieken<br />

Paschal Panio<br />

Marion Webber Podgorske<br />

Margaret McElroy Powell<br />

Curtis Ribando<br />

Edward Scott III<br />

Karen Delude Virkkala<br />

Thomas Willett<br />

Roberta Filippi Wilson<br />

Vaughn Zapchenk<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1965:<br />

$4,505.00<br />

1 9 6 6<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

William & Donna (Westenberg)<br />

Hungeling<br />


Michael & Jean (Donald ’74)<br />

Einhorn<br />

Dave Mattio<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mark Altman<br />

Mardelle Meehan Gundlach<br />

James McDonald<br />

Matthew T. Neu<br />

Sharon Janusek Paciorek<br />

Kenneth Peters<br />

John Thar<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Jeannine Bergs<br />

Karen Hannigan Brady<br />

Frederick DeRosa<br />

John Differding<br />

Mary Ann Zegler Gruhlke<br />

Rosemary Fritz Horgeshimer<br />

William Kazak<br />

Mary Kelly-Durkin<br />

Mark Kwasny<br />

Lawrence & Kay<br />

(Neyenhouse ’67) Moravek<br />

Anita Butkus Philipp<br />

Andrew Ross<br />

Therese Klawitter Safavi<br />

Phillip & Kathy (Wysock) Sgariglia<br />

Mary K. Stark<br />

James Sullivan<br />

Michael Welsh<br />

M. Kevin Woods<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1966:<br />

$2,530.00<br />

1 9 6 7<br />


Jeffrey Blakemore<br />


Joseph D'Amico<br />

Gregory Lee<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Joseph & Sue (Hamilton) Beaudry<br />

Robert & Teresa (Griffin) Hudzik<br />


Robert Bramlette, Jr.<br />

Rita Potocny Krider<br />

Michael McGonigal<br />

Carl Piper<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mary Osmolski Biscan<br />

Carla Cifelli Carter<br />

Timothy Gaffney<br />

Louis Gergel<br />

Michael Moormann<br />

Barbara Lazarius Smith<br />

Bruce Stevens<br />

Robert G.Tomlin<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

George Archibald<br />

Alan & Carol (Liesenfelt) Bartels<br />

James Boehm<br />

Sharon Perozzi Doughney<br />

Patricia Durkin Ferry<br />

Diane O'Keefe Kaschak<br />

Peter Land<br />

Mary Krumb Lipari<br />

Richard & Karen (Pierandozzi ’68)<br />

Mantoan<br />

Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P.<br />

Karen Pagoria Schultz<br />

Dulcenee Doheny Walsh<br />

Joseph Wegrzyn<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1967:<br />

$26,172.00<br />

The 35-year<br />

Class of<br />

1969<br />

Reunion<br />

restores old<br />

friendships.<br />

1 9 6 8<br />


John DeRaimo<br />


Catherine Schulze Coll<br />

Lawrence Eagan<br />

Judith Welsh<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

William Klinger<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

William Betourne<br />

Linda Bojanowski Hill<br />

Pamela Helsel Hoffman<br />

Robert Rosenberger<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Jeanette Hornack Arthur<br />

Linda Hofer Brown<br />

Debra Broxterman<br />

Karen Watson Bussone<br />

James P. Connors, Jr.<br />

James Dehaven<br />

Jacqueline Sinopoli Goetter<br />

Rita Benson Keepers<br />

Sheila Barry Marinangeli<br />

John Marks<br />

Michelle Quigley Martinez<br />

Michael Mytych<br />

Robert Pasqualoni<br />

Jeanette Roach<br />

Joan Aspell Wolf<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1968:<br />

$16,173.00<br />

1 9 6 9<br />


Susanne Gergel Gray<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Joseph & Claire (Schulze ’70)<br />

Coatar<br />

Mary Ann Helsel<br />

Thomas & Maureen (Murphy ’70)<br />

Prombo<br />

Kathy Shaughnessy<br />


Alumni Giving<br />


Hall of Famer Paul Pabst ’87 receives the Fine Arts Achievement Award from<br />

Kevin Welsh ’77 at the annual Hall of Fame Dinner.<br />

1 9 6 9<br />

(continued)<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Mary Ann Meno Carrell<br />

Martha DeHaven<br />

Edward DeMaat<br />

Claudia Klimas Gosnell<br />

Mark Helsel<br />

Anne Koch Kracmer<br />

Richard & Rosane (Spotora ‘7l)<br />

Krumb<br />

Julie Onofrio Maggio<br />

Donald Potempa<br />

Mary Alice Ephgrave Shireman<br />

Kristine Hipke Thabault<br />

Noel Torres<br />

Norine Cannek Winder-Kmiecik<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1969:<br />

$1,055.00<br />

1 9 7 0<br />


Michael Fagan<br />

Bro. Michael F. Quirk, FSC<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Richard & Cynthia (Schumake)<br />

Klupchak<br />

Michael & Christine (Kowalsky)<br />

Murphy<br />

Vincent Zerante<br />


Patrick Caffarelli<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mary Jane Doerr<br />

John Glennon<br />

Patrick Hogensen<br />

Gregory Lindeman<br />

Gerard & Deborah (D’Apice ’71)<br />

Schrementi<br />

Alan Szymanski<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Michael Berg<br />

Douglas & Mary Helen (Bijak)<br />

Blankenberger<br />

Clara Bullaro Bradley<br />

Margaret O'Grady Brennan<br />

Daniel Corradetti<br />

Theresa Lane Del Principe<br />

George Duchossois<br />

Susan Mayer Faucett<br />

Doug Mathieu<br />

Victoria Walker Mattera<br />

Mia Pascale<br />

Gary Randall<br />

Teresa A. Shine<br />

Lawrence & Theresa (Kardas ’72)<br />

Stapleton, Jr.<br />

Sam Yacono<br />

Mary Pat Paradiso Zagone<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1970:<br />

$5,975.00<br />

1 9 7 1<br />


Timothy & Karen (Greco)<br />

Cunningham<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Thomas Kuzma<br />


Jerome P. Wegner<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Walter Barry<br />

Maryanne Fiacco Chengelis<br />

Louis Gaz<br />

Blasé & Judy (Fagan) Pignotti<br />

Douglas Price<br />

William Snow<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Paul & Dona (Broxterman ’75)<br />

Amadio<br />

Dale Bartusiewicz<br />

Timothy Bergin<br />

Rita Hoedl Beverlin<br />

Elizabeth Boyce<br />

Victoria Patterson Dieska<br />

Deborah Reinold Feldman<br />

Michael Krause<br />

Steven Mikos<br />

John Nylen<br />

Mary Bock Porento<br />

Sandra Vallino Radke<br />

Frank Santilli<br />

Kerry Debbie (Boyle) Yates<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1971:<br />

$3,045.00<br />

1 9 7 2<br />


Patrick & Nancy Dolan<br />


Robert Beckman<br />


Nancy Napoli Gallagher<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mary Anne Dockery-Jackson<br />

Joseph Fernandez<br />

Marrie Bulczak Franke<br />

Kurt & Mary Beth (Leis ’71) Hipke<br />

Patricia McDonough Hoess<br />

Francis J. Matese, Ph.D.<br />

Catherine Delahunt McGraw<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Ruth Pagorski Bloom<br />

Mary King Brethour<br />

Mary Lu Gebka<br />

Dr. Gary Hambel<br />

James & Ann (Gallagher)<br />

McLaughlin<br />

Armand Napoleon<br />

James & Pat (Lustig ’77) Piacentini<br />

Michael & Mary Ann (Durkin)<br />

Savage<br />

James & Amber (Kloss) Steinmetz<br />

Diane Thomas-Pittari<br />

Victoria Kotas Wegman<br />

David Zerante<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1972:<br />

$8,312.20<br />

1 9 7 3<br />


Kenneth & Karin (Poletta ’71)<br />

Carpenter<br />


Daniel F. Dugan, Jr.<br />

Thomas & <strong>Marian</strong>ne (Leslie)<br />


DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Sam Borrelli<br />

Wilfred Chapleau<br />

Michelle Hartnett<br />

Patrick & Connie (Sinopoli ’72)<br />

Morley<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Joseph Barry<br />

Sally J. Calhoun<br />

Nancy Bovara Carmody<br />

John & Sylvia (Sarmiento ’77)<br />

Cifelli<br />

Cheryl Wurst Dillman<br />

Terrence Eagan<br />

Charles Grupp<br />

William Kahle<br />

Colleen Klein McGrain<br />

Mary Pat Hoehle Ostrander<br />

Mary Ellen Doyle Pifko<br />

Edward Sharkey<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Linda Lustig Bertsch<br />

Kimberly Swedberg Budnik<br />

Deborah Trzupek Camilli<br />

Joann Piattoni Cormican<br />

Charles & Jeanine (Jordan ’75)<br />

Gromala<br />

Jill Kubancek<br />

Karen McMinn Landi<br />

Thomas Lucia, Jr.<br />

James Matese<br />

Patrick T. Murphy<br />

Thomas A. O'Grady<br />

Mary Kay Damon Ryan<br />

Katie Kennedy Slench<br />

Karen Schroeder Thompson<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1974:<br />

$3,565.00<br />

Nancy<br />

(Schrementi)<br />

Block ’68,<br />

Gailene Fine,<br />

Judy<br />

Welsh ’68,<br />

Kathy<br />

(Forrest)<br />

Kennedy ’68,<br />

and Sue<br />

(Ziegler)<br />

Fiaoni ’74<br />

at the Gail<br />

(Calderone)<br />

Amos ’68<br />

Tree Dedication<br />

in May 2005.<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1973:<br />

$2,360.00<br />

1 9 7 4<br />


Mary Ann Klupchak Ganzer<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Joseph Zagone, Jr.<br />


Cheryl Tama Oblander<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Patricia Jonassen-Anen<br />

Bruce & Kiki (McDonnell) Cifelli<br />

Glenn Gaffney<br />

Dr. Jeffrey Jagmin<br />

Vincent & Patricia (Mascitti)<br />

Keenan<br />

Daniel Krause<br />

Emil Mastandrea Jr.<br />

Joseph Shipley<br />

Kathleen Stenson<br />

1 9 7 5<br />


Lorraine Letsos Holland<br />

Brian Kelly<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

William & June (Ranieri) Cleary,III<br />

Frank Voltattorni, Jr.<br />


James & Marjorie (Marvin ’74)<br />

Godowic<br />

Linda Templin<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mark Feldner<br />

William Goss<br />

Rosemary Stabile Izzo<br />

Robert Klimas<br />

Stephanie Nejman<br />

Robert & <strong>Marian</strong>ne (Zerante)<br />

Smith<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Timothy Blue<br />

Joseph & Angelinn (Marconi ’74)<br />

Caffarini<br />

Patricia LaFond DeGarmo<br />

David Gromala<br />

Nicolette Zaranti-Jacobsma<br />

Carol Klimkowski<br />

Theresa Lauteri Koswenda<br />

Catherine McCabe<br />

Mary Burke Mills<br />

John Molander<br />

Edward M. Murphy<br />

Judy Tremaroli Paterson<br />

Luke & Mary Kay (Tintari) Pignotti<br />

Nancy Bushma Salazar<br />

Robert Slobig<br />

Kathleen Gebka Smith<br />

Kevin Walsh<br />

Kenneth & Kathleen (Fay) Wegrzyn<br />

Paul & Deborah (Capriotti ’78)<br />

Zarlengo<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1975:<br />

$5,040.00<br />

1 9 7 6<br />


Michael McCaughey McQuade<br />


Jeffrey LaPorte<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Roberta Rolwing McQuade<br />


Terence & Julie (Grupp’77) Kenney<br />

William Slavin<br />

Ronald Snow<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mark Bodane<br />

Gregory Damiani<br />

Alicia Borst Derrah<br />

John & Patricia (Shine ’77) Hayes<br />

Katherine Linder Johnson<br />

Jacqueline Kuchyak<br />

Jon Major<br />

Karen McQuaid<br />

Lori Ochman<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Theresa Hanks Brink<br />

Mary Ellen Lupien Carlton<br />

Rose M. Larsen Chicoine<br />

Mary Ellen Dean<br />

Janet Lesak Fiorenzo<br />

David Gribben<br />

Jeanne Hair<br />

Kathleen Nardoni Horvath<br />

Barbara Klupchak<br />

Ann Creswell Kohout<br />

Deborah Lubash<br />

Mary McTigue<br />

Martin Mongan<br />

Michael Pauley<br />

Nancy Gebka Roche<br />

John Salamanski<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1976:<br />

$3,760.00<br />


Alumni Giving<br />


Aimee (Delaney) Ogren ’91,<br />

addresses students<br />

at Career Day.<br />

1 9 7 7<br />


Kevin Daney<br />


Michael Wilczynski<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Thomas Foote<br />


Thomas Chisholm<br />

Colleen Slavin Coxe<br />

Terrence Shelley<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Terri Jo Pulcini Everage<br />

Charles Gallagher<br />

Shawn Janus<br />

Susan Kozlowski<br />

Michael Lafond<br />

Dennis & Maureen (Conlan)<br />

McGushin<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Kimberly Bruni Borawski<br />

John Broderick<br />

Gina Caffarini<br />

Margaret Conniff<br />

Karen Capecci-Davis<br />

John Lenz<br />

Martin Oosterbaan<br />

Daniel & Mary Lou (Manzardo ’76)<br />

Roche<br />

Julianne Graham Sullivan<br />

Mark Waldron<br />

Kevin & Mary (Krause ’80) Welsh<br />

James Wright<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1977:<br />

$8,519.00<br />

1 9 7 8<br />


John Finnin<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Maryjo Pope<br />


Susan Cleary Brunner<br />

Lisa Kristina<br />

David Watson<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Kathryn Call<br />

Timothy & Eileen (Gallagher) Daw<br />

Dianna Miller Evers<br />

Nancy Quattrocki Foertsch<br />

James Gruca<br />

Dorothy Grzadzinski<br />

Dave & Laurie (Hinrichs ’81)<br />

Klupchak<br />

Ria Rolwing<br />

Maria Rose Christofanelli Simone<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Laura Rugis Downs<br />

Charles & Natalie (Starzyk) Funk<br />

Susan Wagner Hodges<br />

Phylis Marconi<br />

Karen Cook Nicholson<br />

Stephen O'Toole<br />

Phillip Panozzo<br />

Joseph Schweiger<br />

Edward Szymanski<br />

Robert VanLysebettens<br />

Gerald & Diane (Bytner) Velllender<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1978:<br />

$3,570.00<br />

1 9 7 9<br />


Robert Jones, III<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Barbara Bremigan<br />


John & Cathy (Cook) Badeusz<br />

George Seline<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

John A. Bracha<br />

Patrick Dempsey<br />

Genevieve Coatar Kim<br />

Elizabeth Manley Mangerson<br />

Thomas Mastandrea<br />

Sally Brody Monnin<br />

Judy Scalzitti Tonry<br />

Paul VanLysebettens<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

John Boehm<br />

Laurence Fallon<br />

Phillip Faso<br />

Joseph Hamann<br />

Elizabeth Blair Herbert<br />

Eileen Atwater Jasica<br />

John Karas<br />

Karen Hoogeweg Krause<br />

Barron Marschke<br />

Rita Land McClean<br />

Timothy O'Meara<br />

Ruth Ivers Parrott<br />

Christopher Rohaly<br />

Cynthia Sink-Jedloe<br />

Bernadette Wiscons<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1979:<br />

$9,199.50<br />

1 9 8 0<br />


Michael & Jacqueline Kennedy<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Gregg Bendrick<br />


Dr. Ralph Bremigan<br />

Suzanne McGarry<br />

Thomas Wasz<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Renee Starzyk Armentrout<br />

Cynthia Misovye Bogs<br />

Ellen Cook<br />

Natalie Sesto Lamb<br />

Joseph Plomin<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Jani Bodell<br />

Robert Clifford<br />

James Dee<br />

Suzanne Depeder<br />

Jill Hays<br />

Joseph King<br />

George & Cheryl (Purser)<br />

McNamara, Jr.,<br />

Karen Oosterbaan<br />

Mary Hallissey Plepel<br />

Janet Wurst Ryan<br />

William E. & Margie (Burley ’82)<br />

Sass<br />

Jay & Kathleen (Murphy) Schweikart<br />

Margaret Lesak Smolinski<br />

Alicia Trujillo<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1980:<br />


DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

1 9 8 1<br />

Jeff LaPorte ’77, Bob Voss and Mark Talamonti ’74<br />

share memories at the Hall of Fame Dinner.<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Michael J. McCaughey, III<br />

Michael & Diane (Brown) Prior<br />


James Beese<br />

Rosanne Ciambrone<br />

Thomas Healey<br />

Vincent Krydynski<br />

Carol Burke Swanson<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Jill Hoffman Birringer<br />

Virginia Hofer Campbell<br />

Thomas Dee<br />

William Lafond<br />

Charles Nardoni<br />

Joan Rolwing<br />

James Schreiber<br />

Marilyn Slavin<br />

Nancy Lynch Virene<br />

Timothy Wolfe<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Linda Panozzo Billie<br />

Martha Waller Bowen<br />

Laura Leiteritz Brennan<br />

Karin Flock Fojtik<br />

Roberta Auron Halverson<br />

Chris Hanson<br />

Mary Romano Harrison<br />

Julie Faron Kroll<br />

Brian McDonough<br />

James Meyer<br />

Katherine Stocker Michels<br />

John & Cheryl (Kimble) Minor<br />

Eileen White Noren<br />

Mark Peifer<br />

Ida Halm Reid<br />

Lisa Salvador-Schasane<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1981:<br />

$3,805.00<br />

1 9 8 2<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Dennis & Kristin (Depeder) Cortes<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Michael Atwater<br />

Anthony Duffy<br />

Peter Duszynski<br />

Thomas Fagan<br />

Louis Giannini<br />

Susan Murphy Johns<br />

Barbara A. Lane Willis<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Donald Berger<br />

Amy Saliger Borrelli<br />

Michael Dunne<br />

Gerard Flynn<br />

Brenda Ritzenthaler Ketter<br />

Lori Sienicki Laseke<br />

Kevin McCann<br />

Michael & Susan (Piattoni ’83)<br />

McGlone<br />

Mary Cannek Siegel<br />

Alice McGann Starkey<br />

Joan Call Zocher<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1982:<br />

$1,725.00<br />

1 9 8 3<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Mark Komorowski<br />


Dr. Michael P. Hudson<br />

Colleen O'Neill Ranieri<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Mary Ellen Kutsenda Fitzsimonds<br />

Vincent I. Holzhall<br />

Marie Kalecki<br />

Kenneth Koehn<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Maureen Hennessy Anderson<br />

Carol Zarlengo Brost<br />

Mary Jensen Camp<br />

Richard Clayton<br />

Robert Dow<br />

Patricia Thomas Gallinaro<br />

Nancy Jaworski Glennon<br />

Denise Wolny Gress<br />

Kimberly Gress<br />

Chantal Michel Healey<br />

Arthur Holecek<br />

Jack Janusek<br />

Kathleen Healy King<br />

Mr. John Kinney<br />

Angela Harkenrider Kvasnica<br />

Brian & Mary (Gallagher) McCann<br />

Michael O'Brien<br />

James O'Keefe<br />

Richard Ostrowski<br />

Jill Martin Raymond<br />

Timothy & Wendy (West) Reid<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1983:<br />

$2,265.00<br />

1 9 8 4<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Dr. Kimberly Janusz Mitchell<br />

Stacy Marconi Wodetzki<br />


Michael Mohan<br />

Anthony Zagotta<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Timothy Fallon<br />

Dr. Catherine Gratkowski<br />

Therese Crocilla Heywood<br />

Janet Jaworski<br />

Robert Kabat<br />

Mary Jo Smith<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

John Benish<br />

Mary Kay McCarthy Carey<br />

Mary Durkin<br />

David Fagan<br />

Gina Ross Horne<br />

Robert Lach<br />

Jacqueline Paredes Lange<br />

Maureen Wessel Saunders<br />

George Spengler<br />

Thomas Swanborn<br />

Kelly O'Hea Taylor<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1984:<br />

$2,965.00<br />

1 9 8 5<br />


Kimberly Nair Gibbons<br />

Robert Manzardo<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Enrico & Jennifer (Trenshaw)<br />

Attanasio<br />

Laura Ladewski<br />

Edward & Michele (Rinella) Savant<br />

Jennifer Cosenza Spinozzi<br />

Major Patrick Sweeney<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Mark Bogs<br />

Erin Lee DeNova<br />

Daniel Donohue<br />

Robert & Colleen (O’Meara ’86)<br />

Fritzsche<br />

Glen Haeflinger<br />

Cheryl Franchina Hardick<br />

Laura Mysz Jones<br />

Katherine Keith<br />

Stefanie Guillen McAllister<br />

Patrick O’'Brien<br />

Christopher & Colleen (Gallagher)<br />

O'Hea<br />

Thomas Powers<br />

Catherine Welsh Shaw<br />

Dawn Winter Stippich<br />

Bernie Swiatkowski-Smietana<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1985:<br />

$1,695.00<br />


Alumni Giving<br />


1 9 8 6<br />


Michael Bruni<br />


Gia Compagnoni<br />

Benjamin Reyes<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Michael Dillon<br />

Michael Feminis<br />

Charles & Michelle (Hoffman)<br />

O'Brien<br />

Julie Holzhall Romenesko<br />

Robert & Patricia (Purcell)<br />

Seymour, Jr.<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Anne Owens Del Ghingaro<br />

Michael Douglas<br />

Thomas Grogan<br />

Brian Hennessy<br />

Robert & Ann Marie (Hink) Hughes<br />

Carl Loesch & Ms. Marie Harrer<br />

Daniel Madigan<br />

Julie Olson<br />

Anthony Schlueter<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1986:<br />

$3,726.00<br />

1 9 8 7<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Kelly Morrison Chambers<br />

Daniel Riordan<br />


Maureen Burke Andrews<br />

Brian Hryn<br />

Walter Ruane<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Daniel & Karen (Kelm ’88) Miller<br />

James Mohan<br />

Johnny Gianetti Rhode<br />

Dwight Snow<br />

James Wrenn<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Janet Dowling Bartholomew<br />

Amy Sneddon Brown<br />

Karen Hall Carpenter<br />

Sarah Ruhl Cline<br />

Ann Dudek<br />

Lisa Kowynia<br />

Carl Kwasigroch<br />

Erin K. Mangan, Ph.D.<br />

Laura Dempsey McErlean<br />

Sean O'Brien<br />

James G. Quaid<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1987:<br />

$2,517.50<br />

1 9 8 8<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

Fred W. Brzozowski<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Tracy Meade Chiappetti<br />

Jennifer Clifford<br />

John Dee<br />

Patrick Fanning & Ms. Michelle<br />

Paetow<br />

Diane DalDegan Goeders<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Kelly A.Toepfer Thompson<br />

Jennifer Sowinski Van Camp<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Amy Linder Frale<br />

Thomas & Jennifer (Leick ’86)<br />

Gray<br />

Stacy Becker McGivern<br />

Jean Skarzynski<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1988:<br />

$1,723.50<br />

1 9 8 9<br />

BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY<br />

James & Julie (Katula ’90) Flamini, Jr.<br />


Joseph Camaioni<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Luis A. Barajas<br />

Laura Miller Bruno<br />

Patrick Burke<br />

Anthony Czupek<br />

Christopher Hausoul<br />

Michael Kowynia<br />

Susanne Procanyn Perram<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Elaine Cassidy<br />

Thomas Cooper<br />

Jennifer Brower Desbles<br />

Kimberly Dobos<br />

Denise Dowling<br />

Jennifer Ward Farrell<br />

Taressa Faso-Leonardo<br />

Charles & Kristine<br />

(Strassheim ’90) Fote<br />

Edward Franczyk<br />

Jodilynn Wessel Hoese<br />

Colin Noone<br />

Marc Pantarotto<br />

Joel Plys<br />

Jennifer Hudson Powell<br />

Jennifer Jermolowicz Rothgeb<br />

Lisa Ross Sexton<br />

John St. Clair<br />

Thomas Van Etten<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1989:<br />

$8,150.00<br />

1 9 9 0<br />


Scott Pulcini<br />


Catherine Bednarek<br />

Charles & Stephanie (Linder)<br />

Murach<br />

Shannon Reidy<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Kerianne Detloff Hearns<br />

Jill Chartraw Parker<br />

Mark & Amy (Lewandowski) Regan<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Quentin & Lisa (Stearns) Burrows<br />

Lisa Pantarotto Curran<br />

Laura Devaney Foote<br />

John Holecek<br />

James & Elisa (Brown ’91) Mattio<br />

Steven & Jeanna (Faso ’89) Rotondi<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1990:<br />

$26,425.00<br />

Part of my gift to <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> was to AIM<br />

with a portion going towards a<br />

baseball field tarp in memory of<br />

my father, Martin Pulcini, who<br />

was a 1965 <strong>Marian</strong> alum. I did<br />

so because I think no matter<br />

how successful someone<br />

becomes it is very important for<br />

people to remember where they<br />

came from and who helped<br />

them along the way. By playing<br />

football at <strong>Marian</strong>, I learned<br />

self-disipline and how to be a<br />

man which has helped me<br />

throughout my life.

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

1 9 9 1<br />

1 9 9 7<br />

1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 5<br />


Joy Olszewski Kucharski<br />

Victoria Carnavacciolo Phillips<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Katherine M. Helm<br />

Teresa A. Riley<br />

Kenneth Swiatkowski<br />

Joy Finnegan Walton<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Kerry Cahill<br />

Michael K. Carlson<br />

Mary Ann Cruz Dichoso<br />

Brooke Bartels Joerms<br />

Anita Mannes Lecea<br />

Brian O'Meara<br />

Kerry Reidy Paris<br />

Brian & Beth (Helme) Smith<br />

Timothy Tilton<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1991:<br />

$1,195.00<br />

1 9 9 2<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Kurt McLaughlin<br />

Kenneth Sebahar<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Morgan Collier Henington<br />

Nicholas & Karen (Clark) Rohn<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1992:<br />

$310.00<br />

1 9 9 3<br />


Harry Howisen<br />


Stephan & Lisa (Ramirez ’91)<br />

Gasperec<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Katherine Moffatt<br />

David Ruhl<br />

Kelly McKenna Spillane<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Mary Delsing Dalhouse<br />

Catherine Hicks Johnson<br />

Cynthia LaFond<br />

Becky A. Paprzyca Peters<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1993:<br />

$1,795.00<br />

Mike Bruni ’86, Mike Feminis ’86, Armie Gasbaro ’85 and John McGivern<br />

gather at Decade of Champions.<br />

1 9 9 4<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Jeanette Beaudry Bruni<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Michael Bartolini<br />

Kathleen Garrigan Ipsen<br />

Christopher Lydon<br />

Ellen Ruhl Sir<br />

Brian & Tracy (Patrizi)<br />

Vander Luitgaren<br />

Dorothy Hoover Ward<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1994:<br />

$292.50<br />

1 9 9 5<br />


Christopher Luther<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Marc Flamini<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Michael Cavalieri<br />

Michael Hayes<br />

Jennifer Kowalewski<br />

Edward Lechner<br />

Michael Massucci<br />

Kathleen Walery<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1995:<br />

$575.00<br />

1 9 9 6<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Gina Cannata<br />

Colette Edmisten<br />

Matthew Ruhl<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Luciana Zarlengo Moran<br />

Jacqueline Morell Rose<br />

Brian Skibinski<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1996:<br />

$375.00<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Robert Gromala<br />

Keith Jorgensen<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Mary Linder Aske<br />

Roberto Cocot<br />

Bridget Reidy<br />

Andrea Monte Turner<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1997:<br />

$310.00<br />

1 9 9 8<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Tia France<br />

Mary Lockton<br />

Martha Ruhl<br />

Sherri Speaks<br />

Total Giving for Class of 1998:<br />

$105.00<br />

Total Giving<br />

for All Classes:<br />

$190,855.00<br />

SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY<br />

Colleen Clinnin ’99<br />

Michael Duffy ’02<br />

Jeffrey Patton ’02<br />

FAN CLUB<br />

Keisha Collins ’05<br />

Erin DeBruin ’99<br />

Felecia Dupczak ’04<br />

Jessica Gehm ’99<br />

Ashley Hluska ’05<br />

John McQuade ’00<br />

Maureen McQuade ’05<br />

Kevin Moffatt ’05<br />

Ryan Noth ’03<br />

Rebecca Palmer ’05<br />

Alexis Winter ’05<br />

Total Giving for Classes<br />

of 1999-2005:<br />

$535.00<br />

Top Classes by Dollar:<br />

1990 $26,425.00<br />

1967 $26,172.00<br />

1963 $20,055.00<br />

1968 $16,173.00<br />

1979 $ 9,199.50<br />


CurrentParentGiving<br />

Parents are our educational partners and financial benefactors ensuring students<br />

have the best in the <strong>Catholic</strong>, college preparatory tradition. Parent investments to the<br />

Annual Fund are absolutely essential to the success of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Parent investors may also appear in other listings in this report reflecting restricted gifts<br />

or gifts-in-kind.<br />


Karen Marvinac and Shirley Uhll display a Mothers Club<br />

Christmas cookie “craft” project.<br />

“<strong>Marian</strong> taught me to be a diligent and persistent<br />

student. Being very active during high school taught me<br />

excellent time management skills as well.”<br />

—Erin Hurtubise ’99<br />

D O M I N I C A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caruso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rippey<br />

P R E S I D E N T<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Asato<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Thomas Boesen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Botelho<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Coleman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Griffin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.T.E. Kapshandy<br />

Mr. Peter A. Kroner<br />

Mr. & Dr. Hilary Lancaster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonnell<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jon Misch<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Moffatt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Platt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tapajna<br />

B O A R D<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beamon<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alois Bell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blackburn<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Cleary, III '75, '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DeJong<br />

Dr. Christopher Easley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzsimmons<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Gilley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Harmon<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Warren Hastings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heim<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Hernandez<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Hollandsworth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Hudzik '65, '65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jameson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jarzombek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Kaim<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Kowalkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Liccar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Losos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Love, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Major<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Marthaler<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Maziur<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Don McClain<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William McClain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer<br />

Mrs. Susan Michaels<br />

Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Mitchell, III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitros<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jerold Morantz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Morrison<br />

Mr. Len Mysiewicz &<br />

Ms. Deb Clifford<br />

Dr. & Mrs Michael Nicholas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerry O'Brien<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien-Penney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard O'Reilly<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas O'Sullivan<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Terrance Peabody<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Popelka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rose<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Ruth<br />

Dr. & Mrs. E. Sandoval<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sheetz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simone<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jethroe Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spoonhour<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Spretnjak<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Stanis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Szotek

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

Booster Club officers<br />

Marguerite Frigo and Sandy<br />

Isaac take a moment to enjoy<br />

their work..<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tuskan, Jr.<br />

Mr. Frank Voltattorni, Jr. '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Garry Yatsko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zagone, Jr. '74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zagotta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zajeski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Zerante '70<br />

Mr.Thomas Znavor<br />

P R I N C I P A L<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Ms. Catherine Bednarek '90<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Berger<br />

Ms. Louise Caillouet<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Connelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward DiLuia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fry, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hansen<br />

Mrs.Audrey Hudson-McFarlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Knuth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Krmpotich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mattio '66<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mitchell, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. O. Kenneth Noth, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas R. O'Brien, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Pelkey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Peterlin, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pinto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rene Sintes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Solorio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wasik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Watson '78<br />

S P A R T A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Wayne Babiak<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Berens<br />

Mr & Mrs.William H. Bishton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Blasingame<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Derald Bogs<br />

Deacon Loren & Cindi Bowns<br />

Dr. Karen Briggs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Calara<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Dominick Cannata<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Carlasare<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Clark<br />

Ms. Maria Contreras<br />

Mrs. Lourdita B. Daley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Dawson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Adolph DeGrauwe<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe DiMaggio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Djuric<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Elliott<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugenio Fiore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Foster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Frank<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fried<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Tyler Fuentes<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Galullo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Giannini '82<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Gierczyk<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Thomas Golubski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Gonzalez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rey Gonzalez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Gornick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Grisafi<br />

Ms. Mary Heatter<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Higgins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hoffman<br />

Dr. R. Holmes & Ms. C. Sennett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Horath<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Huizenga<br />

Ms.Aaronetta Humbles<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Janes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Jelinek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jordan<br />

Mrs. Karen Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Klopp, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kotora<br />

Mrs. Margaret Kozlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Krouse<br />

Mr. Frank Kulak<br />

Mrs. Pamela Lach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lau, III<br />

Ms. Carla Lazzara<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Liesen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Linn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lofrano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lopacinski, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michele Martino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Miller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Moorman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Mulry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nagel<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frank Narcisi, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Necastro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Newhuis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nix<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Nowakowski<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Okechi Nwabara<br />

Dr. & Dr. Kevin O'Shea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Opilka<br />

Ms. Deborah Orr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Packard<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pallotto<br />

Mr. Robert Palmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Palmer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Pedone<br />

Mr. & Dr. Derrel Peterson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pillon, Jr.<br />

“The many wonderful teachers at <strong>Marian</strong> showed me how<br />

to lead others in a special way and to love and respect<br />

others in everything I do. At no other high school are the<br />

teachers so concerned and involved in every student’s<br />

well-being. <strong>Marian</strong> taught me that everything I have done<br />

and everything I am is because of my family, friends and<br />

God. This philosophy has carried me through the ups and<br />

downs of life, and I couldn’t have ever accomplished what<br />

I have without your loving guidance and Christ-like<br />

example. Thanks so much for everything!”<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Plonczynski<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Pluth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Powell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Prusa<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Rak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rampage<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reed<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reynolds<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rinconeno<br />

Ms. Mary Robinson Sweeney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Roe<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Roque<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ruthenbeck<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rybczynski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Rymus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rynne<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Sanchez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Skannal<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John St.Aubin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sterzel<br />

—Nicholas McDonnell ’00<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stillman<br />

Ms. Becky L. Sutton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sypole<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Szymanski '70<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Tomasson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Toosevich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Udchitz<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Uhll<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walsh<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James Walter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Warren<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Weidenaar<br />

Dr. & Dr. David Wilk<br />

Ms. Laura Williams-Payne<br />

Ms. Bethany Wilson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wohadlo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Woods<br />


CurrentParentGiving<br />


Current Mothers, Shari Clark, Beverly Vaughan, and Joyce Horath enjoy<br />

themselves at the Father-Daughter/Mother-Son Dance.<br />

“I just want to thank you for<br />

the education and values my<br />

daughter, Jennafer ’03, received<br />

at <strong>Marian</strong>. About a month ago,<br />

we were talking about college<br />

and she said,‘Thank you, Mom,<br />

for sending me to a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

grade school and <strong>Marian</strong>.<br />

I know it was a lot of money,<br />

but I learned so much and it has<br />

made college a lot easier.’ ”<br />

—Karen Bridgeman<br />

F A N<br />

C L U B<br />

Ms. Lauren Abatzis<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Antonio Aceves<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Addyman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ajdinovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Allen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Amadio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Amadio '71 '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Allen Amendola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Anderson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Anderson<br />

Mr. & Mrs Alfredo Arceo, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alejandro Arechiga<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Balash<br />

Ms. Monica Ban<br />

Mr. & Mrs Andrew Banicki<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Barda<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barnai<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bartusiewicz '71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Beecher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bellino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Bender<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Bergin '71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Biank, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Biltgen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bohlen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bolton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brooks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Percy Brown<br />

Ms. Nancy Buchler<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Bugajski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Buhle<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terrence Burke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Burroughs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Claude Burton<br />

Ms. Lynn Bussey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Butler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bylina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caffarini<br />

Mr. John J Cantu<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Capetillo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Carlson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Caruso, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Catinella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chambers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chiaramonte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Ciszewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Clarke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Clough<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Coffey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coleman<br />

Ms. Millicent Collier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Collins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Collinsgrove, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Corradetti '70<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cosman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence DeBoer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Dee '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russel DeLuca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Denny<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephan Denson<br />

Ms. Suzanne Depeder '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dickman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael DiMaggio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Doggett<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Drosos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Duddy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Otis Dunn<br />

Mrs. Natividad Dupaya<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Dymerski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eckel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edwards<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Entsminger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Evans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Fedinets<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William F. Felke<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Feranec<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Ferry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Finlayson<br />

Ms. Debra Finley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Fleming<br />

Mr. John Flynn & Ms. Mary Holm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Foley<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Foresta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Franco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friar<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Furlan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Furman<br />

Ms. Georgia Garcia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Garney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Genisio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glen Giannetti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Golonka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Guy Grabiec<br />

Ms. Margaret Gray<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Gray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gunville<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Guy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Haines<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hajkowicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harmatys<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Heaney<br />

Ms. Nancy Herringer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hinton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hirsch<br />

Mrs. Rebecca Hluska<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hofbauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hofkamp<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hollingshead<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Holzhauser<br />

Ms. Jill Hornick<br />

Ms. Christine Hraban<br />

Mrs.Terri Lynn Hunter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Iggins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jablonski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Jacobsma<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Jansen<br />

Ms.Ann M. Jennings<br />

Mrs. Monique Johnson-Bibbs<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Jones<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kane<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alexander Karagias<br />

Mr. Robert Kasper &<br />

Ms. Polly Weiss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Katello

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Milton Katsaros<br />

Ms. Kathy Keene<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Keppler<br />

Ms. Rukhsana Khan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard King<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kint<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kirschenheiter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Knox Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William C. Koch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kolczynski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Korzeniewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kozlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kozor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krause '71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krumb '69 '71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kruse<br />

Mr. George Kunatz<br />

Mr. Chris LaPorte<br />

Ms Dorea LaPorte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Larcher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Leonhardt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Leoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lesczynski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lessard<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lilek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lisack<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Listro<br />

Ms. Cynthia Locke-Estelle<br />

Ms. Naureen Loftus<br />

Ms. Laurene LePore &<br />

Mr. Bradley Long<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lopez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lorenz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Luster<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Makiejus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mantel<br />

Mrs. Cynthia Markey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martin, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Marvinac<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Marz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Matese '74<br />

Mrs. Muriel McClam-Hollimon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell '78<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry McGhee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McMahon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George<br />

McNamara, Jr. '80, '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McNichols<br />

Rev. & Mrs. James Meeks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Merriman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. William Meyer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Milkovic<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Miszkiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mitrovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mizwicki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moore<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Moore<br />

Ms. Kathleen M. Moorhouse<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norberto Moraga<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moran<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Tremayne Moss<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Murphy<br />

Ms. Kathleen Murphy<br />

Mr. Patrick T. Murphy '74<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Armand Napoleon '72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nessel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Nichele<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Noonan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Novak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Novelli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nowaczyk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Nuzzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O'Neill<br />

Mr. Patrick O'Rourke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ogden, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Oliver<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Ortega<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ortigara<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Padden<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Burton A. Padove<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Palmisano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Panici<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Paquette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Perry Perez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Peterson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Isidro Piloni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Pinedo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Pizzato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paolina Pizzoferrato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Pochinskas<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Prisco<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Puk<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Purdy, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rene Raudry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Rees, Jr.<br />

Mrs. Linda Resner<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Rinas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ritchie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rosandich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Rossbach<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Rossi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Salasky<br />

Ms. Pastora Sanchez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santschi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schaberger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Schmidt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schroeder<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Schultz<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Adrian Scudella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Semik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Senter<br />

Ms. Lisa Shapiro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sherly<br />

Mr. James Sink<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Sisk<br />

Ms. Kathryn Skaro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skarvan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Skau<br />

Ms. Pauline Slager<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Smith<br />

Ms. Julia Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sneed<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Spinozzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Stoterau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stroud<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Swanson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sweeney '63<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Szczepanski<br />

Ms. Amber Tawlks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Taylor<br />

Ms.Vicki Taylor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theruviparampil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thirstrup<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Andrew Thomson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Ted Tolish<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Torphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Torres<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tortorello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Trotier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard VanVuren<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Vellender '78 '78<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walter<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terry Ward<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Ware<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wasil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wegrzyn '75, '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Welsh '77 '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Welton<br />

Mrs. Brenda Wesley<br />

Ms. Linda Whittaker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Williams<br />

Mr. Richard Wilson &<br />

Ms. Delores Goodman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wise<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wojnar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Youngblood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Zack<br />

Mr. Casimir Zatarski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Zerante '72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Zuidema<br />


for CURRENT P<strong>AR</strong>ENTS<br />

$139,884.78<br />

“We are so grateful for the wonderful education that both of our<br />

children have received. But more importantly, we’ve truly appreciated<br />

the kind and faithful leadership that you’ve provided for both Bill ’01<br />

and Katie ’04. Thank you for being such strong and loving role<br />

models for them and for educating them in a respectful environment<br />

that was always guided by our shared faith and values.”<br />

—Bill & Melanie Byrnes<br />


Friends/CorporateMatchingGifts<br />

Investors from the extended community share the Dominican Mission to provide outstanding education by<br />

making a commitment in support of the total quality of life experienced in the Southland at <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>.<br />


Joan Miller, Casey, Mitch and Masako Murphy visit the<br />

stadium flag pole dedicated in memory of Patrick Jude Murphy ’81.<br />


for FRIENDS<br />

$196,046.64<br />

F R I E N D S<br />

D O M I N I C A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Anonymous<br />

Dominican Sisters of Springfield<br />

Gallagher Asphalt Corporation<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Kaminski<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> -<br />

Athletic Booster Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.<br />

P R E S I D E N T<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Dr. Kamalesh & Dr. Lekha Babu<br />

Calumet Flexicore Corporation<br />

Mrs. Betty Dean<br />

Mr. Roger J. Griggs<br />

Illinois Sons of Italy Foundation, Inc.<br />

Irish Fellowship Educational &<br />

Cultural Foundation<br />

Mr. George Kline<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Student Council<br />

MGM Construction Co, Inc.<br />

Mrs. Masako Murphy<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John Silliker<br />

St. John <strong>Catholic</strong> Church<br />

Ms. Barbara A. Zeller<br />

B O A R D<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mrs. Mary E. Cieplak<br />

Ms. Eileen M. Knockemus<br />

Mary Wolf Rolfing Bogue<br />

Foundation Inc.<br />

Murphy Marble Company, Inc<br />

S P A R T A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Ehlman<br />

Mrs. Raymond Jenkins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Helmut H. Klein<br />

Lincoln Mall<br />

Marks & Company<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William McClain<br />

Rev. Edward J. McKenna<br />

Mr.Thomas L. Mitchell<br />

Mrs. Elsie Necastro<br />

The Honorable &<br />

Mrs.Terrence J. O'Brien<br />

Mrs. John F. Renaud<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nick A. Zagotta<br />

F A N<br />

C L U B<br />

Mrs. Cathleen Bolda<br />

Mrs. Celia Faso<br />

Mr. Edward Fischer<br />

Mrs. Rita Galloway<br />

Mrs.Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Mrs. F. J. Heneghan<br />

Mrs. Ellen Kinahan<br />

Mr. Peter Mitkus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mohan<br />

Mrs.Virginia Paul<br />

Mr. Ryan Rockaitis<br />

State Farm Insurance<br />

Subway Sandwiches & Salads<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surjan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L.Walsdorf<br />

C O R P O R A T E<br />

M A T C H I N G<br />

G I F T S<br />

C O M P A N Y<br />

Aileen S. Andrew Foundation<br />

BCS Financial Corporation<br />

BP Foundation, Inc.<br />

Burlington Northern Santa Fe<br />

Pacific Foundation<br />

Chicago Mercantile<br />

Exchange Foundation<br />

Exelon Corporation<br />

Fannie Mae Foundation<br />

Illinois Tool Works Foundation<br />

Intuit Donation Matching Program<br />

Leo Burnett Company, Inc.<br />

Meredith Corporation Foundation<br />

Northwestern Mutual Foundation<br />

Peoples Energy Corporation<br />

PepsiCo Foundation<br />

Pfizer Foundation<br />

R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company<br />

Storage Tek Foundation<br />

The Boeing Company<br />

Gift Matching Program<br />

The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation<br />

The Robert Wood<br />

Johnson Foundation<br />

Union Tank Car Company<br />

W.W. Grainger, Inc.<br />


for CORPORATE<br />


$10,940.00<br />

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below

Financial & Fiscal<br />

Year Summary<br />

JULY 1, 2004 through JUNE 30, 2005<br />

Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus<br />

5%<br />


All Tuition and Fees $10,510, 688<br />

Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus $634,524<br />

Athletic and Extracurricular $113,040<br />

Advancement $1,134,036<br />

Tuition and Fees<br />

79%<br />

Athletic & Extracurricular<br />

1%<br />

Advancement<br />

8.5%<br />

(plus stock)<br />

Other Income/Investments $483,993<br />

Dominican Tuition Aid $275,000<br />

Contributed Services* $163,538<br />

Total: $13,314,819<br />

Other Income/Investments<br />

3.5%<br />

Dominican Tuition Aid<br />

2%<br />

Contributed Services<br />

1%<br />


Salaries & Benefits $8,193,519<br />

Contributed Services* $163,538<br />

Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus $634,524<br />

Plant Maintenance,<br />

New Equipment, Depreciation $1,127,649<br />

Athletic & Extracurricular $506,317<br />

Administrative $403,350<br />

Advancement $310,085<br />

Department Budgets $410,118<br />

Deposit to Investments<br />

& Endowment $1,574,707<br />

Total: $13,314,819<br />

Salaries & Benefits<br />

62%<br />

Contributed Services<br />

1%<br />

Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus<br />

5%<br />

Plant Maintenance,<br />

New Equipment, Depreciation<br />

8%<br />

Athletic & Extracurricular<br />

4%<br />

Administrative<br />

3%<br />

Advancement<br />

2%<br />

Department Budgets<br />

3%<br />

Deposit to Investments<br />

& Endowment<br />

12%<br />


EndowmentClassic 2004<br />


John Jurkash looks down the<br />

fairway during the<br />

2004 Endowment Golf Classic.<br />

Renee Botelho hitting a fairway<br />

shot at Idlewild Country Club.<br />


Liberty Graphics, Inc. —<br />

William J. Kiehl<br />

QLT Graphics, LLC —<br />

Angela Kiehl Hipelius ’86<br />

A Friend of <strong>Marian</strong> Scholars<br />



First National Bank—<br />

Chicago Heights/Frankfort/<br />

Olympia Fields<br />



Lansing Sport Shop—<br />

The Rosati Family<br />


Beautyguard Building Products<br />


The Ferrari Family<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl and Family<br />


Friends of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />


Kenwood Painted Metals, Inc.—<br />

The Family of Greg & Mary<br />

Underwood<br />

Bonell Manufacturing—<br />

The Family of Tom & Barb<br />

Okleshen<br />

The Northern Trust Company<br />



The Fuehrmeyer Family—<br />

Jim, Jean, Erika ’95 & Katie ’99<br />

Tim & Mary Ann<br />

O’Hea ’63 ’62 & Family<br />

Gerald & Judy Mohan & Family<br />

Newcomb Marketing Solutions<br />

COURSE<br />



Anonymous<br />

Heritage Bank—<br />

Chicago Heights, Frankfort<br />


Tech-Tronics Construction, Inc.—<br />

Tom Kubisak ’69<br />



The King Family—<br />

Dick, Mary Kay ’74, Brittany ’00,<br />

Teddy ’03 & Billy ’06<br />

Morgan Stanley Orland Park—<br />

Les Murschell CFP<br />

& Ryan R. McNeely<br />

Tech-Tronics Construction, Inc.—<br />

Tom Kubisak ’69<br />


Arnie Bauer Cadillac - GMC—<br />

Darrin Bauer ’83<br />



Jones & Cleary Roofing &<br />

Sheetmetal Company<br />

Kenwood Painted Metals, Inc.—<br />

The Family of Greg<br />

& Mary Underwood<br />

Lincoln Mall<br />

St. James Hospital & Health Centers<br />

South Chicago Packing Co.<br />

The Zagotta Family—<br />

Nicko ’02, Peter ’06, Mary Kate ’10<br />



Bimba Manufacturing—<br />

Pat Ormsby<br />

Bonell Manufacturing—<br />

The Family of<br />

Tom & Barb Okleshen<br />

Copier Dynamics—<br />

Marty Mikolajewski<br />

LatzBruni Partners, LLC—<br />

Michael Bruni ’86

Joann Lindholm picks up<br />

her prize at the Golf Classic.<br />


A.G. Edwards & Sons— Paul Burrell<br />

All Service Plumbing<br />

American Sale<br />

AmeriTitle, Inc.—<br />

Andrew M. Grossi ’71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael<br />

Botelho & Jennifer ’05<br />

Ryan D. Brothers Memorial<br />

Scholarship Fund<br />

Geraldine Burke & Family<br />

Centria Coating Services—<br />

Larry Whited<br />

City of Chicago Heights –<br />

Mayor Anthony DeLuca<br />

Denny & Cathy (Schulze ’68) Coll<br />

Enterprise Oil Company<br />

Michael B. Fagan, DDS., Ltd. ’70<br />

(both courses)<br />

Faso Excavating<br />

First National Bank of Illinois—<br />

Lansing<br />

Friends of Kevin Beukema ’97<br />

Great Lakes Bank, N.A.<br />

Harris Trust & Savings Bank—<br />

Robert J. Gromala ’97,V. P.<br />

H.H.H., Inc.<br />

Heather Medical Associates—<br />

Dr. James Anderson<br />

Helsel-Jepperson Electrical, Inc.<br />

Michael & Jacqueline<br />

Kennedy ’80 & Family<br />

The King Family—<br />

Dick, Mary Kay ’78, Brittany ’00,<br />

Teddy ’03 & Billy ’06<br />

Bob Gromala ’97 watches his<br />

putt at the 2004 Endowment<br />

Golf Classic.<br />

The Larson Family—<br />

Kevin, Diane, Jill ’98 & Dawn ’01<br />

The Lydon Family—<br />

Tom & Elaine, John ’92 &<br />

Christopher ’94<br />

METT Therapy Services—<br />

Tim & Jan Coleman ’78<br />

Midco, Inc.—Systems Integrator for<br />

Telephone Security Systems<br />

Pepper Construction<br />

Pepsi Americas<br />

George Perry & Associates<br />

Dr. Gene M. Ranieri ’67 & Family<br />

S & S Automotive, Inc.<br />

Skyline Disposal Company<br />

Sodexho <strong>School</strong> Services<br />

U S Cellular—<br />

Karen Scott Leonard ’67<br />


Maureen Burke Andrews ’87<br />

Armida Florist<br />

A & G Chemical and<br />

Supply Company<br />

Peter J. Cleary<br />

The Egg & I Restaurants—<br />

Chicago Heights/Tinley Park<br />

Ideations—<br />

Jeffrey & Sharice Johnson—<br />

Brittany ’06 & Janelle ’09<br />

International Metals Processing—<br />

Vince Desmond<br />

Jeffrey LaMorte Salon & Day Spa—<br />

Frankfort/Orland Park<br />

Jostens, Inc.—Don Cranley<br />

Marc Alan Salon & Day Spa<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Alumni Association<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Spartan Athletic<br />

Booster Club<br />

Brian Morrison—<br />

Olympia Fields Country Club<br />

Olympic Printing<br />

RSM McGladrey, Inc.—<br />

James Tapscott<br />

Ruhl Family Alumni—<br />

Sarah ’87, Dave ’93, Ellen ’94, Matt<br />

’96 & Martha ’98 (both courses)<br />

Sanfratello’s Pizza, Inc.<br />

David J. Santori, Bloom Township<br />

Trustee, Attorney at Law<br />

Steger Flower Shop—<br />

The Zagone Family— Joe ’74,<br />

Marielle, Katie ’06, Margaret ’10<br />

and Jackie Morell Rose ’96<br />

Carol Burke Swanson ’81<br />

The Term Group, LLC—<br />

Nancy Lynch Virene ’81<br />

U S Cellular—<br />

Karen Scott Leonard ’67<br />

Bob & Nancy (Lynch ’81) Virene<br />

Walt’s Food Centers<br />


Marc & Jean Adduci<br />

City of Country Club Hills—<br />

Mayor Dwight Welch<br />

Courtesy Office Products<br />

Tim & Mary Danaher<br />

Eenigenburg Water<br />

Conditioning, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krumb ’69 ’71<br />

Newman & Boyer, Ltd.<br />



Marc Adduci—<br />

Sandy Pines Golf Course—<br />

DeMotte, Indiana<br />

Arnie Bauer Cadillac – GMC<br />

Darrin Bauer ’83<br />

Cole & Young Jewelers—<br />

Larry & Barb Mollo<br />

Marty Fraley—<br />

Paradise Golf – Crown Point,<br />

Valparaiso, Indiana<br />

Pat Goncher<br />

Neil Harrington<br />

Marc Alan Salon & Day Spa<br />

Tony Makarek ’64<br />

Bob Martino<br />

Jim Matese ’74<br />

Fred Newell<br />

Greg Underwood<br />

Nick Zagotta<br />

P<strong>AR</strong>TICIPATING<br />




Balmoral Woods Country Club<br />

Briar Ridge Country Club<br />

Flossmoor Country Club<br />

Harborside International<br />

Idlewild Country Club<br />

Lincoln Oaks<br />

The Odyssey Country Club<br />

Old Orchard Country Club<br />

Olympia Fields Country Club<br />

Prestwick Country Club<br />

Ravisloe Country Club<br />

Ridge Country Club<br />

Ruffled Feathers Golf Club<br />

Sandy Pines Golf Club<br />

2004 ENDOWMENT<br />


C0-CHAIRS<br />

Mark Peifer ’81<br />

Greg Underwood<br />


Marc Adduci<br />

Darrin Bauer ’83<br />

John Brennan ’97<br />

Erin DeBruin ’99<br />

Joe Faso ’69<br />

Pat Goncher<br />

Bob Gromala ’97<br />

Mike Kennedy ’80<br />

Mary Kay (Hogan) King ’78<br />

Rich Krumb ’69<br />

Karen Scott Leonard ’67<br />

Mary Krumb Lipari ’67<br />

Tony Makarek ’64<br />

Jim Matese ’74<br />

Mike Murphy ’70<br />

Janet Noth<br />

Tony Rosati ’80<br />

Pete Ruhl<br />

Carol Burke Swanson ’81<br />

Nancy Lynch Virene ’81<br />


AIMAthleticInitiative at <strong>Marian</strong><br />

When the west campus acreage was purchased by the Dominican Sisters<br />

of Springfield and gifted to <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the potential for<br />

the school program was evident. At AIM's conception it was decided that<br />

improvements to the west campus would occur as funds were received;<br />

safety concerns would be addressed first. Now, after a huge investment by<br />

the school community, <strong>Marian</strong> has completed the project to build and<br />

improve its west campus athletic facilities. Through AIM, the following has<br />

been accomplished:<br />

Baseball coach Pat<br />

Higgins and Principal<br />

Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait,<br />

O.P. enjoy their time<br />

at <strong>Marian</strong> Madness<br />

which raised $8000<br />

for AIM in 2005.<br />

Registration at the Tail Power Classic—<br />

Patrick J. Murphy ’81 Memorial Golf Outing<br />

continued to grow in its third year.<br />


Anonymous Alumnus<br />

Mrs. Meghan Reidy Arnold '94<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bajenski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Banicki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Beese '81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Benker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blue<br />

Mr. Mark Boyle<br />

Mr. Joseph Camaioni '89<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caruso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William Cleary, III '75, '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Danaher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Dee '88<br />

Ms. Phyllis DePaolo<br />

Mr. James Donahue '81<br />

Mr. Nick Dragisic, Jr.<br />

Mrs. Celia Faso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Flamini, Jr. '89, '90<br />

Mr.Thomas Foote '77<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Armand Gasbarro<br />

Mr. Jerry Gleason<br />

Mr. John Holecek '90<br />

Mr. Robert E. Hord, Jr.<br />

Mr. Brian Hryn '87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79<br />

Mr. Kevin Kelly '80<br />

Mr. Edward Kmak '89<br />

Mr. Jerome B. Komar<br />

Ms. Lynne Kurtyak<br />

Ms. Susan Lach '81<br />

Mr. Jeff LaMorte<br />

Dr. Jeffrey LaPorte '76<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Laschober<br />

Lincoln Mall<br />

Mrs. Josephine LoBue<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Athletic Boosters<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Massucci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mattio '66<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miller '87, '88<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Moffatt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mollo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Murray<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Armand Napoleon '72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Nardoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Noone<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Okleshen<br />

Mrs. Sharon Janusek Paciorek '66<br />

Mrs. Kerry Reidy Paris '91<br />

Mrs. Aldona Petrarca<br />

Mr.Thomas Poynton '88<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prior '81, '81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Pruitt<br />

Mr. Scott Pulcini '90<br />

Mrs. Colleen O'Neill Ranieri '83<br />

Mrs. Bridget O'Neill Reed '82<br />

Ms. Bridget Reidy '97<br />

Ms. Shannon Reidy '90<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rice<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Riordan '87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ruhl<br />

Mrs. Joanne O'Neill Sicher '81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Smith<br />

Mr. Dwight Snow '87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Spotora<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Stallings<br />

Ms. Mary Stevens<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Sullivan<br />

Mr.Thomas Swanborn '84<br />

Mrs. Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Mr.Timothy Swanson '86<br />

Ms. Marcia Spires<br />

Tail Power Golf Classic Golfers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Underwood<br />

Mrs. Nancy Lynch Virene '81<br />

Rev.William J.Vollmer '83<br />

Ms. Dana L.Wade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Waller<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Welsh<br />

Mr. Edward Ziltz '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ziltz '82<br />

• Softball fencing was purchased and installed, baseball field fencing<br />

repaired.<br />

• Twelve sets of bleachers have been purchased and installed for the<br />

tennis courts, freshman baseball field and the soccer fields.<br />

• New lighting for Spartan Stadium which the Tail Power Classic Patrick J.<br />

Murphy Memorial Golf Outing has<br />

committed to cover the cost.<br />

• Stadium press box was<br />

renovated.<br />

• An irrigation well has been<br />

installed, a pump and<br />

electric connections have<br />

been installed and bids are<br />

being sought for the irrigation<br />

system to serve the well.<br />

• State of the art facilities for our<br />

long jump and triple jump pits, including<br />

fencing, retaining walls and the runway<br />

approach have been installed.<br />


$166,227.33<br />


$142,793.99<br />


$223,082.09<br />

• New, upgraded digital scoreboard for Spartan Stadium was erected.

“ The Courage to Lead ”<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Akey<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Ramzi Bahu<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Bartusiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Basic<br />

Mr. Darrin Bauer ’83<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beaudry ’67,’67<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bimm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blackburn<br />

Mr. Jeffrey Blakemore ’67<br />

Mrs. Genevieve Boesen<br />

Dr.Therese Bogs ’82<br />

Dr.Athea Rosati Bojar ’65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Botelho<br />

Mr. Frank Bracha<br />

Dr. & Dr. Frantz Brignol<br />

Mr. Michael Bruni ’86<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Dominick Cannata<br />

Ms. Gina Cannata ’96<br />

Mrs. Joelyn Carlasare<br />

Mr. Kenneth Carpender ’73<br />

Mr. Michael Caruso<br />

Mr. Michael Cavalieri ’95<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Cleary, III ’75, ’75<br />

Ms. Catherine Schulze-Coll ’68<br />

Ms. Rosann Corpolongo<br />

Ms. Carla Cortes ’81<br />

Mr. Chris Cummings ’76<br />

Mr.Timothy Danaher<br />

Mr.Timothy Daw ’78<br />

Miss Erin DeBruin ’99<br />

Mr. James Dee ’80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John DeRaimo<br />

Mr. Edward DiLuia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan ’72<br />

Mrs. Cindy Dupczak<br />

Dr. Christopher Easley<br />

L O N G - R A N G E P L A N<br />

The "Courage To Lead" Long-Range Plan for <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> took on further definition with the development of<br />

specific, targeted strategic action plans - complete with deadlines, budgets, and benchmarks of achievement. The last of the<br />

strategic plans was approved by the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Advisory Board on June 7, 2005.<br />

The strategic plans flow from the Long-Range Plan (published in the 2003-2004 Report) which used the input of several<br />

hundred persons in focus groups or by phone. <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> wishes to thank those whose ideas helped to shape both the<br />

Long-Range & Strategic Action Plans which eventually identified leadership, endowment and campus growth as priorities.<br />

Mrs. Jane Ebner<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Eisenbart ’75, ’75<br />

Mrs. Mary Kay Entsminger<br />

Mrs.Andrea Evans<br />

Mrs. Melissa Sage Fadim<br />

Dr. Michael Fagan ’70<br />

Mr. Joseph Faso ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Faso ’79<br />

Mr.William Feimer<br />

Mr. Joseph Feminis ’73<br />

Mr. John Ferrari ’63<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Field<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Fuehrmeyer, Jr.<br />

Mr. Charles Gallagher ’77<br />

Mr. James Gierczyk<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Golden<br />

Sr. Janice Greenwood, O.P.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Griffin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Guagenti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gustafson<br />

Dr. Joseph Hamann ’79<br />

Ms. Marilyn Hamb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartl<br />

Mr. John Heneghan<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Hickey<br />

Mrs. Pauline Strzelec Hilliard ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Hipelius<br />

Mr.William Hogan<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Hollandsworth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Howisen<br />

Mr. Harry Howisen ’93<br />

Sr. Marcelline Koch, O.P.<br />

Mrs.Audrey Hudson-McFarlin<br />

Mrs. Debbie Hughes<br />

Mr. John Irwin<br />

Mrs.Anita Jackson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sebastian Jacob<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III ’79<br />

Mrs. Mary Juraska<br />

Mr. Robert Kaminski<br />

Mrs. Nancy Kaz<br />

Mr. Patrick Keating ’81<br />

Mr. Kevin Kelly ’80<br />

Ms. Barbara Kelly-Gorbitz<br />

Mr. Michael Kennedy ’80<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Kiehl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard King<br />

Ms. Jennifer Klopp<br />

Mr. Edward Kmak ’89<br />

Mr. John Kozojed<br />

Mr. Peter Kroner<br />

Mrs. Peggy Kroning<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Krusinski ’64, ’65<br />

Mr.Vincent Krydynski ’81<br />

Mr.Thomas Kubisak ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kumskis ’89, ’89<br />

Mr.Thomas Kuzma ’71<br />

Mrs. Iraetta Lacey<br />

Mr. Bobby Lambert<br />

Mr. Josh Lamont<br />

Mr. & Dr. Hilary Lancaster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Larson<br />

Mrs. Joann Lindholm<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam LoMonaco<br />

Mrs. Ellen Longawa<br />

Mr. Scott Lynch<br />

Rev. Sammie Maletta<br />

Sr.Teresa Marron, O.P.<br />

Mr. Scott Marshall ’93<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Marvinac<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Marz<br />

Mrs. Peg Massucci<br />

Mr. Michael Massucci ’95<br />

Mr. Dave Mattio ’66<br />

Mr. Harvey Mazur<br />

Mrs. Jan Mazza<br />

Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67<br />

Dr. Michael McCaughey ’81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCormick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Mrs. Roberta Rolwing McQuade ’76<br />

Mrs. Diana McDonnell<br />

Dr. Jon Misch<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Moffatt<br />

Mr. Michael Mohan ’84<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mollo<br />

Dr. Shirley Morris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Morrison<br />

Mr.Anthony Murphy ’68<br />

Mr. Michael Murphy ’70<br />

Mr. Peter Murphy<br />

Mr. Robert Necastro<br />

Mr. David Nelson ’84<br />

Ms. Colleen Newquist ’79<br />

Mr.William Noone<br />

Mrs. Janet Noth<br />

Mr. Gerry O’Brien<br />

Mrs. Sheila O’Grady Duffy ’85<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy O’Hea ’63, ’62<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas O’Sullivan<br />

Ms.Aimee Delaney Ogren ’91<br />

Mr. Stanley Pagorek<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pallotto<br />

Mr. Phil Panozzo ’78<br />

Mr. Philip Pascarella<br />

Mr.Anthony Pasquinelli<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Terrance Peabody<br />

Mr. Mark Peifer ’81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peifer<br />

Mrs. Marjorie Pelino<br />

Sr.Agnes Ann Pisel, O.P.<br />

Ms. Suzanne Platt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Otis Pope<br />

Mrs. Jennifer Hudson-Powell ’89<br />

Brother Michael Quirk, FSC ’70<br />

Mrs. Maryelen Zagotta Quirke ’71<br />

Mrs. Colleen O’Neill Ranieri ’83<br />

Ms. Shannon Reidy ’90<br />

Mr. Brian Riordan ’89<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rippey<br />

Mr. Michael Rodewald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Robinette<br />

Mr. Ryan Rockaitis<br />

Mr. Patrick Roe<br />

Mr. Peter Ruhl<br />

Mr.Thomas Sadler ’65<br />

Mr. Michael Savage ’72<br />

Sr. Jean Patrice Schingel, O.P.<br />

Mr.Timothy Seibt ’83<br />

Mr. Jack Skagerberg ’73<br />

Mr. Brian Skibinski ’96<br />

Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spoonhour<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Springer<br />

Rev. John Siemianowski<br />

Miss Marcheta Smith<br />

Mr. Dwight Snow ’87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stillman<br />

Dr. John F. Sullivan<br />

Mrs. Carol Burke Swanson ’81<br />

Mr.Thomas Sweeney<br />

Mr.Alan Szymanski ’70<br />

Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P.<br />

Dr. Mark Talamonti ’74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tapanja<br />

Mrs. Kelly O’Hea Taylor ’84<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Toth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Trump ’75, ’75<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Underwood<br />

Monsignor Kenneth Velo<br />

Mr. Robert Velo ’95<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Verkruyse<br />

Mr. Peter Vrdolyak<br />

Mrs.Anastasia Waller<br />

Mr.William Walter ’95<br />

Mayor Dwight Welch<br />

Ms. Judith Welsh ’68<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Welsh ’77, ’80<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Willard<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Leon Witkowski, Jr.<br />

Mr. Nick Zagotta<br />

Mr. Joseph Zampillo ’89<br />

Ms. Barbara Zeller<br />

Mrs. Karen Zerante<br />

Mr. Edward Ziltz ’80<br />

Mr.Tibor Zsuppon<br />


Scholarship FundSources<br />

Ministry subsidy grants from the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, gifts made by members of<br />

the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> family to the Sr. Simeon Fund, and endowed scholarships comprise the<br />

sources of financial aid to students. Tuition for the 2004-2005 school year was $6,200 plus fees.<br />


Tuition aid is never funded from the tuition of other current students. Financial aid is largely made possible through<br />

the goodness of the Dominican Sisters who have established grants to subsidize the ministry of their Sisters. The<br />

administration of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> has traditionally restricted their total gift to tuition aid. Families apply for aid by<br />

submitting documentation, including income tax information, to an outside agency which determines need.<br />

Dominican Sisters of Springfield:<br />

The Sisters provide a Subsidy Grant which, in 2004-2005, was given to 202 students and totaled $275,000.<br />

The Saints Catherine and Dominic Scholarships, more extensive grants given by the Dominican Sisters are limited<br />

to one young man and one young woman at each class level, and totaled $31,800 in 2004-2005.<br />

Melissa Fadim with Endowed Scholarship students Jim ’01<br />

and Joe Siegert ’05 at the 2004 Endowment Golf Classic.<br />


Students received tuition relief in amounts appropriate to the situation and need during the year, realizing a dream<br />

of Sr. M. Simeon McCoppin, O.P., a former school Treasurer, who worked with many families to find emergency aid<br />

to supplement the funds gifted annually by the Dominican Sisters. A brochure explaining this program, which is<br />

often used for memorials, is available by contacting the Advancement Office.<br />


“We want to take this time and opportunity to thank you, the<br />

faculty and staff of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, for educating our daughter<br />

and preparing her for college and life beyond. We know that she has<br />

been given the best moral, spiritual and academic instruction possible.<br />

The rest is up to her.”<br />

—LeRoy and Sandra Mitchell<br />

ENDOWED SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIPS<br />

Endowed scholarships are awarded annually using the interest earned on monies restricted to tuition aid by donor<br />

families. All endowed scholarships are invested with professional managers and are restricted for use for annual<br />

tuition aid in keeping with the wishes of the donor family. A quarter scholarship is given when the endowment<br />

reaches the $25,000 level.

Currently funded scholarships include:<br />


SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP (2)<br />

Established by J.M. and JoAnne<br />

Morrison, who were strong<br />

advocates for academic recognition,<br />

this scholarship requires academic<br />

excellence, selfless service, and<br />

involvement in school activities.<br />



MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP (2)<br />

Established by alumni parents<br />

Edward and Betty Savant in honor<br />

of their parents who labored to<br />

give their children an education,<br />

the scholarship requires strong<br />

character and solid academics and<br />

gives first preference to students<br />

from single-parent families.<br />

THE M<strong>AR</strong>G<strong>AR</strong>ET S. WRUBEL<br />

MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by Frank Bracha in<br />

memory of his niece Margie who<br />

encouraged her family to achieve,<br />

this scholarship funds one student<br />

annually who evidences character<br />

and service, with a first preference<br />

being given to students from the<br />

East Side of Chicago.<br />


MEANS SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by alumni parent<br />

Nancy Kaz in memory of her<br />

gentle but strong parents who<br />

supported the Dominican Sisters<br />

of St. Christina Parish and<br />

provided <strong>Catholic</strong> education for<br />

their own children.<br />

M<strong>AR</strong>IAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL<br />


SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

With the funds accrued from the<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Endowment Classic golf outing, this<br />

fund now assists several students<br />

with partial tuition scholarships<br />

and is used for students in good<br />

standing whose families have<br />

suffered a loss or hardship.<br />


MCCAUGHEY, JR. SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established anonymously by an<br />

alumnus of the Class of 1967, and<br />

later designated by him with the<br />

above title, the award is pre-conditioned<br />

on the willingness of the<br />

student to later assist others with<br />

similar needs once they are<br />

established in a career.<br />


SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by Hall of Fame<br />

inductee Terry Flanagan ’62 and his<br />

wife, Patricia LeRose Flanagan ’64,<br />

the fund recognizes the average<br />

student who evidences extraordinary<br />

effort in every area of school life.<br />

THE TIMOTHY AND M<strong>AR</strong>Y ANN<br />

ORMSBY O’HEA ’63 ’62 FAMILY<br />

SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

As MCHS graduates whose five<br />

children also graduated from<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, Tim and Mary<br />

Ann O’Hea ’63 ’62 designed this<br />

family scholarship to encourage<br />

the efforts and investment of families<br />

having three or more children at<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> at the same time.<br />

THE RICH<strong>AR</strong>D AND ANNE POTTS<br />

ACADEMIC SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by former Student<br />

Council President and present<br />

Mercy Hospital Chief of Staff Dr.<br />

Steven Potts, M.D. ’77 in honor of<br />

his parents, this scholarship has<br />

traditionally been given to<br />

qualified students whose families<br />

have a medical emergency.<br />


MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Given in memory of Vince,<br />

well-loved MCHS alumnus of the<br />

Class of 1963, by his parents Dr.<br />

Luke and Elsie Pascale, this<br />

scholarship is restricted to a solid<br />

student whose family evidences<br />

courage in the face of illness.<br />


SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Given in memory of Diane<br />

DeFries ’64 by her friends (lead by<br />

Mary Ann Balfour Carlstead ’64),<br />

the scholarship is restricted to a<br />

student sharing Diane’s love of<br />

service and/or a family who has<br />

suffered from cancer.<br />

THE NICOLA AND M<strong>AR</strong>IA M.<br />

PASC<strong>AR</strong>ELLA MEMORIAL<br />

SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Given by alumni and current<br />

parent Philip Pascarella in memory<br />

of his parents, faith-filled <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

individuals who valued hard work<br />

and integrity, the fund is restricted<br />

to a student with a strong work<br />

ethic who lives the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />

James Murphy ’05 and<br />

Cassie Lau ’05 address<br />

parents and friends at<br />

the Graduation Mass.<br />



SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by alumni parent<br />

Jean Fuehrmeyer in memory of<br />

her parents whose fidelity and<br />

commitment to <strong>Catholic</strong> education<br />

were extraordinary in the<br />

spirit of John’s blindness from<br />

World War II.<br />

“I am sending this donation for a student who may need it more than I do. All the students who<br />

were at <strong>Marian</strong> during my four years are now gone, but many of my teachers, mentors, and a<br />

spirit of love, hope, and soulful scholarship still remain. I look ahead in my own life, but I can never<br />

forget the wisdom from where I’ve come.”<br />

—Jeffery Patton ’02<br />



Sr.Teresa offers the Eucharist to<br />

Joseph DiMaggio ’06.<br />

Committed scholarships with<br />

criteria in process:<br />

The <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mothers Club Scholarship<br />

The J.D. Hilliard<br />

Memorial Scholarship<br />

The Amadio (Stu) and JoAnne<br />

Bruni Scholarship<br />

The Sr. Catherine<br />

O'Neill Memorial Scholarship<br />

Other maturing scholarships include:<br />


MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Given in memory of their son Kevin<br />

who was killed as a high school<br />

senior in an automobile accident,<br />

B.K. and Frank Maher established<br />

this award which requires at least<br />

average academics and a positive<br />

attitude reflected in involvement<br />

and service.<br />


MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

An ardent fan of every activity in<br />

which his children were involved,<br />

George Klupchak appreciated<br />

both effort and talent. The<br />

scholarship was established in<br />

George’s name by the Klupchak<br />

family, as well as by friends led by<br />

Tom Kubisak '69.<br />


MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by The Beukema<br />

Family in memory of Kevin, a<br />

young man of service, joy, and faith<br />

whose young life was cut short by<br />

a drunken driver. The scholarship<br />

that bears Kevin’s name requires<br />

that a student be willing to offer<br />

generous service in the context of<br />

academics and of faith.<br />

THE RIPPEY FAMILY SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

This scholarship was established by<br />

The Rippey Family to be awarded<br />

annually to a student who wishes to<br />

fully live the “<strong>Marian</strong> Spirit” with<br />

energy, scholarship, and a sense of<br />

fun and service.<br />

THE <strong>AR</strong>THUR AND LA VERNE<br />

WELSH SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Designated by the Welsh sons and<br />

daughters in honor of their<br />

parents’ 85th and 75th birthdays,<br />

the Scholarship is restricted to a<br />

good student whose parent is<br />

expending extraordinary effort to<br />

retain the student in a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

high school.<br />



SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

This scholarship is in honor of Lt.<br />

Cdr. Patrick J. Murphy whose life<br />

was taken in the terrorist attack<br />

on The Pentagon on September<br />

11, 2001. Established by classmates<br />

of Patrick Murphy who<br />

sought a living tribute, a yearly<br />

reminder of lives lived in courage,<br />

this ongoing scholarship is given to<br />

a student who evidences service<br />

to God, country and family.<br />


MEMORIAL SCHOL<strong>AR</strong>SHIP<br />

Established by family and friends in<br />

memory of Dean whose young life<br />

was cut short by a tragic accident<br />

while working. The scholarship<br />

honors Dean’s love of music and<br />

the arts.<br />


2004-2005<br />

Anonymous Parent<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Asato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Baker<br />

Mr. Scott Bodnar<br />

Mrs. Marilyn Bricks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Carpenter<br />

Mrs. Mary E. Cieplak<br />

Mr. Mrs. John Cifelli ’73,‘77<br />

Ms. Jennifer Clifford '88<br />

Mrs. Betty Dean<br />

Sr. M. Bede, O.P.<br />

Dominican Sisters of Springfield<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dupczak<br />

Mr. George Fabian<br />

Mrs. Lorron Grady Farani '62<br />

Mr. John Ferrari '63<br />

Ms. Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Golden<br />

Governors State University<br />

Ms. Beverly Hamilton<br />

Mrs. James Hannigan<br />

Mrs. Linda Hansen<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Hau<br />

Ms. Eleanor J. Hayes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Hayes<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Henderlong<br />

Mrs. Mary Hires<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hofman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Howisen<br />

Mr. Harry Howisen '93<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Hunziker<br />

Irish Fellowship<br />

Educational & Cultural Found<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Jackson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sebastian Jacob<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Kaminski<br />

Mrs. Loretta Katauskas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Kirscher<br />

Nina Council - Knights of Columbus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laddie A. Korecek, Jr.<br />

Ms. Lisa Kowynia '87<br />

Mr. Peter A. Kroner<br />

Leo Burnett Company, Inc.<br />

Mr.W. Michael Leverence<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lindholm<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Allen Marazas '64<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Massucci<br />

Mrs. Lynda Hajduch McCarthy '65<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J.<br />

McCaughey, III '81<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jon Misch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mollo<br />

Pampered Chef<br />

Mr. Jeffrey Patton '02<br />

Mrs. Marjorie B. Pelino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Perkovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Quirk<br />

Mr. James Quirk '65<br />

Bro. Michael F. Quirk, FSC '70<br />

Mrs. John F. Renaud<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ross<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ruhl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Ruth<br />

Mr. Edward R. Schmelter<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Mrs. Lorraine Sheehan<br />

Sisters of St. Joseph,TOSF<br />

Mr. Brian Skibinski '96<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Springer<br />

Rev. John Siemianowski<br />

Rev. John J. Sullivan<br />

Mr. Gerald Toepfer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Waters<br />

Ms. Barbara A. Zeller<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zube<br />


TO THE<br />


$123,943.72*<br />

* Includes faculty and staff payroll deductions

Gifts-in-Kind/<br />

Faculty &StaffGiving<br />

While <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> friends and faculty often share their gifts of knowledge and expertise, they also<br />

take pride in the fact that <strong>Marian</strong> offers the finest education in the Chicago Southland. Consequently,<br />

they offer additional assistance for directed projects or general use. In an attempt to acknowledge these<br />

donors, the following listing is offered knowing that some gift-in-kind donors may continue to be silent<br />

partners and are not listed in this printing.<br />

Jim Martin, Jen Pasyk ’92 and<br />

Marilyn Bricks share a faculty<br />

moment, Christmas 2004.<br />


Mr. & Mrs. James Alletto<br />

Alsip Nursery & Superstore<br />

Mr. Charles E.Antonietti<br />

Armando Vasquez Hair<br />

Armida Florist - Ms.Armida Melone<br />

Arnie Bauer Cadillac -<br />

Mr. Darrin Bauer<br />

Artistix Salon<br />

Joseph Aurelio - Aurelio's Pizza, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Benish '84<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blackburn<br />

Blueberry Hill Pancake House<br />

BP Products North America, Inc.<br />

Mr. John A. Bracha '79<br />

Brunswick Zone Bowling<br />

Capri Beauty <strong>School</strong><br />

Carson Pirie Scott & Company<br />

Casual Corner<br />

Cinderella's Boutique<br />

Clemensen Florist<br />

Contempo Salon<br />

Curves for Women<br />

DeNormandie Linens -<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeNormandie<br />

Enterprise Land Title, Ltd.<br />

Mr. Clark Justice<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Esslinger<br />

Fields of Flowers -<br />

Ms. JoAnne Zandstra<br />

Finishing Touch Florist<br />

First United Bank<br />

Flossmoor Station & Brewing -<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Armstrong<br />

Flossmoor Country Club<br />

The Flower Box -<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lesczynski<br />

Flower Depot<br />

Flowers & Stones<br />

Fresh Starts Restaurant & Bakery -<br />

Ms. Joann Lindholm<br />

Glass With A Blast -<br />

Mr. Ric Crawford<br />

Gleneagles Country Club<br />

Glenwood Oaks Restaurant<br />

H-F Racquet & Fitness Club -<br />

Ms. Linda Hamburg<br />

Hair Panache<br />

Harley Davidson of Crete<br />

Mr. Cornelius J. Harrington, III<br />

Hawthorne National<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Helge<br />

Mr. & Mrs Mark Helsel '69<br />

Ms. Jodilynn Wessel Hoese '89<br />

Hofmann Florist -<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Len Wlodarski<br />

Homewood Florist<br />

Idlewild Country Club -<br />

Mr.Tony Makarek<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Kiehl<br />

Kimberly Bond Boutique -<br />

Kim and Donita<br />

Kluger Furs<br />

Mr. Robert Lach '84<br />

Ms. Cynthia LaFond '93<br />

Laura's of Homewood<br />

Lincoln Oaks Golf Course -<br />

Mr. Mark Johnson<br />

Marc Alan Salon & Day Spa -<br />

Marc & Geri Melyon<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Athletic Booster Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Mothers Club<br />

Ms. Glenda Matson<br />

Modern Tuxedo/After Hours<br />

Formal Wear<br />

Ms. Katherine Moffatt '93<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mollo<br />

Mr. Benny's Restaurant -<br />

Mr. Larry Leonardo<br />

Mr. Ray Murphy<br />

My Sister and Me<br />

Nino's Pizza<br />

Nix Nax Active Wear<br />

Northwoods Restaurant<br />

Old Navy - Lincoln Mall<br />

Olympia Fields Country<br />

Olympic Printing<br />

Oosterbaan & Sons Painting -<br />

Mr. Robert Martin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Pagorek<br />

Panera Bread<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Pascarella<br />

Peaches Boutique<br />

Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. -<br />

Mr. Glenn Peters<br />

Perry George Salon<br />

Mr. & Dr. Derrel Peterson<br />

Mrs. Colleen O'Neill Ranieri '83<br />

Savoias T'Go Shop<br />

Skyline Disposal Co. -<br />

Mr. Clem DeLuca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Smith '91, '91<br />

Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.<br />

St. Elizabeth Seton Parish<br />

St. Francis of Assisi Church -<br />

Rev. Edward Upton<br />

Steger Flower Shop -<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zagone Jr.<br />

Tin Fish Restaurant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Toth<br />

Ultimate Design Hair Salon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Underwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Watson '78<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Welsh '77 '80<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zagotta<br />


Faculty &StaffGiving<br />


Joan and Bill Feimer<br />

enjoy a <strong>Marian</strong> event.<br />

Sr. Paul welcomes<br />

Lorron (Grady)<br />

Farani ’62,<br />

Nancy Holmes and<br />

Mary Juraska to the<br />

Faculty Christmas Party.<br />


Marilyn Akey<br />

Anonymous<br />

Scott Bodnar<br />

Marilyn Bricks<br />

Joelyn Carlasare<br />

Jennifer Clifford '88<br />

James Culloton<br />

Erin DeBruin '99<br />

Cindy Dupczak<br />

Mary Agnes Dwyer<br />

Eileen Edmisten<br />

George Fabian<br />

Lorron Grady Farani '62<br />

William & Joan Feimer<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Sr. Joan Flannigan, O.P.<br />

Nancy Frigo<br />

Sr. M. Blaise Galloway, O.P.<br />

Tom & Mary Ann Golden<br />

Jody Haaker<br />

Sr. Gloria Hanley, O.P.<br />

Linda Hansen<br />

John Heneghan<br />

Peg Holzhauser<br />

Joyce Horath<br />

Jim Hudzik '65<br />

Mary Juraska<br />

Loretta Katauskas<br />

Tony Keating<br />

Kevin Kelly<br />

Sr. Kathleen Kenny<br />

Sr. Luma Khudher, O.P.<br />

Jennifer Klopp<br />

Gary Kopycinski<br />

Lisa Kowynia '87<br />

John Kozojed<br />

Cathy Lilek<br />

Allen Marazas '64<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Sr.Teresa Marron, O.P.<br />

Peg Massucci<br />

Dave Mattio '66<br />

Michael J. McCaughey, III '81<br />

Sr. Mary Paul McCaughey, O.P. '67<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Donald McKillip<br />

Michael McCaughey McQuade '76<br />

Mike McQuade '76<br />

Barbara Murzyn<br />

Janet Noth<br />

Gerry O'Brien<br />

Sr.Agnes Ann Pisel, O.P.<br />

John Perkovich<br />

Shannon Reidy '90<br />

Sandra Riley<br />

Robert Rodey<br />

Nicholas Rohn '92<br />

Peter Ruhl<br />

Sr.Alan Russell, O.P.<br />

Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Cynthia Sedor<br />

Sr. Marion Sitkiewitz, O.P.<br />

Brian Skibinski '96<br />

Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.<br />

Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P.<br />

Shino Thomas<br />

Irene Vara-Pohlman<br />

Ann Waller<br />

Jon & Rebecca Wooddell<br />

Sr. Catherine Anne Yager, O.P.<br />

Vincent Zerante '70

AlumniParentGiving<br />

Alumni parents represent the foundation of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, many from very important,<br />

formative years.Through a legacy of family commitment, alumni parents continue to support<br />

the school through the years, maintaining the importance of a Dominican presence and a value<br />

on college prep education. Alumni parents remain <strong>Marian</strong>’s strongest base of support.<br />

Laurie Zube<br />

D O M I N I C A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

P R E S I D E N T<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

B O A R D<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Kevin Kelly ’80 welcomes his dad,Tom, to the<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Madness NCAA event.<br />

Mike '71 and<br />

Judy Krause<br />

watch the<br />

action at<br />

<strong>Marian</strong><br />

Madness<br />

Mr. Frank Bracha<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Gillman<br />

Anonymous<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mollo<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Noone<br />

Mrs. Marjorie B. Pelino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ruhl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Savant<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Basic<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Conroy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Fuehrmeyer, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Howisen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Kiehl<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Al Kumskis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Larson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maielli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Massucci<br />

Mrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Novak<br />

Mrs. Margaret C. Paredes<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Luke Pascale<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Peifer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Otis Pope<br />

Mr. James Reindl<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Sullivan<br />

Mr. Gerald Toepfer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Underwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Welsh<br />

Mrs. Paula H.Wix<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Beukema<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Danielwicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Walter Edmisten<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.<br />

Mr. Raymond Grothaus<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Hau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Juraska<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Laschober<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lindholm<br />

Mr. Patrick O'Connor<br />

Mr. Allen C. Pierson, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Rizzo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rolwing<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Ross<br />

Dr. & Mrs.William Slavin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Springer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Watson, Jr.<br />

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />


AlumniParentGiving<br />


Superfan and Alumni Parent<br />

Joe Plomin, Sr. attends a<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> event.<br />

P R I N C I P A L<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. Norman Bates<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Buck<br />

Mrs. Geraldine Burke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Condon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Czaszwicz, Jr.<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Duchossois<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Dupczak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Flamini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Grobner<br />

Mrs. George Hamilton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Jackson<br />

Mr. John Jaworski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jonikaitis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Juniel<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Wayne Kubek<br />

Mr. Emil Mastandrea<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pohlman<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Ranieri<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Reidy<br />

Mr. & Dr.Aswathan Sastry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Schouten<br />

Mrs. Lorraine Sheehan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spinozzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Toth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Wojcikiewicz<br />

S P A R T A N<br />

S O C I E T Y<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marc Adduci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Baker<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Albert Barcikowski<br />

Mr. Robert Barlog<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Battaglia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Bednarek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Benish<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blum<br />

Mr. Anthony Boggiano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Bogs<br />

Mr. Michael J. Boskey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Brennan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Broadhurst<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Broadhurst<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Brucato<br />

Mrs. JoAnne Bruni<br />

Mrs. Betty Calacci<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Callaghan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Capodagli<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Valentino Capretti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Carlsson<br />

Ms. Denyse Carreras<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carstensen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Cassidy<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Catullo<br />

Mr. George Cizek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Clark<br />

Mrs. Sharon Cooper<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Coughlin<br />

Mr. John Coughlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent DeLaurentis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeNormandie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dirksen<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Duffy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Egbers<br />

Mr. Elmer Eisenberg<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Evans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Faul<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fee<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Gary Friederich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gallagher<br />

Mr. John Gallagher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gineris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gleason<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Hammers<br />

Mrs. James Hannigan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Hathhorn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hays<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Walter Healy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Heneghan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Hickey, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hoefler<br />

Dr. & Mrs. John Hohner<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Holzhall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Houston<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Al Hudson<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Sebastian Jacob<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jines<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Walter Joslyn<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kristo<br />

Mr.Vincent P. Kuceski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LaBelle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewandowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Lipinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lutkus<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Lydon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mackey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mangan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Almo Manzardo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCann<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harry McKee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David McNeil<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Molski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Nardoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O'Keefe<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thaddeus Opiola<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Palka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pantarotto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Paradiso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Parro<br />

Ms. Karen Perozzi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Peters<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peters '66<br />

Mrs.Aldona Petrarca<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pfiel<br />

Mrs. Kathleen R. Platek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pozdol<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Quintana<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Ranney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ricci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Rockrohr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Simeon Rogers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Rucinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rutkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Sabotnik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Sanderson, Sr.<br />

Dr. & Mrs.William Scaring<br />

Mrs. John Schreiber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schuh<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Seabloom<br />

Mrs. M.A. Shaughnessy<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Shelley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Simon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Slyder<br />

Ms. Kathleen Stenson '74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sullivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Szymanski<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Testa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Waller<br />

Mrs. Rita Wasz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Harold R.Weise, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Wisowaty<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Leon Witkowski, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wojnovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Yant<br />

Mrs. Juliette Zagone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Zencka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zielinski<br />

F A N C L U B<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Akridge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Antonietti<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Armbruster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster '62<br />

Mr. Merle Arr<br />

Mrs. Mary F. AuBuchon<br />

Ms. Rose Avery<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baader<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Bailey<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Baldacci<br />

Mrs. Susan Banach<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barisic<br />

Ms. Delois Barnes<br />

Mrs. Kathleen Barr<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barrett, III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Barry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Barry<br />

Mr. Edward Bartusiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ivaldo Basso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Bauchwitz<br />

Mrs. Mary Ann Baxter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Becker<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Bell<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bendle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Benker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Benninghoff<br />

Mr. Donald Berg<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Berger<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berry

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bertrand<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Betts<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Bianciotto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Binford<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bishop<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Blanford<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blasgen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blue<br />

Ms. Bonnie Bock<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Albert M. Bodane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Bond<br />

Mr. and Mrs. George Bonini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Boudreau<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bovenizer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Bowman<br />

Mrs. Alicia Boyce-Thornton<br />

Mr. Lawrence Brewer<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Brezill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bridgeman<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alford Bridges<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Brooks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Bardon Brown<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bulvan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Burrows<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Bussey<br />

Mrs. Anne Butkus<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Byrne<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Byrnes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cahill<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Calhoun<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Adriano Canali<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Cannek<br />

Ms. Mary M. Carberry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cavalieri<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terry Chaisson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Chandler<br />

Ms. Andrea Cheney<br />

Mrs. M. Lisa Christy<br />

Mrs. Astrid M. Ciaglia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Ciambrone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cleary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clifford<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Clinnin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Codina<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Colangelo, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Colby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Collins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Commet<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Compagnoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Condon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Saul Contreras<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cook<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Wiley Cook<br />

Mrs. Gail Copley<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Cortopassi<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Cosgrove<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Costello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Couch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Court<br />

Ms. Gailene Cowger<br />

Mrs. Catherine Cox<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Crozier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Cummins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cusick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Cygan<br />

Mrs. Lynn Sheehan D'Cruz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Danalewich<br />

Mrs. Nancy Dannels<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Darnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Montell Davenport<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dee<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Albert DeGol<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Delehanty<br />

Mrs. Florence DeLuca<br />

Ms. Diana DeMarco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dempsey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Des Lauriers<br />

Mrs. Sally DesMarais<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian DeSousa<br />

Mrs. Mary E. Diemer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ditchie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawer Dixon<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Dobrovits<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donaghue<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Douglass<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Dowd<br />

Mr. Patrick Doyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Walter Drungil<br />

Mr. Paul Drzymalla<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dube<br />

Mrs.Adeline Eagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Eaton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Federico Z. Esquerra<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Estep<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Estock<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Everett<br />

Mrs. Angie Falvo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Farmer<br />

Mrs. Carol Faron<br />

Mrs. Connie Faso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Faso<br />

Mrs. Patricia Faso<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Feldner<br />

Mrs. Jose Fernandez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Feuerstein<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leon Fields<br />

Mrs. Rita Fink<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Fitzgerald<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Fitzpatrick<br />

Ms. Alice Flanagan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terence Flynn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Foley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Formella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Serafino Formentini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Frego<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Frigo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Funke<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Furlan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furmanek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Garbarczyk<br />

Mrs. Hilda Garibay<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Armand Gasbarro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gaughan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Georgevich<br />

Mrs. Dolores Giobbi<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Kurt Giricz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glackin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Graber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Grady, Sr.<br />

Mrs. <strong>Marian</strong> Graeber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Grankowski<br />

Mrs. Bonnie Gray<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gray<br />

Ms. Dana L. Green<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Green<br />

Ms. Mary Ann Greenwood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Griffith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Gulotta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gurgone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nabil Halaby<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hall<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Halpin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harold<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Harris<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harris<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Erling Harry<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Harsy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hase<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Healy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hecht<br />

Mrs.Welda McGushin Hedrick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Helsel<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Archie Henley<br />

Mrs. Mary Herron<br />

Mr. Robert Herte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hiemenz<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Hitterman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hock<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hofbauer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hofman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Horn<br />

Ms. Kathleen A. Huda Schaul<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Hurley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jacobucci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Jagoda<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Janowiak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Jarrette<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clark Jennings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jensen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Jewula<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Joschko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Jugin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Kahle<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Katula<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kavanaugh<br />

Ms. Barbara Kelly-Gorbitz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kennelly<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kersten<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Kickert<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kiehn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John King<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Klawitter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Klimas<br />

Mrs. Minnie Knoerzer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Knott<br />

Mrs. Arlene M. Koehn<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kokas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kolosh<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Konopasek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Koperski<br />

Mr. Gary Kopycinski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kordys<br />

Mrs. Alice Kornblum<br />

Ms. Anita Kost<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kowalczyk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kowalewski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thaddeus Kowynia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kozlowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Krapf<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Krause '71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Kristina<br />

Mrs. Robert Krop<br />

Mrs. Elecia Krumb<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kujawa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Kyner, II<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lambert<br />

Mr. Donald H. Land<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laudermilk<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lebeter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Lee<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Leehaug<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Leick<br />

Mrs.Velia Leli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lenhardt<br />

Mr. & Mrs.August Lentz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Lewis<br />

Ms. Jacqueline Lieberman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Lilly<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Linder<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Lockton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Connor Loesch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Loftus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam LoMonaco<br />

Mrs. Laura Archibald Ludwa<br />

Mr. Paul Lukiw<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lyons<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas P. Lyons<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Macaluso<br />

Mrs. Marco V. Maggio<br />

Mrs.Antoinette Marconi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Marconi<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William <strong>Marian</strong>i<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Marias<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marshall<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Martino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Marty<br />

Ms. Connie Mascitti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Matthews<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Americo Mattio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Matus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Mazzocca<br />

Mrs. Mary Mazzoni<br />


AlumniParentGiving<br />


Laurie Zube<br />

and Cathy Lilek<br />

lend their<br />

support to the<br />

Phonathon.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alex McArthur<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Owen McAteer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James McCann, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joel McCarthy<br />

Mr. Lucius McGill<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McGrain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKillip<br />

Mr. James McLaughlin<br />

Mrs. James McMaster<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald McSherry<br />

Mrs. Miriam Meade<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terrence R. Meade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Melei<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Meyers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mickiewicz<br />

Mrs.Anna Milianta<br />

Ms. Cathy Mistovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mitidiero<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Monahan<br />

Mrs. Marisa Monty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Morgridge<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvadore Mori<br />

Mrs. Catherine Morrin<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Morrison<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mosher<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mullaney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murach<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Terrence Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Murphy<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Murphy, III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Nagel<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Napoleon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nardoni<br />

Mr. Frank A. Newton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Niersbach<br />

Ms. Julie M. Nowak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Nowicki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John O'Donnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John O'Leary<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert O'Meara<br />

Mrs. Loretta M. Ochman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Olbrot<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Olson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Osowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Owen<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Taylan Ozaksut<br />

Mrs. Beverley Paonessa<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parise<br />

Mrs. Eva Pavilanis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pelock<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Perez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Perez<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Perkovich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Fiore Petrassi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Philbin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jean Claude<br />

Pierre-Jerome<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Pifko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Piunti<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Plovanic<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Augustine Ponnezhan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Prior<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Purpura<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Emil Pyk<br />

Mr. Gerald Quaid<br />

Mrs. Monica Quattrocki<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quinlivan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Quirke<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Ramos, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reimer<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Renaldy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reynolds<br />

Mrs. & Mrs. James Rhodes<br />

Dr. & Mrs. James Riordan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robinson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodarte<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Rohn<br />

Mrs. Lynnette Rollins<br />

Mrs. Barbara Romano<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Romanyak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Root<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Rowe<br />

Mrs. Joan Ruane<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Ruban<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Rudolf<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudolph<br />

Mrs. Phyllis Rueth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ruge<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Ryan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Allen Sandusky<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sanek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sansone<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Santori<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schlueter<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schmuker<br />

Mr. Raymond Schreiber<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Segala<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Segebarth<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Sesto<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shriey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sitterding<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Arnold Skibinski<br />

Mrs. Darleen Sluzas<br />

Mrs. Colleen Small<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Smart<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Smosna<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Angelo Speca<br />

Mrs. Doris Stabile<br />

Mrs. Belinda Stanford<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Stankus<br />

Mr. Laurence A. Stapleton, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Stocker<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Stokes<br />

Mr. Michael Streit<br />

Mrs. Rebecca Strupeck<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sullivan<br />

Ms. Susan Summers<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sweeney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Swircz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Switalski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Ted Szymborski<br />

Mrs.Alice Talamonti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Tekiela<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thiernau<br />

Mrs. Mary Tintari<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tosi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Truszkowski<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Godwin Uwidia<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis VanderMeer<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Anthony Veeneman<br />

Mrs.Audrey Velo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Vittori<br />

Susan J.R.Vorwerk<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Wayne Wagner<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Fred Waldschmidt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Walery<br />

Honorable & Mrs. Cyril Watson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Percy Weathington<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Walter Weeden<br />

Mrs. Celia Wegrzyn<br />

Mrs. Dawn Welch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wesley<br />

Mrs. Peggy Whitman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wierzbicki<br />

Mrs.Teri L. Wilcox<br />

Mrs. Jennifer Wood<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Wright<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Yursik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zube<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Zumbahlen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Marty Zupan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Zurawski<br />


by ALUMNI P<strong>AR</strong>ENTS<br />

$203,658.24<br />

DOMINICAN SOCIETY $5,000 and above | PRESIDENT SOCIETY $4,999-$1,000 | BO<strong>AR</strong>D SOCIETY $999-$500 | PRINCIPAL SOCIETY $499-$250 | SP<strong>AR</strong>TAN SOCIETY $249-$100 | FAN CLUB $99 and below

ParentPledge Program<br />

The Parent Pledge Program is a voluntary option of the Annual Fund that generates<br />

unrestricted income to help offset the annual operating costs of providing a <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

education. Total operating expenses in a given year exceed tuition and fees collected. The<br />

differential varies with emerging educational programs and facility improvements that enhance<br />

both student instruction and the physical plant. The Parent Pledge Program flows directly into<br />

areas of school life experienced by students and allows the administration to address planned<br />

and unexpected operating needs throughout the year, while maintaining fiscally sound capital<br />

savings. The following parents have contributed to this increase by making a significant<br />

investment during the 2004-2005 school year.<br />

Tim & Janice (Oosterbaan) ’78 Coleman enjoy their time at the Alumni<br />

Homecoming Gathering.<br />


to P<strong>AR</strong>ENT PLEDGE<br />


$55,819.00<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Asato<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beamon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alois Bell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blackburn<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Thomas Boesen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Botelho<br />

Ms. Louise Caillouet<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Caruso<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Cleary, III '75, '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Coleman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph DeJong<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72<br />

Dr. Christopher Easley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Fitzsimmons<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fry, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Gilley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Griffin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Craig Harmon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartl<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Warren Hastings<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heim<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Hernandez<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Hollandsworth<br />

Mrs.Audrey Hudson-McFarlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Hudzik '65, '65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jameson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Jarzombek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Kaim<br />

Mr. & Mrs.T.E. Kapshandy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Kowalkowski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Krmpotich<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Losos<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Love, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Lynch<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Major<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Marthaler<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Alan Maziur<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Don McClain<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William McClain<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonnell<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer<br />

Mrs. Susan Michaels<br />

Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Mitchell, III<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mitchell, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitros<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Moffatt<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jerold Morantz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Morrison<br />

Mr. Len Mysiewicz &<br />

Ms. Deb Clifford<br />

Dr. & Mrs Michael Nicholas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gerry O'Brien<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien-Penney<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard O'Reilly<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas O'Sullivan<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Terrance Peabody<br />

Mr. Allen C. Pierson, Jr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Platt<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Popelka<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rose<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Ruth<br />

Dr. & Mrs. E. Sandoval<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sheetz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simone<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jethroe Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Solorio<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spoonhour<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Spretnjak<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Stanis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Szotek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tuskan, Jr.<br />

Mr. Frank Voltattorni, Jr. '75<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Garry Yatsko<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zagone, Jr. '74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Zagotta<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Zajeski<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Vincent Zerante '70<br />

Mr.Thomas Znavor<br />


Buy-a-BrickProgram<br />

The engraved paving bricks outside the West Gym entrance are “living stones,” celebrating a<br />

graduation, honoring an alum, teacher or parent, commemorating a loved one. Information is<br />

available through the Office for Institutional Advancement or online at www.marianchs.com.<br />

In Memory of Ryan Brothers '98<br />

and Michelle Salin '01<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Beukema<br />

In Memory of Steve Piazza<br />

Class of 1963<br />

Mr. John Ferrari '63<br />

In loving Memory<br />

of Gail Amos '68<br />

Mrs. Mary Krumb Lipari '67<br />

“I sent <strong>Marian</strong> my oldest boy and he came back a<br />

hard-working young man. I only hope his college experience at<br />

Loyola is as rewarding as his high school years at <strong>Marian</strong>.”<br />

Samantha Blackburn<br />

Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Blackburn<br />

In Honor of Brittany Bogs<br />

Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Derald Bogs<br />

In Memory of<br />

Louis F. Borrelli 1985<br />

Mr. Sam Borrelli '73<br />

In Memory of Kevin Beukema Class<br />

of 1997<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Brennan<br />

In Memory of Virginia Aprati<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Theodore Brown<br />

Mark, Glenn, Phil,<br />

'01, '03, '05 Capodagli<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Capodagli<br />

Joseph P. Carlasare Class of 2004<br />

Ana P. Carlasare Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Carlasare<br />

Forever in our hearts! Mom -<br />

Elizabeth Flanagan Bill & Marg<br />

Ms. Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

#1 Teacher M. Quattrocki<br />

1965-1990<br />

Mrs. Nancy Quattrocki Foertsch '78<br />

In Honor of Tayler Fuentes 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Tyler Fuentes<br />

In Honor of Lorraine Sheehan<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Goss '75<br />

Coach Bob Haaker<br />

Our Angel in the Outfield<br />

Ms. Jody Haaker<br />

In Honor of Patrick Heim 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Heim<br />

Hoffman Family<br />

Samantha 2000 Scott 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hoffman<br />

Linder Family '69, '71, '76, '88, '90<br />

Mrs. Katherine Linder Johnson '76<br />

Theodora "Teddy" McClain – 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William McClain<br />

Maureen McQuade Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuade<br />

Tom Mitchell Teacher/<br />

Coach 1986-1988<br />

Mr.Thomas L. Mitchell<br />

Kevin Moffatt Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Moffatt<br />

In Honor of<br />

Charles & Diane O'Brien<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles O'Brien '86, '86<br />

Rebecca Marie Palmer<br />

Class of 2005<br />

Mr. Robert Palmer<br />

Colleen Peabody Class of 2005<br />

Dr. & Mrs.Terrance Peabody<br />

In Honor of William Smith 2005<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Jethroe Smith<br />


—John J. Crosetto<br />

In Honor of Brian Coleman<br />

Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Coleman<br />

In Memory of Lisa Dangoia<br />

Class of 1994<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dirksen<br />

Michael Elliott Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.William Elliott<br />

Kristen Renee Jonikaitis<br />

Class of 2000<br />

Laura Joan Jonikaitis<br />

Class of 2004<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jonikaitis<br />

Kelly Kapshandy Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs.T.E. Kapshandy<br />

The Lafond Family<br />

Mr. William Lafond '81<br />

John Spoonhour Class of 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Spoonhour<br />

St. Aubins's Anne<br />

Tony Casey Marty<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John St.Aubin<br />

Woods Lauren -<br />

2004 Meggie - 2005<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Woods

Honorariums<br />

Honorariums are communicated through a special greeting card (pictured left) notifying the<br />

honored individual that a gift impacting the scholarship and service of our students has been<br />

made to <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Honorarium Card<br />

Geraldine Becker — Honor Gift<br />

Mary Wolf Rolfing Bogue Foundation<br />

Sr. Regina Marie Bernet, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Dee Bonvissuto — Get Well<br />

McQuade Family<br />

Mrs. Michael McCaughey, Jr.<br />

William Brewer — Honor Gift<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Sr.Wilma Marie Broemmel, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sr. Mary Ancilla Caulfield, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Eileen Coatar — Get Well<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Anna Coci — Honor Gift<br />

Lou & Georgene Spoonhour<br />

John & Jeanne DeRaimo —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Mary Cieplak<br />

In gratitude MCHS Community<br />

Sr. Mary Virginia Derhake, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sr. Carole Dittrich, O.P. — Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sr. Maristella Dunlavy, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sr. Maria Eck, O.P. — Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sr. Mary Gianini, O.P. — Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Peggy Hogan — Get Well<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Margaret Joerger — Get Well<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Sr. Mary Dominic Joerger, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Liberty Creative Solutions<br />

William & Sharon Kiehl —<br />

40th Anniversary<br />

Bill & Mary Moffatt<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Diane Larson — Get Well<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Maggie Leiteritz '85 — Honor Gift<br />

Jean Karris<br />

Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Advancement Staff<br />

St. Agnes Staff & Parish<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Phyllis & Sebastian Jacob<br />

Sr. Noralee McDonnell, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Jim McKenna — Get Well<br />

Mike & Bob McQuade<br />

Dot McCaughey<br />

Reverend Edward J. McKenna —<br />

Anniversary<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Justin McLaughlin '05 — Honor Gift<br />

Val & Dolores Capretti<br />

Kenneth McQuade — Get Well<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Steve Pappas — Honor Gift<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Sr. Mary Pokorny, O.P. — Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Sandy & Richard Prete — Anniversary<br />

Dominican Sisters of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Kit Reece — Honor Gift<br />

Lou & Georgene Spoonhour<br />

Sr. Mary Rose Schleeper, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />

Muriel Wagoner — Birthday<br />

Mrs. Michael McCaughey, Jr.<br />

Mary Lou, Joanne & Don Wasz —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Tom Wasz<br />

Arthur Welsh — Father's Day<br />

& Birthday<br />

Judy Welsh<br />

LaVerne Welsh —<br />

Mother's Day & Birthday<br />

Judy Welsh<br />

LaVerne & Art Welsh — Birthday<br />

The Shaws,Tim, Cathy, Jack, Alex & Will<br />

Welsh Children — Merry Christmas<br />

Michael, Paula, Judy,Tom, Kevin, Mary,<br />

& Patty Welsh; Cathy, & Tim Shaw;<br />

Beth Boudreau<br />

Mom & Dad<br />

Welsh Grandchildren —<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

Michael, Erin, Paul,Tom, Kelly, Chrissy,<br />

Kevin, Katie, & Kelly Welsh;<br />

Courtney,Therese, &<br />

Maureen Sullivan;<br />

Jack,Alex, & Will Shaw<br />

Grandma & Grandpa<br />

Welsh Great Grandchildren —<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

Abby Welsh; Kailey Hinkle; Deon<br />

Reynolds; Emily Eakins<br />

Great Grandma & Great Grandpa<br />

Barbara Wesolowski — Honor Gift<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Zarones, O.P. —<br />

Honor Gift<br />

Sr. M. Paul & the <strong>Marian</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Community<br />


Memorials<br />

JULY 1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

Memorials for loved ones, many who represented the spirit<br />

of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, serve as long-term memories of friends<br />

and family.Through memorial gifts, hundreds are remembered<br />

in the prayers and Masses of the Dominican Sisters and<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> students.<br />

In addition to remembering loved ones at the Sisters’<br />

Eucharist in their Chapel, those who have offered a<br />

memorial during the previous school year are invited to a<br />

Memorial Mass held in the MCHS Student Chapel on a<br />

Saturday evening in late October or early November.<br />

Donors may request a card package; replacements are<br />

provided when a memorial is received.<br />

Fr. William O'Mara welcomes Angela Mattio, Jason Amos, Marc Flamini '95, and Dana (Amos) Flamini '95 at the<br />

Gail (Calderone) Amos '68 Tree Dedication in the <strong>Marian</strong> circle drive.<br />



Rose Adducci<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Vincenzo Adduci<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Don & Mary Jo Ahearn<br />

Joe & Judy Compagnoni<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Patricia A.Albanese<br />

Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P.<br />

Jim Alexander<br />

Rich & Sue Biemeret<br />

Maria Allevi<br />

Kathy Mickiewicz<br />

Vincent Amato<br />

Larry, Barb & Lonnie Mollo<br />

Gail Calderone Amos '68<br />

Theresa Flamini<br />

Mary Krumb Lipari '67<br />

Dorothy Ams<br />

Sue & Rich Biemeret<br />

Don Andersen<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Abraham Anderson<br />

Anita Jackson<br />

Virginia Aprati<br />

Josephine Baikauskas<br />

Elisa & Jamie Mattio<br />

Michaelene & Christy Brown<br />

Sharon & Ted Brown<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Victoria Melei<br />

Frank & Ann Nardoni<br />

Paul & Sandy Sweeney<br />

Ann Arr<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Barbara Klupchak<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

The Yursik Family<br />

John Artinger<br />

Jennifer Kowalewski<br />

Carmen Ascencio<br />

Ted & Sharon Brown<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John & Rose Marks<br />

Jamie & Elisa Mattio<br />

Judy Welsh<br />

Rudolf Ashenbrener<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mafalda Azzarello<br />

Ted Brown<br />

Marc & Dana Flamini<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Piunti<br />

Arthur Back<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Jacqueline Bahrs<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Ann Baid<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

Rose & Al Bak<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Dolores F. Baker<br />

Kathy Mickiewicz<br />

Joseph Barcelona<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Dallas Barnes<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Gergel, Sr.<br />

Robert H. Bartels<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Dana Bartlett<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Susan Bartolini<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Moffatt Family<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Vittori<br />

Mary Bartolomeo<br />

Al & Betty DiLuia

Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

The <strong>Marian</strong> Chapel awaits the start<br />

of the Memorial Mass in<br />

November 2004.<br />

Frederick H. Basse<br />

Betty Dean<br />

Pat & Nancy Dolan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Bart Battaglia '76<br />

Andrew, Anthony, and<br />

Joseph Battaglia Families<br />

Barbara Behrends<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P. '62<br />

John Bender<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John Benesh<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Timothy Benker '90<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Betty Berchem<br />

Joe & Marielle Zagone<br />

Grace Bergeron<br />

Joanne Clifford<br />

Theresa Bernardino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nardoni<br />

David Charles Berti '72<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Paul Bertrand<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Kevin Beukema '97<br />

John & Karen Brennan, Bridgett '93<br />

John '97, Jacqueline '02,<br />

Francesco Sessa<br />

The Czaszwicz Family<br />

Gary & Julie Friederich<br />

Adam Gundlach<br />

Mardelle & Bill Gundlach<br />

The Gundlachs<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Peoples Energy Co-workers<br />

of Ken Beukema<br />

Christopher Prystalski<br />

Brady & Patricia Roscoe<br />

Patricia & Jackie Skowronek<br />

Elsie H. Blankenberger<br />

Bruce & Kiki Cifelli<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Fred Boam<br />

Colleen Small<br />

Teresina Bocce<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Sophie Bon<br />

Elsie O. Singleton<br />

Loraine M. Bonadona<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Dominic & Carolyn Sesto<br />

Thomas Bones<br />

The Moffatt Family<br />

Gregory Bonick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Bonick<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surjan<br />

Marilyn Bouchard<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

Mrs. Bowler<br />

Mary Hires<br />

Margaret Boyle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Doris Boysen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mohan<br />

Helen Bracha<br />

Frank Bracha<br />

Heather Bradshaw<br />

Sue Biemeret<br />

Hezekiah Brady, Jr.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Yolanda Bram<br />

Marilyn Bricks<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

The Heneghan Family<br />

Jennifer Klopp<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Richard & Karen Mantoan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Student Council<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

The McQuade Family<br />

The O'Brien Family<br />

Ryan Rockaitis<br />

Jon & Becky Wooddell<br />

Laurie Zube<br />

Leo Brancky<br />

Mary & Jim Walter<br />

Harriett R. "Sally" Brennan<br />

Vince & Patty Keenan<br />

Howard T. Brennan<br />

Dorothy R. Linder<br />

Ryan Brothers '98<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Karen Fisher Brown '62<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

James Singler '64<br />

Dane Brown<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Robert Brown<br />

Marilyn Bricks<br />

Roger Brown<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Michael B. Bryski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nardoni<br />

Mary Buekle<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Faso<br />

Jane Burns<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Delehanty<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

Walter Burns<br />

Tony & Harriet Keating<br />

Pietro Burogio<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Janet Butkiewicz<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mae Byrnes<br />

Mary O'Sullivan<br />

Brian Cahill '94<br />

Kerry Cahill '91<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Mary Calderone<br />

Tony & Linda Calderone<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Mary Kay & Luke Pignotti<br />

Joseph Callahan<br />

Mary & Bill Moffatt<br />

William S. Callahan<br />

William Bugajski Family<br />

Nellie Calletti<br />

Victoria Melei<br />

R. James Cameron<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

James Campbell<br />

Dupczak Family<br />

Charles Cannek<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Joe & Diane Maielli<br />

Norine Cannek Winder-Kmiecik & Family<br />

Dennis Carlson<br />

John & Patricia McGowan<br />

Marie Carlson<br />

John & Diane Kozojed<br />

Anne Carnes<br />

Paul & Maureen Huizenga<br />

Nancy Carr<br />

Connor & Anne Loesch<br />

Cyril J. Carroll<br />

Tom & Marcia Morrison<br />

Octavio Castillo<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Gloria Cera<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Mary E. Cesafsky<br />

Jeanette Arthur<br />

David Cheney<br />

Gael & Tom O'Brien<br />

Nick Chiaramonte<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Bessie Chown<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Catherine Christofanelli<br />

George & Marilyn Chandler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Christofanelli<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Home Depot Proprietary Brand Team<br />

Myron & Betty Phillips<br />

Delmar & Pat Smith<br />

Ercolino "Arco" Ciancanelli<br />

Cecil & Andrea Cheney<br />

Joe & Phyllis Furmanek<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Basil Cilella<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Michael Claffy<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

James T. Clapperton<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Dave & Carolyn Rudolf<br />

Irene Clarizio<br />

George & Rosalie Bonini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Edward Clark<br />

Ann & Nancy Hofman<br />

Ann Milianta<br />

Georgeann Clarke<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Kevin Cleary '77<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Faculty & Staff<br />


Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />


Virginia R. Cleary<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Tom & Mary Ann Golden<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

John & Diane Kozojed<br />

Allen & Cindy Marazas<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> – Advancement Office<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Paul & Peg Massucci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Mohan<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Alice Talamonti<br />

Vincent Zerante<br />

Kathleen Cobb<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Lena Cocco<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Robert Cole<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

David Coleman<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Nellie Colletti<br />

George & Marilyn Chandler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Louise Compagnoni<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Mary Compagnoni<br />

Elizabeth Ehlman<br />

Rose Conaghan<br />

Marlene Cortopassi<br />

Robert J. Connor<br />

Margaret Connor Paredes<br />

Joseph Corbett<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Emily A. Corey<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Willard Heusmann<br />

Rita Potocny Krider '67<br />

Cosmo A. Cosentino<br />

Celia Faso<br />

Frances M. LoBue<br />

Frances Cote<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Thomas Creamer<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Tom Crocilla<br />

Stephanie & Chuck Murach '90 '90<br />

Kathleen Yates Cronis '63<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Kerry & Debbie Yates<br />

Inez Cronkhite<br />

Mike & Pauline Welsh<br />

James Crowe<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

John Culbertson<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Thomas F. Cull<br />

Marie Fernandez<br />

Mrs. Charlotte Houran<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Charles Cullinan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Renata Cummins<br />

Sue Biemeret<br />

Bernie Cunningham<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Susie Cunningham<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

William J Curley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Welsh<br />

Henry Cyrkiel<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Richard Czechanski<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Sally Czechanski<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Guido D'Amico<br />

Vicky Melie & Sandy Sweeney<br />

Mary Ellen Daney<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Lisa Dangoia '94<br />

Pam & Larry Dirksen<br />

Dolores Davjatas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Deceased Members<br />

of Dean & Nyikos Family<br />

Betty Dean<br />

Harvey Dean<br />

Betty Dean<br />

Martha Debski<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Corine DeGuilio<br />

Judy Paterson & Gena Tremaroli<br />

Robert Delaney<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Leo Delegronge<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Mothers Club<br />

Lena Delgado<br />

Mary DiLuia<br />

Carolyn & Dominic J. Sesto<br />

Bert DeLorenzo<br />

Albert DeGol<br />

Grace DeLuca<br />

Celia Faso<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Armand Gasbarro<br />

Mary Gasbarro<br />

Martha Depeder<br />

Joseph Battaglia Family<br />

Evangelie M. Derrig<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Stanley Deszczi<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nardoni<br />

John Devoy<br />

Eileen & Walt Edmisten<br />

Steve Dibrito<br />

Cathleen J. Bolda<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Laurie & Chuck Zube<br />

James Didion<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Doreen DiGiovanni<br />

Sharon & Ted Brown<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

Mrs. Mary Gasbarro<br />

John J. Marks<br />

Frank & Ann Nardoni<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

John & Lena Segala<br />

Francesca DiMarc<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Nick DiMarc<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Argia DiMascio<br />

Lee Pierandozzi<br />

Catherine DiSanto<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

Josephine Djordjevich<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Daniel K. Dolecheck<br />

Mary Porento<br />

John T. Doligale<br />

Ryan Rockaitis<br />

Chester Dominik<br />

Don & Jill Raymond<br />

Scott Dutko<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Doris Stabile<br />

Sylvester Dutko<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

John Dzielak<br />

Mrs.Ann Milianta<br />

Jodie Easley, Jr.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Cathy Eck<br />

Sister Maria Eck<br />

Mother of Rick Eckstein<br />

Vince & Patty Keenan<br />

Gordon Elliott<br />

Elizabeth Ehlman<br />

Leo Engemann<br />

JoAnne Bruni<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Lois Engemann<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Guillermo Escomel<br />

Margaret Paredes<br />

Eleanor Esposito<br />

Katie Lynch<br />

Shriely Fadim-Berc<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Jennifer Fallick<br />

Bill & Mary Moffatt<br />

Tony Falvo<br />

Angie Falvo & Children<br />

Joseph Faso, Jr.<br />

Marilyn Bricks<br />

John & Michele Faso<br />

Kevin & Pam Hoffman<br />

Joseph & Diane Maielli<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John J. Marks '68<br />

Lou & Gerogene Spoonhour<br />

Jean Fatibeno<br />

Joanne Clifford<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Lois Kaufman<br />

Jo LeDuc<br />

John L. Macina<br />

Allen & Cindy Marazas<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

The O'Neill Family<br />

Stanley & Frances Porembski<br />

Robert & <strong>Marian</strong>ne (Zerante)<br />

Smith '75,'75<br />

Alexis Winter '05<br />

Mary Zerante<br />

Vincent Zerante<br />

Bernadine Felke<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Janet McMahon<br />

Donald Fennel<br />

Patricia Loftus<br />

Marijean Ferguson<br />

Vince & Patty Keenan

Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

Roy Ferris<br />

Mrs. Frances Lobue<br />

Bob & Emmy Swanson<br />

John Fiacco<br />

Mary Gasbarro<br />

Kevin & Pam Hoffman<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Nettie Filak<br />

Lou & Georgene Spoonhour<br />

Jordan Fish<br />

Rich & Sue Biemeret<br />

Betty Fisher<br />

Don & Jill Raymond<br />

Elizabeth Flanagan<br />

Kiki & Bruce Cifelli<br />

Erin DeBruin<br />

Walt & Eileen Edmisten<br />

Lorron Farani<br />

Mary Margaret & Bill Flanagan<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Sr. M. Gloria Hanley, O.P.<br />

Linda Hansen<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Joyce & Ray Horath<br />

Loretta Katauskas<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

Allen & Cindy Marazas<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Student Council<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Massucci Family<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Janet & Ken Noth<br />

John & Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Cynthia Sedor<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Ann & Stretch Waller<br />

Jon & Rebecca Wooddell<br />

Vincent Zerante<br />

Laurie Zube<br />

Jennie Fleming<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Robert W. Fletcher<br />

The Heneghan Family<br />

Rita Florian<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

James Edward Floyd<br />

Jean & Pat Cunningham<br />

Jean Barbara Flynn '63<br />

Robert Flynn '62<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Michael Flynn<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Deborah Foley<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Emily Foster<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Judith A. Franczyk<br />

Colleen O'Neill Ranieri<br />

Ann Frank<br />

Ryan Noth<br />

Kellie Franks<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Genevieve Frazzini<br />

JoAnne Bruni<br />

Michael & Maria Bruni<br />

Angie Marconi Caffarini '74<br />

Cathy Rieve MacDonald '74<br />

Debbie Pascarella Lucafo '74<br />

Leanne Ross Damiani '74<br />

Mary Beth Kreuz Grupp '74<br />

Roseanne Doyle Rogach '74<br />

Susan Ziegler Fiaoni '74<br />

Terry D'Apice '74<br />

Valerie Pastere Warkentin '74<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Rita Potocny Krider '67<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Moffatt Family<br />

Sam Yacono<br />

Ann Frejlich<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Pauline Friedl<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Arthur Fritz<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

George Fushi<br />

Mary Gasbarro<br />

Nancy Kaz<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

William P. Gahan<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Mary W. Heneghan<br />

Mary Garbin<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Lucille Gelsosomo<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Jerry A. Gerrard<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Jim Gibbons<br />

James & Darlene Gibbons Reindl<br />

Darlene Gibson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster<br />

Edward Gierczyk<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Daniel J. Gilbride<br />

Marilyn Bricks<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Frances Gillis<br />

Paul & Maureen Huizenga<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Glanz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster<br />

Kathleen Goddard<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

James F. Goebig, Sr.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Agnes Golden<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Antonio Gomeztagle<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Maria Elena Gomeztagle<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Frances Gonzalez<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Thomas Gorma<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Rita Granno<br />

Michael & Sharon Paciorek<br />

Walter Gribben<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

LaVerne C. Grothaus<br />

Val & Dolores Capretti<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mary C. Moffatt<br />

Frank & Ann Nardoni<br />

Samuel Guagenti<br />

Jennifer Clifford<br />

Jim Culloton<br />

Bill Feimer<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Peggy Holzhauser<br />

Jim Hudzik<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

MCHS Student Council<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Paul & Peg Massucci<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Barb Murzyn<br />

Janet & Ken Noth<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Mark & Carol Swanson<br />

Shino Thomas<br />

Vince Zerante<br />

Laurie Zube<br />

Rose Guidera<br />

Pat Faso<br />

William Gundy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Welsh<br />

Jovita Gutierrez<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Anthony Guzzino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Josephine C. Zaranti<br />

George Hamilton<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Armbruster '62<br />

Sue & Joe Beaudry<br />

The Dobrovits Family<br />

Pat, Nancy & Brian Dolan<br />

Michael McQuade<br />

Minding Your Business, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Rucinski<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

William A. Snow '71<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Sue Tinnish<br />

Emmett Hand<br />

Phil & Livia Faso<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Kim Panozzo<br />

Lorraine Sheehan<br />

Kristy Hapaniewski '94<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

William P. Hapaniewski<br />

Rosalie & George Bonini<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nardoni<br />

Rohn Family<br />

Elizabeth Harmon<br />

Sr. Mary Blaise Galloway, O.P.<br />

Cleo Harper<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Jim Harris<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Milan E. Harris<br />

Cathy Lilek<br />

Plummber Harris<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Ruth Hartless<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Catherine Havey<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Lorraine Hawkins<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Frances L. Headley<br />

Gary & James Kopycinski<br />

Anthony Hecimovich<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Edwin Hedstrom<br />

The Kyner Family<br />

Richard Heinlein<br />

Deborah Jarrette<br />

Jon R. Helsel<br />

Charles & Emma Helsel<br />

Richard J. Helsel<br />

Charles & Emma Helsel<br />

Kevin & Pam Hoffman<br />


Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />


Fr. William O’Mara dedicates and blesses the Gail (Calderone) Amos ’68 Tree.<br />

Marie Hemlick<br />

Mary Tosi<br />

Dean Henkel<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Amelia Herrmann<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Gail Hickey<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Rev.Thomas Hildebrand<br />

Philip & Dawn Kiehn<br />

Betty Hill<br />

Paul & Maureen Huizenga<br />

Philip Hill<br />

Paul & Maureen Huizenga<br />

Fred Hillbrunner<br />

Vince Keenan<br />

Verlie Mary Hinton<br />

Thomas & Mary Ann Golden<br />

Eugene Hirschberg<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Joseph Hoffman<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Hoffman<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> J. Hogensen<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Sam Yacono<br />

Mary Ellen Hogueisson<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Arthur B. Holecek<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

Pete Ruhl<br />

Ron Hub<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.<br />

Michael Hughes<br />

Daphne Canino<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Laurie Zube<br />

Diane Huntington<br />

Mike Duffy '02<br />

Sharon Jackson<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Allen Jacobs<br />

Richard Biemeret<br />

Michael Jacobucci<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jacobucci & Family<br />

Thomas Janick<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Carolyn Rudolf<br />

Gail Jarosky<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Jean S. Jarosz<br />

Mary Maragret Flanagan<br />

Robert Jarvis<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Stephen Jaszczak<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Diane Vellender<br />

Leonard Jeha<br />

Loretta Katauskas<br />

Richard Johnoff<br />

Frank Newton<br />

George Johnson<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Mark & Carol Swanson<br />

Henrietta Johnson<br />

Sue & Rich Biemeret<br />

Rosemary J. Johnson<br />

Kathy Mickiewicz<br />

Geneva Jones<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Jeffrey Jones<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Bob Jorgensen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Christofanelli<br />

Laura Archibald Ludwa<br />

Eileen Juchcinski<br />

Roberta McQuade<br />

Catherine Juraska<br />

Rich & Sue Biemeret<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

MCHS Student Council<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Paul & Peg Massucci<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Ann & Stretch Waller<br />

Laurie Zube<br />

Adele Kalka<br />

Janet McMahon<br />

Wayne Kasza<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.<br />

Charles Katauskas<br />

Horath, Sikora & Ivers Families<br />

Rita Kazmierczak<br />

Ray & Nancy Kazmierczak<br />

Matthew Kearney<br />

Jean Cunningham<br />

Jean Kelly<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Bernice Kennedy<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

John P. Kennedy<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Stephanie M. Kiehl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Becker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Becker<br />

Mr. & Mrs. LeeRoy Burrell<br />

Eldertree Consulting, Inc.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Foley<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Serafino Formentini<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Gromala<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Willard Heusmann<br />

Maryellen D. Hofmann<br />

William J. & Sharon C. Kiehl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Helmut H. Klein<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Faculty & Staff<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Bill & Mary Moffatt & Family<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Murray<br />

Ron & Donna Patrizi<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Salvagni<br />

Mrs. Frances B. Schroeder<br />

Judith A. Senesac<br />

Shaheen, Novoselsky, Staat,<br />

Filipowski & Eccleston, P.C.<br />

Manny Hoffman Insurance Agency, LTD.<br />

Patrick Steponaitis<br />

Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Ronald & Donna Wrede<br />

Edward Kielanowicz<br />

Ron & Phyllis Hock<br />

Clara Killion<br />

Sr. Mary Blaise Galloway, O.P.<br />

Rita Galloway<br />

Sr. Mary Alan Russell, O.P.<br />

Laura King<br />

Jim & Cathy Barry<br />

Ray & Nancy Hofman<br />

Patrick Kinsella<br />

Arnie & JoAnne Skibinski<br />

Brian Skibinski<br />

Ernest Kleckner<br />

Mrs. Raymond Jenkins<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kavanaugh<br />

Shirley Kline<br />

George Kline<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Bill & Mary Moffatt<br />

George Klupchak<br />

Rick & Cindy Klupchak<br />

Stella Kowynia Kmak<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Stella Kmiecik<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Eugene Knoerzer<br />

Minnie Knoerzer<br />

Gene Knoerzer<br />

Minnie Knoerzer<br />

Donna Koch<br />

Ray Horath Family<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Kogler<br />

Gail Matthews

Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

Edna Kolar<br />

Ray Horath Family<br />

John Koller<br />

Gerard & Cindy Dupczak<br />

Joe Kosner<br />

Jennifer Wood & Patrick Wood '01<br />

Anton J. Kostelich<br />

Faculty Association of District 205<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Frank Kozdras<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mother Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Rita Kraemer<br />

Paul & Maureen Huizenga<br />

Gloria Kredit<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Laurie & Chuck Zube<br />

Richard Krokidas<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Welsh<br />

Matthew Kross<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Irene Krueger<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Elecia "Anne" Krumb<br />

Jean & Bob Hoefler<br />

Kevin & Diane Larson<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

Shannon Reidy<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Scott Kubilis<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Dorothy Kummlehne<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Florence LaBue<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

Charlotte LaCasse<br />

Loretta Katauskas<br />

Kenneth Lamblin<br />

Josephine LeDuc<br />

Dorothy Laski<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

David Lauson<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Graeber<br />

Barbara Leavelle<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Phyllis LeBeau<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Ryder Lee<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Diva Leis<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sam L. Piunti<br />

John L. Leli<br />

Velia Leli & Children<br />

Velia Leli<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.<br />

Mrs. Marilyn Drevets<br />

Bunco Group<br />

Benny ('83) & Nancy (LaBelle '84)<br />

Stabile & Family<br />

Doris Stabile<br />

Jim ('78) & Sandy (Stabile '79) Wood<br />

& Family<br />

John & Rosemary (Stabile '75) Izzo<br />

& Family<br />

John ('78) & Denise Stabile & Family<br />

Linda Stabile '87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith<br />

Francis Lescouskas<br />

Armand & Mary Napleon<br />

Clara Lewis<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Anthony Lileikis<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Charles Lileikis<br />

Joe & Judy Compagnoni<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thaddeus Kowynia<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

LaVerne Lillie<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Marie Lindner<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Mary LoBue<br />

Michael & Sharon Paciorek<br />

Harry Lockman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Joseph S. Lofrano<br />

John Garbarczyk<br />

Kenney Loge<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

Marylyn LoPresti<br />

P. Anthony Keating<br />

Annabelle Lowe<br />

Janet McMahon<br />

Johanna Luening<br />

Gary & James Kopycinski<br />

Shirley Lustig<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Anthony Macerol<br />

Elizabeth Ehlman<br />

Edythe Mackaye<br />

Michael & Pauline Welsh<br />

Robert Mackie<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Henry Maday<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Kevin Maher<br />

Dennis & Donna Dwyer<br />

Patrick Maher<br />

Rita R. Dalmen Malkewicz<br />

Mary Tintari<br />

James Maloney<br />

Nancy Kaz<br />

Jane Manley<br />

Nancy Kaz<br />

Robert Mannion<br />

Cathleen Bolda<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Josephine R. Maoloni<br />

Mrs. Connie Faso<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Paciorek<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

George P. Marchigiani<br />

George, Helen, Carlotta &<br />

Megan Archibald<br />

Rosalie & George Bonini<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

Anthony Gambino<br />

Cara & Raul Solis<br />

Lori, Michelle & Melissa Calderone<br />

Val & Dolores Capretti<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John J. Marks<br />

Michael & Sharon Paciorek<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Helen Marciniak<br />

Joe & Marielle Zagone<br />

Isador Marcotte<br />

Udchitz Family<br />

Judy Maris<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

Ryan Reid '07<br />

Mary Marshall<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Hugh Masterson<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Emily Matese<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

Joan M. Matjasich<br />

Dolores & Val Capretti<br />

Roger Maziur<br />

Pat Piunti<br />

Robert & Shirley Schlueter<br />

Carl Mazzoni<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mrs. Mary Mazzoni & Family<br />

J. P. McAneney<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Tori McCabe<br />

Sam & Darnell Piunti<br />

Catherine McCoy<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Art McCrickard<br />

Barbara Marty<br />

James McDonald<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Lois McDonald<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Arthur McGonigal<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Joseph McGrady<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P.<br />

Bob & Mike McQuade<br />

Gael,Tom & Tommy O'Brien<br />

Julie McGrath<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mohan<br />

Tori McKay<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

James McLaughlin<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Rev. Robert McLaughlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Thomas McLaughlin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Jack Meade<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

Nancy Mosher<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

William Meany<br />

Edward Fischer<br />

Sr. Mary Anne Fischer, O.P.<br />

Tadas Meckauskas<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

John Merkel<br />

Rose M. Avery<br />

Mark Merkelis<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mary Mestrich<br />

Joe & Marielle Zagone '74<br />

Raymond J. Metz<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Monica Quattrocki<br />

Charles Meyers<br />

Kathy & Doug Johnson<br />

Dorothy Linder<br />

Chuck & Stephanie<br />

Linder Murach '90,'90<br />

Conchetta Mier<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Maria Mikutowska<br />

Sue & Joe Beaudry<br />

Mrs. George Hamilton<br />

Mary Miller<br />

Daphne Canino<br />

Mr. Miller<br />

Emily Quirke<br />

Beatrice Mills<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />


Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />


Clelia Minga<br />

Sharon R. Cooper<br />

Robert Mistovich, Sr.<br />

Ray Horath Family<br />

Julie Mitidiero<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Ted Mize<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bartusiewicz<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Bussey<br />

John & Amy Frale & Family<br />

Kathy & Doug Johnson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Klimas<br />

Rita Potocny Krider '67<br />

Friends at Frankfort Post Office<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Stephanie & Chuck Murach '90, '90<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Romanyak<br />

Pam & David Simon<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Mildred & Laurence Stapleton, Sr.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stapleton, Jr.<br />

Frank Termini<br />

Jim Moffatt<br />

Mary & Bill Moffatt<br />

Marie Mollo<br />

Barb, Larry & Lonnie Mollo<br />

Dave & Lucy Vittori<br />

Sam Mollo<br />

Joe & Sue Ajdinovich & Sons<br />

John Baeavis<br />

Anne G. Botsko<br />

Esther G. Botsko<br />

Tom & Debbie Brooks & Family<br />

R. Ronald Buoscio<br />

Dr. & Mrs.T. Carmine<br />

Richard Carrillo<br />

George & Lisa Christy<br />

Donna Coon<br />

Mr. & Mrs.T. Crecilla<br />

Mary Czajka<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Armand Gasbarro<br />

Stephen & Barbara Gauthier<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Graska<br />

Susan, Alex & David Gregory<br />

John, Sharon & Nicole Jurkash<br />

Kenneth & Anne Kinney<br />

Casimir Kozlowski<br />

Diane Losiniecki<br />

Crescent Prah<br />

GFOA Research & Consulting Center<br />

James Harris<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Faculty & Staff<br />

Michael Wheeler<br />

Patrice Burger<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Mr.Terry McKenna<br />

Margaret McMaster<br />

Rose Mecchia<br />

Mrs. Bernice Mikolyczyk<br />

Larry, Barb & Lonnie Mollo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Murach<br />

Stephanie & Chuck Murach '90, '90<br />

Wayne & Deanna Nakayama<br />

Vera Newman<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome L. O'Mara<br />

Andrew & Phillip Orsini<br />

Linda Ostoich<br />

Cecelia Palasz<br />

Richard Palasz<br />

Rose Pannitto<br />

Shirl Pawlowski<br />

Chris & Jan Platis<br />

Rakich Family<br />

Rohn Family<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

Carl & Monica Sciackitano<br />

Margaret Sciackitano<br />

Florence G. Smith & Family<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Ron Swick & Family<br />

Bill Thegze<br />

Janice Vogel<br />

Larry & Lorraine Wojnar<br />

Beatrice Monaco<br />

Ellen Kinahan<br />

Rosemarie Moormann<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Carol Morales<br />

Meg Gray<br />

Rosemary Moran<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Ruben Morrow<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Jack Mullins<br />

Joanne Krop<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Benjamin Mumar<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Patrick Murphy '81<br />

James E. Clemmer, Ph.D., P.E.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Coxe<br />

Michael Douglas '86<br />

Susan G. Murphy Johns<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mohan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George Seline<br />

Dr. Michael Slavin<br />

Dr. & Mrs.William H. Slavin, III<br />

Dr. & Mrs.William H. Slavin, IV<br />

Marilyn C. Slavin<br />

Bob Murray<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

James Musser<br />

Massucci Family<br />

Kelly Nagle '03<br />

MGM Construction Co., Inc.<br />

Albert P. Napoli<br />

Ed & Mary DiLuia<br />

Robert & Kathleen Jones<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Erwin L. Nedza<br />

Gail Matthews<br />

Danny Nelligan<br />

Joseph Battaglia Family<br />

Paulette Nelson<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John Nolan<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Ed Nykaza<br />

Kevin & Diane Larson<br />

Patricia O'Connell<br />

John & Diana Kozojed<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mary O'Connor<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Mohan<br />

Patricia J. O'Connor<br />

Patrick O'Connor<br />

Cyril J. O'Donnell<br />

Barbara Klupchak<br />

Michael O'Donnell<br />

Gary & James Kopycinski<br />

Clem O'Neil<br />

Nancy & Pat Dolan<br />

Don Gallagher<br />

John Bracha ’79, Pete Ruhl, Frank Bracha and Mary Moffatt share times at the<br />

Helen W. Bracha Faculty Resource Center dedication.<br />

Hugh O'Neill<br />

Colleen Ranieri & Bridget Reed<br />

James J. O'Neill<br />

Louise Bosta<br />

Marilyn O'Neill<br />

Monica Quattrocki<br />

Pamyra O'Neill<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Terry O'Neill<br />

Carol & Bill Elliott<br />

George Oganovich<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Frank Olivieri<br />

Audrey Kennedy<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

L.J. Pierandozzi<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

The Yolanda Rufo Family<br />

Margaret Onofrio<br />

Sharon & Ted Brown<br />

Val & Dolores Capretti<br />

Bruce & Kiki Cifelli<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Gina Ristenpart<br />

Herta Packard<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Edward H. Paesel<br />

Wilczynski,Wilczynski & Ciambrone, Ltd.<br />

Dominick Palermo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Guiseppina Palmieri<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Henry Palmisano<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Otto Papp<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Marie Patel<br />

Sr. <strong>Marian</strong> Joseph Joerger, O.P.<br />

Irene Paterak<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Irene Paterek<br />

Udchitz Family<br />

Bud Pawlowski<br />

Wesley Family

Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

Sylvester Pekar<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Klimas<br />

Rita Potocny Krider '67<br />

Jeanne Pellikan<br />

Rich & Sue Biemeret<br />

Roger Pennington<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Joseph Perez<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Dean Perozzi, Jr. '94<br />

Karen Perozzi<br />

John Petrowsky<br />

Sue Biemeret<br />

Frieda Philipps<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Patty Phillips<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Patricia Phipps<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Steven Piazza '63<br />

Bruce & Kiki Cifelli<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Nancy Piazza<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Tony Keating<br />

Alessandro Picciolini<br />

Cindy Dupczak<br />

Frank Pietras<br />

Innovative Software Solutions, Inc.<br />

Joseph Pietruszka<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Ezio Joseph Pignotti<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Mrs. Mary Gasbarro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paciorek<br />

Dominic & Carolyn Sesto<br />

Assunta Pizzoferato<br />

Phillip & Livia Faso<br />

Mrs. Pontikes<br />

Sue & Rich Biemeret<br />

Carmina Popolla<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sweeney<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Pauline C. Potocny<br />

Rosemary Kastrava<br />

Jerome Powers<br />

Andrew, Anthony &<br />

Joseph Battaglia Families<br />

Christopher R. Predny<br />

Cindy Dupczak<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Mary Ann & Thomas Golden<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Ray & Joyce Horath<br />

Gary & James Kopycinski<br />

John Kozojed<br />

Donald H. Land<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Advancement<br />

Office Staff<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Diana, Christopher &<br />

Benjamin McDonnell<br />

Patricia Politano<br />

Sandra Riley<br />

Rohn Family<br />

Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Carol Swanson<br />

Marie Prinzhorn<br />

Minnie Knoerzer<br />

Patricia Pryde<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Luisa Ptak<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Charles A. Purpura<br />

Tom & Margaret Bell<br />

Gloria Purser<br />

Joe & Sue Ajdinovich<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Laurie Zube<br />

John Pustelnik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surjan<br />

Theresa Donlin Quirk<br />

Hubbard & Joan Erickson<br />

Governors State University<br />

Eleanor Hayes<br />

Randall & Deby Hayes<br />

Timothy & Celine Henderlong<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Richard & Susan Hopper<br />

James & Vicki Hunziker<br />

Irma & Robert Kirscher<br />

Knights of Columbus<br />

Council No. 7473<br />

Laddie & Judy Korecek<br />

W. Michael Leverence<br />

Lynda Hajduch McCarthy '65<br />

Monica & Joe Quattrocki<br />

David & Colleen Quirk<br />

Friends & Family of Theresa Quirk<br />

Bro. Michael Quirk, FSC '70<br />

Friends of Theresa Quirk<br />

Edward Schmelter<br />

Sisters of St. Joseph,TOSF<br />

Dale & Nancy Waters<br />

Connie D. Rabyak<br />

Angie Falvo & Children<br />

The Falvo Family<br />

The Raffin & Parona Familys<br />

The Battaglia's<br />

Bruno Ramos<br />

William & Patricia Laschober<br />

Richard Rassel<br />

Tom Cornwell<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Tom Ratandi<br />

Laura Archibald Ludwa<br />

Renstina Rathe<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thaddeus Kowynia<br />

Lisa Kowynia<br />

Clarence Reed<br />

Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Gette Regan<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Dennis Rehberg '63<br />

The Andrew, Anthony<br />

& Joseph Battaglia Families<br />

Dennis Rehberg '63<br />

Donald E. Reichert<br />

Pat Faso<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

Don & Jill Raymond<br />

Stanley Reindl '82<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

James Reindl<br />

Peg Reindl<br />

James Reindl<br />

Dorothy Relja<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

John F. Renaud<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Henrietta Renaud<br />

Freda Rendak<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Sharon & James P. McCann, Sr.<br />

Donald Reno<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Mareatta Retterer<br />

Chuck & Carol Blasgen<br />

Josephine Reynolds<br />

Larry, Barb & Lonnie Mollo<br />

Ann Riccardo<br />

Daphne Canino<br />

Gerald Riccardo<br />

Daphne Canino<br />

Allie Mae Richards<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

John Rigoni<br />

Edith Meade<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

Phil Rizza<br />

Larry & Taressa Leonardo<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Facutly & Staff<br />

Marjorie Roberts<br />

Maureen Laschober<br />

Jim Rockrohr<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Marge Rockwood<br />

Joanne Clifford<br />

Carolina R. Rodriguez<br />

Margaret Paredes<br />

John Rolfes<br />

Gerald Quaid<br />

Russell Rolwing<br />

Michael & Janice Fodor<br />

Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P.<br />

Bob & Mike McQuade<br />

Ann Romano<br />

Ted & Sharon Brown<br />

Mary Romano<br />

Frank & Ann Nardoni<br />

Mrs. Mary Tosi<br />

Mary Romeli<br />

Larry, Barb & Lonnie Mollo<br />

Carl Ronzani<br />

Sandra Riley<br />

Reno A. Rosati<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Sam Rossi, Jr.<br />

Ted & Cornelia Bednarek<br />

Adrienne Foresta & Family<br />

Rose Macaluso<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Frank Newton<br />

Evelyn Rotondi<br />

Pat Faso<br />

Clara Roush<br />

Bob & Mike McQuade<br />

Vivian Marie Roviaro<br />

Nicolette Zaranti Jacobsma '75<br />

Michael A. Rubino<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John Mohan<br />

Yolanda Rufo<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. Armbruster<br />

Mary Gasbarro<br />

Theresa M. Giannetti<br />

Joan Ruan<br />

Donald Ruhl<br />

Sue & Joe Beaudry<br />

Dupczak Family<br />

Elizabeth Ehlman<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Michael McQuade<br />

Maureen McQuade '05<br />

Bill & Mary Moffatt<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl & Family<br />

Madeline Sprouse<br />

Mark & Carol Swanson<br />

John Rupple<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Ameha Ann Ryley<br />

Mary Ann Sanek<br />

Hugo Sabatini<br />

Ray & Joyce Sabatini<br />


Memorials<br />

JULY 1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />


With Sr. Santina DeLuca ’62 looking on, Sr. Catherine Anne Yager reads the<br />

names of those remembered at the annual Memorial Mass.<br />

Edward Sabotnik<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

John & Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Jon & Becky Wooddell<br />

Al Saccomando<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

John Sadowski<br />

Peter & Nancy Frigo<br />

Dominic Salamanski<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Carmine Sansone<br />

Bob & Linda Hansen<br />

Edna J. Santostefano<br />

Livia & John Natalie<br />

Joseph Santucci<br />

Douglas & Bernice Benker<br />

Tom Sapienz<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Costello<br />

Thomas Sapinza<br />

Victoria Melei<br />

Chuck Sassone<br />

John & Barbara Sabotnik<br />

Stuart Sauter<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Claire E. Sawyer<br />

Celia Faso<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Armand Gasbarro<br />

Mrs. Mary Gasbarro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Giorgi<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

William Schack<br />

Mrs.Virginia Paul<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Adam Schiffen<br />

Patricia A. Loftus<br />

Donald Schleyer<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Carl F. Schmid<br />

Josephine M.Walsdorf<br />

Mary Schmidt<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Francis Schmiedel<br />

Arthur M. & LaVerne Welsh<br />

Caroline Schumake<br />

Val & Dolores Capretti<br />

Joe & Claire Coatar<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Robert & Shirley Schlueter<br />

Susan Schumake<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> Megaphone -<br />

Moderators & Students<br />

Dee Schuneman<br />

Sr. Santina DeLuca, O.P. '62<br />

George Scott<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J. C. O'Neill<br />

Sue Sejda<br />

The Udchitz Family<br />

Roseann Seminara<br />

John J. Marks & Rose M. Marks<br />

Olean Senesac<br />

Jennifer Klopp<br />

Tom & Gael O'Brien<br />

Dorothy Shears<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

James Sheil<br />

Mary Ann & Tim O'Hea<br />

Sophia Shone<br />

Massucci Family<br />

Joseph S. Sikora, Sr.<br />

Pat & Jack Heneghan<br />

Mary W. Heneghan<br />

Alfretta Simmons<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Joan L. Skagerberg<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Faculty & Staff<br />

Joseph J. Skorick<br />

Americo & Leonora Mattio<br />

Bob Slawson<br />

Ida D. Pflanz<br />

Michael S. Small<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nardoni<br />

Donald Smith<br />

Sue Biemeret<br />

Frances Smith<br />

Jessica Gehm '99<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Franklin Smith<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mohan<br />

William H. Smith, Jr.<br />

Peter & Joanne Fee<br />

Helen Smith<br />

Shirley Smith<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

William H. Smith, Sr.<br />

Joanne Fee<br />

Peter & Joanne Fee<br />

Helen Smith<br />

Helen Smosna<br />

Debbie & David Watson<br />

Bob Snyder<br />

Andretta Marconi<br />

Edward Sobotnik<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kurzawski<br />

Father of LaVerne Soltys<br />

Gail Matthews<br />

Amy Louise Sosnowski<br />

The Duffys<br />

Paul & Peg Massucci<br />

John Spellman<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Delphine Stace<br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Lottie Stachowicz<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Judith Kolnik Starzyk '64<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Ralph Stauber<br />

Felecia Dupczak<br />

Paul Surjan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surjan<br />

Terree Suska<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Sr. Mary Blaise Galloway, O.P.<br />

Marie Svancarek<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Surjan<br />

Theresa Swanson<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fuehrmeyer<br />

Anna Tackett<br />

Mary Bock Porento '71<br />

Charles Taffe<br />

Kyner Family<br />

Patricia A. Loftus<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Helen Tamborski<br />

Mr. & Mrs. J.C. O'Neill<br />

Anthony Tavoletti<br />

Mrs. Mary Gasbarro<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Nardoni<br />

Mrs.Techman<br />

Concetta & James Smart<br />

James Teske<br />

Mary Juraska<br />

Dominick Tessarala<br />

The Battaglia's<br />

Michael Patrick Thomas<br />

Dorothy M. Hitterman<br />

Mr.Thomas<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Thompson<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Sedor<br />

Christopher Throntveit<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Philomena Tieri<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Frank Tornabeni<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mary C.Tosi<br />

Sarah & David Cline<br />

Mrs. Raymond Jenkins<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Aldona Petrarca<br />

Pete & Darlene Ruhl<br />

David, Matt & Martha Ruhl<br />

Ellen & Brad Sir<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Edward Truschke<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Judy Marie Turner<br />

Mr. & Mrs.Americo Mattio<br />

Helen Tymorek<br />

Stanley Klimas

Memorials<br />

JULY<br />

1, 2004 through JULY 30, 2005<br />

Annie Upshaw<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Welsh<br />

Carol Upton<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

William Van Milligan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Michael Vander Luitgaren '89<br />

William & Catherine Anderson<br />

Marty & Suzy Babich<br />

Jim & Chris Bailey<br />

Christa & Mike Bartley<br />

Joan, Jim & Katie Braden<br />

Mike & Maria Bruni<br />

Joseph Camaioni '89<br />

Dominic & Kim Chiappini<br />

The Patrick Condon Family<br />

Gail Copley<br />

Joseph & Bernice Dee<br />

Cathy & Jim Dee '80<br />

Mary Jane & Tom Dee '81<br />

Rosemary England<br />

John & Christine Faflik<br />

James & Julie Flamini '89, '90<br />

Marc Flamini '95<br />

Kristine & Charlie Fote, '89, '90<br />

Ed & Beth Franczyk<br />

Jeff & Beth Gallagher<br />

Matt Bertram<br />

Tony Hamer<br />

John F. Heneghan<br />

Mary Kay & Dick King<br />

Ed & Judi Kwilosz<br />

Cora & John Larsen<br />

Chuck & Therese Lofrano<br />

TheThomas Lydon Family<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Richard Marshall<br />

Jamie & Elisa Mattio, '90, '91<br />

Donald & Diane McKillip<br />

James O'Donnell<br />

Karen & Pat Panio '65<br />

Joel Pignotti<br />

John & Judy Randazzo<br />

Steve & Jeanna Rotondi '90, '89<br />

Craig Scherbarth<br />

Rev. & Mrs. Ray Scherbarth<br />

Kathleen Stenson '74<br />

Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Van Valer Law Firm<br />

Jenny Vasquez<br />

James Wrenn '87<br />

Karen & Dave Zerante '72<br />

Pete VanMelle<br />

Lisa M. Kowynia<br />

Nonby Varda<br />

Gerald Quaid<br />

Charles Varkalis<br />

Joanne Bruni<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary Kay Vaughn<br />

Lee Pierandozzi<br />

Gerald C.Vellender, Sr.<br />

Patrick Vellender<br />

Audrey Velo<br />

Leonard Smith<br />

Fred Villanova<br />

Patricia Loftus<br />

Frank Voltattorni<br />

Dennis & Dottie Bauer<br />

Geoffrey & Margaret Biltgen<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Father of Diana VonSchwedler<br />

Gail Matthews<br />

Mavis Vought<br />

Mike Bruni<br />

Walter Wagoner<br />

Mrs. Dorothy McCaughey<br />

Mary Waitekus<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Alice M.Wallens<br />

Katie Lynch<br />

Charles Walley<br />

Hansen Family<br />

John Walsh<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mary & Jim Walter<br />

Regina Eve Watioba<br />

Nicolette Zaranti Jacobsma '75<br />

Glenda Webb<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Erich Weber<br />

Joanne C. Bruni<br />

Frank A. Newton<br />

Alan Weis<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Peg & Paul Massucci<br />

Mike, Bobby & John McQuade<br />

Janet & Ken Noth<br />

Betty Welling<br />

Roberta Rolwing McQuade<br />

Richard W. Werth<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Jean Wesolowski<br />

Meg Gray<br />

Josephine Wesolowski<br />

Chris & Jennifer (Hudson '89) Powell<br />

Lou Westendorf<br />

Andretta Marconi<br />

Albert J.Wilcox<br />

Leonard D. Smith<br />

Pat Wilharber<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Meade<br />

Edith Meade<br />

Alphonso Williams<br />

Mary Margaret Flanagan<br />

Mary Williamson<br />

The Davenport Family<br />

Nancy Glennon<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Ryan Rockaitis<br />

Glenn J.Winnie<br />

Ron & Phyllis Hock<br />

Ralph Wire '63<br />

Frank Weider '63<br />

Anne Wisowaty<br />

Udchitz Family<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J.Wisowaty<br />

& Family<br />

Roberta Witkowski<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Mary C. Moffatt<br />

Marie Wloch<br />

Americo & Leonora Mattio<br />

Michael Wojcik<br />

Loretta Katauskas<br />

Maureen Wolf<br />

Jem Kowalewski<br />

Julie Liceaga<br />

Richard Wolff<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Ray & Nancy Hofman<br />

Joe & Marielle Zagone<br />

Grace Wukitsch<br />

Nick & Rose Zagotta<br />

John Yager<br />

Sr. Catherine Anne Yager, O.P.<br />

Corine York<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Rosetta Zacaroli<br />

Sharon & Ted Brown<br />

Joseph M. Zagone<br />

Dorothy Armbruster<br />

John & Cathy Badeusz<br />

Ted & Cornelia Bednarek<br />

Cathy '90 & Lorren '08 Bednarek<br />

James & Martha Bowen<br />

George F. Cizek & Family<br />

Cindi Lu Gaz<br />

Robert & Kathleen Jones<br />

Dorothy Komer<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David Marthaler<br />

Dominick & Cecilia Melei<br />

Karen & Randall Nicholson<br />

Harriet Ruhling<br />

Juliette Zagone<br />

Mrs. Josephine Zaranti<br />

Joyce Zambetta<br />

Florence DeLuca<br />

Jeryl Ann Zatarski<br />

Mary Ann & Tom Golden<br />

Mary Juraska<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Patricia Zinser Loftus '65<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Francis Ziska<br />

Georgene Spoonhour<br />

Jaclyn Zito<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

Otto Zollandz<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Charles Zulanas, Jr.<br />

Walter & Bridget Drungil<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Faculty & Staff<br />

Carol Burke Swanson '81<br />

Ellen Zylstra<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Faculty & Staff<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> certainly had an<br />

influence in my life and I give<br />

(to the Annual Fund) in gratitude<br />

for my <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> experience helping me<br />

to get to where I am today.<br />

Lawrence Eagan ’68<br />


AcademicHonors &Scholarships<br />

Continuing to mold the leaders of tomorrow, <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> typically sends more than 98<br />

percent of its graduating classes to colleges and universities. The Class of 2005 earned $7.3<br />

million in scholarships and included two National Merit Scholar Finalists, 22 National Merit<br />

Recognition, and increased its Advanced Placement Scholars to more than 100.<br />


Student Council President Valerie Ruiz ’05 offers the gift of the<br />

class photo at the Graduation Mass.<br />

Steven Ajdinovich – Quincy University<br />

Quincy University Academic Scholarship<br />

Tina Ann Al-Saigh – DePaul University<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Bradley University – University Scholarship<br />

St. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Jessica Alexander –<br />

University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Ministry of Leadership – Vicariate VI<br />

Leadership Award<br />

Rachel Amadio –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Megan Anderson – Lewis University<br />

Lewis University Alumni Scholarship<br />

Lewis University Bishop<br />

Bernard Sheil Scholarship<br />

Catherine Angel –<br />

University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award Program<br />

Aaron Angelini – Lewis University<br />

Lewis University Christian Brothers<br />

Achievement Award<br />

Civil Air Patrol Corporate Scholarship<br />

Vanessa Armand – DePaul University<br />

DePaul University Theatre <strong>School</strong> Talent<br />

Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Juliana Ayala – Loyola University<br />

Quincy University Resident Honors Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Daniel Balash – Southern Illinois<br />

University-Edwardsville<br />

Four Years Outstanding Attendance<br />

Brea Banks – Illinois State University<br />

Athletic Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Stefanie Battista – DePaul University<br />

Dominican University Dominican Scholarship<br />

Dominican University Honor Scholarship<br />

Lewis University Frank J. Lewis Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

St. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Rhae Battles - University of Illinois<br />

National Achievement Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Loyola University Academic Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Northwestern University Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Deans’Trustee Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Deans’ Residence Award<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award<br />

University of Illinois Campus Merit Award<br />

University of Notre Dame Honors Scholarship<br />

Dollars for Scholars Matteson Chapter<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction

Nicholas Bautista –<br />

University of Florida<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Sarah Bender – Iowa State University<br />

Iowa State University Award<br />

for Competitive Excellence<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Mary Berg – DePaul University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Elizabeth Berger –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship<br />

St. Mary’s College Presidential Scholarship<br />

Mario Carlo Pulcini Marchegiana<br />

Scholarship Award<br />

Women’s Division Joint Civic Italian<br />

Americans Scholarship<br />

Daughters of the American Revolution<br />

Good Citizenship Award<br />

Alpha Delta Kappa-Beta Epsilon<br />

Chapter Scholarship<br />

National Honor Society Scholarship Nominee<br />

Ladies’ Auxiliary to the <strong>Catholic</strong> War Veterans<br />

Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics<br />

Outstanding Student Achievement Award<br />

College Visions Valedictorian Award<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Four Years Perfect Attendance<br />

Class Valedictorian<br />

Timothy Bergin – Loyola University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Chloe Blasingame – Butler University<br />

Butler University Irvington Scholarship<br />

Dr. Morton-Finny Leadership Scholarship<br />

Northwest Missouri State University Tower<br />

Scholar Out-of-State Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Dominican Preacher<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Brittany Bogs –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Sarah Bohlen – Loras University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Jennifer Botelho – Purdue University<br />

Western Michigan University<br />

Dean’s Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Brittany Briscoe – DePaul University<br />

Carthage College Multicultural Grant<br />

University of St. Francis Award<br />

Kevin Brocious –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

Quincy University Resident Scholarship<br />

Carthage College Faculty Scholarship<br />

James Brodzik – University of Illinois<br />

Creighton University Academic Merit<br />

Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Scholarship<br />

Quincy University Resident Honor Scholarship<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Social Studies<br />

Robert Brown – DePaul University<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

DePaul University Community Service<br />

Scholarship<br />

Christian Educator’s Prayer Fellowship<br />

Scholarship<br />

Katelyn Bruni – Loyola University<br />

Matteson Chapter Dollars for Scholars<br />

Bradley University Deans Scholarship<br />

DePaul University Centennial Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Abby Foundation Academic Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Four Years Outstanding Attendance<br />

James Bruno –<br />

Western Michigan University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

University of Iowa National Scholars Award<br />

Purdue University Alumni General Scholarship<br />

Western Michigan University Academic<br />

Scholarship<br />

Western Michigan University<br />

Paper Technology Foundation<br />

Rebecca Bugajski – Loyola University<br />

Carthage College Presidential Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Daniel Burke –<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Village of Monee Dollars for Scholars<br />

Miami University Academic Scholarship<br />

Miami University Oxford Scholarship<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Whitney Butler – Loyola University<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Michael Buxbaum – University of<br />

Wisconsin-Platteville<br />

Kevin F. Maher Memorial Wrestling Scholarship<br />

Marius Cablarda – University of Iowa<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Four Years Perfect Attendance<br />

Jeffrey Carlson –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Illinois Assn. of Mortgage Brokers Scholarship<br />

sponsored by Washington Mutual<br />

Lauren Catinella –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Kyle Chapman – Seton Hall University<br />

Seton Hall University Scholarship<br />

Seton Hall University Chicago<br />

Memorial Alumni Scholarship<br />

Drake University Presidential Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Ignatian Scholarship<br />

Eric Clough –<br />

St. Louis College of Pharmacy<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

St. Louis College of Pharmacy<br />

President’s Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Dremil Collier –<br />

Northwestern University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

National Achievement Semi-Finalist<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

The N’Digo Foundation’s Dr. Robert Septo<br />

Medicine/Science Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award Program<br />

University of Illinois Campus Merit Award<br />

Tuffs University Balfour Scholar Award<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Lauren Misch ’05 and Mike Mesterharm ’05 celebrate their new <strong>Marian</strong><br />

Alumni Association membership.<br />


AcademicHonors&Scholarships<br />


Caesar Zambrano ’05 leads<br />

the procession for the<br />

Graduation Mass.<br />

Keisha Collins –<br />

University of Southern Indiana<br />

Athletic Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

John Crosetto – Loyola University<br />

Loyola University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Ryan Cull – University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Dominican Preacher<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Zachary Denny –<br />

Valparaiso University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Knox College Ellen Browning Scripps<br />

Scholarship<br />

Knox College Founders Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Amy Dettmann –<br />

Dominican University<br />

Village of Tinley Park Youth Community<br />

Service Scholarship<br />

Bradley University Deans’ Scholarship<br />

Dominican University Honor Scholarship<br />

Frank J. Lewis Scholarship<br />

Loyola <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Drama<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Award<br />

Dominican Preacher<br />

Lawrence DiGiulio –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

Mario Carlo Pulcini Marchegiana<br />

Scholarship Award<br />

Joseph DiLuia –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

Brennan-Boland-Riehle Scholarship<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

University of Notre Dame Scholar<br />

Indiana University Faculty Award<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Nina DiMaggio – University of Iowa<br />

Mario Carolo Pulcini Marchegiana<br />

Scholarship Award<br />

Patrick Dotson –<br />

Prairie State College<br />

Prairie State College Board of Trustees<br />

Honor Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Brittany Dunn –<br />

Xavier University of Louisiana<br />

Xavier University of Louisiana<br />

Academic Scholarship<br />

DeAdra Estelle – Loyola University<br />

National Achievement Finalist<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

National Achievement Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Michigan State University Merit<br />

Recognition Award<br />

Michigan State University Distinguished<br />

Achievement Scholarship<br />

Michigan State University Honors Award<br />

Purdue University Scholarship Award<br />

of Excellence<br />

Truman State University President’s<br />

Honorary Scholarship<br />

Truman State University President’s<br />

Competitive Scholarship<br />

University of Miami Merrick Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Anthony Feminis –<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Michelle Finchum –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

Eastern Illinois University Honors<br />

Council Scholarship<br />

Eastern Illinois Honors<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Brooke Finlayson – Loyola University<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Lauren Finlon –<br />

University of Illinois at Chicago<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Quincy University Resident Scholarship<br />

Walter Fisher – University of<br />

Wisconsin-Platteville<br />

Bradley University Garrett-Provost Scholarship<br />

DePauw University Academic Scholarship<br />

Iowa Wesleyan College Athletic Scholarship<br />

Iowa Wesleyan Faculty Grant<br />

Millikin University Merit Scholarship<br />

University of Wisconsin –<br />

Platteville Academic Scholar Award<br />

St. Xavier University Scholarship Award<br />

Melissa Frank – Butler University<br />

Butler University Freshman<br />

Academic Scholarship<br />

Duquesne University Founders<br />

Merit Scholarship<br />

Duquesne University Provost Merit Scholarship<br />

Gannon University Academic Excellence Award<br />

Gannon University Leadership Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Tricia Fredette – St. Xavier University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Michael Frigo – Millikin University<br />

Millikin University Dean Scholarship<br />

Millikin University Merit Scholarship<br />

Valparaiso University Achievement Award<br />

Benedictine University <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Recognition Award<br />

Benedictine University St. Benedict Award<br />

Julie Fuerst –<br />

Northern Illinois University<br />

Purdue University Dean’s Merit Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Elizabeth Galazkiewicz –<br />

Loyola University<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship<br />

University of Dayton President’s Scholarship<br />

Joseph Galloy – Joliet Junior College<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Roy Gillett –<br />

Florida Institute of Technology<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Florida Institute of Technology Faculty<br />

Scholarship<br />

Katelyn Gleason – Loyola University<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Genna Gliottoni –<br />

Northern Illinois University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Northern Illinois University Centennial<br />

Scholarship<br />

Mario Carolo Pulcini Marchegiana<br />

Scholarship Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Jennifer Goggins –<br />

University of Illinois<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Christina Golubski –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete

Meghan Grober – Bradley University<br />

Bradley University Garrett-Provost Scholarship<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

Daniel Grossi – University of Illinois at Chicago<br />

St. Joseph’s College Scholarship<br />

Rebecca Gustafson – Point Loma<br />

Nazarene University Athletic Scholarship<br />

Olivet Nazarene University Achievement<br />

Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Army Reserve National Scholar-Athlete Award<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Elizabeth Hall – DePaul University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Kristin Hamb – Duke University<br />

National Achievement Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

IBM Corporation Thomas J.Watson<br />

Memorial Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Margaret Hammerschmidt –<br />

St. Louis University<br />

St. Louis University – University Scholarship<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Jessica Hartl – University of Dayton<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Scholarship<br />

St. Norbert College Trustees Scholarship<br />

University of Dayton President’s Scholarship<br />

University of Dayton Color Guard Scholarship<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Andrew Hebda –<br />

Moraine Valley Community College<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Patrick Heim – University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Alessandra Hernandez –<br />

University of Illinois<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Indiana University Faculty Award<br />

Indiana University Achieve Indiana Award<br />

University of Illinois Campus Merit Award<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award<br />

University of Iowa Opportunity Scholarship<br />

University of Iowa National Scholars Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Ashley Hluska –<br />

University of Illinois at Chicago<br />

Athletic Scholarship<br />

James Hofbauer – University of Illinois<br />

Southern Illinois University-Carbondale<br />

Dean’s Scholar Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Scott Hoffman –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Quincy University Resident Scholarship<br />

Regina Hollingshead –<br />

DePaul University<br />

Valparaiso University Achievement Award<br />

Tiffany Hoyne –<br />

University of Michigan<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Julie Jacobsma –<br />

Purdue University-Calumet<br />

Purdue University-Calumet<br />

Best & Brightest Scholarship<br />

Michael Jelinek - University of Illinois<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Excellence Scholarship<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

MCHS Scholar-Athlete<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Science<br />

Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers -<br />

Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry<br />

Robert Tero Johnson –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

Golden Apple Scholarship<br />

Eastern Illinois ACE Scholarship<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

Crete Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship<br />

Illinois General Assembly Scholarship<br />

Schuyler Johnson – Bradley University<br />

Athletic Scholarship<br />

National Achievement Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Steve Ajdinovich ’05 proudly displays his diploma with his parents at his side.<br />

James Jones –<br />

Northwestern University<br />

National Achievement Finalist<br />

National Merit Scholarship<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Howard University Laureate Scholarship<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship<br />

6th District Circuit Court of Cook County<br />

Outstanding Academic,Activities and<br />

Service Award<br />

University of Illinois James Scholar<br />

Honors Program<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Alyson Jordan – Bradley University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Bill Fleming Memorial Scholarship<br />

Augustana College Presidential Scholarship<br />

Augustana College Naeseth Writing Award<br />

Scholarship<br />

Bradley University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Excellence Scholarship<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Four Years Outstanding Attendance<br />

Safeeya Jordan-Walker –<br />

Boston University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />


AcademicHonors&Scholarships<br />


Nicole Jozsa –<br />

Western Michigan University<br />

Western Michigan University Diversity<br />

Scholarship<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Band<br />

Katharine Kane – Lewis University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Kelly Kapshandy –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor<br />

National Hispanic Recognition Scholar<br />

Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with<br />

Distinction Dominican Preacher<br />

Shannon Kean – University of Illinois<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Butler University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Butler University Scholar Book Award<br />

Loyola University Academic Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

University of Dayton President’s Scholarship<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar with Honor<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Tariq Khan –<br />

George Washington University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Brett Kokot – Indiana University<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Miami University General Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Dominican Preacher<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Ryan Kolczynski –<br />

University of Illinois<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Matthew Kozor –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Drake University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Alexander Kuehr – DePaul University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Forensics Speaker of the Year<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Chorus<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Drama<br />

Cassandra Lau – Indiana University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Charles Lau – Bradley University<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Band<br />

J. Peter Lau –<br />

United States Marine Corps<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Band<br />

Lauren Lenti – DePaul University<br />

Athletic Scholarship<br />

Katelin Lewis –<br />

Eastern Illinois University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Jeffrey Linn – Purdue University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Amy Lofgren – Illinois State University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

David Longawa –<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Fine Arts Award<br />

Benedictine University<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Award<br />

Benedictine University St. Benedict Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Band<br />

Kate Lulinski –<br />

Southern Illinois University<br />

President’s Award for Academic<br />

Excellence<br />

Megan Madden – University of Illinois<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Achievement Scholarship<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Linda Makiejus –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Eric Marshall –<br />

Prairie State College<br />

Prairie State College Board of Trustees<br />

Achievement Scholarship<br />

Marco Martino –<br />

Creighton University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Sr. Kathleen Anne presents a diploma to Colleen Peabody ’05.<br />

Kevin Marvinac –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Finalist<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

Sons of the American Revolution Good<br />

Citizenship Award<br />

Prudential Spirit of Community Certificate<br />

of Achievement<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Principal’s Leadership Award<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in<br />

Religious Studies<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Asia Mays – St. Xavier University<br />

St. Xavier University Academic Award<br />

Lisa Mazur – Loyola University<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

South Chicago Heights Kiwanis Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Theodora McClain –<br />

George Washington University<br />

University of Michigan Scholar Award<br />

New York University CAS Scholarship<br />

New York University J. Eckhouse Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Distinction Scholarship<br />

University of Missouri Mark Twain<br />

Non-Resident Scholarship<br />

George Washington University Alumni Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction

Suzanne McKay – Indiana University<br />

Michigan State University Scholars Award<br />

Michigan State University Presidential Study<br />

Abroad Scholarship<br />

Indiana University Faculty Award<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Loyola University Scholarship<br />

Grand Valley State Out-of-State Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in English<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Science<br />

Justin McLaughlin –<br />

St. Xavier University<br />

St. Xavier University Scholarship<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Patrick McNamara –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Briar Cliff University Academic Award<br />

Bradley University Achievement Grant<br />

Maureen McQuade –<br />

St. Mary’s College<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Michael Mesterharm –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Loyola University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Marquette University Helen Way Klinger<br />

Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Magis Award<br />

St. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Lauren Misch – Indiana University<br />

Indiana University Honors Scholar<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology<br />

Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in French<br />

Ashley Mitchell – University of Illinois<br />

SBC Illinois Telecom Pioneer Scholarship<br />

Kristie Mizinski – Boston University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Kevin Moffatt – St. Louis University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University University Scholarship<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Caitlin Morrison – St. Mary’s College<br />

Drake University Presidential Scholarship<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Patrick Murphy – Loyola University<br />

George M. Pullman Educational<br />

Foundation Scholarship<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Drama<br />

Jessica Mysiewicz – Aurora University<br />

Valparaiso University Achievement Award<br />

Aurora University Opportunity Grant<br />

Lauren Neely –<br />

Xavier University of Louisiana<br />

Xavier University of Louisiana Athletic<br />

Scholarship<br />

Sara Nessel – Illinois State University<br />

St. Xavier University Award<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Michael Newton –<br />

Northwestern University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Latin<br />

American Psychological Association and<br />

Teachers of Psychology Award<br />

Nicole Nichele – Indiana University<br />

University of Miami Merrick Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Thomas O’Brien –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

North American Hockey League<br />

Outstanding Academic Scholarship<br />

University of Illinois Engineering<br />

Merit Scholarship<br />

University of Illinois Froberg Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Lori O’Connor – Millikin University<br />

Monmouth University Alumni Award<br />

St. Xavier Presidential Scholarship<br />

Millikin University Merit Award<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

David Opilka – DePaul University<br />

Knox College Academic Scholarship<br />

Knox College Founders Scholarship<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Mary O’Reilly – DePaul University<br />

DePaul University Centennial Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Visual Arts<br />

Andrew O’Rourke –<br />

Marquette University<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Anthony O’Shea –<br />

United States Air Force Academy<br />

U.S. Air Force Academy Appointment<br />

West Point Academy Appointment<br />

Naval Academy Appointment<br />

Purdue University Dean’s Engineering<br />

Scholarship<br />

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology<br />

Purdue University Indiana Resident<br />

Top Scholar Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Purdue University Academic Success Award<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics<br />

Outstanding Student Achievement Award<br />

David Ostrowski – Loyola University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Cynthia Outarsingh -<br />

University of Illinois<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award Program<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Loyola University Trustee Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Martin Luther King<br />

Scholarship<br />

National Achievement Commended<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Molly Padden –<br />

Winona State University<br />

Winona State University Resident<br />

Tuition Scholarship<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

Sarah Padove – Indiana University<br />

Indiana University Honors College<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Athletic Scholarship – Indiana University<br />

Rebecca Palmer – Carroll College<br />

Benedictine University Academic Scholarship<br />

Carroll College Academic Scholarship<br />

St. Xavier University Academic Scholarship<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Kristina Panega – DePaul University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Stephanie Pascarella –<br />

Indiana University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />


AcademicHonors&Scholarships<br />


Kathryn Payne –<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Orland Park Rotary Club Scholarship<br />

Bradley University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Creighton University Academic Merit<br />

Scholarship<br />

Creighton University Service and Leadership<br />

Merit Award<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Scholarship<br />

St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Deans’ Scholarship<br />

SBC Foundation Scholarship<br />

Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship<br />

Prudential Spirit of Community Certificate<br />

of Merit<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Operation Snowball Teen Director<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

ACE Hardware Scholarship<br />

Professional Women of SBC Indiana<br />

Scholarship<br />

Sam Walton Community Scholarship<br />

Professional Women of SBC-Sacramento<br />

Scholarship<br />

Telecom Pioneers-Illinois Scholarship<br />

Colleen Peabody –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Purdue University Academic Scholarship<br />

University of Illinois First-Year<br />

Merit Scholarship<br />

University of Notre Dame Honors Scholar<br />

University of Southern California<br />

Trustee Scholarship<br />

Chicago Tribune Illinois <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> All-State<br />

Academic Team Nominee<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

MCHS Scholar-Athlete<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Mathematics<br />

Class Salutatorian<br />

Tanesha Pearson –<br />

University of Missouri/Columbia<br />

Grand Valley State University Bert Price<br />

Diversity Scholarship<br />

Lewis University Bishop Bernard Sheil<br />

Scholarship<br />

University of Missouri Diversity Scholarship<br />

Xavier University Tuition Scholarship<br />

Junior Achievement of Chicago Scholarship<br />

Yelitza Perez – DePaul University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Stacy Peterlin – Indiana University<br />

Indiana University Faculty Award<br />

University of Iowa National Scholars Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Crete Area Chamber of Commerce Scholarship<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Business<br />

Emily Pierson – University of Illinois<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Erin Pisani – University of Arizona<br />

University of Arizona Academic Excellence<br />

Scholarship<br />

Alexander Planeto –<br />

Valparaiso University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Bradley University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Valparaiso University Presidential Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Kelly Powell – University of Illinois<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

DePaul University Centennial Scholarship<br />

Miami University General Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Laurie Prohaska – Millikin University<br />

Butler University Irvington Scholarship<br />

Millikin University Merit Award<br />

University of Iowa Tuition Scholarship<br />

University of Iowa National Scholars Award<br />

Winona State University Resident Tuition<br />

Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Emily Quinlan –<br />

University of Wisconsin<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Thomas Raehl –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Britney Rand – Purdue University<br />

University of Missouri-Columbia<br />

Diversity Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Ellen Rawlings – Purdue University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Ross Recupito – Loyola University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Purdue University Academic Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Kristin Richardson –<br />

Northwestern University<br />

National Achievement Finalist<br />

National Achievement Scholarship<br />

Purdue University Academic Success Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Ministry of Justice & Service –<br />

Vicariate VI Leadership Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

ESCC Scholar-Athlete<br />

Patrick Richel –<br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Magis Award<br />

University of Illinois Campus Merit Award<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award Program<br />

Army Reserve National Scholar-Athlete Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Social Studies<br />

Kevin Rippey – Indiana University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Sarah Jo Ritchie – Loyola University<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

Purdue University-Calumet Best & Brightest<br />

Scholarship<br />

Loyola University Rambler Leadership Award<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Nicole Robinette –<br />

St. Louis University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Bradley University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Illinois Wesleyan Alumni Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Loyola University Damen Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Deans’ Scholarship<br />

Best Buy Children’s Foundation<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Angela Roccasalva –<br />

Bradley University<br />

Bradley University University Award<br />

Ripon Dean’s Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Ministry of Prayer & Worship –<br />

Vicariate VI Leadership Award<br />

James Roche – Illinois State University<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Jessica Roque – Indiana University<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Scholarship<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award Program<br />

Father O'Mara prepares for a<br />

reading at the Graduation Mass.

Gerry O’Brien congratulates<br />

students at Graduation.<br />

Valerie Ruiz – DePaul University<br />

St. Xavier University Scholarship<br />

Jacqueline Saldarriaga –<br />

Northwestern University<br />

George M. Pullman Educational Foundation<br />

Scholarship<br />

National Hispanic Recognition Scholar<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Daniel Sandrick – Indiana University<br />

John Carroll University President’s Honor<br />

Scholarship<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Megan Sandrick –<br />

Western Michigan University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Junior Classical League Honor Society<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Cara Scrementi – Loyola University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Mario Carlo Pulcini Marchegiana<br />

Scholarship Award<br />

Butler University Trustee Scholarship<br />

Hope College Distinguished Scholar Award<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Jonathan Scudella – Quincy University<br />

Quincy University Resident Honors Scholarship<br />

Quincy University Athletic Scholarship<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Aaron Sheets – Purdue University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Sharday Shelby – Howard University<br />

Howard University Legacy Scholarship<br />

Ohio State University National Buckeye<br />

Plus Scholarship<br />

Ohio State University Academic Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

William Smith – Bentley University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Bentley University President’s Scholarship<br />

DePauw University Merit Award<br />

Robert Solorio –<br />

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

National Merit Scholar<br />

University of Wisconsin Foundation’s<br />

Undergraduate Scholarship<br />

Zurich North America Merit Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in Spanish<br />

U of Wisconisn-Milwaukee Illinois<br />

Scholar Award<br />

Stacy Sowa – Drake University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Beverly Hills University Club Scholarship<br />

Ashley Stefans –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Maureen Stumpf – University of Iowa<br />

Four Years Perfect Attendance<br />

Katlin Sullivan – Purdue University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Casey Taylor – University of Michigan<br />

University of Michigan Athletic Scholarship<br />

Doug Damon Award<br />

Jennifer Tiller - Howard University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Achievement Finalist<br />

National Achievement Scholarship<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Howard University Laureate Scholarship<br />

Xavier University Academic Scholarship<br />

University of Illinois President’s Award<br />

University of Illinois Campus Merit Award<br />

Washington University Eliot Scholarship<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter with Distinction<br />

Paul Torres – University of Illinois<br />

Loyola University – University Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Kelsey Turza – Lewis University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Jesse Tyler – University of Illinois<br />

Four Years Outstanding Attendance<br />

Jessica Walsh – St.Ambrose University<br />

St. Ambrose University Academic Scholarship<br />

St. Ambrose University Athletic Scholarship<br />

Lisa Ware – Illinois State University<br />

Monmouth College Alumni Award<br />

Carthage College Multicultural Grant<br />

Patricia Wasil – Lewis University<br />

University of Indianapolis Horizon Award<br />

Ashleigh Watson –<br />

DePauw University<br />

DePauw University Academic Scholarship<br />

Kalamazoo College Honors Scholarship<br />

Kalamazoo College John T.Williamson<br />

Scholarship<br />

Stephanie Watson – Purdue University<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers –<br />

Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry<br />

Tiera Watts –<br />

Illinois Institute of Technology<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Paul Wegrzyn – Loyola University<br />

Loyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<br />

Loyola University Scholarship<br />

Michael Welton –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kyle Whalen – Illinois State University<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Elaine Wilson – Knox College<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

Forensics Speaker of the Year<br />

Jeanine Windish –<br />

Illinois State University<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Alexis Winter – Boston University<br />

George Washington University Presidential<br />

Academic Scholarship<br />

National Merit Commended<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Merit Recognition Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology Club Award<br />

Margaret Woods – Indiana University<br />

Ball State University Presidential Scholarship<br />

Indiana University Faculty Award<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

MCHS Academic Excellence in French<br />

Charlie Wright –<br />

University of Colorado<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Nominee<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Cesar Zambrano –<br />

University of Illinois at Chicago<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

Drury University Academic Honor Scholarship<br />

Lawrence University Heritage Scholarship<br />

National Honor Society<br />

French National Honor Society<br />

MCHS Dominican Veritas Award<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Elizabeth Zerante –<br />

St. Louis University<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

Advanced Placement Scholar<br />

Bradley University Academic Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Dean’s Scholarship<br />

St. Louis University Dean’s Resident Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Scholarship<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

Quill & Scroll Journalism Honor Society<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />

Mary Zuidema – Marquette University<br />

Marquette University Ignatius Academic<br />

Achievement Scholarship<br />

Marquette University Magis Award<br />

Illinois State Scholar<br />

President’s Award for Academic Excellence<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Spanish National Honor Society<br />

Mu Alpha Theta<br />

Kairos Retreat Leader<br />

MCHS Operation Snowball Teen Director<br />

MCHS Academic Letter<br />


M<strong>AR</strong>IAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL<br />

700 Ashland Avenue<br />

Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411<br />

708.755.6579<br />

www.marianchs.com<br />


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Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67<br />

President<br />

Peter A. Ruhl<br />

Vice-President<br />

for Institutional Advancement<br />

Carol Burke Swanson ’81<br />

Director of Development<br />

Peg Massucci<br />

Assistant to the President<br />

Gail Young<br />

Alumni Relations Coordinator<br />

Kevin Kelly ’80<br />

Public Relations Coordinator<br />

Cindy Dupczak<br />

Database Coordinator<br />

Jeanne Murphy<br />

Assistant Database Coordinator<br />

Janet Noth<br />

Office Manager<br />

Sr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.<br />

Diana McDonnell<br />

Recruitment<br />

Mary Moffatt<br />

Consultant<br />


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