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Rice Fact sheet - Rice Blast - Rice Knowledge Bank - International ...

Rice Fact sheet - Rice Blast - Rice Knowledge Bank - International ...


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<strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Blast</strong><br />

<strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Blast</strong> – Page 1 of 3<br />

Nature and disease symptoms<br />

<strong>Rice</strong> blast is one of the most important diseases of rice, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae B.C.<br />

Couch (Couch and Kohn 2002). The pathogen may infect all the aboveground parts of a rice plant at<br />

different growth stages: leaf, collar, node, internode, base, or neck, and other parts of the panicle, and<br />

sometimes the leaf sheath. A typical blast lesion on a rice leaf is gray at the center, has a dark border,<br />

and is spindle-shaped (large in the middle and tapering toward the end; Fig. 1a).<br />

rice fact <strong>sheet</strong>s<br />

Under favorable conditions, leaf lesions enlarge and coalesce, eventually blighting the entire leaf. Leaf<br />

blast lesions on some varieties are sometimes similar to brown spot lesions. Collar blast causes reddish<br />

brown to brown collar lesions (Fig. 1b) and may kill the entire attached leaf. In the case of node blast,<br />

the node turns blackish (Fig. 1c) and breaks easily. Neck blast results in a girdled neck with grayish<br />

brown lesions (Fig. 1d). These different symptoms have very different consequences for rice yield<br />

(Pinnschmidt et al 1994), and neck blast is potentially the most destructive. Neck blast may be<br />

confused with “whiteheads” caused by stem borer injuries. Both injuries result in empty, erect, whitegray,<br />

and conspicuously injured panicles. However, unlike injury caused by stem borer, for which the<br />

entire stem can be pulled out readily, neck blast causes only injury at the neck, and normally does not<br />

extend further into the leaf sheath.<br />

a b c d<br />

Fig. 1. <strong>Blast</strong> lesions on the leaf (a), collar (b), node (c) and neck (d) of a rice plant.<br />

Occurrence of blast<br />

<strong>Rice</strong> blast is present wherever rice is cultivated, but the disease occurs with highly variable intensities,<br />

depending on climate and cropping system. Environments with frequent and prolonged dew periods and<br />

with cool temperature in daytime are more favorable to blast. This applies particularly to upland and<br />

rainfed environments in the tropics and subtropics, as well as irrigated areas in temperate ecosystems.<br />

<strong>Fact</strong>ors favoring the disease<br />

The literature concerning factors that may influence blast is extensive, and can be only briefly<br />

summarized here (Teng 1994). The early literature emphasized the many physical and micro-climatic<br />

factors that may influence the life cycle of the pathogen (e.g., Hashimoto 1981), including spore<br />

liberation, transport, deposition, infection, latency, and sporulation. For each phase of the life cycle, an<br />

optimum of environmental factors often exists for blast. Thus, subtropical or temperate environments,<br />

where canopy wetness is frequent along with moderate temperature, are particularly inducive to blast.<br />

A considerable amount of work has been devoted to studying pathogen-host-environment<br />

interrelationships in blast. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer promotes the disease. On the other hand,<br />

moderate water stress also favors the disease, especially the sporulation of the pathogen. <strong>Blast</strong> can be<br />

a major disease of both lowland and upland rice, under favorable conditions—for example, extended<br />

duration of leaf wetness, a high amount of nitrogen, and cool temperature.<br />

For more information, visit the <strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Knowledge</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>: http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org<br />

To diagnose problems in the field, visit www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ricedoctor.<br />

Developed with input from: N. Castilla, S. Savary, C.M. Vera Cruz, and H. Leung<br />

Produced by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute (IRRI) • © 2010 IRRI, All rights reserved • Mar 2010

<strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Blast</strong> – Page 2 of 3<br />

Detailed quantitative knowledge of the life cycle, aided by simulation modeling studies (Teng 1994),<br />

provides an entry point for devising strategies for disease control, including the use of host-plant<br />

resistance. In general, the severity of leaf blast epidemics is dependent on two key phases of the<br />

disease cycle: infection (a deposited pathogen spore infects a healthy leaf site) and sporulation (the<br />

amount of spores produced by a blast lesion over an infectious period). Achieving control over these two<br />

stages is known to effectively control the disease. Resistant rice varieties probably confer resistance<br />

through interference of the infection and sporulation processes.<br />

Another critical factor that determines the likelihood of a blast epidemic is related to the genotype of the<br />

rice variety that is cultivated, to the diversity of the pathogen that is present, and their interaction.<br />

rice fact <strong>sheet</strong>s<br />

The rice blast pathosystem is a model system for basic studies by biologists. The blast fungus, with its<br />

high degree of genetic variability, has attracted interest in pathogen genetics and evolution. The genome<br />

of the blast fungus has been sequenced. The available genomics tools in rice and in the fungus have<br />

offered many opportunities for investigation of host-pathogen interaction, disease resistance, pathogen<br />

population genetics, and evolution.<br />

Control of rice blast<br />

Host plant resistance<br />

Host-plant resistance is, by far, the primary control option for blast, in spite of the difficulties this disease<br />

represents in developing durable and efficient resistances.<br />

The molecular genetics of blast resistance has been extensively studied (Jena and Mackill 2008),<br />

leading to many DNA markers corresponding to major resistance genes identified. Some 40 genes for<br />

major resistance to blast are known. Reliance on major resistance genes, however, is risky because<br />

new genotypes of the pathogen can evolve rapidly and overcome host resistance (Zeigler et al 1994).<br />

Nonetheless, some resistance genes are found to confer broad-spectrum resistance against pathogen<br />

strains tested. Partial resistance, on the other hand, is usually controlled by multiple genes, and it may<br />

offer a more stable form of resistance. Combining broad-spectrum resistance genes with multiple<br />

quantitative resistance genes may be a promising approach to develop durable resistance (Jena and<br />

Mackill 2008, Manosalva et al 2009).<br />

In some situations, blast can be managed through the use of diverse varieties with different levels of<br />

resistance and modified cultural practices. Good control of panicle blast can be achieved through<br />

interplanting rice varieties (Zhu et al 2000). Multilines, comprising several near-isogenic lines each<br />

carrying different resistance genes, have been successfully used to control blast in Japan (Koizumi<br />

2001).<br />

Crop management<br />

Split applications of nitrogen based on actual requirements of the crop are recommended to reduce<br />

disease intensity. The excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer promotes luxuriant crop growth, which<br />

increases the relative humidity and leaf wetness of the crop canopy, and so favors blast. Flooding the<br />

soil as often as possible can be effective, particularly in tropical areas where conditions are not very<br />

favorable to blast.<br />

The application of silicon fertilizers (e.g., calcium silicate) to soils that are deficient in this element has<br />

reduced blast. Because of its high cost, silicon should be applied efficiently. Cheap sources of silicon,<br />

for example, straw of rice genotypes with high silicon content, can be considered to make this approach<br />

economically viable.<br />

Chemical control<br />

Many fungicides have been developed to control blast, which represents the second fungicide market<br />

worldwide. Systemic fungicides are often used to control blast in many rice-growing areas. The use of<br />

fungicides with similar modes of action over extensive periods is not recommended because it has<br />

resulted in the emergence of resistant populations of the pathogen (Kim et al 2008).<br />

For more information, visit the <strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Knowledge</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>: http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org<br />

To diagnose problems in the field, visit www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ricedoctor.<br />

Developed with input from: N. Castilla, S. Savary, C.M. Vera Cruz, and H. Leung<br />

Produced by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute (IRRI) • © 2010 IRRI, All rights reserved • Mar 2010<br />


<strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Blast</strong> – Page 3 of 3<br />

References<br />

Couch BC, Kohn LM. 2002. A multilocus gene genealogy concordant with host preference indicates<br />

segregation of a new species, Magnaporthe oryzae, from M. grisea. Mycologia 94:683-693.<br />

Hashimoto A. 1981. Water droplets on rice leaves in relation to the incidence of leaf blast: use of the<br />

dew balance for forecasting the disease. Rev. Plant Prot. Res. 14:112-126.<br />

rice fact <strong>sheet</strong>s<br />

Jena KK, Mackill DJ. 2008. Molecular markers and their use in marker-assisted selection in rice. Crop<br />

Sci. 48:1266-1276.<br />

Kim YS, Oh JY, Hwang BK, Kim KD. 2008. Variation in sensitivity of Magnaporthe oryzae isolates from<br />

Korea to edifenphos and iprobenfos. Crop Prot. 27:1464-1470.<br />

Koizumi S. 2001. <strong>Rice</strong> blast control with multilines in Japan. In: Mew TW, Borromeo E, Hardy B, editor.<br />

Exploiting biodiversity for sustainable pest management. Los Baños (Philippines): <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong><br />

Research Institute. p 143-157.<br />

Manosalva, PM, Davidson RM, Liu Bin, Zhu XY, Hulbert SH, Leung H, Leach JE. 2009. A germin-like<br />

protein gene family functions as a complex quantitative trait locus conferring broad-spectrum disease<br />

resistance in rice. Plant Physiol. 149:286-296.<br />

Pinnschmidt HO, Teng PS, Luo, Y. 1994. Methodology for quantifying rice yield effects of blast. In:<br />

Zeigler RS, Leong SA, Teng PS, editors. <strong>Rice</strong> blast disease. Wallingford, Oxon (United Kingdom): CAB<br />

<strong>International</strong>, Los Baños (Philippines): <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute. p 381-408.<br />

Teng PS. 1994. The epidemiological basis for blast management. In: Zeigler RS, Leong SA, Teng PS,<br />

editors. <strong>Rice</strong> blast disease. Wallingford, Oxon (United Kingdom): CAB <strong>International</strong>, Los Baños<br />

(Philippines): <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute. p 409-434.<br />

Zeigler RS, Leong SA, Teng PS, editors. 1994. <strong>Rice</strong> blast disease. In: Zeigler RS, Leong SA, Teng PS,<br />

editors. <strong>Rice</strong> blast disease. Wallingford, Oxon (United Kingdom): CAB <strong>International</strong>, Los Baños<br />

(Philippines): <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute. 626 p.<br />

Zhu Y, Chen H, Fan JH, Wang Y, Li Y, Chen J, Fan JX, Yang S, Hu L, Leung H, Mew TW, Teng PS,<br />

Wang Z, Mundt CC. 2000. Genetic diversity and disease control in rice. Nature 406:718-722.<br />

For more information, visit the <strong>Rice</strong> <strong>Knowledge</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>: http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org<br />

To diagnose problems in the field, visit www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ricedoctor.<br />

Developed with input from: N. Castilla, S. Savary, C.M. Vera Cruz, and H. Leung<br />

Produced by the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Rice</strong> Research Institute (IRRI) • © 2010 IRRI, All rights reserved • Mar 2010<br />


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